The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 24, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Pebllahed B vw y Tkeredey at
Springfield. L e o * County, Oregon, ky
T H fi W IL L A M E T T fi PRESS
T H trR 8D A Y KKBHUARY »4, t»$7
T H » SP!
F ‘ ">B roufl
B d lto r_________________
w «4 as «eeoad claaa m a tter
February U . I X » at U s
poeteRIce, SpringflaML Oi
Tear ta Advance.
Hiraa Months ------f ie
t k a ______________ »LSS
Single Copy ---------- te
T H U R S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 34. 1937
nient on th e McAdoo speech. He said : "It la serv ­
ing ap excellent puritpee In prep arin g th e way
l o r a definite determ in atio n by th e D em ocratic
l*arty as to w h e th e r it will line up w ith P ro h ib i­
tion or ag a in st it. It is an Irrepressible conflict
th at cannot be escajwd. By throw ing down th e
gage of b attle in behalf of the dry», th e McAdoo
speech serves a useful purpose."
T h ere are thin k in g m en everyw here who a re of
th e opinion th at th e healthiest th in g th a t could
now happen would be for th e R epublican p arty to
bring the sam e thing to pass w ithin its ranks. If
som eone like S en ato r W adsw orth. New York w t
R e p u b lic a n - o r Nicholas M urray B utler, a partly A DR. WORE WHO WORKS.
factor, would force th e jiarty to decide th e issue BE PATIENT WITH STATIC
— In presen tin g a wet candidate an d Insisting •XMAS” A SACRILEGE.
upon a wet plank—a s G overnor S m ith Is doing
in th e D em ocratic ranks, then we would be get CHRISTIANITY A FAILURE?
ting som ew here. It is conceded by m any th a t
O r. W ork. Secretary of the In ­
th e re will never be a decisive referendum in a
terior, say* of the 1987 outlook:
pre-convention or « in v en tio n decision by the De­ "There
is not a single distress
m o cra ts alone.
iHfn on the whole economic hori-
The annual auditors statement of the town of
Springfield had reduced its net debt by nearly $22,-
000 during 1926 should be received with satisfaction
by the people. The auditors report "this indicates
a healthy condition, proving the efficient manner in
which the affairs have been handled during the past
year by city authorities."
R adicals opposed to th e rig h ts of school te a c h ­
City officials get lots oi kicks but little praise for ers to inteJIectual liberty and free speech received
their service to the city without pay. The item above a bloodv nose when they Went to listen to iTesi-
should entitle city officials to a little praise from us all. ^jent S. S. Menken of the National Security Loa
gue. He said: "No m an is good enough to do
a n o th e r m an 's thinking, and teach ers, who are
The Washington Legislature held a comedy session in the m ain hard-w orking, self-sacrificing, gro ss­
at Longview the other day in which mock laws were ly underpaid public serv an ts, should not be hum i­
passed providing for aeroplane patrols to keep the liated by being denied th e rig h ts of free th o u g h t
Oregon fog on the south side of the Columbia river and free speech."
Isn't th ere a world of tru th in th o se few w ords?
and tail and headlights were provides! for salmon in
If an y class of people should be able to stan d on
order that they might get under the proposed Long­ th eir own feet, hold th eir heads high, do th e ir
view bridge, etc. The only difference between this ow n thin k in g and have th e right to express th eir
session and the ones held at the state capital is that opinions, it is the teach er. H um iliation such as
this one was intended to be comical while some of som e of o u r teac h ers th ro u g h o u t th e nation are
subjected to is bad for society, bad fo r th e te a c h ­
those at Olympia are just naturally funny.
e r ^ bad for th e tau g h t. We w ant no m oulding of
th e m inds of youth bv sn ea k s o r slaves.
Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia
University is often talked of as president of the
United States. His only qualifications so far as we
can see is his command of the English language. The
third sentence in his annual report as president of the
university con named 1,743 words. 125 commas and
32 semicolons. Any man who can write like that
ought to be a good diplomat, we suggest he be sent to
the next limitation conference.
• • •
A bill was proposed in the Oregon legislature to
prevent the "pollution" of the streams, so drastic
that it was estimated its compliance would cost Port­
land alone about $35.000,000. or $100 per capita for
new sewers. It would cost many other cities almost
at the same rate. While it was temporarily withdrawn,
it will undoubtedly be considered in the future, and
the public should understand the facts involved.
The rivers belong to the public. Navigable or not.
