THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24, 1M7 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News O FF IC IA L P U B LIC A TIO N L A N « CO UNTY U N IT 1*0. M SHEEP MEETINGS TO BE HELO IN COUNTY O F F IC IR B OF LANK COUNTY FARM ERS' UNIO N C. W Allen. Vida. President. W I. Seals. Eug- ns. Vlce-Preal ¿Itruessrd by Dr J N Shaw, refer taartan of the Oregon Agricultural College, at a serlea of eight special Bieeiinga to be held in laine county Be&t week, according to O. S Fl«*tvh- er. county agricultural agent, who has grranged for the meeting» At these m eetings H. A. Llndgen extension livestock specialist of the argfcultural college will discuss other factors af (acting profitable flock management The schedule for the meetings is as folk»*»: Tuesday. March 1. 2:00 P M Frank W illiams farm three miles west of Junction City. Wednesday. March 2. > 3 0 A. M Judge C. P Barnard's farm, one mile north of Irrtng on Prairie road. 2:00 P. X. Arthur Quackenbush farm, four B iles northeast of Springfield. Thursday. March 3. >:3Q A. M. Old Alex Spare place one mile south of Cottage Grose on ojd highway. 2:00 P. M. H. C- Wheeler farm on Pleas- Hill. Friday. March 4. > 30 A. M. S P. Jackson farm five miles north of Lor ane on Lorane highway. 2:00 P. M Some point near Elmira to be an- ■ o u c e d later. Saturday. March 5. > 30 A M Some place in Coburg community, to be announced later. The county agent states that the speakers will hre important m essages for owners of sheep and urges all hi teres led parties to attend one or B ore of the meetings. • d en t * • Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Orore • • • Control of dtsoases of sharp will **• • • Secretary Treasurer • W alter Morgan. Créa w elt • • • • Community News THURSTON » • | Mr »nil Mr» Olson from Pleasant Hill visited Mr ami Mrs. Taylor Need • to r. * I ham Inal Wednesday. • H. H. Smith. Eugene. Doorkeep- • Krneat Rertsch motored Io Loraine • er. * Friday evening to vt»ll bis »later. • O. L. Clement. Wa terrllle. Chap- • Mr». IVrne Crowe. » lain. * The Ladle» Aid met with Mr» Growers are making preparations ' Charlie Ha»tln<» last Thursday and in eastern Oregon to put out bait for ' quilted a quill for Mr» Jenkins Many of the neighbor» of Mr grasshoppers at the correct time states the entom ologist of the experi­ Charles Hastings gathered at hl» ment station. These insects are like­ home last Friday evening and gave ly to be serious this season, he says him a surprise II being hl» hlrthdav If growers wait until they appear an.l The evening a« »pent In playing start destroying crops It will be too game» nd visiting. Ilefre»hmenta of Sandwishes. coffee and cake were late to control them. ! served, , Mr and Mrs Rosa Mai hear» and Seeds Not Guaranteed No vegetable seed can be fully ■ family from Pleasant lllll »pent Frl guaranteed, says the vegetable gard­ day evening in Thurston and attended ening department of Oregon state col­ the surprise party at Charlie Hast lege. because there are top many I ng's. Thomas Thompson front Eugene chances for corp failure In view of this fact, seed men have a non war­ spent Friday night with Loren Ed ml» ranty clause holding them selves Ir­ ton. Rev. Turner wa» unable to return responsible for the crop The beat guarantee possible Is careful selection to Eugene Monday on the account of of seeds bred under proper supervis­ high water He remained a guesi of ion. and it should raise a crop true John » I c e 's home until Tuesday to type as represented. High germi­ morning Mr» Allison spent the week-end nation count is not so valuable as is often believed, for it gives no indica­ with Mr. and Mrs. William Relmie. tion of purity of the crop. Commer­ She 1» teaching high school at Bluo cial growers of celery, cauliflower, River. She was formerly a principal lettuce., broccoli and som e other 1 of Thurston high school Mrs Marie Spires and Miss Thelma vegetables are making pre-season teats by sewing small amounts of vari­ Hastings from Eugene took dinner ous strains. The remainder of the Friday evening