The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 10, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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made suit, boots and a revolver,
hoars« shout« and shrill frlght>oe.l tuisktrU of the throng I trami ed
With tuy bulky i arcrl I sought .1 cries, the scurrying rush of ivet alt , l i n k to my room and the bath. The
cat«, at« «upper und hastened to the In the atraet; and In (hv hail of thu hotel was quiet as If emptied; tuy
hotel for hath and change of coatume. h old , und the lobby belct«, th" ru<h nmiu ,*na vacant
knd more than
I had yet tune to array myaelf. na of allll mora feel, hooted, and the din i for of my clothing not a vMt-
Ige remained! My bag also was gone.
an experiment and a lark; and that of excited voices.
t I did. hurrkily tossing ntv old gar I "A tight, a fight! Rhootlu' scrap«! *
W o rse t t i, prompted It) an lunaf
I ments upon the bed and floor, tn 1 In u flash my companion was pell voteti (ha( st ibbi'd me I ke «n tríe lo
j order to Invest with th< new
' I was awakentsl to the kn ow ledge
Ing down the hall.
The third b«tl was occupied by a
Overcome b,v the test of ihe mom that «very ceni I had possessed was
; plump, round faced, dust-elad man. out I pelted after, and with several In Ihoae garments.
( with ptgglsh features accentuated by others plungeo as madly upon lh<>
his small bloodshot eyes; dressed In porch.
T b « P ilg rim gel» som« a c tio n In
Raataru mode.
A baying mob trampled through the th « n e a t In s ta llm e n t— D o n 't m ia» It..
“Hell of a country, sin t It!“ he street, with Jangle "Hung him! Hang
"Yen a stranger, too? hint! String him up!"
What's your Itno*"
T w o F ig h t, P ay Fln«a
I »aw first a flgurt« bloody-cheated
“Wt It, i t * , «lift 1 hove to tail cm ,'
and Inert flat In *bc dust, with stoop
W J Hcott and Itulph Sweeney
he (ranted
"Th'iusht you wau a
Ing figures trying to raise him; thou, were hailed before t'lly Recorder
salesman I'm from Saint Lou!», mv- beyond, n man white as death, hustle-1
I'eterson Saturday, charged with light­
self Sell troettrles. an t rasteb trtfn
to und fro from clutching hands and ing on a vacant lot behind a local
on the aide Cards are the stuff I suddenly forced In firm grip,« up th.» hotel
Beoti paid a lit) Ano hut
got the beat line of sure thing slock
atroat. while the ntoh trailed after, S w een ey chose to work out hla as­
—atrlppers, humps, rounds, squares, whooping, cursing, shrieking, flour­
sessm ent. He was put to work on the
briefs and marked hacks— "
ishing guns and knives and ropes addition tn the lire hall
H e d id not tlnlan
A n u p ro a r sound 1 There wore women aa well as men
ed above th e o th e r stree t c 's tw ir : a ' In II!
pisto l shot a r ! another-- a chorus o f
All this turned tn« «Irk. From the nr prices on idat« and n«b<w work, tf
J try! I'll let the cards lie. If you've by the same route at the t u t * I wir.
It (a ¡S<s and the Pact Be Ratlroa
watched the ace fall, you f*tn '”
And now if you will recommend -
reached its new est "farthest
Just do that » trick
good e eating
aud be m
m a aga'n.
•>.> u. w
h i you
a tin g place, auo
y guest
Benton. Wyoming, a town des for the benefit of my friend here?" at supper, after that, as I have said
tr i bed as "roaring." as each new ter-1 hade the Colonel
' I ------
must -■ be --------
By the way, while
minus, temporarily was.
The "spieler"
thin lipped. cad- I think of IL" 1 carelessly added, "can
Frank Beeten, a young man from averous individual—amlled
you direct me h«» to get to the Big
Albany. New York, comes because he
"Hello, sir. I'm agreeable
Yes, Tent*"
la In search of health and Benton is ■---But
1 air
as they He. will you make
The Colonel sw elled: his Ashy eye
and dry.
------------ "hq-h
! a guesa? No? Or yon. sir?“ and he hardened upon me as with rlghteoui
Edna Montoyo. a fellow passenger addressed Bill. "No? Then you. sir?" Indignation
on i the train from Omaha, impresses He appealed to me. "No? But Im
"Suh you are too innocent! I be
Beeson with the beauty of her blue a mind reader. I can tell by your Here, by gad. auh. that you are
eyes and the style of her apparel eyes.
They're upon the right end capper for some Infernal skinnlm
Equally she astonished him by taking card. Aha! Correct!" He had turned game, or that you are a professional
a "smile' of brandy before breakfast up the card and shown the ace. "You Suh. I call your hand!"
n k ..n .> r .
t tells
w it.
