THURSDAY PKHKUAllV 17 lt>$7 T l I K S P R IN G F T K U D N K W 8 Lane County Farmers Union News n a A t T i IO on O F F IC IA L » P U I X B L IC N PRUNE MEETINGS TO BE HELD IN LANE ORCHARDS O FFICER'S OF L A N K C O U N T Y F A R M E R S ’ U N IO N L A AN C O O U U N N T T Y Y U U N N IT IT NO HO. . ------------------------------------------------ L N ! ! C « - By Special j Community News Correspondents | WHEAT PRICES STEADY; (. POULTRY MEETING TO BE HELD IN EUGENE POTATO DEMANDS LIGHT A s|ieclal poultry ollnlc will be held Little change In wheat prices is nt the Chamber of Commerce In Eu­ noted and It appears that the carry A aeries of f°ur meeting* in over from this year's crop will be gene February 83 The meeting Is he lug held by mquest of Ihe poultry pro­ GARDEN WAY prune orchards will be held Thursday UPPER W ILLAMETTE greater than that of a year ago ject committee of the lain« county .a d Friday. February 34 and 35 >n J X ^ a r m i ^ . " ‘ b u , X X * " - ........a am. win be th . Following a short business meeting, L ab . county orch .n l» County Agent Oule. the small son of Mr. and Mr« a very eiijoyahl.« program and basket- htali for much export business ¡only one of It« kind held ihla year. O. C. Fletcher and the county horti- Floyd Lord, is suffering with Inflam social » a s given umler the auspices cultural society are arranging the Wh.desale ......I Vftcc. remain firm. Special attention s i ll be paid to dis- matory rheumatism. of the P.«T. A. of District 180. lust m eetings ! Mr and Mrs, K E Kilpatrick have Friday evening Mrs. W II Auder particularly for red and nlslke clover , easei C. I. L>M. extension hortleultnrlst : The program for the da c includes been enjoying a visit from Mr. Kll son a« chairman of the social com Alfalfa sales are fair with llUte talk on "Management of Baby of the Oregon Agricultural college. ‘ Patrick s father. , m ittee was in charge. After the pro­ changes In price Grass seed prices a will demonstrate the pruning of old' are strengthening with .he rye gras« ¡Chick.’ by II K Cosby, extension lloy Johns, who Is attending Nor gram W. H Anderaon proved to he a es being ..«.red at »1» to »»«M for poultry s|m, lall.t of the Oregon Agri- prune trees, and discuss management ............................... mat. spent the week end at his horn > very efficient auctioneer In disposing Italian, and »13 to »14 a hundred for , cultural college plans to produce larger prunes in the I io .. . lock wh 1« at of the baskets A sum of thirty dol­ at Trent. uerentilal Turf seeds, while quoted 11 «clock Dr » T Johnsen, poultry FARM helps vaUey. S . Mrs Jeanette Clark, teacher of the lars was realised for the piano fund. firm11 are low because of increase., path gla, of the Oregon Meetings will be held as follows: j The P. T. A held a meeting Monday shipments from southern Germane station will talk on rhursttav. February reoniar? 14. at 10 - o ’clock ---- Bumble bees. says II A Scullen. upper grades at the Pleasant Hill Thursday. *ru**lle 1 Howard orchard. Santa Clara, and spe«.ta iu t at O. A. C.. are valuable public school was sick Thursday and evening and decided to put on a pluv The foreign seed I. no. so good a . , ea se. ’ A. 115 .here will he a talk j o’clock at the old James Larson p^neniiers of the tomatoes and cran Friday ......... and Mrs. C K Jordan subsll March II. The proceeds of the plav I on ’’Feeding tirowing Chick»’’ and at the Oregon grown bent. . rchard at Alvadore. 1 berry and the only good pollenlier of lu,,,j In her place. will be added to the piano fund Hairy vetch continues firm w’lh ï I» Dr Johnson will speak on Da Fridav. February “ 35, at ------------- 10 o clock , he ret, cioTer. The value of this crop ------ T T Valentine’s day was celebrated Mrs. J. R. M «»««kN •ntarlMltUMl Mon- .onte dealers anxious io contract at , ierl.l and Hlmll.r of IMullry , meeting will be held at the George in Oregon is »500.00« annually. by the pupils and teachers of the tiny afternoon with « birthday party high as 10 cen t, a pound for the A. It I- W o k in g ,.» - Birthday Widmer orchards, two miles w est ”f Pleasant HUI public school by a for her