PAO® T H » 8PRINOP11CLD NEW? THUR8DAY FEBRUARY 24, 1»27 About V ou r Health Thing» You Should Know STRAY BI) (»11 BTO LKN-S Persian THTUfll »rearing coats to »ell tha following described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at the northeast corner Cascade Line of lot 6, block 20 In Fairmont accord Southbound. leave» Springfield. tng to the original plat thereof and running thence Weaf 53 13 feet, 7:6« A. M. Dally. • , thence aonth 10* feet, thence east Northbound, Springfield at 1:46 F. 63 1-3 fe e t, th e n c e o o r 1 1 M. Dally. 103 f e e t to th e p l a c e of Main Line— Bus connections Hera. beginning together with the tene­ Southbound California trains. Eu­ ment« heradltamente and appurten­ gene at 1:26 A. M. 1:46 P. M, I l l * ances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining, all being In Za- F. M, and *:0* A. M. Dally. gene. lam e County, Oregon, «abject Northbound California train», Eu­ to mortgage lien of defendant Contin­ gene at 4:16, 1:17, 10:68 A. M. and ental Life lasurance Company, a eon poratlon. 0:30 P. If. Now, therefore. In the name of th« Southbound Oregon locals, Eugena State of Oregon. In compliance with ■t 12.26 A. M. and *:0« and 1:26 P. aald execution and order of aale and In order to aatl«fy aald Judgment, In­ M. tereat, attorney» fee», cost» of ault Northbound Oregon locals, Eugene and accruing coats, I will on Satur­ at 2:26 and 7:36 A. M. and 3:20 P. M day the 12th day of March. 1*27. a* the honrs of one o'clock In the after­ Wendtlng Trains noon of aald day. at the Southwest Eaat hound mixed, at Springfield, front door of the County Court Hou»«, In Eugene. L in e County. Oregon, of- fer for aale and «ell for cash, at pub- Westbound mixed, at Springfield I lie auction, subject to redemption an 1:60 P. M. provide« by law, all of the right title and Interest of aald defendant« Ted NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON McKy and Grace McKy and the Con­ tinental Life Innurance Company, ♦ E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE ____ . . . a , . . , .... . _ corporation, and alt persona claiming N o t ic e 1» hereby given that by vlr- k by. » th r o u g h o r u n d e r th e m n - » « v or nr through or under them or »ny tue of nn execution and order of sale either of them In snd to said oremlse». FRANK E TAYLOR. Sheriff, In foreclosure issued out of the Cir­ Lane County. Oregon. cuit Court of Lame County. Oregon, F. 10-17 24; If 3-10 on the 31st day of January. 1927. In a suit wherein on the 28th day ot N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . , January, 1927. In said court Fred H. Lindsay. Plaintiff, recovered Judg- Notice Is hereby given that th» meat agalnat the defendants Ted Me- undersigned haa been appointed Ad-* Ky and Grace McKy for the sum of m lnlstrator of the eatate of J M. *500.07 »rtth Interest thereon at 7 per R itchey, deceaaed. by the County cent per annum from March 18 1920 Court of Lane County. Oregon. A ll and for the sui of *85.00 attorneys persons having claim s against said fees, and the costa and disbnrse- eatate. are required to present th a n , rnents herein In the sum of *20 40 duly verified aa by law required, M which Judgment was enrolled and the undersigned Administrator, 82* docketed In the d eck 's office of said Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon. Court in aald CounfY on the 28th day within six months from date of fir«* of January, 1927, and «aid execution publication of this notice which tA to me directed commanding me In February 24th. 1927. the name of the State of Oregon, in ALTA KING. Administrator, order to satisfy said Judgment. Inter- 828 Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Ora. eaL aO torneyafeea^ coa t a o f ^ a u l t ^ a n d ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ F ^ L ^ M ^S-lO -lJ^jf TRAIN SCHEDULE lr * WANTED — To trade for arrea» ». CALL AND SEE Dr N W Bme*v Oood houae and 154 Iota In Hitrlng- on price» on plate and other work, t* lleld. one block off pavement, fiv e NOTICE. blocke from mill. Iloa 110. tf I.ewla-Peter« Lumber Co., a cor­ poration of Oregon, hereby give« A F IR E S ID E C H A T. notice that It haa canned It» director» NOTICE O f FINAL RBTTLEMENT