Well boys when you start kicking about the
they are th e highw ays of tra d e an d th e a rte rie s
weather let your memory work back to 17 and 18 of life. Industries build along th e rivers, th at
when you were thankful to get a chance to crawl un­ cannot live anyw here else. Almost every in d u s­
der a flapping Sibley tent anb open up a can of corn try actu ally "pollutes" th e stream , a t least th eo -
beef and another of tomatoes. Or if it wasn't a tent I retically; to absolutely eliminate such contam ina-
ttaen a French barn or musty wine Cellar. And rem­ tion is elim inate th e industry
T he rivers m ust be kept safe: but th a t m ay be
ember it rained just like it does now and the wind
far from elim inating ail con tam in atio n .
blew like_______ _
Industrial life m ust be m aintained, even at th e
cost of som e technical contam ination Sawm ills,
There are a dozen proposed laws-before the legislat tanneries, woolen mills, paper mills, m ines, all
nre affecting fish. The poor fish will soon be regu tend to affect th e stre a m s; and yet. as betw een
, strea m purity, and a populace with a th o u san d or
lated as much as the humans
i a million Jobs m ain tain in g th at m any hom es, th e
1 Jobs m ust stand.
M ayor B aker of P ortland properly refused To
Why Not A K nockout?
! support th e m easu re th a t th rea ten ed to exting-
McAdoo's speech a t Toledo, w herein he took ulsh industry and b an k ru p t his city.
up th e dry ban n er ag ain st the Sm ith w ets, and
W hatever can be done to preserve th e stream s,
sta rte d a general rough house in D em ocratic should be done: but alw ays It m ust be with the
ra n k s, could easily be the end tow ard a final th o u g h t th a t in a settled co u n try th ey are th e
settlem ent of w hether we are to rem ain dry o r go a rte rie s of industuial life. D rinking w ater sup-
bac k to the refresh m en t stand. S e n a to r W alsh, plies m ust com e from unpolluted sources entirely
a wet from M assachusetts, m ade very wise com - rem oved from industrial stream s.
Wise men la Milwaukee win d»-
ix js r • m
r s i ' «
C h ristian ity be of any p e n d « l “ “
In changing ealatlng conditions?
C h ristian ity has been changing
existing oon.Iltions for about nine­
teen hundred year», there to no
reason why it should break down
now. To “ love th
Ig+ibor •»
thyself,“ try in g '
• nln>. *»-
htoatl of t r v " 'v
ml« W” 1
ways liu p n
wiidtUuiui If hioii
moan It.
I tranaaoted. The organlsallon la pian-
' u in * s i hiehon dlttner to he hold In
Another suggestion before Con­
gress 1» to forbid experim ent w ith
an scientiflc study of poison gases.
The peak of absurdity is to »ug-
g d th a t we must not K N O W
about poison rase«.
Can we not
tru st ourselves.
Is It not idiocy
to say that our sciential« shall not
k«&p this country informed about
im portant w arlike weapons? •
.Mnrt h
Here From Sutherlin— Ml«» Flora
W hitney I« visiting «I the S p rillili,-I I
lesldence nf her brother. H a rry W.
W h itn ey, «nd fam ily
Mr«. Mestar R eturn»— Mrs. Kugene
Kesler lias relurned after a riait to
Kan Francisco,
G arrett's Old T im e Danse
t irraiu land Hall. Kugene, Kvery
Tuesday Night Ticket» 75c LsAlee
Secretary W o rk doeent sit a t hia
desk. Ku«wauig H a travel» over
ihe country constantly, studying
»pportunitiew fo r national improve­
He know» con.Utlon», and
ti» opinion is im p ortan t and «»-
.lo u n g in g .
Douglas Garden Dairy
Will Supply Your W ant« With
Should million» of women read
»f the death of S ir O liver Lodge.
Marconi. M illik in and a doaon
»ther creek »cientl»t» the m a jo rity
«rould »ay. “That'« too bad. and
Wholesome Milk and Cream
not much interw Ud.
P hone S5FT2
Beery one of m illio n , w ill bo to-
tereetad to hear th a t Jean Phillips
W orth, the famous dressmaker, haa
r K ie to a land where there is ao
Hi» house dreeoed queens end
smpresaee of state and finance, also
young ladies • ith whom th e ir «one
ran »round n Paris. Hl»
meant more . real • uth.?r' V
world's women than all the <leei-
sione of a thousand high judge».
> ■ —
•■ '■•
Be patient
ith static. wbn 1»
interfere» w ith jazs music or prise
fight new» coming sweetly over
vour radio.
Professor Pupln, o f
Columbia College, »ay» static and
■fading,” enemies of radio en­
thusiasts. really indicate th a t other
planets are try in g to ta lk to us.
Thev send powerful message* that
interfere w ith our feeble radio, and
Pupin thinks we shall underMand
those messages w ithin tw enty-five
I f planets millions o f years older
-han our earth could tell us w hat
ey know, our science m ight Jump
head as rapidly as a child ad- in knowledge a fte r it ha.,
anted to talk and read.
