P R IN T IN G l u t h « lntM*|>urahlQ coin p u iilo ii of a c h ie v e ­ m e n t. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS“ A HPRINGFIE1„D, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24. 1927 T W E N T Y -F O U R T H Y E A R FLOOD IMAGES WEST SPRINGFIELD M A N Y GOOD T U R N S BY SC O U TS. SA YS R E P O R T Springfield Aids In Flood Rescues j j tepie-e Pape«** L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L I V I T O W N NUMBER $20,000 Subscribed WRECK IS FATAL in Woolen Mill Stock Ï0 ERROL PARKER Hoy MOlita of Springfield Lion» club troop No 11 have done 9126 In­ dividual good turn« «Ince their OCX Seasoned Boatsmen of This nltalloti. according to the annual re­ City Volunteer Services Dur­ W o t Springfield D istrict De- port o f Scoutmaster W P. Tyaon. ing W illam ette Freehet submitted to the l.lona dub. These vart&ted By R am pant W ill- are In addition to two “good turn»" Hprlngfleld played no Inconalder- nniette; Springfield Getting done the community, and flve for the able part In the rescue of maronned dent On Second S treet; M ili­ Back To Norm al A fter Heavy benefit of the Red Croee end «(miler fa in 11 lea In the flood ravaged area« tary Funeral Conducted By organlaallteia. »urroundlng thia oily during the WII Downpour. Guard Unit. With $20,000 signed for stock ip the new Oregon - California The report ahowa that 28 tenderfoot lamette river freahet early thl» week. Hprtusfl»ld and Weal Hprlngfleld teat» have beeu passed hy’lhe »rout», Nut only did »eaaoned boatsmen Woolen mills to be located in Springfield on the indtstrial tract, pro­ A military service Sunday after­ - M B Huntly circulated the 100 00 near the Hprlngfleld arch. with friends of the fam ily at the tima 500 00 bcrshlp of the troop to 22, while the ' P*0««on asking subscriptions for re- Wm F Walker 100.00 Here the pavement, undermined of the funeral, at which Rev. S. Earl 100 00 P H W * lk « F ............... full strength la 25 Others are to be i ll,,f ,nr ,h ** unfortunate fam ilies left Tho«. Mi'KInnis 100.00 ! by the water. <-raah«>d through when Childers officiated. 100.00 A A Anderson .................... added shortly, It la expected. | destitute by the flood. loo.oo, a cur was driven over It. This de­ The lixtal National Guard company 100.00 W W Clover 100.00 j The "round-up" has for Its purpose layed the restoration of bus service 200 00 F B. Flanery ....... ...... — 100 00 '■ har charge of the m ilitary honors, to Hprlngfleld by several hours Mon- ; ,h " pr” n“">‘>'' <>f Interest and stlmu- FLOOD F A IL S T O S TO P furnishing pallbearers. In charge o f 100 00 J. A. Seavey ............................. B O. Smith 400 00 day. In fact, for approximately two 1 l“,.,on advancement In Boy Scout I Sergeant Charles Scott, and a firing 100 00 «viin. .vggai ji J A Neher .......................... . E F F O R T S OF M A IL M EN 200.00 day« Springfield was reached from ' * ,,r*«- Throughout lame county thia 100 00 Welby Stevens ....................... 2000.00 squad, commanded by Sergeant T m - J. C. McMurray ....................... the county seat, but three miles dis- w,,rl< *" Progressing, and (he Sprlng- bert Henderson. The salute wan 100 oo Undaunted by the high water ln ^frs. L. May ................. ...... 2000.00 tnnt, only by train or on foot over ' dl"*d troop« are holding up their part fired at the grave in Laurel HUI the West Hprlngfleld section, the Mc­ S. I. « R ia Ogden _____ ___ _ 200 00 Harry M Stewart Fuel Co...... 500.00 the railroad track«. "r ,h *‘ campaign, according (o Mr. c e m e t e r y , and Kenneth Mullican, Kenzie river and Wendling mall car- C. A. Swarta ........................... 100.00 Harry M Stewart .................. 500.00 At Chase Gardena ronslderahle r>*on. bugler, played taps as the casket wan B. G. Sankey ..... 100 00 M M Peery 500.00 loas was counted In damage to spring ' lowered. . ' 100 00 C. W. H a m lin ........................... 