to tile Supplementary Article» of In­ ROOF RKRAIRINO "Keep the feet warm, the head In the matter nt the eatata of Alvlra corporation the object of which la to j fa r Roof Repairing rail 2316 J authorise aald corporation to en gage, cool, and, the bowels open." I wal A Prlndel, deceaaed told by the old college profeeaor, Ru»en> and get reaulta I. T. Ixeimla, NOTICE la hereby _________ given that _____ Oran In the operation of aawmllla and all t that strict obedience to thia com­ experienced and permanently located vei I - I’rlndel. Admlnlatrator of the ; woodworking plant», to do a logging natal« of Alvlra A. Prlndel. deceaaed bualncaa. a lumber brokerage bual- mand would insure a healthy body " ' baa tiled hla Anal account and report neaa and a general merchandise hunt ; aa such Admlnlatrator with the Coun­ neaa. to engage In the transportation i at all time». I can think of at leaat fifty aeri ty Court, of loine County, Oregon, and CALL AND SEE Dr f t W Emery the Court haa aet Monday the 28th of timber product» for Itaelf or for | other« for hire and oapedally to oua disorder», inducting ,'atal di» •n prleoa on plat« and other work, It day of February. 1927. at the hour operate flume« for auch purpose. ease of the kidneys, and dangeroui ' ■■ I <>f ten A. M In the County Court Dated thia 24th day of February,' liver disorder«, that have their ori­ Room In Eugene, lame County, Ore 1927 NOTICE O f THE HALE O f SPRING- gon. aa the time and place for the gin in constipation. From ordinary LEW IS-PETERS LBR. CO. FIELD IMPROVEMENT BONUS Anal aet Dement of aald eatate and for By E. A. I-ewla. Pre«. auto-intoxication we go from bad Feb. 2 4. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that In the hearing of objection« to the aama to worse; the kidneys break dowx accordance »Ith the provlalona o f If any. In their futile attempts to carry Dated thia 21st day of January, 1**7. Ordinance Number 614 of the Town of SUMMONS away the body-poisons; the gall­ ORANVEL L. HRINDKL. Admlnla­ Springfield, laute County. Oregon, the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE bladder become« infected; the atom City Recorder will receive «caled bld» trator. t WELLS A WEL141. Attorney«. STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR for the purchase of *»060 56 of Im­ ach rebel«; the blood becomes morl J 27 F 34047 14 provement honda, aald honda to he In LANE COUNTY vitiated; the heart finally weaken! denomination« of *500 00 each. except Edna Horton. Malntlff. »». Jamea M. dangerously,—and all because oi the last one which «hall be for (50 6*. Horton. Defendant. SUM M O NS Said honda to bear Intereat at the neglected bowel». A stitch in tinM To Jamea M Horton. Defendant: rate of ala per rent per annum, «u h IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ______ ___ ........ In the name of the State of Oregon. is worth nine applied too late. OF THE Ject to redemption at any semi-annual STATE OR ORkXJON IN AND Fy>Ri 7°u »re hereby summoned and re- The queetlon of cold feet is in­ Intereat payment period after being In LANE COUNTY. j qulred to appear and anawer the Com- creasingly evident in these wintei force for one year, by paying the I at wren cc l*rlne. Plaintiff, va Sarah plaint filed herein agalnat you. In the days The low-pattern shoe is tha fa re of homi with accrued Intereat. Prlnc, Defendant. | above entitled ault and Court within correct thing in fashion; hut I an Each hid muat he accompanied hy a To Sarah Prln» Defendant. yet unconvinced that tha low shot ll week» of the date of the first pub- certified check In favor of the City O ^ D ^ , ^ M? „ :>,r. J ” hEere8hTyAT : a Ilcatlon - is not a ahortener of Ufa, and I Recorder, for at leaat three per cent know it 1» a menace to health; e»- of the purrhaae price aa a guarantee qulred to appear and anawer the com- r*H to answer for want thereof, tha tally for women. The Mik stock- of the good faith on the part of the plaint filed agalnat you. In the above Plaintiff will take Judgment against , the "goose pimple»". beneath bidder No bid* will he mnaldered entitled Court and cause, on or before ynu »» prayed for In Plaintiff'» Com- for Inaa than par and accrued Intereat the expiration of the time prescribed, plaint, to-wlt: for a decree of the I Said honda to he dated March lat. In the Order of publication, to-wlt: Court dlaaelvlng the bonds of matri- SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN and delinquent for taxes for the flro* 1*27. and date of cloalnc hlda and of Dn or before the expiration of six mon¥ now existing and granting to FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN half of the year 1922 together wltk opening the « c a le d hide. March 14th. week» from the date of the flrat pub- price! e . _r,„™ i«,. Ilcatlon hereof, and I* you fall to »» ••’•«’I’*** «••wor.