<* PRINTING I h t h * liiHepurable companion of achlev«- ment. 0. Library THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS tw enty - fourth year CITY WOULD GIVE LOT FOB B U I » UPRINGPIBLD, IxANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 17, 1927 LUM ANDERSON SELLS E n g in e e r OUT GAS STATION TO . f . logan and c. cook P r o g r e s s WOOLEN MILL CONTRACT ' IN COMMITTEE H A N D S , STOCK SALE TO BE RAPID M a k in g on S p a n • p ir e A Pape«** L IV I N IW W A P M IN A L I V I T O W N NUMBER « WRECK VICTIM 15 IMPROVING SLOWLY The signed agreement by which the backers are to raise *«50,000 for the new woolen mill and Springfield peo­ ple to sell *100,000 worth of stock waa Errol Parker, Who Narrowly Community Hall Backer» Told delivered to the Chamber of Com-1 Escaped Death When Train That City Would Furnish Lot merce committee last Friday. C. N. | Hit His Car on Second Street at Fourth and B.; Truck« Coseboom, Klamath Falls, Glen Hord.1 Portland, and Wm. Hlalkle, of Browns- j Crossing, is in Critical Condi­ May b« Made Unload In vllle. were here with the agreement j tion. Alley». algned up. The backers of the new proposition1 The condition of Errol Parkrr, For a community hall alia the coun­ are very optimistic and believe they Springfield youth who was critically cil ugreed to «Iva lh» lot al Fourth will get all the Mock sold within the , injured in an automobile and tral» and II street al Ila mantin« Monday next two or three months. The flrst collision here last Saturday, today evening A committee from ilia civic unit to be built of the new mill will waa reported to be Improving and Dr. club and faritiara union told lh« coun­ be a large warehouse which it Is ex­ Eugene Kester, attending phslclaa, cil llo,y »era working on plana for ii pected will be filled with wool by the held out optimistic hopes for the In­ community bulldln« and daalretl a time the mill Is completed In the fall. jured man’s recovery. alt» II la ogfected that lh« farmara Mr Rlafkie is resigning his position Widespread Interest has been shown and townspeople will cooperate In V -, Gfci’i .tiiiL ä J i as manager of the Brownsville Woolen in the condition of Parker since the building a large structure which will Mills on March 1 and will devote all accident In which he and his brother, servo aa eenetel m»etlng place his time to the new proposition. Roland, narrowly escaped instant The Mount Vernon local lost Ila Tris Speaker, greet American He expects to be here for the meet­ death at the Second atreet crossing. new halt by (Ire two y»ara ago and la HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ,o pla,ln< ,h*' hrl<,*’‘ "n ,h" oW p,*'ra' League outfielder, will romp in cen­ on th» ground that It will eliminate ing at the Eugene Chamber of Com­ An operation Sunday disclosed that analoua lo rebuild In town, where lira ATTEND MEET AT 0 . A. C. direct course through from Main ter for Bueky Harris's Washington merce February 2ft. and will explain Errol Parker had suffered a puncture and police protection la afforded The Senators this summer. Cleared street, one of the strong reuaonn for with Ty Cobb, he accepted the cap­ Just what kinds of material and pro- of the small intestine, and since treat- Womens civic club la foalerln» the Four Springfield high school atu due ta that will he turned out of the ment of this Injury, the young man's itai city bid aa beeL movement In Springfield and Mra. dents will attend the educational ex­ building a new bridge. Reports that property holders to b* new woolen mill. condition has appeared to Improve Paul Brattaln and Mra William position at Oregon Agricultural Col­ affected by the right-of-way for the INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC Donaldson appeared before the coun­ slowly. lege aa delegates of the local school. new span have been raising objec­ cil. HAVING ITS RUN HERE P- T. A. MEETING TO For the flrst time since the accident, High school students from through­ tions. are unfounded. It Is said, be­ Receipt of (he dead for the old out the state will attend the Ur Errol's mind seemed to clear yester­ BE HELD ON FRIDAY cause until the state surveys are made Southern Pacific street car piers and Although tnfluenxa is rampant In day morning, and he waa able to speak meeting at Corvallis. public. It la not known to what ex­ some of