200.00 hothouse stock, and to the plant It- A-L M E E T IN G M O N D A Y Special music at the services con­ 100 00 $4 1 F B. Hamlin 100.00 self, the largest of Its kind on the sisted o f a solo by Hugh Winder and The drivers are Percy O’Brien of T O H A V E PR O G RA M Geo J. Gerla«.!)........... ......... r,00.00 H B Maxey 2 600 00 coast. The Charles Klngwell green- special selection by a mixed quartet . the McKenzie route and J. He Foe of house In West Hprlngfleld also was i Kntertat.m e.it will he featured a l a the Wendllng route. composed of E. E. Morrison, Mrs. On Mnnriav M RS. J. H. H A R P E R IS LOCAL S. P. O P E R A T O R S damaged. Dallas Murphy. Mrs. W. P. Tyson and ! meeting of the Loyal Legion of la»g- morning these men hoisted their mall DEAD IN P O R T L A N D A R E T O BE R E M O V E D T O Dallas Murphy. i * «, amiT k / r "rs and Lumbermen at the W O W ! sacks on their backs at Eugene and The accident which proved fatal building, was floated by the f l o o d , h a ll Monday night Under direction walked by railroad track through th« ' Mra J H Harper- 7S nt “Kp S P R IN G F IE L D J U N C T IO N to Errol Parker was the first of a w aters early Monday and sent careen- n( a committee headed by W P Ty A ihm I are« Io Hprlngfleld Here they ,or vear" » re",d«n‘ of »Prlngfleld * .J " " " «he Paclflc highway, not B(,n a e„mp|eU pr,), noon at 3 o'clock. The funeral will routing which will place Springfield s e v e r a l years. Rowland Parker, highway, m few feet from the Ktag* Th.. r'mrt»«« « .. «u _ „ . . J Carlton ulMterg of Srrinafleld going mall they ajtaln wa ked to Eu he conducted In Portland Sunday, and , In reality on the through train route driving the ligh t coupe In. which they w e ll g r e e n h o u s e . Cablps In the wH, . ... - i burial will be at I-aurel hill cemetery j from the Northwest to the Southwest, were riding, was facing a bright son , at 1 »a * « a,« . „ , w’’’ M,nr 1 duet. ( hnrlen Nadvonlk gene with the mall. Kpi Ingneld Kugene and Seavera auto w.n Klvrn ! ,ays In delivery from various parts who was »•>' ’«■»*» throughout this are to be removed to Springfield («rain was upon them, he turned th« r ' _B’ i by Margaret Skavlan of Eugene . of the state.' Mall was sent out e w v , d,"tr,c’ They are A B Harper. Junction, probably In April. : car to the left, with the train. stores resulted from the high water. ' Walter will give guitar select-'d a y during the flood, hut during two Sprlnw ^ the w heels of the engine dav following the surface damage man Earl Dillard. Much evldenco of the flood waa wrought by the recent storm. Ap- <* «•«• <*rty part of the gw|tches an„ ,e , the b|< tra|nfl j aw n In Hprlngfleld aa well aa Weat proches to the W illamette river * —*. «he Hprlngfleld schools w e r e , tbrou|,h wlthont gtopa G IR L S C O U T S A T M E E T bridge are being repaired on either , »«”■ M°«>day apd Tues«l.y. | R (g |h>t g tow#r Hprlngfleld. Haaements In the lower SN O W FA LL A T W E N D L IN G H ELD LAST SA TU R DA Y sections of the city were flooded, On,y an honr and a half ° f arho° l I be constructed at the Junction and LO G G IN G C A M PS C O L S IN C end. and Improvement of the rough water ran In t o r r e n t a d o w n the stretch between the bridge and the I p'a"ppd for Tuesday. W ashing- , jB fw tfce The Girl Scouts of Springfield •treeta, cutting off the depot from , ton » birthday, and programs planned venience of the operators and swltch- Henry Carter Malted Sprlnugfield Paclflc Highway Is on schedule. last Saturday and selected Loudella the remainder o f the city for a time. from above Wendllng late Wednes­ A permanent character la being ior t h ,t holiday will he held on FTI- mpn Accordlng to Agent Carl Olaon, Williams chairman for the ensuing Home damage In (he lumber yards day. and reported a heavy fall of given the temporary on __ a dBy ,n m ,n y ° f th e e l e m e n t a r y (h# cha wl„ cange ,1n,e |ncon - - repairs , ___ ___ period. was reported. an«»w on that day. When he left, h« ' ho1* ,n ,h e p»c ,flc Highway under the rooms, according announcement b y 1 venlence here. Other officers chose by the scouta The Isolation of the city delayed «aid, Ihe snow waa atlll falling. Southern Paclflc trestle at Glenwood. Superintendent V. D. Bain. Springfield was given a taste of the were secretary, Audrey Daniela; School buildings here suffered no m ails and comm unication. Hmall Th« Ileoth-Kelly logging ramp« in T-" m" and men are buey building up I forthcoming situation early this week, news reporter. Barbara Adams, ca r. were .till unable to he supplied the Wendllng district, he reported, shoulders on the highway throughout j n’ore than °«her buildings in the when landslides on the old main line yell leader, Adaline Perkins. heavy storm, It was reported. frem service stations with gasoline have shut down until March 7. the Weat Hprlngfleld district. made it necessary to send the Callfor- Plans for various activities on Tuesday. 1«he gas service, cut off. County crews are at work In various iiid iv r D C i- r v u i / ' u te n,a tra,n’ ‘hrou*h here (>n the Natron discussed. The Scouts are engaged It 1« reported, when Mammy's cabin, ___________ [parts of this section repairing flood U N I V t K h l l Y M i u n l& cut-off. The trains were routed this in an achievement contest with Eu­ Injured Hand a restaurant at Judkins Point, was Elmer Sankey sustained « painful dama<,‘ hx County Corn- H U M B L E D BY LOCALS , way for two days. Since completion gene. ripped loose from Ils foundation and Injury to hla hand when «putting TT,*"",oner E Crowe have placed ' I of the new Cascade line to Klamath water allowed to All the gaa main, Springfield High school's basket- Falls, the Espee has been waiting for L A U G H T E R E S Q U E T O wood at hla realdence here Saturday the damagie to the county road ays was not restored for several days. A piece of wood flow out from under tern at near 250.00«. Inspection has ball team tossed In Its first victory the roadbed to settle before putting Damage to wires of the Mountain BE H E L D ON F R ID A Y hla ax and struck one of his thumbs, found, however, that In few instances last week when It humbled the high­ the heavier trains over the route. States Power company waa reported has the damage been more than sur­ ly-touted University High school, 15 T. Ahern, assistant general manag- gashing it. Two stitches were taken I by local olflclala. The Oregnn-Call- face, road beds holding up well to fl. er of the Southern Paclflc. spent the I Springfleldltes prepared to enjoy • at a local physician's office. fornlu lino went down Sunday night, against the lashing of flood waters. The game's result was a surprise last few davs at Crescent Iwke and I blt of <"de - p''“ '«>« p°«n*d y Monday and the service waa cut off here while many were suffering from exposure. to all concerned. Hprlngfleld had not Cascade summit handling the train n,* ht were <'<’mpellpd bX a transfer of Intake waa made to a to hold their laughs until Friday Considerable difficulty was experi­ C H R IS T IA N R E V IV A L won a game this season, while U ni-j situation during the storm, northern supply system . The Hpring- enced by Ihe reacue parties In aomo night of th is w eek, when Laughterea- verslty High, among other things, T O S T A R T ON SU N D A Y fleld-Alhany line went down about case«. A woman, Mr«. J. L. Miller, que, the high school's annual joko- had whipped Eugene High. Eugene, PROF. H E W IT T OF O. A. C. feet /Will be presented at the school the sam e time, Impairing service to who huahand works at Notl, waa on the other hand, had beaten Spring- Evangelist services to be conducted Harrisburg. Cottage Grove waa w ith' taken from top of a gravel wagon T O BE H E A R D H E R E SOON auditorium. field by such scores as 86 to 3. by Rev. James Small will he started out service for many houra. --------- | Four