PRINTING In t h « lniM«|»ar*ble ( m i n i pH n Io n of achieve- Bient. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS twknty - povrth yeah HPRINOranLD. LANK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 10. 1927 PETTY CRIME WAVE IS ABROAD IN SPRINGFIELD UNION HIGH PLAN Combining of Sevaral School District* Which Send High School Student* Here Talked A* Possibility, With Further Consideration Promised. Heveral esses of thievery or house- hreaklUR were reported to Hprlngfleld police headquarters durian the lest week-end by Irate cltlaena. Among the complainants iwaa V. I). Italn. superintendent of the Spring Held hlRh arhool. who finds himself with one teas suit of clothes as a re­ sult of a visit paid hla residence by an unidentified man February 6 'me hurdar entered the house tbrnURh the rear door while the Bain» wore out ... .u _ of the city, made .w a y with the gar* menta, but look nothing else of value F II Chase reported to police thut a eroaa rut saw and brace were stolen from hla gravel plant Saturday Chicken thievery Is continuing here. Ira Young lold Police Chief Hn.ll.on that 16 llhode Island red chi. kens were stolen from his poultry yard late last week The case la the aec- ond to be reported recently. 12 VDLUNTEERS ON mecomi Re-organization of Department Gives Springfield Best Pho- tection of Its History; Com­ pany To Drill Twice Each Month. E Former Presidents V. of 0. Library W ives Explo-ing Go 1 t m A P » w » 'l Pop*** L IV I NEW BPAPCR IN A L I V I TOW N x NUMBER 5 WOOLEN MILL DRIVE 10 GO FULL BLAST Committeemen Plan to Work Hard Following Receipt of Stock Sale Agreement from Klamath Falls; Over $20,000 Now Signed. The campaign to sell tlOO.OOO worth of Oregon-California Woolen Mill gbllgbment „ ¥olutltn, r Bre-llRhllnn ; stock will start full awing tomorrow in Springfield and Eugene according orgunltatlon thia week under the) to plana of the committeemen. C. N. direction of Fire Chief Je»» Smltson. j Coseboom, acting secretary of the A# a result of a fornai meeting I temporary ne>* woolen mill organisa­ <=*l»ed last week by the American tion. ha» phoned to the committed teO ««- «»«•| *« h» ¥‘ "‘“ " • d up | that he will arrive In Springfield thia as volunteer firemen and will serve evening with the signed agreement «>" call with pay for actual service to by which his group Is to raise ISSO.SM the department. and Springfield 3100.000 in stock »alee- The new firemen are W illiam Some subscription money has al­ Vasby. J H HUI. Charles Scott, Tom ready been signed up by the commit­ Sharman. Paul 8«-alefe. D. C. Taylor. SPRINGFIELD CAR IS teemen. Between 120.000 and 130.00* M. Allen. Frank Bennett. Eugene Ths spirit of adventure has called to two wives of former pres­ has already been volunteered or FOUND IN CALIFORNIA Walker. Delbert McBee. Cecil Mulll- j idents and both are sailing the seas to meet in South A m enes pledged. As soon as the signed agree­ i there to trip together. On the left Mrs. Theodore Rootevelt, widow « . emu and llalph H wee ne y. In addition ment Is In the hands of the committee Authorities at San l.u l. Oalspo. « al- J A g Cu|Tlg sf “Teddy" and, right, Mr». T. J. Preston, widow of Grover Cleveland. serves as as­ plans are for all four solicitation com­ iornla. telegraphed Police ( hleef Jees .................... Hornia sistant to the Are chief. mittees to start a canvass of Spring- K m I taon this week that they have __ „ _ Chief Smltson Is getting his Im field and Eugene. It is hoped to get located an automobile stolen here RESORT TO BE SCENE OF from "« W A n ’insurance Proved department I n t o working j B R |D C E S (T E BEING about 150.000 from each place and the NATIONAL YEOMEN M E E T; committeemen are confident that it compatiy Is returning the machine to order, and has plan- for two SURVEYED BY STATE I t . Springfield owner »'«»«» • month Absence from two I SUR V tY tU B Y 31 A l _____ . can be accomplished. | Yeomen from all part» of the United All the money, it Is expected can The car > w m iitoirn from Mr Kd drill« automatically d »m mw» a r i ______ Surveyil of the approach and «Ite - f,,r ih« Four ... mlstnn from A street Iwo weeks ago — mnn ,h,! oAMMav <«>u>Pa,,> Four men men Bonomy of carrying out anrh a 8. R. Jaynes Is back this week from , econda Inquiry from a shoe factory mlttee handling the right of-way plan planned for the entertainment of th e ; plan was discussed at leant h at Mon I.oa Angelea where he Interviewed Conaiderable satisfaction has been tor (h t new gpan haa not inform lodgemen during their period of 1 c«™ •» Washington w anting to * day's session It was pointed nut that buslneaa men with regard to the In­ expressed about town over the re­ sd as yet of the exact location of the "roughing It.” about the proposed tannery and eS- al »reseat the tuition paid by the guatrlal development here An Important feature of the con- Pressing a desire to locate near tt. oounty for out-of-Mtotrtet pupil. Is not Jgng|| |g now