I was about to retort hotly, whet,
A h brakeman
she «.
has j sbouj,i hare bet. You would have
“followed her man" to Benton
beaten me. sir
Watch the ace. I Mr. Brady, who likewise had beet,
Jim, a typical
restern ruffian pick up the cards. Ace first—blessed glaring at me. «rowlpd morosely.
whom she knows apparently well
— it -----------
and , he
w atch close.
"She's waitin’ for you. You can
suits her and is floored by Frank There you are.'
He briefly exposed square with us later.''
whose prr’ress Impresses the passen­ the faces of the cards. Keep your
The black clad figure hud lingered
eyes upon ’he ace. Ready—go! '
beyond, ostensibly gating Into a win
Col I.underson and "Bill“ Brady
He spread the cards. As he had dow. Without saying another word I
volunteer to entertain young Beeson released he had tilted them slightly, to my ruffled body-guards I approach
1 and I clearly utw the ace land. The ed her
I . cards fell in the same order as ar-
I uttered
ranged. To that I would have sw o rn , "good-evening.”
A crowd had gathered before a
“Fire dollars now that any one card
“You hare left your friends?"
youth , in galluses, soiled shirt ---
and Is not the dtr.
ace.“ Ilf
he cil
"Very willingly."
belled pantaloons, who standing’ on a shall not touch them "
"And I have rescued you?" She
box. as exhorting at the top of his
'I'll go halvers with you. Colonel." smiled again
"Believe me. sir. you
Bill proposed.
iwould be better off alone. I know the
“Whoo-oop! This way. this way
gentlemen. The
Colonel Is a no tor I-
“1 tn on," «g
Rondo coolo-oh!
tn e
t Colonel.
otonei. » ...........
...... '
coolo-oh! Here
Here's s your ease
monev Down With vour soar,' t-» I '“rh‘‘re's ,h*
And *>1» «he honor <"« raP‘“‘r aad »«eerer. and Brady
her roll!
roll' Rondo
Rondo coolo-oh!”
c o o lo o h "
° f 'he Kr“ d °'d Kmpil* S ,a ” we **" n°
"Strange to say. they have Just ac­
let our friend pick the ace foh us."
"It's a great game, suh’ the Colon« 1
cused me of being a capper." I an-
I turned up the right-end card.
"By «he
the E
• "By
ttm al, he's done It! He »»cred.
he c e n te r o f t h ^ m s w . J ! * .
! h" 80 W lik* an
P ^ " “d
br,« b ,’ "ad "They were
J X o s7 o n er end' ^ f whTc’h " h ero were
d*“ er’ ” lh
<,Ssa»>p” l,“ e<1 "» ftndln*
several holes
In to
th e .e
k .t t-
belts mi etit roll
b ”
v . s.
halls had beon banked at th^
,nosite . end;
. a and Just
.......... as
. .
we arrived
the mere m o n e l l e / . u ,
tering. by a short cue rapidly swTnt
tering. by a short cue rapidly swept
acm es their base
“Roado coolo. suh." the Colonel ex-
plained "as yon se
m en, on the old rondo. foh’ r X ^
«»»nt on the old rondo, foh red blood­
ed people. Shall we take a turn foh
The crowvf was eveinv th
halls expectantlv A
err-red the pockets th
b"n* |
erm e to rest
Rondo " announced th
t t e short cue and deftlv d h itrih ^ d
checks and coins
"She rolls again
Make vont h»t.
""<• > n ,s. , „ . i he relssem h W
" I p re fe r no» to play, sir “ I respond
ed to the Colonel. "I am n<>w here and
afford to
to lose
lose until
until I I am
1 I cannot
«'annot afford
be-tor established “
Never vet seen a m in who could n t
• F"rd to win. though." be growled.
But comp on then.’*
So we left the crowd—containing
Indeed women as well as men—to
» ‘ r insensate fervor over a childish
g em . under th» stimulation of the
raucous wveating barker.
Of gamb.'lpg devices. In the open
of ’be street there was no en«i My
condnc»ors flnajly stopped at the
simplest apparatus of all.
The spiel game f„r me. gentlemen.'
said the Colonel. "Here It is y e s
«uh. there's nothing like monte, where
any man Is privileged to match his
»valnst fingers. Nobody but a!
blind man can lose at monte, bv Geo
tg e!"
-And this spieler's on the leye| •'
Bill pronounced, sotto voice. "J vote
we hook him for a gudeon, and get
the price of a meal. Our friend will
Join ns in the turn. He can see for
him self thnt he can’t lose. He's got
•harp eyes."
The by standers here were station-
ed before a man sitting at a low trl-
pev’ table; and all that he had was!
the small table—a plain cheap table,
with folding legs—and three playing
cards. Business was a trifle slack.
Two lacks, and the ace, gentlemen
There they are I have faced them!
up Now I gather them slotwjy—you
can t miss them.
