The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 10, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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( J w every
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
Whether In he steaks, chop«, or roast meat, It In hui *
to be fresh when you buy from us.
We select our meats carefully, ao t hut our patrons may
get the choicest cute.
You may ell her «-all In person or phone your order. It
will receive prompt and careful attention.
We an* always ut your service with our meats for every
m eal
If you want the beat milk and cream to be had try our a
from the Wild Rote Dairy. Thia milk is paaturlxed and
comes from purebred Inspected cowa. Absolutely aafe for
the baby or Invalids. Am, the price la no higher than ordi­
nary milk. Take a bottle home and you will be a customer.
4th and Main
Phone «3
Springfield. Ore.
Seed Time is Here
Our High Quality Seeds have arrived and we can servp
you both In bulk and package. We have studied the seed
problem and stock only seeds that will grow. Tell us about
soil and we will help you aelect the proper seeds.
•Where Quality Reigns"
Do You W ant
To Know When
even after the conclusion of this mAv famous wide-west
merchandising event, we will continue to close out a 1 non-
conforming and broken lines at our Net-To-Nothlng-Prlces.
Manv lines have already beep entirely disposed of.
There are still a number of useful Items at prices which are
In most cases below thé cost of production. They must all
zo' So Mr and Mrs. Customer, as long as you are in a
bargnln-mood. and as long as these broken lines hold out,
you can partake liberally. Pass the word on to your neigh­
bors. They, too,'will want to know this. I ELL 1 HEM—
fo r
We Stick to Our Sale Prices—
—on all merchandise which does not conform to our con­
templated new program of more and specialized merchan­
dising, for the establishment of—
Make Your
Dollar* Stretch
at Thia Feaat of I
Bargain Buys
Come Again
and Again, — for
the Bargain*
Are Many
I There waa a total of 41R Industrial
1 accldanta rapo,-l*<l to tha a tat« Indus
trlal accident commission during tha
i wuek ending February J All of the
accident» wer« eut |»ct to the provl-
i alone of the workmen's compensation
John E. Ellison, 42. waa killed In
atantly while wording In a logging
camp of the Rr.clDHtrom Brother*
Lumber company at Vaughan. 25 mil«»
weat or Eugene. A log etruck a dear
The Oregon Federation of Women'*
tree and the top of the tree fell and
clubs will bold Ita 27th annual con­
■truck Ellison on the head.
vention In Band, June 20 to 24
Hulldtng permits In Eugene amount
Stephen C. Curtis, who celebrated
ed to »161,925 In January, acxordtne
hla 1001 h blrthuay annlvereury In
to annantutu., .t t t , Will I t Alaxan
Woodburn on October 11. died there
dor, city building Inspector Thia 1»
last week.
a better record than for January. 1926
The general merchandise »tore at the amount represented In the per
Woodson, near Westport, waa burned m ils Issued In that month being SICS.
laal week. The loss was estimated 700
around 111.000.
A total of »»25.000 will be avaltehtf
Sam Egll. who operates a ware­ for Columbia county roads durln-
house al Canby, shipped during Janu­ 1827. according to announcement o>
ary five carloads of potatoes and two County Koailmaatur Hall of Ralnic-
of onions Io Loa Angeles
More than 60 per cent of this amoun
The city of Portland prosecuted 1958 will go In the form of payrolls. It 1»
cases In municipal court In January. claimed. Last year a total of Sii'i.
Fred Jensen, deputy city attorney, re­ 777.9» waa »pent on Columbia county
ported to City Attorney Grant re­ roads.
The Cltliena banak of North Bend
The state land department remitted was merged with the Coos Bay Na
to the state treasurer 4140.161.08 In tlonal bank of Marshfield last week
December, according to a report Issued and the latter Institution became re
I by Oeorge O. Brown, clerk of the state sponsible for deposits and the bus!
neaa. "Too many banking Instltu
: land board.
tlona on the bay.” waa given aa cat» »
A wool buyer waa In Harrisburg for th« merger. The bank had » l l i .
last week and offered 40 cents for
000 In depoalta.
wool on a contract None of the farm­
Word was received in Roaehurg re
ers made contracts, considering the
cently from Washington- D. C., that
price too low.
