The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 24, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Visits In Fartlan<—Milford Allan
apent (be week-end In Portland.
Are III— Mr. and Mra. J. T. Donald
son are reported aartoualy til at their
Move Te Ceuntry— Mr. end Mra. C. Springfield residence.
Smith •*—•’ O. Smith oí Natron
> w a baalnssa «lattar bar»' Tuesday. F Htarr am niovlag tu Mutar Rout« Recovering from Flu— F L. Board la Brief Resume of Happenings of
. II. Kugons.
recovering from an attack of the In
the Week Collected for
McBee In— <’ H Melina of Ixiwrll
«us a Hprlngfl«l»l visitor Friday
**r. and Mrs. Carney In— Mr. and fluenia.
Our Readers.
Mrs Curnt-y braved mud and high
Gossler on Vacation— Walter Gos­
Nstron Man Hara—-Grant Huberts water to transact business In Hprlng-
sler. assistant In the poatofflia. la
or Natron |a ld Htirlngflel a business field Tuesday,
Henry W. Young, publisher of the
taking a abort vacation.
visit Tuesday
Coquille Valley Sentinel at Coquille,
Return From Honeymoon—Mr and
Hara, From W altervllle — Steve la dead, aged 78.
Thurston Man Hara—tlenrge Platt Mrs. Herbert A Shannon have return-
ut Thurston was nuiuiu out of town . ed following their honeymoon trip Bowles of W altervllle was a business
Six alleged young auto thieves were
visitor hero yesterday.
| arrested In Modford and Ashland and
vIattura bere Monday.
1 mid are al buine tu their Irlanda here.
Ralph Laird In—Ralph l-alrd of are In the county Jail.
Wlnbarry Man Hara— V L. Iltlcka,
Viali Collina Home— The K. W. Col-
Hill vlalled riprlngfleld on
Oregon City has passed an ordin­
ut \Vtnberry spent a part of Tuesday , lina rualdeni <- was visited Sunday by
. ..
. u I business thia morning.
ance by which all dogs must be kept
In Springfield
We have Just been open for business two weeks to d ay a rd
Mr. and Mrs F K. Parrish and Mr
from public places, unless led by a 1
wish to say that we are more than satisfied with the busi­
'and Mis beater I'e.-ry and daughter I Allen Here—('. W Allen of Vida
Hara From Natl— Mrs Hattie Bar­
we have had.
all of Noth
wan a business visitor here Wednea
ena ut Noll spent Hulurday In ripring
Four hundred and eighty two stu­
So many of our custom ers have rem arked on the low
Waltarvllls people H a r a — Mra
dents are enrolled In the various de- (
price we are selling groceries and feed for and the strictly
John MeKendie Haro—John McKen partments of W illamette university at
Jackson of Waltervllle was a
high grade M erchandise we handle.
Fritta In Town—W E Fritts nr
tie of Oakridge was a riprlngfleld 8airnj,
Hl lugli 11 i
vlisltisr 111 riprlngfleld Mon
Motor Route It w a t
, day.
visitor yesterday.
The Dufur school Is closed becaus»
Corn Flakes and Post
Corvallis No. 1 Creamery
visitor Friday,
___Toasties Pkg.
Home— Mra. V I). Ilaln
la operated On— Doris Girard un of the Influenza epidemic. Out of 6-t
Hara From Wendllng— Mrs Mary
Freeh Eggs (Guaranteed)
. . . »
was brought to her home here Tu a- derwent a minor operation at the pupils enrolled 37 are suffering from j
4 lbs. Paid Lard
Greer of Wendllng apent a part of (
, .. , ,
, ,,
the malady.
Coot Bay Cheeae (Nothing
¡day from the Padflc Christian hoapt- Paride Christian hospital recently.
r. lbs. Pail Lard
Friday vlalUng In riprlngfleld
. . . . . . .
. t
Better), Lb.
1». Albert of Portland wna elected j
tai Ruth she and her baby duughter.
10 Bars Crystal White Soap 37c
Here From W altervllle— Mrs. Walt­ president of the Oregon Bottlers’ ns- I
5 Lba. Brick
Greens Visit Hara— Mr and Mrs. Ituth Paulina, are reported doing* wall.
12 Oz. Canvass G l o v e s
er Carter of W altervllle apent part social Ion at Its 15th annual conven-I
Canned Milk (any kind)
Itoy tlreen of Manilla were out-of
To y , g|g Portland—Mr. anil Mra. of Wednesday In riprlngfleld
2 paire
2 cans Peas No. 2
tloa In Salam.
town visitors in riprlngfleld Monday. |U rry H,ewgrt >B(| sou, Morris, on
12 pair
Eastons Visit— Among out-of-town' Dr Henry Waldo Coe. head of Morn
2 cans Corn No. 2
Hara From Qreve— Mrs Carl Ka Saturday am leaving fur PorUamt
49 Lbs. Del Monte Hard
Campbells Soups (all kinds) 9c
Wheat Flour Sk.
tepp of Cottage drove paid riprlngfleld iwhere they will visit their son and
• Large Boxes Matches
Easton and family of ■ lo th , city of four Important statues.
duughter. Mr and Mra. Theron Saus- Mra. Walter SMton
100 lbs Good Potatoes
a business visit Monday.
