9 ROOF R C F A IR IN O (BUYX6W B F R IN O F IK L D S P E C IA L S W A N T E D —- T o trade for a c re a i*. FOR SALE Muai aulì high grade plano at C o lta la Good hi ma» and I H lota In Spring- M r F arm er If you want to buy or d ro ve 110 M m unlhly w ill handia. field. one Mock off p a re m e n t F ire aell come In and aee me, I b are W rlla Ra» Kenneth J. Ilusby. t i l block» from m ill. Box 130 I f aoma good onea. E «71 h Ht Portland. Ora. F 10-17 *'*’ * * * * * * * * * ■ • I" «R»«'» i « A vAn* ■>«*«», - ■ aehanpe— C ity property for aheep ranch. N O T IC E O F F IN A L B E T T E R M E N T F O R R E N T - la tr i» tract of good Five-Acre tra c t, close In. for larg er In the m a tte r of the eatate of A lrlra farm land near Hprlngfleld. <'-haap A. Prlndel, deceased. farm . rent, a ebano« for a lood (arm ar to N O T IC K la hereby t ir e n that dran- Brow nsville property for acreage. mah» ionia mona». la n d ahould re l L. IT In d e l, A dm in istrator of tha For Rale— I have acme choice build­ ha plowed thia w in ter. Inquire eatate of A lrlr a A. Prlndel, deceaaed ing Iota on pavem ent w ith eaay haa tiled hla final account and report N»wa o flce. terma. Alao email acreage», aa auch A d inlnlatrator w ith the Coun­ ty Court, of laine County, Oregon, and For Rant— Oood modern apla and aev- C A U , A N U S E E Ur. N W D tn w y the Court haa aet Monday the 28th eral house». day of February. 1327. at the hour on p riera on plaie and other worh. t? If you have any hualneaa you want of ten A. M In the County Court Hoorn In Kugene. Ia n « County. O re -' to aell come In and Hat It w ith me. N O T IC E O F T H E H A L E O F S P R IN G «on. aa the tim e and place for the T ra d e 80 Acre» up the M cK e n ile for FIEI.O IM PROVEM ENT BONDS N O T IC E IK H E R E B Y G IV E N , that In accordance with the provision» o f Ordinance Nutaher 614 of tha Tow n nt Hpringtleld. Lane County. Oregon, tha City He« order w ill receive »ealed bids for the purchase of «9060 6« of Ira provauient bond», said iMtnda to be In denom inations of «690 00 each, except the ta»t one which »hall he for «60 6« Said bonds to hear Interest at the rate of a ll per cent per annum, auh Ject to redemption at any semi annuul Interest payment period a fte r being In force for one year, by paying the face of bond w ith accrued Inlereat. Each hid must lw accompanied b> a certified check In favor of the C ity Recorder, for at leaet throe per cent of the purchase prtre as a guarantee o f the good la ltli on the part o f the bidder. No bid w ill be <-nn»ldered for lea» than par aud accrued Inlereat Rant bond« to tie doled March 1st. 1327. and date of dosing hid» and of o p in in g the »ealed bid». M arch 14th, 1827. I M P E T E R S O N , Recorder. F 3 10 17 24: M 3: N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G N O T IC E 1» hereby given that S. Mog- on «an. the a d m lnlatralor of the eata'e of Mr» II M cCorklndale. deceaaed. haa filed hla final account aa such adm inistrator, and that Saturday, the 2«lh day of February. 1827. at the hour o f 19 o'cloch In the forenoon of s a il day. aa«! the County Cour room In the Court House at Kugene. I«ane Coun­ ty, Oregon, haa been file d a» the tim e and place for hearing and settling »aid final account A ll poraona h av­ ing objection» lo said final account are hereby notified to file «aid objec­ tion» In w riting w ith the clerk o f said court <>a or before aald date » M tK lE N K K N . A dm inistrator. J 17: F 3-19-17 34 PAftB T H R E E T H E BPHINOFTELD NEWS THURHDAY FEBRUARY 17. I W final m itilera.nt of »aid eatate and for the hearing of objection» to the »«me tf any. Dated thia 2t»t day of January. 