the Eugene schools and the rl«ht-of-way waa acknowled«ed by an An entertainment program will fea rationally to attendants. Those to go from here are Joe tent property Is to be affected. ordinance bain« read for the first epidemic has reached many resi­ ture Friday night's meeting of the Roland, who waa driving the auto- Thompson, Aaa Robley, Marjorie A new rumor waa current thia week time before the council. Llndaey and Naomi Carlton. Re pre» to the effect that the Southern Paci­ dences In Springfield, the effect on Parent Teachers association, to be mobile at the time of the crash, wee W euld »top Truoka Unloading enllng the faculty will be Miss fic company will establish 40 minute attendance at local schools has as yet held at 7:30 o'clock at the Brattaln only slightly hurt. An ordinance waa proposed prohi­ been negligible, according to Super­ school. Tfie event will celebrate the The car, a light coupe, after being Francis Hodge service between Eugene and Spring- intendent V. D. Bain today. biting trucks from unloading prodbee thirtieth "birthday” of the Parent- canipd for more than 100 yards by Reports of the meeting will be field when the new span la ready and marrhandlaa al the front door nt , i i i, .a “There are. of course, a few cases, j Teachers organisation, and a large ' the eastbound Oakridge train, was de- given by (he delegalea upon their re­ at or<-a. and requiring them to unload turn from Corvwllla. m i *" ,n i", * ? ,<>** ,,*/ Un they are scattered throughout the birthday cake with 30 candles will be a posited beside the track demolished. In the alley. Councilman laid the _______________ °u ' .* / <'On" ' *"7' pO"" ’ *' »ohiMils and nothing like a serious not unimportant feature of the meet- When the train came to a stop. Ro- *r,*‘n* ,,me * * *“aaaa , attendance situation has developed," j lnr land had miraculously leaped to th« ordinance nn the table to coma up at c p o iN G F I E L D D R O P S neat meeting. H wo pon a w tona era y najd , he gUperlntendent. > Dr Sykes, pastor of the Methodist pilot of the engine and was cling4»« A report of the health o ffic e for the HARD TILT TO CROvE " ,w" n ugene City Health Officer Pollard report- church, will speak. Readings and desperately to his less fortuMfS year 1*2* waa received nn pr nn t ( an n n< r< an ng p<| ( ■ - Thia Is the theory of the driver, hint* Boy Scouts of America, were elected, GUARD O N MARCH 1 0 March. Mrs. Dora Lyons, a resident of Ore- ' self. The car, he thinks, was pushed and financial plana for 1827 were I Tonight, Springfield will tackle the highly-touted University high school gun since 1864 and a well known Preparatory to federal Inspection I ahead of the engine on the track« shaped when the council met last Fri­ team here. While Springfield hardly latna county pioneer, died at her Jas- if file Springfield unit of the Oregon INTEREST IN GARAGE until the train came to a stop. day. O. G. Bushman was namnd presl- hopna to come out the winner to- per residence Saturday afternoon, fol National Guard, regimental Inspec­ Roland says that the afternoon son BUILDING PURCHASED dent. W. C. Robben. Seoul Commla- night, nevertheless Coach Fenwick's lowing a brief Illness. Funeral ser- tion will be conducted this week by was io his eyes, and that he neither alon’-r, and W <1 Hughes chairman haaketeera have been showing steady vires were held Monday at the Jaspe- Major W. O. White of Eugene and James Hemenway of Eugene has saw nor heard the automatic signal of the finance committee Improvement and Coach Frank Rein- cemetery, unedr the direction of W. Captain Vincent Dias. purchased one-fourth interest In the nor did he hear the approaching train .Of the county's *5700 quota for Scout hart's protegees are not going to walk F. Walker. Springfield motlclan. The federal Inspection will take garage building at Fifth and A street, until It was upon him, to late for stop­ amrk. the Springfield quota la (300 away with the honors without a Born In Iowa In 18*2. Mrs. Lyons place on March 10, with the local erected more than a year ago by ping or shooting across the track« The council decided to raise thia by j tussle. , i roesed the plains with her parents. guardsmen undergoing a “once-over" George Perkins and James Laxton, untouched. asking those who contributed thia I — .i n— — , Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Barber, when