PAGE SEVEN TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURHIlAY FEBRUARY 10, 1»27 ROOM REFAIRING Thrice on Sundays For Roof Repairing call 23Z5 J Eugene, and get results. I. T. Loomle. experienced and perm anently locate J it . r e x z ~ l ~ i r f .'TTlfT~J — ——— — ——— . . . . . . . . ..e « QUALITY lllt.lUMH D«lly«ri.d at! Call Fred llo»«urntun a t] your door 86. W A N T E D — To trado (or a c re««*. Good boa«« and 1 H loin In Spring Hold, <>nu lilocli oft rare m e n t. Pivo block« troni mill. Box 120. if r n F r ill M A LE—C a rb o * paper In la rr* ■borla. *6 x 3 * lachea, ■attable toi Ibakiiig tr »ul tige T he n e « « O NI m N O T IC E OP F IN A L N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R » . Notice Is hereby given by the un- dcrelgned that he has been, by the order of the County Court of I-ane County. Oregon, appointed aa admlu- latalo r o f the estate of Charles A. G ayeau, that creditors of said estate are hereby notified to preeent th eir ■aid claim» to the adm lnletrator. at the offices of Sm ith A Evans, his attorneys, at 414-»-« M iner Building. Eugene. Oregon. w ithin els month« from the dale of thia notice. Gated January 10th. 1*37. T H. Uoyeau. Adm inistrator S M IT H A E V A N S . Attorney«. J 1110 27: P 110 N O T IC E O P P IN A L H E A R IN O N O T IC E is hereby given that 8 Mog- eneea. the adm lnletrator of the «State uf M rs B McCorklndale. deceased, has filed hla final account aa such adm lnletrator. end that Saturday, the 2«th day of February. 1017. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of s a il day and the County Cour room In the Codirt House at Eugene. Lane Coun­ ty. Oregon, hae been fixed ae the tim e and place for hearing and settling ■aid final account, A ll persons hav­ ing objections to said final account are hereby notified to file said objec tlons In w riting w ith the clerk of said court on or before said date. B M O G E N 8 K N . Adm inistrator. J 27: P 3-10-17-24 S IN E S S SETTLEM ENT! Teacher of Plano Mr». Laland Svarvtrud Teacher of Violin 132 - 7th 8t. K. WM. G. HUGHES AUTO NOTARY IN S U R A N C E P U B L IC O ffice at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oregon » p r ln g fls ld , Call BUTTON TRANSFER Phone 57 DR. N. W. EMERY d e n t is t Phone 20-J button Bldg. 163-M Phone Residence Practica I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City H a ll Building Springfield. Ora. FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W NOTARY Button Building P U B L IC Springfield, Oregon. ' M. G. HOCE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon Transact Bualne»« H a r t— Mrs. C. F. L eith of M otor Route B was a bual- B«a visitor here Monday. o p t t i o' m b * MT by Joba Joseph Games, AL D COLDS. Colds »re not “simple ailment«." Here are some things to be remeiw- bered: (1) All colds are infectiou s— contagious. (2) The carelese “sneexer” muR he shunned carefully. (8) Colds are the result of germ invasion. (4 ) They are invariably carried from person to person. ( 5 ) They are not caused by exc poaure to cold, or by changes in the weather. The latter statement may be doubted; but the fact remains that, prolonged exposure to cold and % wet, weakens the resistance of the body, and permit« the germs to multiply rapidly: wre may carry germs for years, that never de­ velop sufficiently to make us sicx, because our resistance is capable of hojding them in check. Then comes prolonged effort, cr ex­ posure, and the enemy asserts it­ self. Colds are unlikely, if the body is in first-class condition. Good, •vhol-some. nutritious loo-i is a preventive, if properly Liken. Ample, comfortable doth ng, ul--»i'y of rest and sle-p and a tv»»R;!