President Coolidge had algned the bill
Receipts at the Salem poetoffloe ! leasing to the Boy Scouts organlxatloi
last month established a new record | , of Douglas county *0 acres of land In
I for January.
Receipts aggregated
, , n)prjUa natlona| forest for a pel
I 120.282 02 aa against SM.ltt.04 for the , manen,
, 1(le Th« pou n d s art
I »«ma
m/inth last
IskSt year
I located
. « at . aa.
same month
the — . confluence
of Will
Schools of Eagle valley at Richland creek and Little river.
and at Newbridge, near Beker, which
Between 1.120.000 and 1.125.000
[ were closed for some time because of pounds of high grade wool will be
a » ¡deatiread epidemic of scarlet fe­ sheared from approximately 120 OOt
ver, have been reopened.
Klamath lioep thl* ap-'ng. according
Butldlr permits aggregating 4117.- to estim ates of E M Hammond, woo
000 were Issued In Salem during the grower, and C. A. Henderson, county
m " " i of Jauuary. It was said that „gent Hammond and Henderson eati
thl* tlgure eaceeda that of any previ­ mated that within the past year there
ous January tn the history o ’ the city. baa been an Increase of 40.000 ewes.
China pheasants have beccri» a nui­
The new tariff of the Portland Elec
sance to the farmers of Malheur coun­ trie company, authorising Increased
ty and permit« for trapping at being rates for water service In the towns
The game commtsslou will ST Cornelius and Gaston, was suspend
pay 7» cents for each of the birds ed by the public service commission
recently. It was said that negotiations
The annual report of the Children a »re now In progress whereby an agree
Farm Home, near Corvallis, shows ment will be rescued between the
that Inatltutlon to be In a flourishing .'.uctrlc corporation and the water pa
condition, and Indications are that It irons.
soon will be able to care for 200 In­
Water In the recently completed
•gfcKay dom near Pendletot) Is now SO
J. Ruaaell Scott baa arrived In I-a feet deep, according to word from of
Grande from Kalispell, Mont., to begin Helals there and water has backed
hla duties aa Scout eiecutlve of the up a distance of two mllea. C. L. Tice
Eastern Oregon Tri county Council, reservoir superintendent, estimates
conalatlng of Baker. Wallowa and Un­ .hut the basin la one-fourth full This
reservoir Is expected to reclaim about
ion counties.
Cltlaena of the Phoenix school dis­ 11 000 acres of land in that district
trlct tn Jackson county have voted. I next spring
General cargo loaded at Porllam.
118 to 50. to pass a bond Issue for
133.500 for remodeling the school luring January corslgned to foreig:
building and Installing a guymnaalum leatlnatlons represented a total valu,
3 l »1,608.234, registering an appreci
and auditorium
Twenty four and a half feet of snow cble Increase over the allowing for th»
penlng month of 1926. when the ftg
has fallen at the lodge In Crater Lake
national park this winter, according urea were »704.810 The value of gen
to John Maben, caretaker at the lodge •ral cargo floated In January. 1925
It la believed that ’hla la the heaviest was »1 098.191 and for the same month
in 1984 tt was »520.905.
snowfall tor 16 years
Thirty-one persons from outside the
It will coat 466.000 to stage the
Portland Rose Festival next June 13 »tate took up residence on Oregon
18. according to a tentative budget ’arms during January. W. G. lde. man
submitted to the Festival board of di­ iger of the Oregon state chamber ot
r e c to r by O. W. Mielke, chairman of ■ommerce announced recently. A part
if t i i - group reported investments to I
the budget committee.
aling »111.640. acme of them did not
Rainier. Knappa and Warrenton
report their investments, and the sum
high schoola are tied for district hon­
if the investments not reported was
ors in the Lower Columbia Debating
estimated at »22,000, making a total
league. The championship will be de |
if »133.840.
elded on February 11 In a debate be
During the eight years ended De
tween the three schools.