-e from the Light heed dressing should be IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Penalty. Imprest and costs thereoB 1**7 STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE ' “P°n the real Property assessed t® I M PETERSON. Recorder anawer for want thereof Plaintiff will Defendant, and for such other and worn, summer or winter. Tight- COUNTY ' you, of which you are the owner BA f 34047 24 M J: fitting hats are conducive to bald apply to the Court for the relief pray-1 further relief as to the Court may ... ... — , .. ™ „ appears of record, situated In said heads, which are perhaps minor e f­ W'V,Y.- Branstetter, Plaintiff, ra. A. P. i c "»«ns. exclusive of the first publics- ; undersigned residing with the Stat» F IR B A N O A U T O IN B U R A N C B qulred to appear and answer the com „„a ~ii’ . , h „ *lon- and defend this action or pay the ■ of Oregon at the address hereaftof NOTARY PUBLIC plaint filed against you In the above I S J*0 .> .' claim «nm,> n»u": amount due aa a»-ove shown, together ; mentioned, OEO,. N, MeLEAN entitled ault on or before alx weeks „JM with costs and accrued interest, and' SMITH A EVANS, Attorneys fof Ottica at from the date of the —• — "• Automobil», Fir» and Llf» he * first publication • "*"• in case of your failure to do so. a Plaintiff. Address 434-6-6 Miner SullA* FIRST NATIONAL BANK of this summons. IN S U R A N C E S p e ln g fla ld , O ra »on 1 to aDpear and anawer. for want there- F 24: M 3-10-17-24-31: A 7 the lien of said taxes and assessm ents Suroty Bond« Phon« 017 I of. the plaintiff will apply to the Court OF T/ ’ K for the relief demanded In her com ' o r OREGON. You are hereby sum- My bualnew» R te protect your ¡plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of th is , moned »"d required to appear and bualnaaa Court forever diBRolvIrvK the bonds of «newer the complaint filed against This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned »00 Wlllamott« BL Ku»»n« .Oragon Call matrimony now existing between the ‘ Vf“ 'n tbe above entitled suit and to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, I plaintiff and defendant, and for auch court within alx weeks of the date of any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. SUTTON TRANSFER other and further relief »a to the the flrat publication of thia sum mons. towlt: on or before the 3rd I Court may seem equitable. VASBY BROS. Thia summons la published once day of March, 1927. and you will take Phone 57 each week for six auceeaaive weens notice that If you fall to appear and Painting A Decorating : In the Springfield New», a weekly answer nr plead within said time, i newspaper of general circulation, puh- the plaintiffs for want thereof, will in all Its branches i llshed In Springfield, lame County. Or«- apply to the above entitled court for' 312 Main Street I gon. hy order of Hon. C. P. Barnard, the relief prayed for In their said DR. N. W. EMERY j County Judge of Lane County, Ore- complaint, to-wlt: T o acquaint Jrou with Acme Quality, we are For a decree. In and by which all making a special offer for a short time only. i gon. which order hears date the 25th O IN T IB Y adverse claims of said defendant« and I day of January. 