* TU I'R S IlA V m m iîA lt V 1«. 1927 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE T U R B I ►pen Evenings Until 7:30 P. M ’ - Saturdays Until 9:30 P. M.i Starting Friday at 9 A. M. And Continuing for 10 Busy Days--The Greatest Footwear ■ Saving Event in Years Begins at the Model Shoo Store The Florsheim Store Eugene Never Before and Never Again W ill You be Able to Buy Shoes at These Absurdly Low Prices Thrifty housewives who recognize the never full­ ing truth of "A penny saved It* a penny earned” wnl lake advantage of the low prices at which we offer our hlKliAPiullty products. O n e C ent S h o e S a le Fresh Vegetables and Fruits You Get an Extra Pair of Shoes of the Same Value For ONE CENT More When Selecting From Any One Cent Sale Group! E R A X 5 CA5M 1C AR R X The Size and Style of the Second Pair Can be Different— The Extra Pair Can be for Lady, Girl or Child. However, the Extra Pair of Shoes^of the Same Value Costs You But One Penny More. Come! Come For 10 Days. Come To It All. 314 PA IR S of Eugene’s N ew est- WOMEN S STYLE SHOES THAT FORMERLY SOLD AT >8.75. NOW ON SALE AT $4.98 Women’s Apparel Shop Be sure and take advantage of this opportunity to save on your Spring Shoes, as you never again will buy such values at this low price. We are also including in this lot a bunch of the famous Utz 5.00 to >10.00 An Extra Pair for Felt Slippers QQ a That formerly «old for »1.10, now Our Lota— Your Gain An Extra Pair for Perkins at Vida— George Perkins Crow Man Hara—Clement And or waa a vlaltor at Vkla Sunday. I son of Crow was a Springfield vlfltor Monday. Goshen Man Hara— B F I.lndaley ( of Goahen paid Springfield a hualneaa Zlmmarman Hara— Don Zimmer- vjalf Monday. man of Route 2 tranaacted hualneaa Brewar In— Roy Brewer of Pall here Monday. i ■uy These Wonderful Values. ' 341 Pairs Ladies’ Style Shoes now at Lose— Your Gain. ' Our Lose—Your Gain. $4,9g An Extra Pair for J £ Our This Sale Will Be The Talk Of Eugene S 1 C Our Loss— Your Gain • >4.90 Ladies' Fat Ankle Oxfords About 80 Pairs In all sizea; black or U n ; a bargain at, at pair J £ Our Lose— Your Gain. 300 Pairs o f Ladies' Late Style Shoes e QQ An >1.25 Ladies’ Hosiery Assorted colora and sizes; a real gift a t a pair Low $5.99 Extra Pair for 1c More EXTRA SALESPEOPLE NEEDED Also Cashier and Wrapper BIG SPECIAL On Arch Support Shoes Be Sure and Get In on This Money-Saving Event "JQ q 341 Pairs of Ladies' Low Novelty Shoes >4.99 Extra Pair for 1c More MODEL SHOE STORE WHEN THE MODEL GIVES A SALE IT IS A REAL SALE! £ 3 98 748 Willamette Street Between 7th and 8th St. EUGENE, OREGON T H IS SALE BEING PU T ON BY JACK DOUCETTE. W HO O W N 8 T H E LADIES' D E P A R T M E N T OP T H E MODEL SHOE STORE I Garrett’s Old Tima Dance Dreamland Hall, Eugene, Every Tuesday Night. Tickets 76c. Ladles TOWN AND VICINITY Creek was In the city for a ahort tlmo i Monday. Jc All the tremendous valuta that wo are placing on the 1c Sale are plaeed for your convenience on tables and racks. .Our Loss__ Your Gain. Douglaa Gardena are said to be anxl-1 ou* to put over the improvement pro- ' grant, and negotiation* with the pow- er company are being puahed. Scouts at Church Ton Springfield Boy Scouts attend­ ed the Baptist church Sunday, under the leadership of Percy Tyaon, master of the Lions club troop, No. 11. Mr. Tyaon made a ahort talk before the congregation, explaining the purpose of Scouts work and telling of the alma of the local troops. JACK DOUCETTE Come. Come, Come Of Low Heel Shosa In strap«, at Extra Pair for Installation of an electric lighting ayntem In the Douglas Oardena dis­ trict la practically a certainty ae a result of a meeting to conelder the situation held by rcaldenta of the dla­ trlct Saturday night Arrangement* are being conaldered with the Mountain Statea Power com paay to hare the latter concern run a line to Douglaa Gardena, the farm ­ er* paying the coat. It la poaalble that the line iwlll he extended on up to the Jaaper district to aupply power to lllll'a mill. It waa reported at the meeting. Parmer* of YOURS TRULY, 309 Pairs Of Woman's Shoe* that formerly told at 35.00. now ELECTRIC LIGHTS FOR DOUGLAS GARDENS PLAN I must unload Shoes, as our new Spring Shoes are in the making now and some have already been shipped. WE MUST UNLOAD. SO COME. COME. COME TO THE BIG SHOE SAVING EVENT OF THE YEAR— EUGENE’S CREATEST SHOE SALE. Of »10.00 values now on sale at a TREM END O U S SAVING. Our Loos — Your Gain. ’ ' • » t . Eugene, Ore. Miner Building IT’S OUR LO SS-Y O U R GAIN 468 Pairs 108 Pairs The French Shop I took over the Ladies' Department of the Model Shoe