-U state ol mind, will keep eoW in the backt--ouiuL • If you have a eoi.l, correct t e bowels and kidneys, ami stay in­ doors'till w fll; you have no right to appear at gatherings, snort, sneexe and cough— to infect ot'ier'. To sneere in thu general d!»i of everybody is a crime committed only by ‘be very ignorant. Hot lemonad-s teas and foot-bath-» are cld re—*A»ea. but v-rv •i.-eful. Surface ciieulation m ost be •”ain- tdpod end the eo’d skin brought back to c c - :al. N O T IC E O P P IN A L SETTLEM ENT Notice la hereby given th a t George L. Mast A d m ln letrator of the Estate (lf George E. Mast, deceased, has nied his final report and account as guch w (lh th e C lerk of the County J 10-17: Court of lam e County. Oregon, and | the Court has set Monday, the H t h I C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W Em ery W atch repairing done correctly prlce, cn p,Bte BBd w o rk . u day of Pebruary 1837. at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon In the County Court Work in today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt ____ ___________ Room In the Court House a t Eugene, 111 M ain sL Lane County. Oregon, ax the tim e and TRAIN SCHEDULE place to hear objection« to the same, SUMMON* S U M M O N '» and for the final settlem ent of said Cascade Line Estate. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O P T H E Springfield. IN T H E C IR C ,'IT C O U R T O P T H E QIOOHGK L. M A S T , Adm inistrator. Southbound. leaves S T A T E O P O R EG O N , IN A N D PO R S T A T E OR O R EG O N IN A N D FO R i W E L L S A W E L IJ t. Attorneys. LA N E COUNTY. 7:50 A. M D ally. LANE COUNTY. , J 13-10-27: P 110 Edna Horton. P lain tiff, vs James M. Northbound. Springfield a t 2:46 P. Lawrence Urine, Plaintiff, va. Sarah -- H o rton, Defendant. Pr!ne. Defendant N O T IC E O P T H E S A L E O P 8 P R IN O - To James M. Horton. Defendant: M D aily 7 n ° ™ T name o ^ t h e sta te improvement bonds In (be name of the State of Oregon. M ain Line— Bus connection» H e r e ., you are hereby summoned and re-1 Southbound C alifo rn ia train». En­ O P O REG O N You are hereby re y ju T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , that In .,.« « « u 1-45 P M 1210 qulred to appear and answer the com- B,.Pordance with the provisions o f quired to appear and answ er the Com p laint filed herein against you. In the gene a t 1.25 A. M.. 1.4» r. as, s*sw plaint filed against yon. In the above o r(>,nance Num ber 514 of the Tow n of entitled Court and cause, on or before Hp rinKfi«.|<». Lane County, Oregon. th e | above entitled suit and Court w ith in p. M., and 8:68 A. M. Dally, the expiration of the tim e p rescribed , <-(ty Recorder w ill receive sealed bide six week« of the dale o f the first p u b -; Northbound C alifo rn ia train». Eu- In Ihe O rder of publication. to-w lt: ! fl,r , hp purchase of »*050 54 of lm llcaito a of this Summons and If you i KenF Bt 4:16. 2:17, 10:68 A. M. and On or before Ihe expiration of six p,.ovem ent bonds, said bonds to he in fall to a s :w a r for want thereof. t h a j d :M p y weeks from the date of the «ret pub- ¿«.nominations of »500 00 each, except Oregon locate, Eugene Ilcatlon hereof, and If you felt lo the test ene which shall be for »50 6«. P la in tiff w ill take Judgment again st, B 9 and v 2 8 P answ er for went thereof. P la in tiff w ill Said bolPH to bear Interest a t the you • • Prayed for ln HstatMr« Com-, , r a t ” ~ ’ x per caat per annum «»lb- I ptelnL to-w lt: for a decree of the »t 12-25 A. M. and ».00 apply lo the Court for the re lie f pray­ ed for In the Complaint which la In Ject ' > redem ption at any semi annual i Court dissolving the bonds of m atrl- M. ■uhetence ae follows to -w