Observe closely ‘
p i e Jack on fop. between thumb and !
forefinger The ace next—ace In the '
middle The other Jack bottom-most." i
He turned his hand, with the three
cards In a tier, so that all might see. j
“ T h e ace is the winning card.
You 1
•re to locate the ace. Observe close­
ly again. It's my hand against your ’
eyes, f am going to throw. Who will i
spot th«« a ce? Watch, everybody
Ready! C o!”
The hacks of the cards were up I
With a swift movement he released
the three, spreading them in a neat I
row. face down, upon the ta b le 1
Twenty dollars against your tw en fv !
fhat you can't pick out the ace, first I
i lo8e
Once “«•*“ naw
Everybody in t0 ** hooked by such raw methods
111 p,ay •<**“»« ?o“ all- «his gentle- w,,b n<> «nore »«rangers! Meanwhile
man included.
fra d h
Included. Im
I'm a afraid
he's smart- lei me »<*»*«* you 'Outfit' while yoi
ar thofl _
w • l
wait, and become of the country! Y ob
er than me- hut Im game.
look «°°
too much «he
the pilgrim—the
pilgrim—there la
He was too insistent. Somehow. ,ooa
t ~ “ - ™
’ Ï U ’ U T
" 1 * * t ,hr°
“r | H t U U I
. L —
o v
u sa u , a u y w v a j, B
DQ ’
I w a s ------------ — - —
beginning to be suspicious of my com- Benton, dust, and that spells «of othei
pany _
, 'dust' In your porketa. Get anotbei
ba** ■
a nannei
flannel snirt,
shirt, some
tom e coarse
»o u ll have to excuse me. gentle- "*«•
me" - '' . ’ r P'Mded
* pe— ‘ w a i o ° n ' , i n b°
° f t U *
n u u tu e r
l dm
i m e e'
D i l l --------------
, U
O U - d°
not now. I wish to eat and to bathe an'1 * «»agger, say little, make fei
and I have an engagement following." ««npromptu friends, win and lose <wltl
"We Ca® ‘ ,a,k thia ° ’,er wh,,e ” • r8 ° Ut * aml1* ° r frown- ,f you P1«? ,b u
Cotonel objected, as we “ P«n P>»?"«F I »HI advise you later
moved off. "Let us llbate suhs.’
I 1 "hal1 h°P« «» see you tonight. St
were »erging upon argum ent adois. sir. and remember.“ With m
maCh W my <,,gt* 8te- »hen of a sud men«lon of the Big Tent she flaahet
de“ ’ h° ’,h°',W C° me tr,PP|n« »long * *mlle •»
and mingled with th.
but My
of thg BJ|w Eye9_^ .ca , other pedestrians crossing the »tree
the Tery
very flesh
BeSl1 and
“nd action
ac«i°n of
of her.
her. her
her on «Bagonal course.
When I turned for a Anal wort
with my two guides, they had vanish
S”* reC” BP'" ‘d me ln ’ «arUed rash- «1.
a“d ’’’ i“ ’ * *W,ft * laDCe
my i Th“ cou,,e,
don » «"rb »macklni
* 7 <-Plnpanlo“ l‘ tm» wl and was gone, less of the recent East struck me ai
Gad suh You know the lady?" the sound and at "Leyl s Mammoth Em
Colonel ejaculated
‘ porlum: Liquors. Groceries and Gen
A casual acquaintance.” I an- eral Merchandise" I procured a hat
swered. "We were merely travelers a flannel shirt, a servlcable ready
1 ■
SP’“’©»«» - '
a /L L Y o r
o lJ a rD a y
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
3 Days, Feb. 10th To 12th
Practically All Depai tments Are
Participating In This Sale
The Green Show Cards
Herald Special Prices
Gardening-A Good Game
ARDENING la a family sport.
Bvery member of the household can be interested In IL
While affording instructive recreation it also pays you a wonderful profit in the form of fresh
G vegetables
all summer and fall even for winter if you will cold pack varieties, such as Corn,
—Costs Less
and Earns More!
When you want better than ordinary printing
—the kind that satisfle» and you want It to cost
you no more than necessary—and you want It to
impress all those who see it and to bring the de­
sired results—Just phone 2, or better still, come
to our shop.
The Willamette Press
Opposite P. O.
Beans, Beets, Carrots, etc.
A small garden is very much worth while. A space 20x25
(eet will well repay you If used for beans, radishes, beets,
lettuce, carrots, spinach, etc - the quick growers A larger
area permits growing sweet com, peas, melons tomatoes and
the root crops for winter storage
To utililiee your land to best advantage, plan your garden
right away. Alao plan to uae seed that bean a reputation for
producing good crops over a long period of years Northrup,
King * Co s seeds have given satisfaction for 42 years
They are available now in packets and cartons
All Standard.
At Local Dealers
N o r t h r u p , K i n g & C o .’ s