stunts have been prepared by with her throe children and their A return game will be played at Prof. Roy Hewitt. In charge of law | the c,agge8 of the h,gh gchoo, B<^ Many Eugene m otorists and others, dog. The Simpson fam ily wbr res­ at theChrlatlan church Sunday morn Eugene February 28. Instruction at Oregon Agricultural tween acts special music and other out for a holiday trip Sunday, were cued from Ihe m igrating Seaver’a Ing. Rev. Small has announced the following themes for the week: ! college. Corvallis, will be heard In features will provide entertainm ent. marooned In Springfield Sunday, anjl «tore with difficulty. ! two addresses In Springfield Monday. Sunday A. M —"The Print of the L IO N S TO ROAR FOR either put up hero for the night or Judges will decide the best of the Part lea were taken by boats from B E N E F IT OF L A D IE S ' The flr"« wln be on Monday aftcr- stunts presented and the prises will walked the tracka to Eugene. Among their Island safety-spots In the Mc­ Nalls " --------- noon, when Prof. Hewitt will address go toward the Inter-class rivalry. Sunday, P M.—"What Shall It Profit these were a group of Unlveralty Kenzie district alao, Monday, al­ Mysterious rumblings for the bene- j the high school students In assembly. professors, who found their way back though the most serious condition a Man If— " Monday—“The «Journey of Life and 'fit of tlrt> ladles are on schedule for I He will he the principal speaker at . Bridge Inspected to their classes Monday. Many mot­ existed in West Hprlngfleld. My Ford." tonight's activities of the Springfield the afternoon gathering of the stu­ orists turned pedestrlun and walked In Hprlngfleld the schools were County Engineer P. M. Morse in­ Tuesday—“Reason and Religion." Llorts club, who are to celebrate their dents. and will make a talk along to Eugene. closed Monday on account of the spected the approaches to the new Inspirational and educational lines. Wednesday — " T h e Faith t h a t annual ladles’ night. ('alia for help from marooned West floods. In the evening, Prof. Hewitt will Springfield bridge during high water A dinner at the «namber of com­ Hprlngfleld residents were turned In At Ils helghth, the W illam ette Haves." Thursday — "The Freedom t h a t merce will start the event. Follow- appear before the Methodist church Monday. His purpose was to deter­ Police Chief Jess Hmltaon Sunday river reached a level of 17 feet, the Ing the feast, the clubmen will escort brotherhtiod. which will meet for d’n- mine the effect of high water off night and Monday morning. All highest since January 6, 1923, when Joans Gives." Friday — "The World's Greatest thelr companions to the Bell theatre, ner at the church parlors at 8:30 various proposed rlghts-of-way for avnllngle boats were launched Into the height of the river waa 1H feet. Where a stunt program will be pres-, o'clock. Aspects of law enforcement the short roadways to be built to coff- service, and city and county authori­ The flood damage thia year, however, Question." Sunday, A. M.—“The Christian's ented. The Lions, however, have re- I will be discussed In detail by the O. nect the span with the Paclflc high­ ties cooperated In taking maronned was much greater than In 1923, fam ilies from house and tree-tops, partly because the W est Hprlngfleld Hope." Sunday, P. M. "Two Sides of fused to divulge details of the latter | A. 0 . Faculty member before the way on the Eugene side and the Mc­ high ground, and sim ilar places. No district has been built up consider­ the Cross" or "How the Thief on the event, and the mysteries will not be «hurchmen Sam Bartholomew, presl- Kenzie highway on the Hprlngfleld Cross was Saved.” unravelled until the program starts, dent of the Brotherhood, will preside. side of the W illam ette river. one was reported hurt, although ably since then. Committee Appeal* to Everyone to X Z Z . X X ’X T Z Sign Lists in Next Few Days