THURSDAY FEBRUARY 17. 1 »27 T ilg SPRINOFHCIJ) NEWS PAOB SIX W M e a n ty T ® £ Eugono'a Newest V hkri Q U A L IT Y M EETS C O N F I D E N C E F— * —-* - Store Beauty and Health Lurk in Bath Tub anoint your lace with a cleansing cream Get Into the tub with the cream on your face and let your body soak In the hot water for ten minutes By the clock Hare a clean cloth on hand to wipe your face free of cream before you turn on the shower. If you do not wish to get the hair wet use a hand spray and pour cool water. not too cold, over the body. When you have thoroughly dried your body, a quick rub with »6 per cent grain alcohol .will close the pores of your skin and complete the restful, bracing effect of your beauty bath Then Jump Into bed for ten minutes. Before you get Into bed have on the table a bowl of very warm water and a couple of liny cotton pails Dip the cotton into the water and lay a piece over each closed eyelid to relax the muscles Just lie there and think yourself Into as nearly a stale of coma, mentally and physically, as you cam You will get up feeling fresh and real-' ed. ready for anything the ev en in g , may bring ROYAL NEIGHBORS IN P ortl.m »-M rs PoIHe Hurler la ___spending a f«w days In Portland. DISTRICT MEET HERE, Delegates from Eugene. Cottage Grove. Creswell and Springfield at­ tended the district meeting of the Royal Neighbors held at the W. O W ball last night. Eugene sent 24. Cot­ tage Grove, one. and Creswell. 7 Mar­ cela was unrepresented because of Ill­ n ess in the circle. Eugene put on the initiation of one candidate from CTeswell It was de­ cided to meet on the first Monday in March at Marcola. and Eugene and Cdeswell will cooperate in putting on the drill work at that meeting. ____________ CURTAIN CRETONNES Como In a largv* assortment of floral designs, large and sm all patterns, light and dark, all 3« Inches wide, yard— 2 5 c .3 5 c —Laraway* NEW LACE 300 pieces new Val Laces Just received. all neat patterns, priced, yard— MATERIALS Scrims. Curtain Swiss. Marquis ettes. Filet Nets. Rayon .Mar­ quisettes All th« new designs and patterns at the right prices. Yard, from— BLOOMERS laidies' Charmeuse Bloomers come In all the isle colors, well made, cut full, elaslli »»1st and knee A bargain al 11 only, pair— 23c - 5 1 l-arawaya .6 9 79c —I.uraways Showingof New Wash Goods 4c - 7c Reasonably Clarks Ont. COTTON THREAD UNDERGARMENTS Rayon Vasts. Hloomer*. Bieplti*. Combinations. ole . come Hi all color comblnallona. and all reasonably priest! 98c - 52.39 --Ijiraw ays Mercerized Colored COTTON THREADS A compivi* lins of colors al. spool— RUBBER APRONS I and •fhlrsn • llublts», all colors mid tlsslgns. each per spool 4c 49c • —Laraways Coats Crochet COTTON numbers, Priced 4c ■—Laraways All colors and Merchandise Laraway’s Shopping News Department From the most ancient days to the present. tneo and women have be­ lieved in the baautifyisg as well aa ctean.iox effects of water, and todav It la generally agreed that health, cleanliness, beauty, and a well-groom­ ed appearance require at least one complete bath each day. while two are preferable—a warm and cool one A warm tub hath at night fust be­ fore retiring, and in the morning a quick tub. sponge, or shower of cool or tepid water seem s an ideal sys­ tem. Twenty minutes is as long as any one should remain in the tub. Three minutes is long enough for the cool spunge in the morning Then, when you wish a particularly soothing, restful beauty bath to rest tired nerves and to give the sense of luxurious well-being so needed after a day in which everything went wrong: when ou are completely ex­ hausted. physically and nervously, you will find this most effective. Turn on the water for a good hot hath, and while the room is steamv. Quality 4 Lnruway. OH! SAY Have you seen our new Spring Wool Dr«** titania and Cost' lu g s’ If not you have missed a treat Larswsys ball 10c —Laraways PEARL COTTON Goes to Albany—William Darling paid a visit to Albany Saturday, where he attended a managers' meeting of the Mountain States Power Company. Plastering House— D W. McKinnon is plastering his W illamette Heights house this week. In all colors and sites. b a ll- Per SC —Laraways New Spring COATS SILKS A veritable bazaar of color« will greet you In the Piece Goods Section of this great department «tore. Spring in the guise of the new Wash Goode- bo lovely and so gay they simply command yon to take up your needle to fashion new frocks and Springtime things. New ITints, Suitings, Batistes, Voiles and Rayons. Come in and look them over. The ne« Spring Silks are here In all the loading colors and best qualities, May we show them to yon? —Laraways 19c - $1.29 yd. Spring DRESSES l-arawaya Here on Business— Dr Delbert Stannard of Corvallis was a business visitor in Springfield Moody. W alterville Men Here— W alterville residents who transacted business Entertainment will be featured at h e r e yesterday included William th-» monthly meeting of the Loyal Leg­ Hucka. N M Caldor and W. A Parks. ion of Loggers and Lumbermen to be held on February 28. A committee Dick Hart Here— Dick Hart of Cedar headed by W P. Tyson has been work­ ing on the plans and will announce a Flats was a Springfield visitor Wed­ complete program in a few days. A nesday. similar program, given at the last Here From Natron—C. H. Hollis of meeting, drew the largest attendance for many months to the 4-L meeting. Natron was among ouf-of-town visitors here Wednesday. Is Injured To Go South— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ben Mayberry sustained a slight In­ Smith ar leaving today for Portland, jury to the head this morning when where they will take the boat for San struck by a hook at the Springfield Pedro. California. creamery plant. He was treated at a local physician's office, where the Moves Here— N. B Christensen, wound was found not to be serious new assistant at the Southern Pacific depot, has moved Into a house at To Play Grove Ninth and B streets. 4-L Meets February 28 A basketball game has been arrang­ Here From Portland— Ruth ed with Cottage Grove, to be played her March 2. it was announced at th“ j who Is working at the Shrlner ¿igh school" th ls”m o r .ta g 7 The close ]U1 In Portland, visited her .-e r e between the two teams at last here this week Mrs Wilson week's game indictes a fast game here. ,n8 »»on for California. Wilson, a hospt- mother is leav- Undergoes Operation— Marjorie Jol-| W oodcraft Plan Dance lift, little daughter of Hugh Jolliff. ' A s ’wcial feature act will be pres­ underwent an operation for acute ap­ ented by the Katherine Stang studio pendicitis at the Pacific Christian hoa-j of Eugene at the Neighbors of Wood­ pital yesterday. craft benefit dance at Midway Satur­ day night, it was announced todav. Goes to Aberdeen— Mrs. Hazel Ped­ The proceeds from the dances will be erson left Wednesday evening for used In sending the local drill team Aberdeen, Washington, where she -.rill to the national meeting in CHfornla join her husband, who has been there th is year I for som e time. FOR RENT—Large tract of good Hulburt To Albany—T H. H ulburt.1 farm land near Springfield. Cheap former pool hall operator here, is I leaving this week for Albany, where Î rent, a chance for a good tarmer to make some money. Land should be will reside. Mr. Hulburt operated be plowed this winter. Inquire the pool hall business now owned by News office. Tom Sbarman CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emery Go To California—W. C. Ovington on prices on plate and other work, tf and sister, Lenore. who have been re Biding In Springfield this winter, left COR 8 ALE—Carbon papar In larg. yesterday for Crescent City, Califor­ sheet*. 2*5x3# Inches, suitable to- nia, where they plan to live. making tracings The new» Offle» I ________ Sport and dressy models—fur trimmed and self trimmed, modes fashioned of lovely sport weaves and luster materials. 5 1 2 .7 5 to $ 6 9 .7 5 — Laraways LADIES' UMBRELLAS Made from the best materials —all the late colors, and fancy handles. line, from 98c 69c —Laraways — Laraways. PILLOW CASES ART NEEDLE GOODS 42x36. and It Is a dandy at— A complete stock of everything. Prices from— 25c Laraways. 59c - 51.7 9 PLISSE CREPE —Laraways. In plain and figured A good variety of ¿colors, yard— TURKISH TOWELS The ties! towel value you have ever seen. Price from— 2 3 c -9 8 c Millinery Dept. 29c FO O TW EA R Hats that have all the gaiety and youth of early Springtime. Jaunty in shape and varied In color— 5 1 .9 8 57.9 0 — Laraways. Larawaya. PERCALES A lilg asaortmnnt of dark colored Percales, yard— for the Children 19c The main thing in children’s shoes Is comfort, and. a sturdiness to resist the vigor of youth. This Is accomplished In these shoes without sacri­ fice of smartness and without an increase In prices. Ladies Shoes 75c pair to $3.49 It will pay you to Investigate our prices Grocer and Flourist 5 9 .8 0 to 5 19.75 Wt> also carry a line of Dresses up to 169.78. Wo can please ill classes. —Lara ways. SHEETS Kerr’s Feed McKINNIS, Every one Is Inaud new—New In fabric and color and style con­ ception; and each one Is beauti­ fully tailored 81x90 Sheets, seam less, each— 10c We Now Have Full Line Phone 17 These dresnes are made well of fine quality gingham and English print and are a very special value at these prices. Some are ruffle trimmed, others have embroidery and lace —and all are new and fresh. -r-Laraways LADIES' BELTS A wonderful up to— FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY , 98c to $1.98 — Laraways. Gold Medal Flour Delivery, Twice Daily For Girls 6 to 14 Years 5 2 .9 8 — Laraways. THREE DAY SPECIAL ON DRESSES — Laraways pair L A R A W A Y ’S Department Store Laraway Bldg., 966-968 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon Any way you look at them— Htyle — Comfort — Quality — Value -Our showing of Shoes for Spring topH them all. We have a pair for you. Palp— 52.9 8 5 7 .9 0 — Laraways. 4