t h e srR iN O inra.n m PAGE EIGHT SPR IN G FIELD R. N. A. TO EN TER TA N VISITO R S Week One hundrvd delegale» » ili I»« eh te ria In ad hy th» Springfield Koy.il Natahbora »1 thè dlstrlct convention «o b«> conduci ed here Fabruary 1# I» waa ststed *1 a Btoetlag uf Ih» locai lodge at Ihe berne of Mra W Il Stearmer vesterday. Kugene, t're»-1 well. t'ottagv Orava, and Marcela »III bc represented Orili work al Ihe convention wlll ; be In charge of thè Rugane delegatimi A rthur Brisbane GOOD LENDING. GOV. SMITH-MR. McADOO. IF CARNEGIE. * 1, MO.000,000 FOR GOLF. If North and South Laaburg Man H era—Jack Monlgom ery of Lenbuig >»ns a Sprln«fl«ld y teller today. Emery In Town— I*. II Kmerv Douglas Gardens paid Spr.ngfieh business vielt today. America •annot set before the rest of the world an example of peace and common sense, something is wr ig with North or South America. T.iis year the Latin Republic will spend FOR SALE $1*0,000.000 developing railroads, and most of the money will be borrowed in the United States. Chile Is negotiating a $40.000.000 loan in New York to electrify the Chilean State Railways. Apparent­ ly those South America!» republics have public officials sufficiently honest and competent to manage State railways. The financing of desirable indus­ trial enterprises in South America bv United States banks is a useful investment for American money. would accept only special bonds, wouldn't take preferred stock as a g ift, laughed at the common stock saving it wasn’t even water, it waa “ air." Recent figures would sur­ prise and probably annoy Mr. Car­ negie’s Scotch thrift. The steel company in 1926 earned $199.004.- 741. enough to pay $17.96 a share ®n the common stock, a new record ©f peace-time prosperity in the ■teel business. ■ 1 ■ M b One billion dollars will be spent ©r. new golf courses anil clubhouses th is vear, including the cost of 1,- C00 new golf dubs sta llin g and maintenance of old dubs. If the nation could build a thousand new flying machines, one for each new g o lf dub, to protect the links and placid gentlemen playing on them, i t would be a good thing. Dry' raiders seise $26.000 worth • f '-blending" machinery used to manufacture benediction, chartro- !>«<., mm > cthev liqueurs. The "blend­ ing" ha» been going on, full blast, tor four months. Many an A me ri­ sen has damaged his muco ■» mem- fcawaey absorbing the p ict at flkak stodiinery. Governor Ritchie, of Maryland, Mmaeif widely discussed in con­ nection with the Democratic Presi­ dential nomination, says Governor Smith, of New York, “is the out­ standing Democrat in the United States." On the other hand, Mr. Milton, editor of the Chattanooga News ■ays William G. McAdoo is the only man for D p . t its to nomin­ a te . Mr Milton . -y s Governor Smith cannot be nominated be­ cam e “the country is seventy per cent dry, and no wet can be elec­ ted to the Presidency." Governor Sm ith’s friends say, “wait, and John D. Rockefeller still has the New lo r k Stock Exchange seat that he bought in 1883, fort; -foui years ago. He never uses it, keepi it perhaps to remind him of olc days when he was making money for himself before he began spend­ ing his millions in Rockefeller Foundations, institutes, fighting disease— for other people T'iat seat, which probuoly coat Mr. Rockefel’er less thar. $50,000 he could sell now for $180,000. If he holds it a Htttle longer, it will be worth $200,000. Russian husbands and wives will be interested in th eir mail fron now on. For a divorce you simplj notify the authorities that yoi want it, then send word to yout better half through the post office and that settle« iL You are divore- In China the thing is more seri­ ous. The natives hate strangers aa cats hate dogs. They are tired of watching foreigners spend money, having courts and territory of th< -ir own, and are glad when the tfirc corner to murder a few. The murdering seems to be close at hand. Uncle Srm has some of his ships • e r e , ar.d unpleasant news may he expected. After the Boxer rebellion, when the other nations compelled the Chinese to pry millions in «lam­ ages, this nation handed the money back. * But that won’t help "sir popular­ ity. When Europe was in trouble, Uncle Sam rent an army of two million men, five thousand million dollars, and other thousands of bonis since. C A R D OF T H A N K S We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their kind acts and words of sympathy during the s'ck- nees and death of our beloved wife and mother. Also for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mr. L. W. Elliott, and family. R. Vashy III—R Vas by is reported seriously III with influenxa. * SPRINGFIELD SPECIALS ouS rtn kgAToN Twfc G E f/fc iW AT THE BELL THEATRE Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. — Feb. 1 2 - 1 3 - 1 4 - 1 5 Brief Resume of Happenings o' the Week Collected for Our Readers. Quail and China pheasants have bean killed near Waplnitia in consid­ erable numbers by the recent cold weather. With temperatures ranging from 30 to 40 degrees below sero at the peak of the storm, cattle have suffered greatly. A survey of the broccoli fields of Douglas county indicates that but lit- tl« damage to the crop was occasioned by ths reoent freealng woatbor Dur­ ing the cold spoil growers warn great ly worried for fear that there would bo a heavy lots. The Florence State bank was robbed last weak by a lone, unmasked man of about $13.000 Ml»« Harriet Weat hereon, cashier, waa alona In the baak at the tia a and waa locked la the vault after the robber had taken Staying at Waltarvilla— Mrs May nit the money la sight. Craft