1927. G R A N V E L L. P R IN D E L . Adm lnta trator. W K I.U t A W K L IJ t. Attorneys. J 27: F 8-10-17 24 SUM M O NS IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E S T A T E OR O R EG O N IN A N D FOR LA N E COUNTY. I«awrence IT In e . Plaintiff, va. Sarah PrtM, Defendant T o Sarah Prlne Defendant, IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F OREGON: You are hereby re ­ quired io appear and answ er the re m -' plaint filed against you. In the above entitled Court and cause, on or before; the expiration of the tim e prescribed' In the O rder of publication, to w it: On or before the expiration of six ” rtn-e ..i,i nr,. L e t , Springfield property or acreage close In. Oood place for aummer home Come la and see ua about TRAIN SCHEDULE SPRINGFIELD GIRLS F or Roof R epairing call 232« J WALLOP U. HIGH TEATCI Cateada Lino Eugene. and get reaulta. I. T. Ixmm la, Southbound. loaves Springfield. Victories may not be In »tore {Of experienced and perm anently located. l t ; 7:60 A. M D ally. , the Springfield high school boys’ ---------- -------- ------------------- I Northbound. Springfield at 1:4« P. tra m this year, hot the girls are oat to win w ith tw o first-class team a »ad N O T IC E T O R R O IS T E R E D V O T E R S m . Dally. Tho Election L aw s require the M ain U n e — Bus connection» Have. shown superior a b ility over the U niversity High school (an Clerk to notify every voter who falls , Southbound California tratas, nine baaketeers. to vote In the hl-ennlal election per-; lod (In thia Instance the years 1826 gene at 1:26 A. M . 1:46 P. M , 13.13 Playing on the Eugene floor lafll and 132«J of the rem oval of his T9- P. M . and 6:08 A. M Dally. Friday, the upper division tealfl Northbound California trains. Eu­ ■trangled the U n iversity's hopes for g latratloa card from the voters' Ilia. If you receive such notice you gene ______ at 4:16. 3:17, 13:68 A. M, aad a victory by tossing In enouflB should note the precinct It refera t o , | 7 . M p M baskets to pile up a 30 to 1 scoru. and If you are no longer a re a g e n t * r' Southbound Oregon locals. Eugene a t such precinct you may disregard Then, aa if to add Insult to Injury, the notice. a t 13.26 A. M. and 8:00 and 1 : U P. the low er division team w alked ontS On the other hand. If you are still the floor and tram pled the low er M. a resident of the precinct named in Northbound Oregon locals. Eugene division of the U n ive rs ity prep schooL the card you ahould c a ll o r n otify thia office so we can reinstate you aa at 2:26 and 7 .3 6 A. M. and 3:39 P. M 40 to 3. And the two pointe c re d its ! a voter. to U n lv e ra ity were fouls, c o n vert«! W endling T ra in s In some Instances election boards w ith good tuck. have apparently failed to check the Eaatbound mixed, at Springfield, Playing on the upper division te a s name« o f those voting, thus depriving 9:16 A. M. are: the ofllce of auch Inform ation. T he Westbound mixed, a t Springfield result la annoyance to you and added Forwards. Hannah Shidler. Berth» work upon thia office. 1:60 P. M. Paddock; guards. A rrllla Thompson, In any case we w ill gladly give full V iolet In m a n ; centers H ild a W agner, assistance to your proper regfatra- CARD OF TH A N K S M ary F is h e r; substitutes, W ilm a tton. Be careful lo atate accurately your We wish to thank our many friends Hack. Elaine Arrham beau • name, residence ai.d precinct. and relatives for th eir kindness, words Ix iw er division baaketeers: • R 8. B R Y SO N . C lerk of sympathy and beautiful floral of­ Forwards. Evelyn Jacobson. Neltln J 10-17: ferings In our late bereavement. Sankey, M axine Snodgrass; guard«, Mr». Desale Elllaon and C h ild re n .. Esther McPherson. Dora W agner, W atch repairing done correctly 1 M r. and M rs. James F ranklin ! Audrey Shnltx; centers, Audrey W ork In today— Out tom orrow . H oyt Ellison. Sm ith. Lena Frizzell. Maude Brattata. 331 Main »L tt Rodney E a rle Ellison. thia. Equity In a modern 5-room house at Eugene to trade for Springfield property. Houae la right on pave­ NORTHWEST EMPLOYMENT ment Let ua »how you thia. SUMMONS C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W Emery O N UP-GRADE I f you want to buy a good »hoe «hop ________ come In and see me. I have a dandy. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E o n ’ price« on plate and other work. t f | S T A T E O F O R EG O N , IN A N D FO R ________________ LANE COUNTY. --------- --------1 Portland. Feb. 17. - (Special) - Em- W M. VASBY, Real Estate Phone 73-J Edna Horton. P lain tiff, vs. James M. { 3 1 2 Main St Horton. Defendant E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E | of the west coast continues to IB- Springfield, Oregon To James M. Horton, Defendant: Notice Is hereby given th a t by v lr- crease gradually week by week, a©- In the name of the State of Oregon,! tue of an execution and order of sale! cordln|f to tbe 4L em ploym ent le tta f you are hereby summoned and re- , lir(.clo, u rf Issued out o f the C l r |gHOed bere today, which stated that In Our Household noticeably less unemploF- Flapper (fro m u p s tairs !—“ Is the qulred to appear and answ er the Com 3 f# e t' the" C* trlc ts Is being Increased. tlon M arch 10.1837. 53 1-3 f e e L t h e n c e n o rth tlon thereof. Date of first publica­ M O H O G E. Attorney for P lain tiff.: S U M M O N » 103 fe e t to th e p la c e ot tion. January 13. 1927. 682 W illa m e tte S treet. Eugena. Ora-i M arriage Licanaes Issued W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorney» for beginning together w ith the tene-^ M argaret W h ite. P la in tiff, va, David During the past week the county P lain tiff, Post Ofllce Address, Eugene, ments. hereditam ents and appurten j F ra n k lin W h ite . Defendant. J 27: F 3-19-17-24: M 3-10: •« ances thereunto belonging or In a n y ‘ clerk has Issued m arriage license» ta To David F ra n k lin W hite. Defendant. Oregon. wise appertaining, all being In Eu- the follow ing couples: Paul GarbodSB IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E J. 13-39 37: F 3-19-17-24: O F O R EG O N . You are hereby re­ gene. I-ane County. Oregon, subject ’ aB(| Em m a H a rr ie tt Davis, both of quired to appear and answer the com­ to mortgage Hen of defendant C ® « * * L o Wei| Andrews and Y li- SUM M O NS plaint filed against you In the above ental L ife Insurance Company, a c o r -.“ ’’ ", w -, o r tio n gle Neet, both of D exter; N o rv a l N e ll entitled ault on or before six weeks IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E p poration. S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R L A N E l Now. therefore, tn the name of th e 'a n d L ila M urdock, both of M a rc o l*! ; from the date of the first publication COUNTY. j State of Oregon, in compliance w ltn E d w ard Pruyn and H azel R uth Ratu- of thia summons, and If you fa ll so to appear and anawer. for w ant th e re ­ Gen H. D itto and Anna M. D itto , his; »»id execution and order o f sale and of Eugene; and to Ab« of. the p lain tiff w ill apply to the Court wife, plaintiffs, va. A. L. S te a rn s , In order to satisfy said Judgment. «»•; Velm a Rnrch both of Lor­ and Jane Doe Stearns, h l. w ife, or »«rest, attorneys fees, costs of suit Koch and Velm a Burch, both o f ta>r- for the re lie f demanded tn her com­ plaint. to-w lt: F or a decree of this If deceased, th e ir unknown heirs. ! xnd accruing costs. I w ill on Satur- ane. Court forever dissolving the bonds of N o rthern Counties Investm ent Com da.v the I2 ,h day of M arch. I®*"- a t -------------------------------- m atrim ony now existing between the pany, lim ited, a corporation, a n d 1 tlx® hours of one o'clock In the after- It Didn’t W o rk p la in tiff and defendant, and for such Alao a all other unknown unknown parties nartles who who n- SPECIAL OFFER DR. N. W. EMERY O flN T IS T Sutton Bids- Funeral Director Springfield, Oregon. M. 0 . HOGE Attomey-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon |>OR SALB—Carbon paper In largw sheet«. 2«x8t Inch«», «ululile t«v making trnalnga. The l»ewe Offloa. For health and appearance sake beware the splintery floor D . W . R oof SPRINGFIELD 6RAVEL GO. ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish Wright & Son