but by officers of the regular army. and now housing the Danner Motor Hospital attendants at the Paclfid amount last year to renew their 1 a year and a half old At an early company. It was announced this week. Christian hospital have taken mack pled««» Committees for carrying out j MRS ANNIE COOK OF date »he settled In Oregon and has Mr. Hemenway purchased one-half interest In the case. The youths are Frank Hinsdale D ie t thia rt»n were named, and the drive i WENDLING IS DEAD) lived here , n r a c t lc a llv a all ll th p practically the « lim time of the interest hid by Mr. Prkins. Mr. the sons of John Parker, millwright will be put on soon Mrs. Will Clark has received the Laxton is retaining his full helf-inter- at the Booth-Kelly lumber company since then. She waa a member of the Funeral services were hald Sunday Christian church, and of the Lane news of the death of her brother-in est In the property, it is understood. here, and are well-known in Spring' for Mrs. Annie L. Cook, who died H E W ITT TO SPEAK AT law. Frank Hinsdale, formerly of County Pioneer Association. field. Hundreds of calls have been re­ February 10 at the residence of her Three sons survive: Jesse C. Wal- Springfield, at Lomita, California. Mr. MEETING OF CHURCH daughter. Mra. Klbhy of Wendllng M eeting S tart M arch 1 ceived at the hospital daily asking i lace. Perry M. Wallace and Aden Hinsdale Is survived by his wife, about the condition of Errol. Prof. Roy Hewitt of O. A. C. will be The services. In charge of the Walker I Lyons. Jasper; two sisters, Mrs. formerly of Springfield, and two Plans were completed by the Christ­ B etter Today parlor here, were conducted by Rev the speaker at the meeting of the Clara Morehouse. Eugene, and Mrs. children. Raymond. 21. and Doris, 16. ian church this week for the evangelist The injured boy passed a better Post of the Wendllng Methodist Methodist llrotherhixtd to be held on meetings to be started at the church Effie Elliott, Jasper; one brother, night last night and is now fully con­ February 27 It was announced this church. March 1. with Rev. Small, an evangel­ Perry Barber, Coburg. scious this morning, according to a Legion To Meet Mra. Cook waa aged 72 years, nine week. The meeting waa postponed ist from Kansas, preaching. Choir report from his mother. While th« Important business is scheduled to practice at the church is now being for one week on account of high months and ten days.. She waa born Scouts Swim danger point is not passed yet hi« at DesMolnea. Iowa In 1874 she was school functions The Springfield Scout troopa enjoy­ come up at a meeting of the American held at regular Intrvals. with B*-n relatives are more hopeful for hl» While In Springfield. Prof. Hewitt married to William A. Cook, and to ed a swim at the University plunge [region Friday night, according to Chlngren. new music director, in recovery. wifi address the Springfield high thia union three children were born1 Tuesday night. Thirteen Scouts mad» Commander John Wills. All members charge. The Easter program is being Mr. Parker said today that his fam­ two sons, Emery A. of Bakersfield. school, speaking there In the after-1 the trip, many of (hem passing their were urged to attend the meeting by planned and practice already haa ily wishes to thank the public for the California, and Arthur E of Silverton, noon and al the church In the ev n- the Legion head. started. swimming tests successfully. kindness and sympathy it has shown, and the daughter. Mr». Klbhy of Ing. according to present plans. and declared that thia la doing much Wendllng She also leaves three in keeping up the spirit of the entlrn grandchildren. 11 CHILDREN SURVIVE family, especially that of Errol. THE DARKEST DAY IN HISTORY AGED CRESWELL WOMAN Card Club Meets A delightful evening of cards was LAUGHTERESQUE TO BE Eleven children, eight sons nd three enjoyed Friday by the Five Hundred FILLED WITH COMEDY daughters, survive Mra. Berte Marie club at the residence of Mra. Maude Tellefson, who died at Creswell Feb Bryan. Attractive decorations added The program ter Laughteresque. tho ruarv 13. aged 85 years. The funeral to the enjoynbleness of the occasion, annual high school laugh provoker, waa held at the Pleasant Hill church which ended with a delicious one- was announced today. The event will Tuesday, with