has gone to the home of her Charles Cleveland of Greehsm was parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Trotter of appointed by Governor Patterson a Walterllle, and wlll remain there member of the state fair board to sao- during recovery from a recent ceed Horace Addis. Mr. Cleveland Is Illness. mayor of Gresham and rhalrman ol the building committee of the Malt- I re From Jasper— Mr. and Mrs. nomah connty fair board W allace of Jaaper wer©-visitors The new ski course has bean com­ Tuesday. pleted at Swim, une-half'mlle beyond Government camp, according to word received tn Portland recently The i In From Point—W. F. McFarland of course is 12 feet wide and more than Judkins Point paid Springfield a busi­ nne-qusrter mile long It has a lamp ness visit Wednesday. near the end of the course. Registration of men and women at ' the University of Oregon Is nearly ■>qual. according to the report of Vir­ ginia Judy Esterly. dean of women. 5 The total number of women register- i ed amounts to 1356, ooly 168 less than , the number of men enrolled. William Penn Small. 83, civil war veteran, died last week at his home SEVEN REASONS in north Albany Ho was among the first to respond when President Lin­ FOR KANTLEEK’S coln called for 71,000 volunteers at POPULARITY the beginning of the civil war. and took part in most of the prominent battles, serving four years. Mr. Small came to Oregon In 1888 On Decem­ ber I , 1138. he and Mrs Small cele­ brated their 10th wedding anniversary. A market which pays 40 cents a pound for dried rabbit pelts has been found, according to Ira N. Gabrielson, in charge of rodent control work in Oregon. This wlll make extermination of the pests In eastern Oregon profit­ able diundreds of thousands of rab­ bits have been killed and thrown away in eastern Oregon drives during past winters Oregon stands 15 on the list of states In exports of merchandise In the third quarter of 1926. On the sec- If you are looking for farm», city property or »mail chicken rancho» come in and aee ua. We have Home dandles. For Sale— Five room house, good barn, large hen house, all kinds of fruit and berries The house la completely furnished and has two acres of good land right In city limit» for $3000. Business For Sale— Service Station doing largest business In Lane county. Howling Alley, In good »tuall town Trade— Six-room llou»e and two lot» on paved street to trade for small up to $4000. SprinifleM 1» 'going to have the Woolen Mills. So If you want to buy some good building lota come tn and let us show them to you For Rent— I have houses and apart tnnts both furnished and unfurnlsh WM. VASBY 312 Main St. Jffiw promis« to net hii tor beyond hb wildest i i ra l off «ra Here Frees Wendling—Mrs I' E Headman of Wendling was a Spring field visitor Tuesday. Here From Jssoar— A tl Si hwelgi-r of Jaaper ; n‘d Springfield business visti yesterday Hera From Donne— W H Sm ith of Donna was a buslnees visitor here this morning H salth Cruvade On A health craved« wlll be started Monday In th« It’ itlaln school rooms, to continue for three months Credit« for performance of health chorea will be given i s nn Inducement for ths establishment of go-’d health habit» among the children, si cording to Mrs Ora Head Hemenway. principal of the Real Estate Phone 73-J school. W H ER E Q U A L IT Y M EETS cel. attorney» f««ee. coal« of null and securing cost» to eell the following described real properly. Io wit HcwinntnM at the nortbeaal corner of lot *. block SO in Fairmont accord ln< Io the original plat thereof and running "<<• W»»l ' 3 fee’, i i nee rmitth 103 feel, the.icn eaet I ,1 f i e 1. th e n c e n o r th 10 3 f e e t Io t h e p la c e of bevinnlng t« tether with the ten e­ ment!. hereditament» ami apnurlMi rncoa thereunto tieiongiUK or In any wlae appertaining all being in Ku gene. I.atte County, Oregon, subject to mortgage lien of defendant Conttn ental l.ife Insurance Company, a cor­ poration Now. therefore. In the name qf the State of Oregon. In compliance wltn •aid execution and order of »ale and In order Io «atlafy »aid Judgment. Ill terest, attorney« fee«, coat» of suit and arcrnlng cost». I will on Satur­ day the 12th day of March. 1927. at the hour» of one o'clock In the after­ noon of »aid day. at the Southweal front door of the County Court House, in Kugene. tame County. Oregon, of­ fer for aale and aell for cash. at pub- ll> auction, aubjecl to redemption aa provided by law. all of the right title and Internet of aald defendant» Tad McKy and Grace McKy and the Con tlnental Life Insurance Company, a corporation, and all peranna claiming by, through or under them or any or either of them In anil to and premises FRANK K TAYLOR. RtierllT. luine Count/, Oregon F. 10-17 !«: M 3 10 C O N F I P ,E N C E Laraway’s Shopping News Latest N ew Spring TOP COATS Featuring Advanced Style Notes They’ve arrived, fellows, and we’ve got them ready for your choosing. Such Bmart new colors and fine fabrics combined with perfect styles will make these models exceptionally popular. Long, loose hanging models with three button and two button effects. Very specially priced at. Uubreakbale Stopple. Stopple Socket molded Into rubber. No rivets or cement to hold It la place. No seams or binding to become loosened. No patches to come ofT. Pure Para Rubber. Molded In one piece. That’s why 11 can’t leak. U n iv e r s a l guarantee for two years. Combining Quality, Value and Style! Choice of New Light Shades! LARAW AY DEPARTMENT STORE Laraway Bldg. Flanery’s Drug Store n© W HERE 966-968 Willamette Street Q U A L IT Y M EETS A. A. McDonald, Mgr. C O N F ID