lt: fo r a de­ In te r -. t payment period a lte r being In i mony now existing and granting t o , ¡qo rthbound Oregon locate. Eugene cree of this Court dissolving the con force for one year, by rn> ‘nc t h e , p la in tiff an absolute divorce from the a t 2:25 and 7:15 A. M. and 8:20 P. M tract of m arriag e sow. and heretofore face» of bond with accrued 'M e re s t. l Defendant, and for such other and existing - between W endllnfl T ra in » . . P lain .. tiff . and .. Defend . | Each bid must he accompanb-1 hv a fUryher re lie f as to the Court may ■nt. and for such other, fu rth e r, and | ,.er«|fted check In favor of tfco CltjT| Eastbound mixed, at Springfield. P t n t !«eem Just and quitable. different re lie f as to the Court may Recorder, fo r at least three p< *:1 8 A. M. seem Just and proper. of the purchase price as a guarantee! This summons is served upon you. Thia summons la served upon y o u the good inlth on the part of the i by publication by virtue of an order | Westbound mixed, a t Springfield by publication thereof In the Spring- bidder. No bid w ill be considered, of the Hon. O. F. Skipw orth. Judge o f , p M field Nawa. Springfield. Oregon, once for |rBB than par and accrued In te re s t.1 said Court, dated and filed January 7 ‘ McEWAN SAYS SHOULD each week for Six Consecutive weeks. g a|«| bonds to be dated M arch l s t . j j j j y -directing -thia -Summons -be vou by publication in the PLAN FOR DORMITORIES persuant to an O rder of Hon. G. P. 1*27. and date of closing bids and of i Ferv^ BE NO PROFESSIONALISM Skipw orth. C ircuit Judge of the above- opening the sealed bids. M arch H th . g t r i n i flc|d News once a week for TO PAY BUILDING COSTS Court, made and entered January I S / 1*27. six consecutive weeks, and that you 1*27. the first publication thereof Is U N IV E R S IT Y O R O R EG O N, Eu­ M. P E T E R S O N . Recorder. answer the said Com plaint wlth student who ' entitled suit on or before six weeks S T A T E C F O R EG O N FO R L A N E Jacent to the campus These wouio spen(,g four year in a U n ive rs ity from the date o f the first publication COUNTY. be operated by the college and paid wj thout anv physical developm ent,“ of this sumraona. and if you fa ll so| from M(,Ewan Fai(j -T h e men on our to appear and aunwer. for w ant th e re ­ Geo. H. D itto and Anna M. D itto, his f „ r on the am ortisation plan of. the plaintiff w ill apply to the Court w ife, plaintiffs, ts . A. L. Stearns BBTj„gg from dorm itory rentals. athletic teams are not the ones who for the re lie f demand<«d In her com -, ^ d / X ^ t h X * ru nnit„ho ^ W lhe.rer AU the present ^ m . t o r l e s are ope developmeBt. lilulnt. to-w lt: For a decree of th is . ___ _____________________ ___________ s tric tly self supporting ______________ N orthern Counties Investm ent Com- rated on a s tric tly self sup po rting ! -x th le tic s should be developed he- Court forever dissolving the bonds o f, pany. lim ited, a corporation, and basis, returns from room rentals a n il1 CBUBe th(,y create an Interest in the m atrim ony now existing between the, p lain tiff find defendant, and for such' Also all other unknown parties wi.o being "sufficient to pay a ll costs. 8port t ^ey (ontpr institu tio nal riv s lrv , other and fu rth e r re lie f as to the 218 Main St. Residence 126 c 8 t. have or claim some title . including heat, ligh t, w ater and up- they Bre inspirational, they advertise Court may seem equitable. 