1927, and the date of each of them In and to the follow'ng Button Bldg. Phon« 20-J 1 the flrat publication of thia Summons deaerlhed real property situated in DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Residence Phono 16S-M I Is January 27, 1927. POTTER A KINO, Attorneys for lame County. Oregon, to-wlt: All of DENTIST Bprlngflold, Oregon ' Plaintiff. Residence and Postoffice Ad- thnt part of Lot« number Fifteen (15». Sixteen (101 and Seventeeen (17), ly­ l dress, Eugene, Oregon.. • Phone 43 ing west of the railroad rlght-of-wiy J 27: F 3-1047-24: M 3-10 In the Block numbered Ninety Three Pirat NaVI Bank Bldg., Springfield General Law Practica (93) In Waahhurne's Subdivision of SUM M O NS the Sprlngfleh» Investment and Power Paint can make your house an asset. Neglect paint, and your IN THE CIRCUITCUORTP OF THE Company’s Addition to Springfield I. M. PETERSON home becomes an eyesore, as well as a lowered investment. STATE OF OREOON FOR LANE Lane County. Oregon—shall be fully Attorney-at-Law The paint you use should be chosen wisely, else you’ll lose COUNTY determined, nnd declaring and ad­ both time and money. John E. Frey. Plafitlff, Vs. Audrey E. judging that the plaintiffs are the City Hall Building Frey, Defendant. Not only should the colors be beautiful, but the paint owners of the above described real JEWELER Springfield, Ora. To Audrey K. Prey. Defendant: property; that the defendants have quality must be durable. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE no estate, right, title or Interest, Repairing a Specialty OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ whatsoever In and to said real pro­ Springfield, Oregon ; qulred to appear nnd answer the eont pppty or »ny part thereof: and also FRANK A. DE PUE plaint filed ngalnst you In the above (j)a, ¿»fondants and ench of them, ATTORNEY AT LAW entitled ault on or before six weeks | forevPr dehaYred from asserting from date of first, publcatlon of this any (.|n|ms whatsoever In and to said NOTÄRY PUBLIC Huntmona, or for want thereof the I rpa| property or any part thereof, ad- plaintiff will take Judgment against verRP f0 tho plaintiffs, nnd for such Springfield, All kinds of gravel for con­ S u tto n you and will apply to the court for n,her and further relief herein as to courf may seem equitable. Oregon. crete or road work. We ! the relief prayed for In the complaint B u ild in g For more than 40 years Acme Quality Products have been file herein, and for annullment of This summons Is published pursq- make a specialty of crushed Ion the choice of those who insist on the best. We can guarante» the marriage contract and for a da- an, }O order of the Honorable G. rock and rock'sand. Bunk­ _ their lasting satisfaction. Let us figure on the job for you. cree of absolute divorce from you. ; j. sklpworth. Judge of the above en- ers at foot of Main on Mill Thls Rtinitnons Is published once j title«1 court, duly made and entered' M. G.'HOGE each week for six coasecutlve weeks on thp day of January, 1927. The) street. In the Springfield News, a weekly (,r„( publication of this summons will: Attorney-at-Law HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. nirfln rl » . _ _ a a « i . newspaper published at Springfield, be made on ................................................... the 20th day of » January, Practise IT. 8. and State Lnne County. Oregon, by ordqr of 1927. and the last publication thereof Courts Hon. O. F Sklpworth Judge of the will he made on the 3rd day of March. OR SALE— Payroll ahe»ta, prints, above court made January 18th. 1927. 1927. and It will be published six con­ Eugene, Oregon and In stock a t the Naw» offlo« This summons first publshed on Jan­ secutive weeks In the Springfield Form anltable for road, constructlo« uary 20th. 1927. V M. , PETERSON. Attorney for work, «awmllla. etc., with tame te WHITTEN SWAFFORD. Attorney FOR 8ALB—Carbon paper In large compute workman'» oompensatloa for Plaintiff. Residence and Post of- Plaintiffs. Postofflce Addroa», Sprlng-i sheet», 20x.'<9 Inches, auttable tor field, Oregon. Bugene. Oregon and deductions. No employer should' flee address J 20 27: F 3 10-17-24: M. 3: I making tracings The Meara Offlo». J 20-27: F 3 10-17-24: M. 3: be without the»? f *mi when they ninli' cat«, color» orang«, black «nit blue *lo reward for return or In­ formation leaitln« to their return Gordon Lee, N. fifth Street. It C ........* »U S I NESS D IR E C T O R Y ] W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPECIAL OFFER By your house shall they know you D . W . Roof SPRIN6FIE4.D GRAVEL CO. ACME QUALITY Paint»«* Varnish Wright & Son