rp, dy lak, Op vamping of the fire department, and a right-of-way. — — — — Construction of the new bridge la ventlon win be a great initiation, ln j sufllclent to compensate the district |Bg dglB)U , he tannary „tsb lis h decrease In local Insurance rates I* a hoped-for result. The plan wna re­ certain to start early In the spring, which 600 will he inducted Into the ; ATTEND SCOUT BANQUET for the accommodations and service gnd w,„ ope„ bua, naaa organisation. This ceremony twill he It give, these etudeata Figures sub- (f)g g p , , ^ fb e new tannsry Is oae commended to Chief Smltson by a local Interests have been Informed. IN EUGENE LAST N IO W f representative of the Portland Insur­ held In a grove near the resort. The mltted showed that the per raplts nf (h0 flrg, industries to go In on the ance rating house. The department Is Initiation. It is said, w ill be the largest post of operating the high school la , n(lualrU, trac, har. Committeemen and scout mastePd In possession of an efficient new en­ SCOUT FINANCE PLAN ever held by the Yeomen. approximately J10, but It was pointed _____ of Springfield troops 11 and IS weg» gine. puchased last summer, sad TO BE MEETING TOPIC Much value from the publicity present at the county wide meetlag oat that the charging of that sm onrt , , . . D r C D v 10 nif>y for teltlon would be mel with disfavor, b water conditions are said to be Ideal standpoint la expected to he received held Wednesday night at the Oal Scouting ofllcials of Springfield end ; * result of the vlalt of hundreds of by parents of the students attending.^ AFTER EUROPE TRIP tor flre-flghtiag purposes. hotel la Eugene. -The eweet others Inteested will meet tomorrow | ]o<|relnen W ith s union district established, suf ' observances of national scout night to outline plane for raising [ flclent money would come directly In M Peery s ck a er s r p PATRIOTIC PROGRAM TO Nearly 100 men were present. Europe during which* he visited In Springfield’s 3300 quota of the Lane the usual manner for ths operation of Those attending form Springfield BE H E L D FEBRUARY 22 pounty pOy Scout Council's financial Vienna and Rome and spent some REV. CHILDERS WILL the school, and the Rpringfleld high included John W ill, Levi Neet. W alter 1 time In medical study. Dr. and Mrs. budget. It was announced today. school as a whole could be Improved, Elementary school» of Springfield RETURN TO PU LP IT’ Gossler. Kenneth Dillard. ClaytoB ■ Pesry are staying at the h«itne of his The 1Í27 county council budget pro­ It Is hellvsd. father. M M Peery of Rpringfleld. and I w,n ‘ P -fls tlc program on the Barber and H. E. Maxey. Earl II poses expenditure of 86.730. an In- Spring Vacation Certain . ,. _____ _ , no 1 - R er S. Earl Chtlders. who has been , John Bovard. Frank Jenkins and Dr. morning of February 22. beginning at ■will remain here for a month befoie Hprlngfleld school children a r e i.r io ,« a ! i I prevented from preaching at the Frst Burnett were speakers of the evented. the public U In -. cr^_le t.,« resuming hla practice at Marshfield. 9 o’clock, to which ■ _m appropriated last year. The largest chriBUaB chur(.h for two Bundays by , _________ _____ premised a Spring vacation this year vlted. A general assembly will be £ «Hmlala- The Peerys m»de the trip by way held at the B r .t t .ln school, and each , ^ e d u l e 1- for admin.. illness, w ill return to the local pulpit ; The hoard, upon requeat of several : of Portland and the l*anama canal, room w ill have 1.» , articular par. 'n , ,ra ' ' On ‘ ° ln Ijm (, Sunday. In his absence last Sunday. SPRINGFIELD, GROVE teachers, voted to set aside March 24 and were for two days In the Cuban and 26 as Spring vacation, thus post TEAMS TANGLE FRIDAY the program Memorte« of both Wash ‘ annual ro Rev Rex Davis, pastor of the First . . . ........ . . . . ... . . . K. . ______ _ i 1» shown In the councils annual re- Christian church of Albany, preached. pnnlug the dismissal of school for the hurricane. During their absent», M M Peery ' ln« ,on U n , oln w111 be b0 "0" * 1 T h l. week hlstorv and language P° r’ ’ * ’ ho»« tMat there are 152 , ch)nn. Two were Initiated Into the Neigh by a Eugene baking concern. Previous ruary 21. It was announced at the W illiam W Dawson. I I Pollard. For the benefit of the America« Mrs B. E. May. Mrs. Larson W right. I hot-" «< Woodcraft lodge sod six » e r e ' no“ nced h , . , ’, " to that, he operated a bakery here In high achool today. Legion treasury, the Legion auxiliary Features of the program are ln Mrs J. F. Ketsls, Mrs. W. F. W alker, I elected to membership when the lodge | “ ” d I '* " n , 1,n> ‘__ connection with the Hgglmann candy and Harold Geiger and Barbara charge of the various classes, each w ill serve a chicken dinner at DM M t « Carl Phetteplace, Mrs. O. H. | « • » The two Initiated kitchen. Adama, second division, of the Junior presenting a stunt In competlt*>n. Woodmen hall on March 11. The pat« Jarrett. Mrs 8 