83 J «2M s x j £ » -■ > . "“ X 1 "" This summons Is published once each week for six successive weegs fendantn students are below the average io w|1jc|1 TOay be narrow mindedneas but Full Auto Equipm ent In Ihe Springfield News, a w eekly To A. L. Stearns and Jane Doe sm aller groups. Some surplus accu- ao )g patriotism , love for on 's newsnuper of general circulation, pub­ Lady Assistant lished In Springfield. Lane County. Ore ! Stearns. his w ife, o r If deceased, niulates even above runM ng e»pen- m other and iove for a w ife . ' eon hv orfier of Hon C. P Barnard, «heir unknown heirs. N orthern Coun- w h,ch „ has been determ ined w ill M cEw an 1a at present Interested Judge of Lane Countv. O r . I Hea X 0«/ be sufficient lo pay principal and in - ' ,n w _______ _ the developm ent of the atching gon. 'T7a7 ndaX et d at’ 8tohf t t a T w h o ’ have or claim some title , terest In less than 20 years on needed ath ,etlc rrob!em Rped C l e g « . GEO,. N, M cL B A N th<- first publication Of this Summons lien, estate, or interest In the pro- new construction. At present the w hk,h he rh a rn c te riie d as "a *r.e £ ^ u i r P“ T \ « 7 ........... .. berty described in the com plaint here Automobile, Firs and Lifo college is using the old fram e w ar ))tt)e w ith ou t intercolleg’xte lim -r im K IN G Attorneys for In: the above named defendants: IN S U R A N C E P O T T E R A K , ™ d * " X f f l Ce Ad- IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E barracks as the only men's dorm itory. ath)etic8 •• P laintiff. Residence Surety Bonds Phone 617 | OF OREGON: You are hereby snm- dress. Eugene. Oregon.. My business It to protect your | moned and required to appear and J 27: F 3-10-17-24: M 3-10 R E S T O R A T IO N T O ENTRY’ O F S. P. SAFETY RECORD business answer the com plaint filed against L A N D S IN N A T IO N A L F O R E S T NOTICE OF FINAL BBTTLEMENT yo» In the »b«’ ’ -? * of^he^dL 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregon IN 1926 B E S T Y E T L is t 6-2158 “C N M B t , , h. f . „ . . court w ith in six weeks of the date of Notice is hereby given ______ that th e ' Notice la hereby given that L o u r-! firRf r „ h,1catlon of thia S4tm- ene T aylo r. E xecu trix of the Estate I monf( tow)f on or before the 3rd -------- --------------- lands described below. w ith in the ‘ “ In prevention of accidents the of Ira N. T ay lo r, deceased, has tiled (lny of M arch. 1927. and you w ill take Cascade N ational Forest, w ill he open Southern Pacific made the best re. rd VASBY BROS. her final report and account as such. . hat If you f a '1 * 1 appear and po settlem ent and entry at the U nited for apfety ir, 1926 e' er attained," ac- wlth the C lerk of the County I out ' ansWPr Or plead w l'h ln said tim e, states Land Office at Roseburg. Ore- .. to R J Clancv assistant to Painting Æ Decorating of luine County. Oregon, and the (,)e pIalntlffs for w ant thereof, w ill Ron, under the provisions of « « , B Court has set M onday, the H th day ,y , )w nh„ve entitled court for homestead law and act of June 11., the general tnan. ger. in all its branches of February. 1*27. at 10:00 o'clock In , re lie f proved for in th eir said jpog <34 s ta t.. 2331. on A p ril 27. -F o r the seventh consecutive y -a t _ _ ___ the County I ourt | comp|nint. to-wlt 1927, by any qualified person in t h e , no fa ta lity occurre-i to passeng rs 312 Main Street the forenoon in During thia Room In the Court House at Eugene, j Eor a doCree, in and by which all absence of entry by persons coming |n s(eapl tra jn aCcldent defendants and w ith in e ith e r of the two follow ing Lane County Oregon, as the tim e adverse claims of said . . .. . . . — .