at C. H. Haatlng»' Tuesday the grade school had a Steel tape repairing correctly done. seed of the most satisfactory lot is ! half day holiday It being Washington's H oyt 321 Main S t tf used the following year. birthday. Mr and Mrs Taylor Needham have seven inrnhators setting Mrs Charles Taylor Is planning to set hers In the near future. Mrs. Charles Hasting» and her «on. James, are remodeling their house Next Sunday Rev. Turner has plan ned a family day. Every member of each family are requested to he at church In the morning and each fam lly to sit together. The subject will be "God's Family ” There will be a husket dinner at noon and in the after noon Rev. Moorly front Eugene will show slides and give a talk on India. Mr and Mrs. M J. Mi Kiln from Springfield visited Mr and Mrs, Roy Edmiston last Sunday. Hugh Doolittle is able to be In high school again after having the flu Mrs Maude Gray and son. Hubert are ill with the flu Roy Edmiston Is recovering from If values, if qualities, if varieties a re added inducem ents an attack of the flu then the thrifty shoppers will come to (J. C. Brill's) E u­ On Wednesday February 18. !"?7. gene’s largest departm ent store in greater num bers these Miss Emma Davis became the happy Many. Many More Unadver- outgoing days of February, bride of Paul Garboden She Is « tised M onth-End Specials. daughter of Mr and Mrs Lee Davis and has spent her entire life In this W omen's Blouses Under Slips To community. She Is a graduate of the $2.25 Values $6.95 Values Thurston high school. This coupl- "T rue t h e s e have many friends here who wish O f T u b Silk Diana" blouses < them happiness and good luck In lustrous Satin ____ __ are slightly soli ailed but ih their married life Milo Sheen also B aronet Conduc-* \ a c 0 ^ Pj&axed; MONTH-END SPECIALS 3 D ays-Friday, Saturday, Monday $2.95 $1.69 Satin. There are 16 in the group. (Second Floor) no way impairing their wearing quality. White, tan and blue. 20 in the lot. (Second Floor) Women’s Teddies Special Values Boudoir Pillows Special Value Exquisite af d*-e QQ fair of lovely *D 1 .¿/O silk ribbon in, Nile, orchid and pink and filmy lace. H eart, oval, round and ob­ long shapes. (Second Floor, Very g o o d d» -1 F Q quality Itayon *D X *O w/ In peach or orchid pastel shades. Come in all sizes- (Second Floor) Rubbing Alcohol Two Bottles A household d* a ("Ifl necessity. Ex- *D 1 .U u cellent as a rub-down after exercise. Prepared ex­ pressly for J. C. Brill Stores. (Drug Dept.) Women's Plaid Hose, A Pair Pretty plaid pat- F Q tern o n, russet OizC ground as well as others In fancy stitch. 89c Value. Splendid quality. Hem stitched Pillow Cases, 3 For Size 42 x 36 inches. Slips effectively hem stitched in colored thread of rose, blue, gold, also white. Sheets, Size 72x90 Inches “Fort Mills” make, q a perfectly bleached ¿7*zC and an exceptional buy for the housewife and those who have rooming houses. Fancy Rubber Aprons, Special Oh! Such Pretty women’s and kid- OvIC dies aprons- and so color­ ful too. And so uniquely made. Of pure gum rub­ ber- Hot W ater Bottle, Special A product of the z \ Q U. S. Rubber Co. ¿/OC None better Convenient None beter. Convenient C ut-R ate Drug Dept. Pillow Tubing 3 Yards For Much in de- d*-s n n mand, 42 inch «n 1 .v/vz ’’Pepperell’* bleached cas­ ing. A regular 45c quality. Splendid weight. Turkish Towels To 85c Value The fancy kind a a with colored bor- OizC dent th a t comprise this group. Soft, thick and ab­ sorbent. they are shipped In th I pound comb to spend the week euil with Ills family less packages, or In 2 frame nuclei By Special hut waa unable Io return Io his school Botnet Imus a swarm Is captured and C o rre s p o n d e n t* until Tuesday because ot the high transferred front a hollow tree, or la water attracted by a deeoy hive. No school was held in District 180 Monday GARDEN WAY Shade for b e e s Is nut recommended The Rallies family, who formerly In Oregon says II A BcttllPn. of the The Munshine Club met at the Col liver at Chuse Gardens slid recently • xperlmenl »tut on llees do not dry lingaood home Thursday afternoon bought a tract In th» Wlllaglllespl.