W e lig h t little bonfire», heat
-team, and thus obtain power,
ilars m ight teach us to harness the
power of the sun, and transm it en-
• ergy w ithout wires, which would do
a » a y w ith engines or fuel on fly­
ing machines, and give us unlim ited
I t ia said that in this country
there is more commercial "flying
m ileage" than in any other.
F o r that thank» are due to Pres­
ident Coolidge and
Poetm aster
General New, who have encour­
age,! a ir m ail routes. But flying
back and fo rth by m ail carriers,
moet desirable, does not mean
building up national aerial defense.
And fo r our commercial flying
we depend on private in itia tiv e ,
citizens building planes th a t w ill
“ get by” and enable them to make
money c arryin g mail. T h a t ian’t a
Government program m e fo r pro­
m oting aviation.
fle rg y m e n are protesting against
th* abbreviated " a mas," which re-
duces the name of C hrist to “ X '
T he abbreviation is disrespectful
to the most beautiful word In his­
tory, and i t is disrespectful to the
English language.
Anybody who
was in too much o f a h urry te
w rite out “ Christm as” should not
use the word.
A. E. Robert«, President
A catalo g u e, telling ab o u t o u r S ecretarial, B ookkeep­
ing an d S ten o g rap h ic C ourses. te n t free to any address,
upon req u est.
Monday is enrollment day.
P hone Otit»
Better Used Cars
Better Prices
»92 Willamette Street
* Kugene, Oregon
Buy now w h ile o ur Stock ia C o m p lete. N e x t m o n th
the dem an d w ill be g re a te r and price« h ig h er. H ig h
q u a lity , fa ir price« and low G .
M. A . C . fin a n c e rates
The Red O. K. Tag Protects You
Co r.e in Now
Gannett Motor Co.
9 3 0 O liv e S treet, Eu g en e
Phone 6 2 7
T he T aste T est
O ur ice cream and soft d rin k s «attofy th e moat fastld-
I ante. Year« of experience a re behind o u r service at the
co u n ter.
Lsglon H ss Meerin®
The American l<egl«»n held a «teet-
Ing Frida» nlghl. ai whl«-h bualnesa
' of Internet to the Lvgloiinalre» w ta
T h a t's why K ggim ann's is a little different.
1028 O V E R L A N D SEDAN
1923 M A X W E L L SE D A N
Fresh from your own garden
F L O W E R garden is the cheapest «nd euiest-to-make yard decoration you can provide
and it ia also one of the most enjoyable Garden annuals w ill grow in any fairly
good soil if in a 1,cation where there is sunshine the greater part of the day.
By a little planning of varieties you can have blooms from
early summer to late in the fa ll- and be sure to choose some
for cutting, such as cosmos, calendulas, zinnias, sweet peas,
nasturtiums, pinks, petunias, asters, etc
M o s tO f The
Standard Size
Flow er Seed
Plant seeds which have a good reputation for producing
flowers in profusion and true to type. Northrup, King (k Co s
Seeds have been giving satisfaction since 1884 and no better
seeds are sold at any price
At Local Dealers
N orthrup , K ing &C o .' s
1924 8 T A R T O U R IN G
1924 O V E R L A N D T O U R IN G
1923 STA R T O U R IN G
1923 C H E V R O L E T T O U R IN G
1923 FO R D T O U R IN G
1921 FO R D R O A D S TER
1923 8 T A R , BOX ON S A C K
1928 8 T A R 6 SE D A N
Let the Cold Air Liven Your
Pulse And Put Roses
In Your Cheeks
Don’t deny yourself th e p leasure of o u td o o r life a t thia
B reathe deeply and enjoy yourself. "You
n eed n 't w orry ab out th e exposure h arm in g your skin or
com plexion if you use
1927 E S 8 E X 8E D A N
Terms & Trades
You Can Always Depond
O n the Best for Your
Money Here, ..
. .........
Jergen’s Lotion
It in so o th in g and healing a n d will prevent chaps,
daintily perfum ed and Is not g reasy or sticky. Price
We also have an excellent line of
. - a ^ . e . O O O O O O * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 « O O O O O O O M « 0 0 0 0 0 3 30J
- — — - -------------— — ——
n— n— .
«a— —
it r a n O T i j?«i,'M fi 4
Face Creams, Massage Creams,
Toilet Soaps, Vanishing Creams, etc.
which th e p articu lar w om an needs In carin g for her Hkin
and oomplexion.
Hudson-Essex Dealers
Used car lot on 7th West,
next to the Armory- New
Car show room 824 Pearl
Phone 1757.
It is
Ketel’s Drug Store