Store on October 15th and put in a >10,000 stock of Wo­ man's Shoes in all the late styles, and find that, owing to business conditions, my stock is now too heavy, and I am forced to offer to you, at prices way below cost, this new shoes stock that is only a little over THREE MONTHS OLD. Of Woman’s and Girl«1 up-to-tha-minuts Shoes In 34 styles at g y | Q Q An Extra Pair for " ONYX HOSIERY ......................... - ---- ------- >185 and >1.95 We extend an invitation to the people of Springfield and vicinity to visit our shop. N O TIC E Palmer In Town Glenn Palmer of Motor Route B wae a hualneaa vlaltor Kaat In Town— Earl Kaat of Motor here Monday. Route II waa In town for a ahort tlmo • Monday. Mra. Wilson Hara— Mra. E. R. W il­ Eugene Man Here—Joe Stelnhieti son of Notl vlaited In Springfield on of Eugene paid Springfield a vial! Saturday. Monday. Or. Kaater Return»— Dr. Kester re­ Go To Bandon— Mr. and M r* Harl turned Sunday after a fortnight apent McPheraon wore at Bandon thia week, at Chicago, where he attended a medi­ Mre. Keater visited In to where they were called by the cal clinic. death of Mr. McPheraon'a brother, I ’. San Franclseo during Dr. Keater's absence. W. McPheraon. Mrs. E. E. Smith —Here Prom Natron— Dan Allison of M r*. Sm ith H * Laird Here— P. M. Laird of Pleas­ Haa Operation— Mrs. Floyd Taylof of Eugene ixrns a Springfield visitor Natron shopped In Springfield Mon ant H ill paid Springfield a business of W alterville underwent an opera­ Monday. day. visit Tuesday. tion at the Pacific Christian hospital Saturday. Motor to Salom— Mr. and Mrs. W II Here From Eugene— John Karaa of Goes to Grov»—B. O. Smith of Nat­ Eugene waa among out-of-town people Ham Long and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ron took a load of potatoes to Cottage Mias Rsbhan Hara— Miss Constance Kenyon motored to Salem Sunday. Grove Tuesday. on hualneaa vialU here Monday. Rebhan. a freshman In Oregon Agri­ Cola In Town— R. B Cole of Motor Hara From Portland— Mrs. Guy cultural college, left • the CorvalKS Lag Is Broken— Edgar Reynolds of Mohawk sustained a broken leg while Route B waa a visitor hare on Mon­ Moshler of Portland rwas a visitor campus for the week-end to visit at day. the residence of here parents, Dr. here over the week-end. working In the timber last Thursday. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. H ill Resident Visits— Mrs. Ralph Boy Bom— Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Yea­ Hara From W altarvllla— W illiam Laird of Pleasant H ill waa a vlaltor Vlalta Mra. Pollard— Mra. Mary Mc­ ger are the parents of a baby son, Hucka of W alterville waa a Spring- In Springfield Monday. born February 4. The youngster was Grath of Seattle visited here Sunday Held visitor Tuesday. with her niece, Mrs. Elsie Pollard. named Edwin Louts. Her« From Portland— Mias Grace Mrs. McGrath la spndlng the winter Hayden In Town— Charles Hayden Male and Sam Benson of Portland Has Operation — M att Month o f with her sister. Mrs. Ida Smith, of of Camp Creek tranaacted business were week-end visitors at the M. M. W alterville dnderwent an operation Harrisburg. here Monday. Male residence. at the Pacific Christian hospital Mon­ • day. Visits Mother Hera— Frankie Lotn- Camp Creek Visitor— Charles Jes- Bus and Car Crash ! bard, who la attending W illamette Hara From Crsek— Mr. and Mrs. E. sen of Camp Creek wag a business ! University at Salem, spent the week- H Masterson of Fall Creek were vlaltor here Monday. Sixth street was the renter of cas­ | end visiting hla mother, Mrs. Ella shoppers In Springfield Monday morn­ ual interest for a short time Saturday ing. Leaburg Man Here— Jim Kcnnerly i Lombard, of Springfield. morning when an automobile driven of Leaburg was In town on business Visit Cottage Grove— A group of Missionary la Speaker— Mra. Joint by Stanley Keys crashed Into the Monday. ! Springfield Methodists went to Cott- Springer, missionary to Africa for 2« Springfield-Eugene bus. A fender I age Grove Monday night to hear Rev. years, waa the speaker at the Method­ was crushed on the bus and more V lalta at Salem — Miss France* Jenderaon, evangelist, who Is con­ ist Episcopal church Sunday evening. serious damage done to the Keys Hodge, a teacher in the Springfield ducting meetings at the Grove Me­ Her experiences, and the need for automobile. Responsibility for tha schools, visited with her parents at thodist church. Rev. ltendrson w ill more mlaalonary work, were told by accident was not fixed by local police Salem over the week-end. hold meetings here late In March. Mrs. Springer. who Investigated.