- out wi II unless they have »untight Mrs. I.eslcr Cyr presided al the bus' nelghborhiusl went through a terrible If a slitsl la used (or t»i tiled Ion II la nets meeting during which plan» were experience during the flood Theil built high enough to allow the sun to discussed for future parllew The next house was moved off the foundation penetrate The double leleaeopo meeting will be held at the home of and they were obliged Io lake refuge cuter usually gives enough protection Mr» Everett Chase The afternoon upstairs In the barn until help reach and shade was spent In fancy work ami visiting *ho is employed by the Me Lorane—Second and Fourth action, safe and sure. Cormack dairy were unable to reach Wedneadaya I. O. O. F. Hall. Good for children aa well their work Monday. Mt. Vernon—First and T)jlrd as adults. Chase Greenhouses wer • flooded Wednesday. Braaf.eld Stoce. The water had also reached the floor Hex of 80 Orderlies. Silk Creek Meeta First and Third of the packing house. The heating Thursday at Cedar School lloti*- plant was crippled but puntjls have Speracr Creek—Third Friday» been constantly at work to keep Pine Grove School Honae. water oht of the pit and Are« have Trent—Second and Fourth Wed been kept up since Tueaday. The aendays. Pleasant lllll High exact amount ot damage can not lie School Bldg. estimated Cucumbers and tomatoes 8 err* tar Isa will please »end In are the main craps Juat now. Replant time and place of meeting and Ing has been done. TA- changes of data as they may oc- Geo. P. Harrington, who teaches near Canary came home Friday night They Work Naturally ORDERLIES 50c Flanery’s Drug Store TO RESTORE MISSION AT SANTA CLARA. CAL. Your Choice of In place of the historic old Mission of Santa Clara, one of California’s most famous landmarks of the early Spanish period, will rise an exact re- productlon of the original adobe building, according to the committee In charge of raising funds for the re­ Choice Foods storation. The Mission was practically des­ troyed by Are a few months ago but enough of the old walls remains to form a nucleon» for the restoration. The building In every detail will par­ allel In construction and appearance the original Mission built 150 years ago by the early Padres and Indians. Mans formulated for the restora­ tion of the Santa Clara Mission en­ tail the e n endlttire of 2150.000. A cami-nlgn has been started to raise the funds for the work An essay contest dealing with the relationship of the old Mission to the history of California, In which young men and women In the schools and colleges throughout Santa Clara Valley are participating, is now being honducted as part of the committee's plans for stimulating Intcreeal In the restoration campaign Seed C atalo g s O rd ered Flower growers of Oregon are aend- j Ing for their seed catalogs now. re- ; ports the landscape gardening depart­ ment of the state college. A garden i magazine Is also beneficial to the flower gardener, for It enables him to get fuller directions for the care of the garden and suggestion» as to snltahle varieties for vnrlniia plant­ ing». By filing each number end Jot­ ting down hln observation», the grow er has a practical gwlde (lor oocnlag year» WHITE FRONT GROCERY PHONE 9 PHONE 9 WHEN YOU 1M, YOUR 8HOPPINO HERE YOU ARE AS­ SURED,'ALWAYS, A CHOICE DE THE CHOICEST FOOD­ STUFFS- ECONOMY PRICES WITH QUALITY PRE­ VAIL ON ALL DE OUR OFFERINGS. Growing Every Day! Our Grocery Halen arc conztantly on the Increase, because the public likes the Satisfaction of being able to phone In for their footiH, knowing that we will prom ptly «end them out without extra co»t. Then then* I h the element of . CONFIDENCE ♦ In our hiiHlneHH with our patrons which they duly appreciate, and Ihe. coat of grocer!«« I h N O M O R E. ‘ HERE’S WHERE YOU SAVE! .1 White King Powder 120 White King Soap 13 Mieeion Bell Toilet Soap Total ALL FOR f 3< DEAL mg eptte «mt ................. 50c $1.00 25c $1.75 d<4 .assale lailm lk h iîa j T u ^ 'j ^ O