I died In Glendale. Cal.
Waite rvtlla.
, aer and family
Remember If you want to buy your groceries and feed at
The next annual forest, fire confer
Returns to Idaho— Mra. E J Amen,
Leaves for Spokane— Mr. and Mrs.
the lowest possible price see us. ; •
Bridge Plan Up
who haa been visiting here with her
Ray Pattaraon left yesterday for their ence will be held In Portland In 1928.
TH«« MprlBtfAeUl bridge plan will b«4 home In Spokane. Mr. Patterson has It was decided at the meeting of the
W eltandle the Sperry line of feed which will stand the
mother. Mra Amanda Mtller. return
eMp|oy<fd , or
, , nH. aH a conference In Tacoma.
highest test either in Poultry or Dairy Products.
ed Wedueeitay Io her homo at Em presented lo the highway commission
ai it. m e tin g next week by State
(h(j EuK).nf, wa(er b<>arJ
The Bandon high school debating
mett, Idaho
Engineer McCulloch. It 1. understood
teams won the Coos county champion­
Goes to Portland— Reuben W Hmlth Th<* «*n<lnf«r wan here early thin .
ship when both negative and affirma­
Returns from Hospital— Mrs. Tom tive orators scored victories.
justice of the peace, la In Portland week to look over the site for the
this week visiting hla daughter and new strut lure. Stale draftsmen are Goddard. who recently underwent an
Phone 79
Seymour Jones, for many years a
We Deliver
family. He la expected back to hla said lo have the blueprints nearl) operation at the Padflc Christian hos rancher of Marlon county, has been
pita, on Wednesday ss removedI to
, uc.
office Monday,
the residence of her mother-ln law. ■ c»ed C. If. s Spence,
u e n e whn
e s lm e d
who r resigned.
Mr 8. M. Goddard.
Thrse r incipals, ten teachers and
visitin o in Portland—J. Boutin, who a large number of children were ab­
Is sfen d lrg the .»Inter with tils daugh­ sent from the city sihools of Eugene
ter*. M
Harry Stew art of Spring- because of illness from Influenza and
field .mil Mrs. Ethel Miller and Mrs. xolds.
CM: se pheasants and Hungarian
C. F. Fiaher of Eugene, la vigfl'ng In
Portland with bis brother. Frank p. rtridges weathered the severely cold
weather in eastern Oregon recently
In much belter condition than was at
first thought.
adz Wiilauiette St.. Eugene, Oregon.
Linn county has received a draft on
TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT the treasurer of the United States for
9198.316 47, Its share of the Oregon
A nice lender roast or a juicy steak from this
The Woolen mills, publicity plans, & California land grant refund re-
meat will make your dinner a complete success.
and othe lloms Of Interest will be on tenCy ruiliorized.
lb«- discussion rrogram al a meeting
Influenza rapidly Is becoming ep i-,
The Smelt run Is itifw at Its Best. The price is
of the riprlngfleld chamber of com­ domic In the state, 359 eeses being re
low. Huy now.
merce, to be held Friday night, ac­ ported by Dr. Frederick D. Stricker,
cording to President H. J. Cox.
secret;.ry of the state board of health,
The chamber executive urges all for the past week.
members to be present. The session
There is no season when a visit to a store is attended
Construction work on Medford's
will open at 7:30 o'clock In the Com­ new $75,009 city hall, which is to be
with such abundance of enjoyment and satisfaction as
mercial bank building headquarters.
completed by next July for use as a j
in February when the new style ideas for the bright
temporary courthouse for the next :
4th und Main
Phone C3
Springfield, Ore.
Spring days are beginning to occupy the center of
Woodcraft Initiates Five
five years, has been begun
Five candidates were Initiated by !
Award of the annual Union Pacific
the Neighbor, of Woodcraft at last
gchoUniWp of |H)U to S u n ley
You will find this particularly true of a visit to this
n ig h ts meeting
They were Mrs J Neurerer,
______ 1« year-old
a r Clatsop
t „ , . „ „ c county
o o n tv I
at this time. The sunshine and warmth of
James laixton. Mrs. Nellie Pyne. Miss schoolboy, was announced by G. W. |
in the offing are brilliantly reflected in the
bela Griffith. Miss Billie Berg and Roberts, agent for the line.
colorful displays this Store is presenting.