R. Dlppel, Mrs. Floyd »ere Mrs Nellis Tibbetts and Mrs. high school. Lloyd Mattison and Competent Judges sward places to He Is Invited to the dinner, at which Westerfleld and Mrs. Stewart. ■ Ssdle Baldwin. Courtney I»selle also are expected RADIO FANS PLEASED AS each class, and the results count In chicken a la king w ill be served. Among guests were Mrs. C. E , Following the Initiation, supper was to make the trip. The Legion auxiliary held a meettad QLEE CLUBS BROADCAST interclass rivalry. Fisher, Mrs. A. T. McKenxIe, Mrs , »erred. A minstrel number »a s given Business tnukP> The classes already are working on last Friday n ig h t Julius Fulop, Mrs Mary Lindsay, Mrs. 1 *»y the Woodcraft quartet. Expresslons of pleasure .were re­ their stunts, and pleasing entertain­ acted Included the resignation of Mr*. Troop 12 Swims Fred Fisher and Mrs. B. A. Wash- , The guard team, which la holding M. B. Huntly as president and of tha bnrnp, 1 a serlea of dances to raise funds for W alter Gossler and Kenneth D ill­ ceived from *11 part* of the district ment Is promised. secretary, Mrs. H. E. Maxey. Sfe* attendance at the national convention ard had charge of the awlm for troop by radio fans who heard the Spring- agreed to serve until the place I* Class Plan Social at Riverside, California, announced a 12. Springfield Boy 8couts. Tuesday field high school glee clubs broadcast CL INCAN TO FARM The Live W ire class of the First filled. carnival dance to be held at Mldwav night. The swim was held In the the cantata, "The Mound Builders,” at the Eugene broadcast station last Mrs. Bernice Van Vslxah /was m ad* Christian church will hold a social AT KLAMATH FALLS: hall Saturday night. men's gymnasium at the University at the church tomorrow n ig h t The successor to Mrs. Huntly. of Oregon, and the trip was made by night. Fred Cllngan will leave aome time The presentation was directed by class is taught by N. L. Pollard. Druggist On Vacation the local youths In Bosserman's truck. this month for Klamath Falls, w here, Miss Fay Spaulding, who had charge Speaker at Baptist Church . Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Flanery and he has acquired a large farm on wh ch _ .. . . of its preparation and presentation M. D. Eubanks a medical MissloO- Has Accident— Wallace Sharkey, ' , . . , . ..... ehlltlren. Dorothy and Richard, and Rebekahs Plan Soeial he plans to raise potatoes and alfalfa employed on the monorail at the ary, who has spent years In China, Miss Erna Weber, left thia week on A “red and white party” will be here two weeks ago. Mr. Cllngan w ill put In 80 acrea of Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, sus will apeak at the Baptist church F ri­ a two-weeks motor trip to California. held by the Rebekah lodge at the I. alfalfa, and 60 acres of potatoes. It Girl Breaks Arm talned a cut lip In a slight accident day night at 7:30. The Public is 1» No definite destination was plannod O. O. F. hall Monday night. All Is expected. Mr. Cllngan has been a Falling on the pnveme nt while roll­ yesterday. He was treated at a local vlted. by the local druggist, although he ex­ membera w ill -wear either red or white resident of Springfield for many yeara, pected to reach Los Angeles beforo or both to the affair. The committee er skating, Maxine Swart», 12-year old physician's office. and haa been connected with the Baby Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. W all­ daughter of C. A. Swarts, sustained beginning the return trip to Spring In charge promises a good time. Farmers Union store here. Go- To W altsrvllle— Mr. and Mra. C er Easton of W altervllle are the happy a broken arm. She was treated by a field. M M. Peery Is substituting In local physician, and the fracture was F. Egglmann went to W altervllle parents of a baby son. born early ye*- the drug store during the absence of Banks to Close Kill Kars To Moot Tuesday where they visited Mrs. May terday morning. The boy tipped the Mr. Flanery. Springfield banks will be closed found not to be a serious one. Craft at the D. C. Trotter residence. scales at nine pounds. The K ill Kara club will meet at the Saturday In observance of Lincoln’s residence of Mra. C. E Wheaton to­ Q. A. R. Ladles Meet Family Has Grippa— The George birthday, It was announced today. Visits in Town— Mr». Ella Kenney Redecorating Office— Offices of Dr. Ladles of the G. A. R. w ill meet at day, with Mra. W. H. Adrian acting Davenport family of West Springfield The banka also will be closed on Feb- as hostess. Cards »111 furnish ths Is reported to be down with a siege of J ruary 22. Washington s birthday, It Is 1 Egglmann's hall tomorrow afternoon Eugene Kester are being redecorated of Motor Route B was a business visitor here yesterday. diversion. ( I la grippe. j expected. I In regular aesslon. this week, with pleasing reaults. Kalabllshmeni of s union high school dletrlrl to larlutle the Sprlnq- II a III anil liniiiiMlaloly aurrnunilln* ai'himl district» w««