— - Persons named after ' seven year period ending Dec. 31, , ’ n'1 Pl»nd f o r ^ f l B a V a e H t e m e n Æ d ê s ^ r h e r ' V è ^ 'H p r X r V ^ l t u a t e ? "n e a c h ^ tra c t’ ^ p o 'n > h o M application ' 192fi over 300 m illion passengers were Springfield, Oregon General l a w POR K E N T I-arge tra c t of good farm land near Springfield. Cheap rent, a chance for a good tarraer to make some money. I-and should be plowed thia w in te r. Inquire N »w * office. T h e Election Law s require the C lerk to notify eVery voter who falls to vote In the b ie n n ia l election p er­ iod (in thia Instance the years 1025 and 1926) of the rem oval of his re­ gistration card from the voters' file I f you receive such nolle« you should n o t* the precinct It refers to, I and If you are no longer a resident of such precinct you may disregard the notice. On the other hand. I f you are s tillI a resident of the u rerln ct named in . the card you shoin I call or n otlf.' \ this office so we can reinstate you a s , a voter. In some Instances election boards, have apparently failed to check t h e , name« of Ihooe voting, thus depriving the office of such Inform ation. T he result Is snnovance to you and added Jimmie Jeffrie», Jr., 11 year old work upon this office. son of Rev. Jeffrie», Bapti»t pastor In any caae we w ill gladly give fu ll of Lamar, Mo., studies ten verse» assistance to your proper reglstra- j of the Bible daily and the doctrine tlon. he expound» is no inspired he some­ Be careful to state accurately your, times is called on to preach three name, residence at.d precinct sermons on a Sunday He speaks , R. 8 B R Y SO N , Clerk extemporaneously. D IR E C T O R Y Mr*. Arthur Sayl«« ANO FOR SALE I M uet «eli hl«*’ ira d o piano at Coltane » ,0 00 m onthly «111 handle. ' Grove W rite llev. Kenneth J Huaby. ,11 | E «7th t*l. Portland. Ora. F 10-17 lb the m atter nt the «lítale nt A lvlra A. Prlndel. deceased N O T IC E Is hereby alrc n that Oran-1 vei I,. Prlndel, A d m in istrator of the estate nt Alvlra A. Prlndel. 4aeaa»»"l has tiled his Anal account anti report as such A d m in istrator with the Cotta-i ty Court, of laine County. Orason, and mv iiuri has ®wi the 1 Court set muuuiy Monday in«- the .»m 28tn ,,By <)f Pebruary. 1*27, al the hour | I ,,f a M In the County Court R,M,m In Eugene. L«n»> County, o re C),n BB me tim e and place for the nnal eettlem ent of said estale and for the hearing of objections Io ihe same N O T IC E O F P IN A L B E T ’I L K M E N T Notice 1« hereby given that Ixiur- cne T aylo r. A dm inistratrix, of the Kat- ate nt E A T aylo r, deceased, his filed her final report and account as such, w ith the - - - Clerk - - - of - - the County Court - of lout« County. Oregon, and the Court haa set Monday, the H th day of Pebruary. 1927. at 10 00 o d o r k In the forenoon In the County Court Room In ihe Court House at Eugeni», lain« County, Oregon, ae the lim e and place to beer objection« to the •I "fX Dated this »let day of January. 1*27. earn«, and for the final eettlement of G R A N V E L L PR IN D E L . Admlnls ■aid estate U H 'K E N K T A Y O R . Adm inistrâtr lt . ira to r W E L L S A W K L I-K . Attorneys W K L IJ I A W E L tJ t. Attorneys. J 27: P 1-1017 24 J 111017: P 110 F IR K I Health Thing* You Should Know N O T IC E T O R E G IS T E R E D V O T E R S (BUYING 03. SELLING' About y o u f W: F. Walker Funeral Director DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST : same, , and for t I said estate. L O U R K N E T A Y L O R E xecutrix i W E L L S & W E L L S . Attorneys. J 13-20-27: F 3-10 |„ane County. Oregon, to-w it: A ll of fhp ]ands w ere listed. If any. who. transported a cum ulative distance of that part of Lots num ber Fifteen (1 5 ). in order to avail themselves of the | more tha*1 eleven billion miles. Sixteen (161 and Seventeeen (17). ly- preference rig ht, must file th e ir ap-1 . c ,t , to eIp piOves in tra in ing west of the railroad rlg h t-o