daughter. Margaret who cele­ l»»7 crop The .red corn supply for , patriotic song, will he song during Eugene on the Crow road At 3 o ’clock Flee Oregon appears good When the bees are living freely In Valentine box and by a hunt for small brated her seventh birthday. ' 'be meeting » meeting will be held at H E Wylie s the first warm days of March in Ore­ heart caudles held on the School little guests were present. The after- The potato market la Inclined io be 1 noon was spent In playing gam«-» weak with prUea aomewhat lower, and gon, the first inspection of the colon grounds. three miles northeast of Eugene Impostar Seeks Fonde which refreshment* w ere ies raav be made The purpose of In A man by the n a n e of A, K Allego,, Bernard Sagaberd. Austin Mathews, after with considerable stocks In storage I BAYS P U R E C U S S E D N E S S «pwetiona Is to see that the bees have Everette Porter. Louis Hathaway and served on furm« and In warehouses In Ihe carrying a letter purp«jr,lng ,o he D j r v (TF M O S T C R IM I A L S stores enough to last until maple Anita Hathaway entered the Pleasant Marjorie Williams and Mildred northwest. Idaho has shipped bu, from the adjutant of thè dlaabled vet­ B A C K O F M O S T c k im . mlo | n d , Hpokane ha« been eolie,tlng Hill highschool at mid year. University of Oregon. Eugene. Ore whether brood Is present and the year, which still leaves a large sur funds throughou, the state. An In Annette Mattyou, Hasel Knull an.l J. R. Meeks p ,b 1 7 _ )S p ecia l)—While many crim-. queen laying ring Care Car* is t taken a .e n . that ... t K >b,„ r b a v e eho.en Mrs. Harrington, teacher In district plus The United States ha* shipped vestlgatlun ha* proven tha, thè peperà nals violate the law because their brood Is no, chilledI by represent the Pleasant HUI high l^O. and daughter Arllne have return I only 10.600 car* more than last year, he carrtea are ,org«»d Business houses brains are diseased, most of them cold air. Weak colonies q ,,-hool nt the O. A. C. educational ed to school after a week’s absence which does nol nearly take up the In are notlfied 1« Ibis effe«-, by Ibe state U ve so much ’pure cussedness." or | . | attention If d i.ea a . * “ L itto n . department o, the American Ix-gton. from Illness crease«, pnslucilon over 1»35. leslre for notoriety or a thrill, that J» P - " “ ’ X X .U n le s s The follow ,„« C ass officer, have Mr snd Mrs. II. E Wylie spent the hey think of nothing else, declared, f o ^ t h * wron< wlth chosrn ,„ e Pleasant Hill high w eekend at Toledo. Oregon. w„h Must Have Style thelr daughter. Ludle. who 1s teach- ; Friend of F a th e r -“Why don’, you L,ukr S. May. Seattle criminologist, • cho° l reaterdav in the second of a series of them ing school »here. Join the navy?" ________ _______ ____ Seniors: President. Daisy Winfrey. Ye Modern S h lek —“N o, Fr me Th- tortures given before students of the Vegetable gardeners of Oregon are vice president. Mary Mae Lindley, ! trousers are too tight around ,h» ichool of law. THURSTON showing consiaerame considerable interest -T he regrettable fact is that m at w- showing imerem In .0 the .... secretary treasurer. H ale, Knull. re- ankle. on t hare officers trained to preserv- U8e of a substitute for glass to cover porter. Bessie Fegles. class ad vlso.. Mr« spnrk» from Blue River vlaltnl vegetable garden- Miss Bendshadler evidence scientifically.” Mr May - hot - - beds, — says ----- — the -»>>“ — «ten- Ml«« Bendshadler T here Is a dlffsrencs last Thursday with Mra Arch Slough First Gossip — "1 hear Dr. Zankee laid Investigators In their teal to Ing department of the state college J Juniors: President. Clarence Mon Mr. William llenaon'a brother and The most widely used substitute 1« son. vlcespresldent. Bernard Sagaberd. family motored up from Portland and beats hl* wife something terrible ’’ Ind evidence are often like the crlm- Laxative Aapirin Vens Awbrev. spent the firs, o , the weak with him Second G«iealp—"Oh n o — he la a nal In his commission of the crime, a treated muslin material called glass secretary treasurer. cloth or cloth o ’ glass, which has the class reporter. Austin Mathews, ser- Cold