OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST I* Oparalad On— Mr*. K. C. William» Qo«s to W»»tp«rl— W. II. Adrlau of Marcóla waa operated on at the WM ■ Wsatport vlaltor Hunday. Pacido Christian hoapltal yesterday. Jackaon Hara— Harry Jackaon ot Vlaltor» from lovwa— Mr». Clarion W altervlllo paid Springfield a bu»l- ITIngel and »on, Clayton, Jr., are nv»a Hall Munday. vlaltlng the William Vaaby family. Mara Prom Craak— Mr and Mr«. H*r* Prom Bugana— Mr». K. Kirk Hoy llrewer or Fall Crook wora out Patrick and »on, Itobert. of Eugene, of (own vlaltor» hero Monday. ware vlaltora Hunday at lire N. Nel Goo» to Sutherlin—Dr. Kugatiu Ko* son reatdenoe. tor wa» a vlaltor at Hniberlin and at j H*r* Pro W«*k end—Gerald Van Jasper Hunday. Vaúnh of Portland »pent the week­ Hara Prom Wlnberry—Mr and MraJ end with hla mother, Mr». Barnice V I.. Ilui’ka o' Wlnborry wora Spring j Van Valxah. Sold visitor» Monday. page THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY HEB RU AR Y 17, 1927 > Twenty flv» hundred baby chirk» on the farm of K B. Tinker at Pleasant HUI, ton miles southeast of Eugene, were burned to death when a poultry house waa destroyed by ftre 1*»^ week. Tbe Io»» 1» estimated at »2000. Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. Member» of th». Commercial club are debating Incorporating Rockaway, Inclusive of Manhattan, Lake Lytle. Haltalr and Seavlew. Tbe project la meeting opposition from aome who feel that such a project, embracing T ie Old Oregou Troll »»»oclatlon approglinately 11 mile», would prove «Sid It» unnual meeting In lo» Orando unwieldy. Ida week The Hpokane, Portland A Beatth Beattie Tht, A volunteer fir« department lo aerve c„mpBny ha» (lied a new tor u an auxlMury to the paid city depart- with the public service commis­ ¡lent has Imen org mixed at Albany. sion Increasing Its butt and train pas­ Taxes to 1)0 collected In Washing­ senger rate* between Portland and ton county this year total »1 183,834, Seaside. The new rates will go Into of which amount »239,492 62 goes to effect February 16, unless suspended by the commlaalon. I he state. H • r• P rom California—Corda There were three fatalities due to J. W. Lillie warden of the Oregon Kelchln and wife arrived Monday after a trip to Southern I’tnea, Cali­ state penitentiary during the past two Industrial accidents In Oregon during years, was reappointed to the office the week ending February 10. accord­ . fornia. ing to a report prepared by the state by lb« state board of control. Hara P ro m Natron— Fred Tryon ol j Pay Pin*»— L. D. Hhrman paid a Farmers In the Alpine district of Industrial accident commlaalon. T ie Natron wu« a buaineea vlaltor here »3 fine In recorder'» court thia week Morrow county organlxed a farm bu­ victim» were Elmer Ellison, Notl; for speeding. John Doe wa »»»eased reau of 50 member» at a meeting last Nel»on C. Herbert. Portland, and Hen­ Monday. ry J. Heine. Oregon City. »IS for being drunk. week at the Alpine high school. Mr*. Parnum Vlalt«— Mr» D It. Far- J E. Loreman, of Klamath Fall» Grounfl squirrel» were reported com- H*ra Prom Notl— Mr and Mr» Hum num ol Leaburg waa a vlaltor here lor geoloicl«t. 1» preparing to resume drill­ Montgomery of Notl were Hprlngnebl Ig out In large numbers In many part» ing operation» near Flonanxa. where a abort time Monday. vlaltora Sunday. They »pent the time of Wallowa county, and farmer» have late la«t fall he discovered signs ot b o w forming rodent cont-«l district». L«OV«« tor Lo» Anp*laa— It a r t at the realdence of Mra Montgomery'» oil In low strata of Lost river Lore- Hufferlng from an attack of hic­ man is representing the Southern Ore Bnook left thia week on a vacation »taler. Mr». Fred Freae. coughs for the past »even days. Ed gon Oil company and has started con­ trip Io Ixw Angel«». V la lt» «1 Eugene— Ml»» Pearl Nel­ Mayers. 77. civil war veteran, was near struction of an oil derrick. Mra. K*at*r to Return— Mr» Ku son »pent Friday evening at the home death at hla home In Lebanon la»t Indications are that the peach yield gane Heater will return Friday from of Mr and Mr«. Hob Felton of Eugene week. In Hood Hirer, as In the Wasco county Mareóla Residents H»r». Mr and Han Franclaco. where »he haa been Influenxa case» reported In Oregon fruit section», will be »mall thia year. vlaltlng for a month Returning with Mrs Walter Price were Hunday vl»lt- for the week euding February 6 num­ Tests made by west aide grower» show her will be Mr» II F. Zeigler, who will or* at the realdence of Dr W. II. ber 204. according to the report of that most of the bud» of Crawford* Pollard. vlalt here for aome time. Dr Frederick D. Slrlcker. »tote health and Elberta«, the ntandard varieties, officer. have been killed The apricot crop of On order of It» director» the On Wasco county alao will be light. i tarlo National bank closed Ito door» Oregon fourthclaaa postmasters j Ism week. Tbe institution Is th« old- have been appointed as