THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PabllakaS B eery Tharaday at Bplfffcgflald, L aae Coanly. dragon. by THURSDAY FEBRUARY IQ. 1 »27 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS » » « ■ TWO A GOOD SLOGAN Florida has chosen "Optimism and Work" aa the State slogan, following the big wind and tem­ porary land slump. It's an excellent slogan. es|MHially If you put the heavy accent on •WORK." ■T EMPLOYMENT AT CAMPS, MILLS ON U P - G R A D E caused I4h Area In Oregon and »H In ft! more war« apprehended for build Ing campAres without perm it, making W ashington. a total of Htft i» m i» r con v id Iona. Thia class of law vlolalora heads lha FOREST FIRE LAW Hat. Ituah burning without perm it VIOLATORS CONVICTED i-timea next, w ith 1H« conviction« A l­ though the »milkers who atari foraat The people who art* re«ft,in»lh|e for lire« lend 1» number of man caused atarttng fure»t Urea are crim inally Ila Area. It la an|d to be hard to get l>le. and .1373 of them have been enough evidence for conviction. How- brougwt to Justice on the national foe eat» of Oregon and Washington din­ over. 7» of them have been brought to Juat lie and »Ira n education thuy ing the pant eight year«. w ill not aoou forget Negligence In T hia la ahown by a «tatement of lire hiw enforcem ent caaea for the atarttng Area or allow ing them to spread resulted In 77 conviction«. period of 1*1» 1*38. Juat tanueil by the In logging campa there were Id t ’ S foreat aervlce, Portland. Oregon prosecutions fo r Area O f these 1273 laaea, 717 -were In O re­ successful »thrled bv defective logging equip­ gon and 34H were In W ashington For leaving th e ir cumpAra» burn ment and 8 for aaw m llla w ithout I*orlland. Feb. 10— ( Special i Km ploym ent In the lugging and lum lter m anufacturing Industry In the I’nrlAc H. B- M A XEY Editor______________ _ N orthw e«t la on (he u p tu rn , accord h lorida s future is assort'd as one of the great; ing io the it. employm ent le tte r puh ■Btara< aa second rlaaa matter February M . IBB* ai tba »wow and e l d __ national sun parlors. Incidentally, at this mom-i iia h c t her« today, poslefftcn, SpriagHald. dragon ent, you can t for love, money or pull, engage weather have been factors lu keepiug M A IL SUBSCRIPTION R A T I rooms for the season at the big Palm lleach nr logging at a low er point than ua- Ome Tear la A dranra ll.TS rhree Month! — —Tftc hotels. ual. but w ith the coming of rain« and B ft M oatba ______________ Bl.BB Single C o p y ----------M Another good slogan fop^Horida would be w arm er w ealher many caiupa lia y - T H U R S D A Y F K H R P A R Y IP. IBYf “Give us railroad men like 8. Davis Wartfleld." reaumed work. the pine dtatrlcta Juat eaat of Traus|>ortatioii is to a State what blood Is to the the In Caacadea, where preparation» tor body. TH E INCOME TAX AND STATE the «enaon'a rut are now being made INDEBTEDNESS Mr. Wartfleld, a born tighter, and successful In at many aawntlll« and where three or , , , , .. J the face of vicious opposition, has forced new four m ajor operationa have begun Wltlle in our own minds we believe the in tom. bran active aa it ple have repeatedly refused to vote this sort of waa laat year a l thia tim e, the t, tax on themselves and their expressions should State as a great Governor, and as scarce. a • • le tte r stated It pointed out that be heeded. Because the governor and many leg­ (here are planta mostly medium and A. E. Roberts, President islators have reveresed themselves on the Income| »m ail ailed onea th a t are atilt down, tax plan Is no sign the people have. They look A catalogue, telling about our Secretarial. Bookkeep­ w ith opening dates Indefinite, w h ile , upon the Income tax as another tax and no man to ing and Stenographic Course», sent free to any uddress, at the «ame tim e there are at least 1 date has brought forth an Income tax that Is not u|H»it request. ten night a h lf la that were lu operation sxactly that before Christm as that have not re-1 Monday Is enrollment day. Law makers and officials are always looking «uni,- I work At several saw m ills a 1 T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE DR. FRANK CRANE SAYS for new forms and methods of taxation, pouncing (our or a Ave day week la In effect. on them like they have made discoveries. The Taken aa a whole employm ent tn fact It that all taxes come from one source and the PadAc Northw est la an par w ith Ultimately the average cltixen pays all taxes. To February of laat year. IT S AN OLD JOKE. BUT TRUE raise more money by taxation Is simply to place B heavier burden on him. And that Is what all Some Jokes, like a kitten, apparently have nine S MOKERS-CAMPERS CAUSE the Income taxes brought forth ao far is designed lives. MOST F O R E S T F I R E S to do or will do Instead of equalling the existing Dressed in new clothes, they appeur perettni- burden. < ally. 1 . . .. Such a Joke is the old gag about the small town Tha‘ »““*k«ra war« ra«pon»tbi> tor If the state treasury is in as bad fix as re- who stood before an elite eating place at f*r <‘®nt of aU ,h* oian- ited to be the thing to do Is to quit spending |U e a j t |m e g chewing a toothpick to give the Int- ‘au’”'<1 N re n t Bran started on the stead of imposing more tax burdens. Make .)rv88(on be had just dined within national foraat« of Oregon and Wa»h- BO capital Investment this year but use all the laughs at the story, with perhaps ln«,un dV<"« 1,M to •hown ,h' money for necessary' expenses of the ioftened mal| ,or to TOnle extent he annual firr r” ort Jtt,‘ «•«>»"’ »>r the State and pay off this indebtedness. Of course a kjn8hin with the hero l v 8 Fttr* at Service. Portland O w - this would mean delaying the *"><*1 P " * " " The genuine, sincere, unassuming man. who ts «°° Out °* ‘‘j* 7 7 ‘° n x "rau.buUdi Bgt , a t/ i 1 contend I o appear what he Is and nothing more. smokers. W1 according to tba report “ " U"* < is the millionth man — ------------ -------------------- when the «tate has money to build them. What most people want is to be known as great Camper« are a close second w ith ! ! ( forest Area, or tw enty-eight per JThe plan money away from the »fate ^ th er than simply be great. cent due to neglected campAres T h ird highway commission to pay the ordinary state - ** * — T ry thia on yourself: debts la the nearest sighted ao far advocated. It If you were offered the chance to have all the la the Hat la t h e Incendiary, charred will ultimately upset the highway program and power and greatness, as well aa all the responsl- w ith »8 Area. O f thia total, however. . bring . . state A officials much grief. Oregon has a ihlllty, work and abuse, of a president of the .. Sft -were , _ In or . , near _ the . Um pqua Ns- Wgh automobile license tax but the car owners Vn|<<| Sta(es and have no Qne ever know tio n .t Foraat in D a u ^ a . County will tolerate this tax Just so long as the money Is M.ere p ^ e n t - n e v e r get credit for great acts if ° “>’ r *» «•>’ »« «’ -"»» ----- accomplished would you accept? / “ T ? 0” ‘T / L T ' some of it 1» diverted to other sources there will Isn't rcognltlon and not juat pure achievement rU!* ur" *’ ' ““ K r ' be initiative measures galore to lower the tax the thing desired? mlarvllanaouR human »genet»» with the result that in the end the highway com Of course recognition is part of It, but when It mission Win not have ««fflclent hinds to take car- the mo8t |mpor, ant consideration, it as- In addition to th« H00 man rau«i*3M.36l. burned u v rr 341.432 aere« of What those who say they want them to desire , , . t , .r000-, Chine«, r»n tell tin», b.v lookln« at thr pupil» of '» Ihe b y -p j,ju« , „r powee and nucce.«. , b . “ „„ O f tbe amoker» Are«. 