Rev. W. A. Elkina course lunch. take place at the high school Februar/ preaching and the Walker undertak­ Mrs. J. A. Seavey .was high sco-er 21. ing establishment here In chargt. among the ladles at the tables, and The numbers; Mrs. Tellefaon was born In Norway, Leland Ewbanka carried off men's Music .......................... Audrey Danner and came to the United States when honors. To Be or Not To Be .......... Freshmen nine years of age. Guests hidden were Mr. and Mrs. Three Old Maids Girl's Glee Cl«» The sons are: Theodore, Christian B. A. Washburne. Mr. and Mrs. Ice­ Dorene Larimer, Naomi Carlton, and Clarence of Creswell, Lottie o* land Ewbank. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Jessie Manning Junction City, Martin of Canby, An­ Gay. Errol 1‘nrker. and Mr. and Mrs. Reading ........................ Evelyn Walker drew of Gateway, John of The Dalle» W. J. Scott. Members present were The Pictorial Review ....... Sophomore and George of Redmond, The daugh­ Mrs. Maude Bryan, Miss Crystal Violin Solo .............. Chas. Nadvornik ters are Mrs. Peter Jones of Bend and Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Larimer, Vocal S o lo .................. Dorene Larim er Mlaa Mattle and Mias Alma Tcllefson Mr and Mrs. F. A. DePue. Mr. and The Reign of the Royal Ghost ......... of Creswell, Mrs. W H. Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. S. R ................................................ Junior« Dlppel. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seavey, April & November Boys Quartette Hold V alentine Party Mrs. Grace Roberts, and Welby Romance of Piff-Paff [.and .......Senior Valentine's day served as the In­ Stevens. Jolly Boys ............... Boy's Glee Club spiration for a delightful parly at the Plano Solo .................. Winifred Tyson Methodist church parlors Saturday Plan Chicken Supper evi nlng sponsored by the girls' high The progressive Twenty-two, degree Depot Change Made school class In honor of the boys' club of the Rebekah lodge, will hold N. E. Christensen, formerly with the class. n chicken supper on the evening of Southern Pacific offices at Corvallis, Those present Included Nadine Mc­ Mnreh 3. to which the public Is In­ has been transferred to the Springfield M u r r a y , Evplyn Walker. Doris vited. Receipts will bo turned to the office and will handle the express- Meyers, Evelyn Manley, Elisabeth club treasury. man’s and cashier's positions. Oswald Hughes, Jule Pollard. Elisabeth Johns, The Rebekah lodge members en­ Olson has been transferred from here Pauline Miller, Murgaret Halsey, joyed a "red nnd white” valentine to the Blair street offices in Eugene. Doris Girard, Margaret Oderklrk, party Monday night, with all members Edith. Spencer, and Anette Williams, In red or white costume. Many In­ Sisterhood Meets and the following young men: Peyton teresting features combined to make Springfield members of the P. E. O. Oderklrk. Arthur Potter, Scott Par­ the event a delightful one. Sisterhood attended a meeting held son, Paul Potter, W illiam 'Pollard. Monday night at the D. W. Crites resi­ Paul Parker, latwrence Roof, Thayer Has Operation—Mra. Ix>w Wallace dence in Eugene. Local members are McMurray, Ralph Hughes, E v a n of Jasper underwent an operation at Mrs. W. H. Pollard. Mrs W. F. Walk­ Hughes, Oral Neet, Hartford McVey, the Pacific Christian hospital yester­ er, Mrs. A. J. Morgan and Mrs. Lyda Joe Thompson. day. McGowan. » J4É Hale of the servie» elation at Fifth and A atreet by Lum Anderson to Use of Old Piers Aeeertedly Opposed by State Board; Frank Logan and ('. C. Cook of Springfield waa announced thia week. Plane About Ready The deal waa handled by the Wm. Definite plana und spécifications for Veaby real natala office. Mr Andereon haa operated the gaa the naw Springfield-Eugene bridge »tat Inn hare for three years, during ®»«r lh'- Willamette river ere well which time he has built up a hustling »' '»»" •«*»• engineer's of- business. Although not situated on flee, and will probably be ready for the highway to draw transient trade, submission to the »late highway com-1 the station haa bean patronised ex mission at Its February meeting, ac­ cording to K. K. Morrison, bridge tetialvely by local motorists. Following relief from the cares it committee chairman. who was in hla present hualnaaa. Mr Anderson '