follow»: Mr». i ett ititlonal bunk In that section of Isabelle Clark. Dovltt. Benton county, Oregon. vice Mr». N ellie Long, resigned; New- 4hm* J'- and Mrs A. A I-each, who have leu G. Harris. Etain. Benton county. I resided In Coos county since 187». Vic,' Mr.r-tT A K. king, resigned. Ivan We wish to announce that we have purchased the 1 have Just 'elebrated their 60th wed- J. Smith. Scolto Mill«. Marlon county, ; 'lug annl’’ -rsary at their home In vice Henry A. Hlecker». resigned. Creation of a «uper road dlatrlct to Myrt’« P it. The total sales or »tamps and Include the territory Immediately to from Mr L- P. Antlernon and will continue the business stomped envelopes at the Purdy peat- the «ait of Roseburg 1» advocated by Tbe along the nante line» a» he ha» operated It. We welcome off during 1926 waa I lS il 21. wl.Jch tbe South l»eer Creek grange all the old patrons and wish to make new friend». showed an Increase over the »rles in district would all be tributary lo the Roseburg Dixonville road, which Is a Your» for Service 1936 of »148.76 market road project, and alec a part The city of St. Helens has purchased of the North Umpqua highway ay«tem 1620 acres of land comprising the wa­ Widening of the Cave» highway tershed adjacent to Salmon and Mil- Ion creeks to protect the city's water started last week. The portion on the supply. The prloe paid was »7.50 per highway to be Improved la the eight mile Stretch from the base of the acre. mountain to the Oregon caves A wide An Eastern Oregon naagetn... basketball tour- .our ccn„ nl(.ted ney will be held In Pendleton Febru-1 » m o u n ta in . The worl to th« foot of the mountain. Tbe work nry 24. 25 and 26, aucordtng to present will be completed in time for the sum­ plane, with team« from Umatilla coun­ mer tourist season. ty. Morrow and Gilliam counties com Ire-filled caverns, their lava-walleu peling. tunnel» divided Into six great chan Fire losses In the slate exclusive of be:», have been found in the country Portland during the month of January south of the Paulina mountains of aggregated »197.654. according to a central Oregon, according to informa­ report prepared by the state fire mar­ tion received at Bend recently. The shal There were a total ot 48 fire» Yon. clean everything elite— Why not your rugs? caverns are of the lava river forma­ •rep jrted. tion. The new caves are In the tim Healing will not loo»en the dirt which I» caked. Governor Patterson last Tuesday an­ her country south of East lake. nounced appointment of Vine W. Our process not only clean», hut It reliven» all the Arrangements for the building of a PI. rce of Madras ns district attorney »100.000 veneer plant in Tillamook color». for Jefferson county to fill the va­ were completed recently. The veneer Try ub and be convinced. cancy caused by the resignation of plant will begin operation about May Francis Marsh 15. and will employ 150 men and wo­ The Marcola school district will get men. with a payroll of »16,000 per from the fund to be received aa back month. The unnual payroll. Incsiding Eugene, Ore. Phone 401 1686 Jefferson St. taxes on tbe O. A C. grant land» In the logging operations In connection lotne county the sum of »6658.95 to with the mill, is given a« a quarter iebuild it» grade school, which burned million dollars. two weeks ago. A new world's record for Jersey Glllnet fishermen are making fair milk production in the Junior three J. D. MICKLE catches, running up to 150 pound» to ycsr.dd class has been completed by D a iry and Pood C o m m laalo n ar the boat. Thua far the run has not Sophie's Princess Eulalia, nn excep­ PO RTLAND, OREGON, been sufficiently heavy to Indicate tional producer, owned and tested by any pncklng of salmon before the win­ Mrs William J. Thornley of Silverton. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ter season closes March 1. In this 366-day test Eulalia produceo B U R E A U O F D A IR Y IN G Portland.- with a total value of »»,- 918.12 pounds of butterfat and 18.867 502,610 for building permit» Issued In pounds of milk. This is the highest January, ranked In third place umnng milk record and the second highest the cities of the Paclfjc coast In value butterfat record for tht» age class of of building, and was but »26.345 be­ this breed. Plato SPRINGFIELD hind San Franclaco, which ranked sec­ Exhibit No. SP-1 Between 25,000 and 30 000 Jackrab­ Clan», MILK ond. • bits In the Umatilla project area In ■...................... I - The Oregon-Washington Railroad A tly» west end of Umatilla county were Score Perfect Remark» Navigation company haa filed appli­ killed during the recent severely cold Score Allowed cation with the public service commis­ weather and snow through a poison sion for permission to construct a campaign carried out by the farmers Bacteria fonnd peri , snfl 34.6 36 Bacteria highway In the city of Astoria to con­ under the direction of the Umatilla cubic centimeter I nect with Its proposed new ferry routa county agent. A new and tasteless Uowy, hitter, feed, 13.6 16 Fluvor and odor between Astoria and Imbler. strychnine was placed upon prepared flat, strong. cooked «a 15 9.6 An airplane landing Held, a neces­ .hopped alfalfa and scattered In the sity of Pendleton »or some time, has ! thickly Infested sagebrush areas of Per cent ......... 