204 were on B c a ts eye. the pupils of which are said to dilate toothpicks and not the meal. perpendicular at noon. They want lhe yachts, the trips to Palm Beacll^ the national forest« o f Oregon and 77 were on the national foreat of W ash­ • • • and the Packard limousines. N atio n al forests i-ampera To really eat you must pay: to chew a ,ooth- ington There are 27 million rates In the freight tariff pick costs nothing, of the I nited States. All of them too high some- To really achieve costs work and self-denial; to body will say. seem to achieve (for a time!) requires only a * * weak conscience Queen Mary Pafronlies the cafeteria's in Lon-! “8.hoW OII,’.' <,e8‘re8 of achleve- don. Another proof that aristocracy is becoming me"t- b7 ,B unwilling to pay the price. He would democratic. rather chew the toothnlck of fraud than eat the| a • • substance of paid-in-advance actuality. One quarter of the women in American over .J«? 8eem to all but the shrewdest eve. ha« 15 years old are paid workers. One-sixteenth of a” ’hf »fractions and none of the hardships of the women are married and work out. actual being. • • • In Sunday School we used to sing: A recent survey places the world's radios at "Thls dav 5he." o,8e. Ilfteeen million. The next the Victor’s song” • • « The noise of battle must precede the song of The average income of doctors in New York Is '^ctory- The Royal Order of Toothpick Chewers placed at <2.000 a year by tnvetigatn«». tr>' to reverse the sequence, and It can't be done. C t”d. no TOO ÌM -¡K WCVL VFKr Mrs rsarL nasr-Moo Voo , AM Où srwobcvt on WKTHwO to«. HIK ) V TM«'- •i,oe Soon AwO TALK Dec T OR r«» » y 1 I TO T H E B O V - T H E N s n f u . s e t ie X HE CAM heal : V — , Nto.1 > IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL Phone «It»« 992 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon We A sk You Does Just The Ordinary Candy Satisfy You? Orw ould you rather have the pure delicious confec­ tions Eggimann haa at hla candy kitchen. If you like good things to eat and want to know they are pure and whole­ some; you will buy at Eggintann’s. You don't Just buy candy here. You get years of experience in the candy busi­ ness applied to the delicious bon bona that you take out of our kitchen. B EGGIMANN’S Get Rid Of Grippe As Soon As It Starts When grippe and similar ailments get hold of you, you should start treating at once. Somtlmes the symptoms do not show until the disease haa actuully begun to develop. This makes prompt action necessary If you wish to escape the complications which may result on account of neglect. A. D. S. Laxative Cold ¿z Grippe Remedy If promptly used, will stop colds and grippe before they have a chance to develop. This remedy should he kept on hand ready for Immediate use. Price 2 5 c B°«- Use Amber-o-lutiim exturnally Ketel’s Drug Store r- t I I To j /J C alifo rn ia then east — In t e r « » n e w a n d d l f f r m t i finer, f a t u r « e r e lc r th a n e v e r b e /o re Con venien T, comfortable service over th e Shasta route direct to California. Four trains daily, includ­ ing the speedy Shasta to San Francisco and South­ ern California Express to Loa Angeles. Famous transcontinen­ tal trainsdirecttoChicago and east v ia O v e r la n d Route, Lake T ah o e Line fro m San Francisco or Golden State Route from Los Angeles. O r travel the Sunset way east through the southland to N ew O r­ leans. Thence by tra in or S o uthern Pacincsteam - ship to N e w York— 5 great days at sea. A tk for d e ta ilt abou t dii> •ervtea. L et u ibeif) you f>lanrour itinerary. South Pacific CARL OLSON, AG ENT HOP T u k e tto n d rra rm a tio n i to foreign lande. 1 ” T h ia coupon and 25c en title the underaigned to one 35c can o f Acne- Q u ality Bnainel K ote, any color, and a apecial 20c Point Brush. A^zle. Add resa SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a abort time only. % 5 í' 1 [Uiilue.for L J Two things to watch when ordering your house paint Make sure, for one thing, how lo n j it will stay on—for another, how pleasing it will look. Experience with all makes and qualities of paints qualifies us to be of real assistance. We’ll see to it that you get paint that will last. We’ll help you in deciding on a pleasing color effect. And because we want you to be thoroughly satisfied, we will recommend that you make your choice from our complete line of ACME QUALITY Pain te<“‘ Varnish Before you buy any p a m t. tee us. W r arc here to «erve you. Wright & Son