fw iy £ ,lra tio n w |,h in sixty days prior to to employes in ire n Phona 43 In the Block numbered N in ety T h ree datp pf openin|t; (21 Ex-service I and tra in service accidents In 19-8. F lrot N et'l Bank Bldg., Springfield (93) in W ashburne’s Subdivision of men of the war wjth Germ any, who. | including casualties to employes fn S IM M O N S (h)> s Prlngflelr(y or any part thereof; and also -. b ex service men thereafter, 14 per cent. In 1926 for each casualty plaint filed against you in the above , hRt th „ ,Ie fPPdants and each qf them. . . ' datP o( opening, w ill be resu ltin g ln train and train service entitled suit on or before six * ' * “ >'* be forever debarred from asserting P or(Jer Jn w hlfh fl]ed from date of first publcatlon of this ftny Pia img whatsoever In and to said » general public mav flle applt- accident a train waa run a distance three times summous. or for w ant thereof t h e , rpa| property or any part thereof, ad- w ithin tw entv days prior to equivalent to n early 1 p la in tiff w ill take Judgment against vprgp , 0 the plaintiffs, and for su c h ; . . . These w ill be treated around the world. you an.l w ill apply to the court for other and f„ r , her re lie f herein as to opening date, t nese w in oe “In 1926 industrial casualties per All kind» of gravel for con­ as simultaneously filed at 9 a. m. on 1 the re lie f prayed for In the .com plaint t|,0 court may seem equitable. crete or road work. We i on flle herein, and for annullm ent of T hJg summona Is published pursu- date of opening, but no application m illion man-hours, including employes on the tra c k and in the shops, were make a specialty of cruthad ' the m arriage contract and for a de- anj the order of the Honorable u. w ill be allowed p rio r thereto. F s kipw o rth, Judge of the above en- E U NE<4 NEH N W H . NE'4 SEU 11.76. compared w ith 16.54 in 1918 rock and rock 9and. Bunk­ 1 cree of absolute divorce from you. j This summons is published once ( , ttIed court, duly made and entered NEH NW H, NWI4 NWH NEH , under F ederal control and w ith 14.89 ers at foot of Main on Mill N EH Kiru~Scc NEH NWH, NW14 each week for six consecutive weeks on thp i 8 day of January, 1927 T he SWH 16 T 21 S tn 1925, a red u ctio i^ ln 1926 compared etreat. ,n the Springfield News, a we(,k' v first publication of thia summons w ill S W U N W U N E U S ee 15 31 HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. newspaper published at Springfield. 1 bp nladP on the 20th day of January , R. 3 E.. W M containing :22 SO acres w ith 1918 of nearly 29 per cent, and ! Lane County. Oregon, by order o f, 1927, and the las. publication thereof] Listed upon the application of J. R compared w ith 1926 of over 21 per Hon O F Skipw orth Judge of the w ill be made on the 3rd day of M arch. S in gletary o f O akridge, Oregon. L iat cent. above court made January 18th. 1927.: 1927. and It w ill be published aix «0“ ; ».»158. O R BAL®—Payroll aheet». This summons first publshed on Jan- secutlve weeks in the Springfield December 13. 1926. and la atoek at the Nawa ofOoa rv 20th 1927. News. 1 T H O . C. H A V E L L . Form suitable for road, conatrucUoa iia W Here From Jasper-— M rs. D arr o f H IT T E N S W A F F O R D . Attorney I. M. P E T E R S O N , Attorney for Assistant Commissioner of the Oen- work, aawmllla. etc,, with table ta for P la in tiff Ri'sidence and Post o f-1 Plaintiffs. Postoffice Address. Spring-; Jasper was a Springfield visitor M on­ D . W . R oof SPRIH6FIELB GRAVEL CO. compute workman» oompcncattoa O re fo n . sod deducUona. No employer sb o a u flee address: J 20 27: F 3 10-17-24: M. 3: be without these f m i when they I F 3 10-17-24: M. 3: I •» 13-20-27: F 3 day.