Tablets soth being so Interested In their pro­ l.ast Friday evening there wer» di-ntlst He crowns her.” jects that they overlook small details. reputation of providing the violet rays géant at arms. Paul Hardtn. class about one hundred frtenda and neigh- An effective tablet that The feeble minded persons w„h no of the sun. Henry Readel of The adviser. Mr. Kilpatrick bora of Mr and Mra. A. B. Mathews will afford you relief from Sophomores President. Nina Dtl who gathered at their home and gave m o tio n s Is the dangerous type. Mr. Dalles has made this material for sale TIME AND PLACE OF • feverish iicss. m u s c u l a r May pointed o u t and they should be for some time The first cost of the 1er; vice-president. Darllne Hull; sec them a house warming Mr Mathews LOCAL MEETINGS p a i n s a n d headaches C anary- First Wednesday. Third • Clifford Baxter: Jus, completed and moved Into hl« eared for in an institution in order to glass cloth is less than glass, but It retary-treasurer. which accompany colds. Is not so durable. class reporter. Vida HUI: sergeant nt new hou«e which coa, nearly »6000 Raturday, Farmers Union Hall. • protect society. A successful agent to __________ . ____ arms. Bob Llndly: class adviser Mr Cloverdale— Second and F n.ifth * Mrs Roy Edmlnston and Mrs Ira keep the bowela open—-a Fridays. I ,overdale School Hou»s • Gray attended a meeting of the Texas That Salesman Complex | Hannchen is the best barley for Kilpatrick. necessary condition , o Freshmen: President, Kcnneeth club In Eugene las, Weilnesduv Creswell—First and Third Tues • successfully c o m b a t a Home Owner—“Get out of this yard « P H « " McKenale; vice-president. Bob Mon­ William Henson Is now enjoying' days. Craewell. M. W. o, A Hall • or I w ill whistle for my dog. ” COr<“ n^ “ ‘ he 7 ’ "" " ¿ „ a, cold. Guaranlo-d and r«- son; , secretary-treasurer. Emma Ol­ elm-trie lights having his house con-j Coast Fork—Second and Fourth • Peddler—"Al’ r lg h t - a l’ r ,« h ,-b u , tlon. This variety should be sown a, «»mniended by The Ilex- son; class reporter. Maurice Clark; nected up laa, Thursday. Thursdays. Farm Union Hall. • can , I sell von one o these nice »be rate of 8 pecks per s e r e I, Is a all Hture. sergeant at arms. Alvin Olson: class Mr. and Mrs. Curtis ITIce nnd Perry IMnobo— F its, Tueeday. Dansbo • pickle-plated, trlple-pea. t r i 1 11 n g bearded barley bu, threshes very i adviser. Mrs. Cooper. Price, also Jay Gran,, who are attend School Iloose. ' w histles to relieve the wear and tear clean and so there is no, the -’iffl<’"Ly Pleasant Hill did no, play Mohawk Ing O. A. C. at Corvallis, visited their j Doreoa—8econd and Fouth Tues- • v, in drilling this variety that is often on yon P- encountered with other barley vari­ high school Friday February 11 as parents here the pus, week-end. days. Dorena Chur«*. * ï t ls extremely Imp«,r,an, that expected Instead a game was played Many agents for electric w ash ers; Hadleyvllle — Firs, and Third ’ e tie s. Blonde Bess Opines with the second srting of the Eugene are callers here and demonstrating j Thursdays, Hadleyvllle School * barley be sown early. Seeding In high school a, McArthur Court In , their machines. Heceta— First Sunday of each « “Dick is such a considerate fellow. March or early April will give the best Eugene previous ,0 the Eugene-Cor- j Mr. and Mrs. John Edmlston recelv-1 month. H sc sU School House. • I Ie holds me on his lap every night results. Barley will not do so well Laxa n f! Bolil only at the Itexall Thurston b„V boys. till you say I am to blame for this cd to Medford lust Saturday and s p e n t! ««its should be seeded at the rate of Spencer Creek—Third Friday. • Store. Mr. Audry Olson of Pleasant Hill Is eeident. How come?” « the week end In visiting Mr. Welsa' J Pine Grove Bcboel House. • Local C op-"B ecause this o t h e r » »»»bela «» tbe • “ * suffering with an attack of the flu. 2 5 C brothers, who live there. Many students are out o , school due I Arch Slough motored to Portland • Trent—Second and Fourth Wed * river's rather Is mayor, his brother F a ir Enough • aeedayn. Pleasant HUI High * 1 chief of police