member 31. 1926, 1473 persons wert
Under the leadership of Julius
starting forest fires in
Roesch, La Grande capitalist, a com
aational forests of Oregon and Wash
pany has been temporarily organized
ngton. suys a re; . ,'uat Issued by
Io construct r. seven story hotel build
he United States forest service .office
Ing In La Grande this spring. A 100
In Portland. Of the 1273 cases, 727
room building la planned.
were in Oregon
More convictions
La Grande's second municipal arte were obtained in 1926 than tn any oth
slon well "came In" last week and er year of the eight. The total foi
waa flowing approximately 400 gallons Inst year waa 208 In 1925 there were
of water a minute from a depth ot 181
1260 feet. Drillers were still at work
Certificates of settlem ent for the
hoping to Increase the flow
claims of two Oregon counties undcf
Because she refused to follow him the Oregon and California railroad
tn his Imagined Incarnation of Jesus land grant tax refund act have beer
Christ. Alexander Hill, religious fanal forwarded to the secretary of th»
Ic, strangled to death Minnie Wash treasury -by Controller-General Me
Ington. 17-year-oltl Indian girl, on the Carl. The Coos county certlticatf
Slletx reservation. Iasi week.
calls for payment of »603.706 98 to that
Bnkar county will ship four cars county In settlement of its tax ac
ard Grant county will ship one car count against lands within its border»
i of cuttle to the Portland market this from 1915 to 1926. Lincoln county
week. Coles A Dodd are sending two will receive »81.527.11.
cars from Haines and N. K. Greener
ta shipping two cars from Robinette schools anil high schools ut the be
Oregon monthly pensions have been ginning of the second term of thel
granted as follows: John L. Johnson. year showed considerable increase |
Portland, »20; Lee O Day. Portland over the registration for the first tern; (
»40; Margaret A. Mlchaelson. Port of this year It also was greater thar
land. »30; Veaxe E Hawkins. Port the registration of a year ago. It
land. »46; James B Shea. Portland the elementary schools 36.239 student»
»25; Dell Morgan. Portland. »30; Phil- registered, and In the high school»
lip J. Schaumburg, Portland, »30; Don 11,44» students enrolled, making a to
aid Guy McPherson, Portland. 420; tai enrollment of 47,681. Reglatratlot
John W Moffatt. Oregon City, »20; figures for January, 1926, show- a total
Lawson Conwell, Charleston, »25: Jane enrollment of 46,348, with 36,778 1*
Day. Salem »30; Charles F. Kennedy elementary schools and 16,676 In tiigl
The Dalles. »30.
Our Rugs Make The Home
1636 Jefferson St.
Phone 461
..2JLL1. IL.1-
#42 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
W hat’s Smart for Juniors
New Frocks of
E xquisite models o f crepe da chine, t a t crepe and georgette
snake their bid for feminine fav o r thia Spring— they c a n t
fashioned in all kinds
of irresistible modes
— utterly captivatingl
The colors, too, are
popular pastels and a
few deep shades.
Small Women
Find Becoming
The trials of small
women are practically
forgotten in the ease
with which t h e s e
frocks fit— and usually
w i t h o u t alteration.
Sizes t3 to t9 .
$9.90 to
We Offer Splendid Value
in Used Phonographs
Which are guaranteed to be like new.
1 Victrola, Oak F inish,......... - ................... $»35.00
1 Columbia, Oak F in ish ,........................... $45.00 •
1 Silvertone, Oak Finish,............................ $40 00
Terms $1.00 Down and $1.00 per Week
Sherman^Üay & Co.
61 West 9th St.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Phone 862
Why this Bank
This bank has a service to render to the
members of this community. For many years
it has safeguarded the savings and commer­
cial accounts of this— our— city.
We have every facility of a modern bank—
live can help you in the transaction of busi­
ness. help you save money, give unprejudi­
ced advice on money matters and invest­
ments, and loan you money on legitimate
business transactions.
W ithout advertising you would never know
the spirit of helpfulness and friendliness that
this institution extends to you. We want to
get acquainted with you— to have you as one
of our clients— and only through the med­
ium of our newspapers can we tell our story.
Read our advertisements— you may find a
helpful suggestion or a new idea in them
that will benefit you.
Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System
Commercial State Bank
Springfield. Oregon