VHFRflPVE RVIRRUART IT, K IT r m i RTOINOFTH-n N W fl I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ■ DENTISTS CONTRIBUTE TO coupled with Ike luatallulbm of Un DORENBECKER HOSPITAL proved locomotivo rombuatlon ile The horrible wreck on the Second street cross­ _____ vlooa," Clark «aid, "Uaa resulted u> Birth a, Oealba Listad A BLIND CROSSING Six blrlha and live death» wer» re- by city Health tllltcer I'olhlfd Pwbllahed Bvery Thursday at ing last Thursday is another proff of the danger t ’alvurultv of Oregoa, Eugene. Feh l rapidly imrrualng .-HI. !.»•». % and an for January. The alatlallra In both Springfield, Lana Couniy. Oregon, by cueva were unuaiinlly low. the officer of this blind crow ing. The large warehouse ob- (Special! Donated by lh<* dent- 1 attendant decreaae In operating ex T H I W IL L A M K T T « P R I M j acures the view *Tom the north approach andi IT— aahl 1 pen»*" i trains are not s< >u until they are near at hand.) Ida of Dregou, another unii rondatine H, K MAXEY. Editor o( complete dental equipment and ap- ■“ The new bridge across the W illamette river at ■M M d elaaa naaUar February JL 1W» a* t o ,,IHj \ , a j„ gtreet will take 99', of the truffle latra Ina haa been added In the Intern poatoffic*. SpriakftaM. Orugua ojj this crossing for that reason the Southern hechor Memorial hoapltal of the Val- veralty of Oregon school of metllcln" Pacific company should be Interested In the new, In M A IL au aS C R IF T IO N R A T I Portland, II waa announced today .TU structure and pay a proportionate share of Itsl A. E. Roberts, President , Tear la A dvance___ t l 71 Three Months by Or. Richard H Olllehunl. dean of , I« cost. SLM Single Copy . the medical school • A catalogue, telling about our Secretarial. Bookkeep­ The denial chair and all of the uc- and Stenographic Connies, sent free to any address, THURSDAY FEBRUARY IT. 1*27 Thirty-tw o men and women have been indicted ceaaoriea incidental te the hundiing of upon request. in Pittsburg for election frauds which leads one 1 denial week for children who hre pan­ Monday Is enrollment day. HELP THE BOY SCOUTS to think maybe Vare’s m ajority there will l»e cut [eaie in the hoapltal ha« juat been in stalled aril la ready for operation Springfield's quota of coat of boy scout work In the Senatorial recount. e e a Th» giti waa brought about by thr In Lane county is $300. or the same am ount as dealre on thr part ot th* Oregon deni- pledged last year. The boy scout movement lik e . Soap production In the United States If 40 Phone 666 902 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon lata to participate |u th* activities ot any other movement or business if it ¡8 to suc­ pounds per person last year. Who uses Is all? relief ot tick and disabled children e e e ceed must have a head to it—some pwrson train­ carried on by th* medical achool. Th* ed in the work who devotes all his tim e to it. ____ - _____ Europe seems to believe the money she bor- Orogon Stale Denial Association and Half the money raise«! __ in ____ l«ane county - for boy Portland Denial Association. togel acmit work pays the salary of the scout executive rowed during the war was hers In the first place, ! her with the Stale Hoard ot Den'al and the other half is used’ for camps, instruction ------------------------ ! Examiner», acting through a commit courses and a multitude of other things necessary I I lee cotnpoaed of Doctor» E T tied- to carry on the work. 1 lund. C M. Harrlann amt E C. Robin Springfield has two troops of boy scouts chart- , ! »on. appropriated approximately tS6 ered by the national organisation and it is hoped ! 110 which waa derived by voluntary another troop or two may be formed during this, I subscriptions on Ihe part of thr dent year. Boy scout work Is the finest form of ex­ I tala of thè alate. clusive worthwhile boy instruction and character In addition to providlflg exceptional building yet devised to take care of the otherwise tacllltlea for the denial work of (he idle tim e'of boys between 12 and 18 years. It is hoapltal and the outpatient clinic. Ihe w orth a few dollars of anybody's mqney to main-! equipment and personnel will afford • tain it in Lane county. OPINIONS ARE LIKE RIPPLES Ihe opportunity of teaching medical • • • students at the medical achool the Opinions are like ripples. principles of oral hvglens and denial M 'K E IT EASY FOR THE WOOLEN MILL How long they last depends upon the surface management In children COMMITTEES p o ll e d EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE ing IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL f/tx w & u r d MJwu m / u . w t s i v m I (S/tx OR. FRANK CRANE SAÏS ) ir pî‘ 1 If you wish to subscribe for stock in the new- woolen mills