THURSDAY FEBRUARY tO, 1»27 THB 8PRINOFIB1J1 NKW8 FAOK POUR Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L PUB LICA TIO N LA N « COUNTY U N IT nO. M lh»y accepled, A CROSS °F U N IO N | . O F F |C g R < WAREHOUSE ARE $347,000 , Q(t LANg Co u N T Y f a r m b r S' u n io n Community News THURSTON By Special Correspondente " I ■— I • C. W Allen. Vida. President * Btorkholdera of th* Lane County • W. L Saala. Eugene. Vtee-Prenl- ’ Former- Union warehouse. In annual • d en t * GARDEN WAY UPPER WILLAMETTE m eeting at Eugene yesterday were • Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Grove • that the gross sales of the bust- • SecreUryTreaaurer. * Friends of Mrs A. J lllg g tn . of I Mr and Mrs Geo Fish son. Gilbert. •ana during 1936 were $347.00«. The • Walter Morgan. CreawelL Condite-’ PI,.asant HUI were grieved Io learn of >nd John Lynch of BprlngBeld visited art was made by E K. Morrison, • tor. * th e death of her mother. Mr. M •» “ »• * C »'>’«« < huni* Ju“‘ ter of the warehouse. w4,o said • H. H. Smith, Eugene, Doorheep- • Dagenais, who passed »way at her » ««3 Su"'^“y that business is good and prospects home In Eugene Wednesday February , Bruce Thomas has been laid up a far the future are excellen t O. L Clement, Wa torville, C^ap- • J Although Mrs Dagenais ahd bee., f” •'«3« • • • result of a fall received The atockeholders voted to sell the lain confined to her bed for some time . h e » * 1 '« •< •« <’»>•»• Harden.. nld 530 out of a total $30.000 n Miss Lots Male, who bus been III. capital stock to assist In llnanclng aaa|n8t brown rot of stone fruits says tlBd ,h Own mueh Improvement and the business , the Oregon experiment station author - expecl„ | to be up again In a few days Is much Unproved. The Sunshine Club will hold their H H. Earle and J. L. Jones wen-1 ltle# Rarly plowing and repeated cul- Wednesday morning she had taken name,! new dlrectora. and C. E Jor-j ,¡,„ 1 0 0 during blossoming period des-j yery B,ck Bnd paaaed away that after- meeting at the home of Mrs ( 01 She la aurvlved by th r e e : Ungwood. and R. V. Foster were re-elected troys spore cups of fungus on the noon \ J Higgins of The Jay Fish family visited the J Roldover members of the board are gathered very quickly with buckets, Selection. Plano and violin Trent—Second and Fourih Wed after the middle of February. Thia ant Hilt where they will meet the Mrs. Joe Neal. hand sprays, etc., the fire was beyond aeadaya. Pleasant lllll High has been the first winter season in team s there for a game. G R Fish has circulated a petition control and all attention was tam ed School Bldg. (ha history of greenhouse manag.-- The high school has begun practls which he presented to the County : to saving the other five building *n Secretaries will pleaae seed In at the college, that fruit has Ing on a play ’'Bashful Mr. Holsts ' line with the coop Had the wind Court asking that the private road picked over so long a period. time and place of mealing and -which Ihe upper cladkmen are very S t Louis has some staunch base- ~ been a little more from (he north the leading to hla hop yard be made a T he yield has been good and the changes of dale as they may oc­ much Interested In Tile board mol hall fans— but none that will root two residences gralnery. electric County road The petition has been price has been profitable. The price cur last Friday ai the school house and with the vim of Miss Arline Ed­ posted. light plan t wood shed and sleeping for the last month was 40 cents a wards of Chicago during the 1927 Inspected the electric wiring, which Ilurbert Travis leaves for Sacre* house would have burned. As It was season H er engagement to Bob gonad. sparks flew over these continually and mento. California Thursday. O’Farrell, new Cardinal manager, Ms Lee Chesshlr