Miai» Edith Hurd. Iona Byrne was
The Harrisburg city water has been
elected a new member.
found In a recent official analysis to i
The displays are being added to with nearly every
The following had part In a pro­
contain but two bacteria to the cubic
coming express. A cordial invitation is extended to
gram : Allen Sneed. Bobble Adams.
centimeter or as nearly a perfect
E?"S June Yarnell. Virgil Cyr. Bobble
you to inspect our new displays whether you buy or not.
grade as water may ever show.
Rodenbaugh, Mrs McGill. Ida Adamz.
Seventy-two persons, of whom 47 |
Mrs Kizer. June Berg, Leota Roden­
baugh. Harlan Duncan. Nellie Hilde­ were Immediate relatives, attended
the family reunion and observance of
brand, and others.
the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mra. Walter Sutton at Port On
Needled aft Meeting
The Needlecraft club met last week ford.
Thomas McCormick Jr. of Keno is
ut the residence of Mrs, O. H. Jarrett,
rpendlngsjhe afternoon In sewing and near death anil Aaron Moore, grocery- j
Tlwo piano solos were man of the same town, is under arrest !
played by Miss Margaret Jarrett, and m an open charge as the result of a
at the close of the meeting a luflcheon shooting affray on the main street of
waa served by the hostess, assisted the town.
A scarcity of logs, due to Inability ;
by her duughter.
The next m eeting will be at the to operate Its camps In the deep spow,
home of Mrs., E. E. May on the first caused the sawmill of the Willamette J
Valley Lumber company at Dallas to
Thursday In Marc.h.
suspend operations until weather con- j
dlttons Improve.
Guard Has Inspection
The state board f t education at a .
March 10 Is the dale for the an­
nual federal Inspection of the Spring special meeting a^ Salem voted to
How m any hundreds of dollars have you lei
Held headquarters company. 182 In­ sign contracts wMh Hie publishers for !
slip through our fingers without real value
fantry, Oregon National Guard. Re­ textbooks adopted at the last annual t
gular army officers will conduct the meeting of the state textbook com !
received in the past year—always with the
Inspection, the first to be held since mission held last November.
thought th a t “tom orrow 1 will save some
The Dalles will furnish an Improved I
the organization of the local unit.
If they were in a saving:: account today you
In preparation for the event. Major site for the eastern Oregon tubercu­
would have a better opinion of life and stand
losis hospital and a macadam connect- ■
Vincent Diaz of Salem conducted an Ing road, it was derided in a special
a better chance to be a success.
Inspection here last week. The local city election
A 816.<MM> bond Issue
Guardsmen carried It off well. It Is for this purpose carried. 773 to 118.
Don't put it off for another “tomorrow.
A coyote carinae sent ftv»m izee.
Come into this bank today and put a dollar
The payroll was received last Grant county, to the United States
THIS marvelous instrument achieves the almoat im­
or m ore in a savings account. You will be
biological survey offtae hi Portland, j
Thursday, totaling more than 8400.
possible. You can shut your eyes and see a great
has been examined by William Levin,
surprised how quickly you can get a thous­
symphony orchestra . . . be at a cabaret table hear-
Marriage Licenses Issued
laberatorielan lor the agate beard of
and dollars. Do today what you have put
During the fa s t week County Clerk health, and tound »0 bv aMected by
t e , ,„„r. dance - « . • . «
“ • « *
off for hundreds of tom orrow s that h a \;
It. 8. Bryson has issued marriage lit rabies.
miliury ben I, peeing h" " ’ lh V°”
C° “ *
, nsea to the following: Glenn Snook
never come.
A group of Salem azvd Weed burn
in— let us demonstrate——soon.
and Edith Selma llenaon, both of Eu men has made nppllootten to the na­
gene; Edith Botluwell and Zella Cre tional forest service l»r kbe lease of
son, both of Notl; Norman Emery. Terwilllger hot sprinfss en She seutb
Mareóla, and Oraee Powell, Victor. fork of the McWeniSs rtver. seven
Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System
Montana ;j Floyd
Cottage miles shove Its eonftneOee wtth the
Grove anil Luellle lanacson, Eugene; main stream.
George Adama. Chechalis, and Stella
The Hood Rleur valley loot two of
Allanta. Medford.
its eldest apple tw os mhee Oh arte«
Metealf used the a»e en An eM Grev-
enetefn and a Rlteoet Me», ’» e troee
were part of the Borov 4gs4nuM Masri ed
Springfield. Oregon
1 have some good furnished and
by M B Volte», cKUaizr of • < IM
unfurnished houses and apartments
meet dlsertet. W
for 812 00 up lo 829 00
WM. VASÜY, Phene 73 J, 311 Main
Just a word to our many Customers |
and Friends
A. R. Sneed
Baby Beef
Milk Fed A Real Treat
Colorful Displays
For Springtime
that never come
Y ou s h o u ld h a v e th is m o st
c o m p a n io n a b le , m o st v ersa tile
o f entertainers . . . f o r y o u r hom e
WETHERBEE-POWERS, £»»«»«, 0.«««*
Commercial State Bank