4.4 ............. 15.0 10 Sediment ....................... been secured through the work ot the the west end. commerce committee of the Peneleton | The new contract of the Hermiston Per cent ......... 9.6 ........... - 16.0 15 Solid» not fat ............. Commercial association. A tract of irrigation district with the United Temperature (street 120 acres, three mile* eust of the city, States reclamation bureau has gone Decree» ................................- »ample») lias been leasod for five years. Into effect with the recent filing of or 5.0 5 • or The McKay reservoir, southwest of certificates of release bn the county Per cent .................................* A r i d i t y (prepared delinquent water '•endleton, Is now about'one-third full, records of all sample») . Bottle ............. i iccordlng to C. L. Tice, superintend- charges br provided by state and na­ 3.» 6 Bottle and rap ........... nt. Tice estim ates the basin now tional legislation. The water charges • Cap .......................................... retain» 27.000 or 28.000 acre feet of heieafter will be 6 per cent of the 9«.« 100 Total ster and believe« the hssln will be crops produced, and the Hermiston district will have the management ot J. A. NEI 1ER filled for the first season of Its use Exhibitor Plans for nn addition to the Astoria it» own affairs. SPRINGFIELD, ORE. Address Employment In the logging and lutn- , city water system arc making rapid progress and are being paessed by the her manufacturing Industry of the Pa­ (Signed) city commission. The plan, which Is cific northwest is on the upturn, ac­ (}. V. COPSON connected with proposed pulp and pa­ cording to the Four-I, employment bu­ Snow and cold per mill developments there, calls for reau in Portlnnd. L. II. ZIEMER the erection of a dam 39 feet high and weather have been factor» In keeping Judge». 100 feet wide across the top. at a point fir logging at a lower point than usual, nbout 100 feet back from the crest of hut with the coming of rain» and Date DEC'. 9, 192«. Youngs river falls. The project Is warmer weather many camps have re­ expected to cost about »276,000 and sumed work Taken as a whole, em­ Ask your dairyman to show you hl» »core card. ' ' will more thnn double the city'» water ployment In the PaclUc northwest la DOUGLAS GARDEN DAIRY on a par with February of last year. supply. nva SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM Under the auspices of Christian Endevor Society BELL THEATRE Thursday Evening, March 3, 7:30 Admission 40c and 25c Ha* Operation— L. C. Brabham underwent a major operation at the lAarlfle Christian ho»pllal Hunday. Change of Ownership A genuine 13 plate full rubber case FORD BATTERY for $12.00 ($11.00 if you turn in your old battery) This battery it guaranteed for one year, and will work in practically any make of car. E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. A Street Service Station COOK & LOGAN Does It Pay to Clean Rugs? FLUFF RUG CO. Score Card For Milk Phone 35F12 x »42 Willamette St., Eugene. Oregon. The Results of a Service Rendered The continuous growth of this Nation-wide Insti­ tution of Department Stores and especially the large expansion that is being made this Spring is creating truly remarkable opportunities for young men with selling experience in our lines to associate themselves with this Company and train for future Co-partner Store Managers. " * Thruout the United States, the J. C. Penney Com- pany Stores are acclaimed the friends of the people— exercising in the fullest way a buying power that gives large savings to the public. This growth is directly the result of that liberal appreciation of our Service which the public has shown in our operations during the last twenty-five years. a Dollar X every Day We know a young fellow, more thoughtful than most, that is sticking to a little scheme of his own with rigid persistency. Some day he is going to be a well-to-do man, whilo many of the others who are his friends to­ day are going to wonder where the next meal is coming from. He saves a dollar a day for every day that he works. Although his earnings are no more than the average young fellow’s, he has, in two years time, purchased five One Hundred Dollar bonds and has a little over Three Hundred Dollars in the bank. He is only twenty-eight years old. Where will he be when the fiftieth birthday rolls around? What is more important— WHERE WILL YOU BE? One Dollar— today's dollar— opens the account. Bring it in. Protected by Electric Burglarly A la rm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield. Oregon