and I’m keeping com- to sickness last Saturday returning Sunday even- • School Bldg. • “W e ’ve adopted the new Scotch Na­ any with his sister.” , ing. • Becretariee w ill please send In * tional Golf rule a, this club." Mr. and Mrs Byers from Portland Gee. Of Aoe • time and place o , meeting and • “What ia It?" Ed Pudy’s Philosophy spent the week-end with Mrs. Byers’ "Wanna buy a car?" • change« of date » • they may vw* * "Members will refrain from picking “Comparin' women to flowers is | aunt. Mrs. A. W. Weaver. •’Not that one. It’s smoking." • ear. * life fitting and proper. When they up loat golf balls until they stop roll­ Miss Flossie Herrington from Mon • • • • • • • • • • "Well—it's old enough ” ing d e—they dye mouth spent the week-end with her sister. Mrs William Henson Miss Maud Russell and Mias Mar I Jory Grant, who attend Normal a, Monmouth, »pen, the week end with ! home folks. Several people met a, the home of | Mrs. Harblt Tuesday evening and nr- I ganlxed a teacher’s training class. The ' next meeting Is to he held at Ray j Of our used ear values. You will find that It is distinctly to your advant­ Baugh's next Tuesday evening. age to buy your used car through the Pettljohn organization. Not onh Frank Camptiell lost one o, his will you find an unusually wide selection of good standard automobiles, horses Tuesday evening. hut you will also find our prices to be as low as possible and oui terms and Mrs. Farrel has been seriously III methods convenient and reasonable. You will find, too, that it pays to nt the home of her daughter. Mrs. deal with a concern whose dependability has been firmly established. William Ruth, hut Is Improving now The grade school enjoyed a valen­ tine box Monday afternoon. C. W Allen. Vida, President * W. I. Seal.. Eugene. Vtce-Preal- dent. ■ Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Qroee • Secretary Treasurer Walter Morgan. Creswell, Con due-* tor * H. H. Smith, Eugene, Doorkeep­ er. . O, L. Clement. Wa tervllle. Chap- • ' lain.________ 1 1 i il 5! Flanery’» Drug Store a»- ^ssü i W e Invite Comparison We are now offeiing the following good med car«: Jewett Coupe, a classy looking car, new ditco finish. Overland Touring Chevrolet Truck, late model with disc clutch, screen body. Dodge Touring, very good in every way. Buick Touring, priced very low. Buiofc "4” Roadster, a good little car. Star Touring. Overland Coupe. Ford Touring with Ruxtell Axle. Buick Sport Touring Oldsmobile Sedan. Chevrolet Tourirg3. as low as $85.00. Ford Tourings, as low as $75.00. Auburn Roadster, a car that has been carefully used. Gardner Touring. Nash Touring. Buick Country Club Coupe. EASY TERMS GOOD QUALITY LOW PRICES F. W. Pettyjohn Co. 7th and Olive Streets Open Evenings Eugene, Oregon Have Baby Girl— Mr. an«! Mrs. Cur­ tis O. Park«-r arc the proud parents of a baby girl, born Sunday at their Fairmount home. The Parkers form­ erly lived in Springfield. Sired Him Up Shopper—"I would like to ge, »«wne diamonds for my wife." Clerk—“Glassware- next aisle.” G a rre tt’s Old Tim e Dance Dreamland Tuesday N ig ht. Free. Hall. Eugene, Every Tickets 75c. Ladles V is it Pollard Residence— Mr and Mrs W. 8. McDaniels of Multnomah and Mrs. MacDonald of Tigard were visitors at the residence nt Dr W. H. Pollard Sunday. Mr. McDaniels un­ derwent an operation Monday, and Mrs. McDaniels and Mrs. Mac Donald returned to tbelr respective horn-s Monday. o/ng away? A void worry and uncertainty by conaiateot oae o f Long Distance — to keep in touch w ith thoae at home an«l w ith your busineu; — to secure just the traveler'i accommo­ dation:, you want; — to make your busineaa and aocial ap­ pointments in advance. Long Distance Telephone Service carries your voice /ro w anyw htrt t« tv try w b trt— speedily and economically. Public telephone« are conveniently located in 70,000 cities and towns in the United States. Consult any telephone directory for ex­ amples o f rates, especially attractive evening an«, nigh, rates. Call Long Distance for rates not listed. cufwywAarv la ntrywhan hy L u g D i i I m u u T U B P A C IF IC T E L E P H O N E A N D T E L E G R A P H C O M P A N Y