don’t wait until the comm ittee hunts you up but drop into the Cham ber of Commerce and sign the list in the hands of the cham ber president or see members of the committees. The guarantee of $100,000 provided $650,000 in stock is sold elsewhere is a comm unity propoei- iton. While th e committees do not -urge anyone to deprive themselves of life’s necessities to buy woolen mill stock they do urge the help from everyone who is able, in bringing this laudable enterprise to Springfield. on which they appear. The mind of the Individual who holds the opin­ EVERY FIFTH GALLON ion is the surface whose character determines SOLD TO RAILROADS its lasting quality. • Every fifth gallon furl oil marketed Think over your friends. Some change their In the United State* la purchaaed by opinions continously, others with great Infrequ­ the railroad«, according to J N ('lark. ency. • hlef of Southern Paclflc company'« You have seen many kinds of ripples ripples fuel bureau. on water, ripples on sand, ripples on Ice. and rip­ The extensive uae of oil a« a loco- ple m arks in solid limestone. motive fuel la revealed In a aludy All are duplicated in the minds of men. )ual completed by the Bureau of Mine« On water, ripples alter with each succeeding of the Department of com m erce The breath» in stone they change only with the oro- application of fuel oil to motive power $7,000,000 in tips passed to Pullman porter sion of years. I 1» concentrated mainly in California hands last year— and It sounds big. Still, the One type of mind is fluid; another concrete. »“«• ,h" •«"•‘h central stutea. railroad« wiling Georges say it is not enough for a living The first is plastic but unretentlve; the second operating in theae terrttorlea having wage— because it constitutes three-quarters of is retentive but unchanging and indurate. ‘ purchaaed «3 per cent of the 70.63«. their income, average of $78.11 per m onth each. One changes its opinion too frequently; the barrel« of fu>-i oil bought by the It would seem sem i-charity jobs are distasteful other not frequently enough. * 1 road« in 1925. The total railroad to the server as well as the served. In a general way these two characteristics of purchases amount to about one nrth of all fuel oil annually marketed In Iho mind represent two stages of life. If tennis develops the racquet arm of players In youth the tendency is to change our opinions country. Oil ¡a the principal locomotive fuel as tis said, then we w-ould back President Cool- too often, idge in Tex Richard’s heavyweight tourney, since In old age the tendency Is to change them too ,n bo,h fr* 1 h Instantaneous appreciation.1 Two Things That Make A Confectionery Popular Service and Quality Service—Quick and experienced lhat adds a touch of personal ini erest. Quality—The best Ingredients I hut can lie put into soft drinks and candy. To Leadership C alifornia then east G reatness—that com bina­ power th a t m akes one man stand out head and shoulders h i s contem poraries was gloriously m anifest in George W ashington, S tates­ man — Diplomat — Gentle­ man — Soldier and Leader. leadership am ong banks is conferred by the people upon that institution which renders the greatest service to the community. Superior safety and service—rendered with a touch of personal a t­ tention. EGGIMANN’S • — In trrrX « n e w an d different; finer, f a t t e r t e r v i c e th a n e v er before tion of a superior quality and above Thais FIRST NATIONAL BANK SPRINGFIELD SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES 3% In te re st o n S a v in g A c c o u n ts 3% Convenient,comfortable service over the Shasta route direct to California. Four trains daily, includ­ ing the speedy Shasta to San Francisco and South­ ern California Express to Los Angeles. Famous transcontinen­ tal trains direct toChicago and east via O v e rla n d Route, Lake Tahoe Line from San Francisco or Golden State Route from Los Angeles. Ortravel the Sunset way east through the southland to NewOr- leans. Thence by train or Southern Pacific steam­ ship to New York—5 great days at sea. Aafc for d e ta ile a b o u t th li errvlce. L e t «s help you p la n your Itin e ra ry . Southern Pacific. CARL OLSON, AGENT T (chete and reaematlons to foreign lande. Guard Your Throat and Mouth The throat and mouth should be kept scrupulously clean and free from genus. Use a good mouth wasli and throat gargle every day. It Is as necessary to the complete toilet us a dentifrice or tooth wash. Nyal Mouth Wash Is a mouth Wash that keeps the mouth sweet and free from disease germs. It neutralizes breath odors. Try it also as a gargle for Hore throat and a dressing for wounds. Superior to carbolic acid in germ-killing power. PRICE - 50c Ketel’s Drug Store