PAOR SIX T ilt’RSDAY FKIlHUAllY 3, 1927 THE BPRINOFÄLD NEWS ^TiatPriceJeauty. ' ■ ' ■ iy Mtis* f i o AS O TH ER S PATRIO TIC PROORAM9 PLANNED BY SCHOOLS Patriotic observance of both Lin­ colns and Washington'« birthdays will he hell by tin Hpciigtleld puhll.< school on the latter date. February 23 Assemblies of pupils In both high and elementary schools will be coti- SEE YOU An I remember that the mirror musl tluvU„, wtlh patriotic themes the not be Just a decorative ornament fB„,urw O| the programs Make a habit of using It regularly-“ In the elementary achoola. separate for alndylng goad points and bad points of the face, lines of the head, roome will obeerve Lincoln's birth arrangement of Ihe hair, profile, etc j day. Valentine boxes are .planned It will aerve as a friend and warn you tor elementary echimi risiili« «n Feb- of dlsAgurlng lines and blemishes in ruary 14. time to avoid them, and teach you to ; play up your good points against those Ni|ron Ma„ In—Glenn Tryon of that are not eo good. - j Nalron ,»«« a v is ito r In BprlogAeld And. while we are on the subject, this morning don't overlook the Importance of Ink ( Ing careful note of the back of your . Here From Qoahen— Henry Mat­ head each time you dress Thle Is j hews of Goshen transacted bualneea most Impartent, for although you may In SprlngAeld this morning not be conscious of tt. oth-e neonl- look aa closely and critically at th« Here — John W e n d lin g R ssldsn t back of your head aa at your face. A beautiful arrangement of Ihe hulr over Downing of Wendling was a Spring the face cannot excuse straggly wisps field visitor tods y of hair and a crooked part In ihe back Minister Visita Grove—It»» Gabriel Sykes went to Cottage Grove thia W om an Have Nerve University of Oregon. Eugene. Feb week with Conference Superintend* J — (8peclal>— Women fencers are ent Chaney to confer with Rev. Hand-* more daring and leas afraid of being erson. evangelist, concerning the evangelistic services to be conducted hurt than men. according to W. Davlsslon, Instructor In fencing, who In Springfield Isle In March A group has revived Interest In the ancient from Ihe local Methodist church wilt sport For three years the sport has attend the Henderson services In Cot­ been organised on the. campus, but tage Grove early next week. the Interest has been greater thia year than ever before A Good Ulano tor «ale. I37& 00 Terms See Wat Vaaby at 311 Main CALL AND SEE Dr N W Em»»y on prices on plate and other work t* Street. A b.and new mirror has been In­ vented It s a magnifying mirror for the dressing table, and looks like any other mirror It may be had In your favorite color with powder box to mutch that you "tav carry out »the decorative scheme of your dresslug table But when you look Into It— "Benton ts now home ' We have1 "For a pilgrim you're consider hie WHAT HAS GONE BEFORE well, watch out for a ahock - because moved so frequently that I hava of a hosa." It magnifies! 18SS—,ind the Union PaclAc Rail- grown to call almost no place home." The lady herself was amnxlugh Instead of seeing a .perfect example road has reached Ben ton. Wyoming, j “I judge then that you are connec. -j - damned!" he roundly vouch dined the "smile." act the man as long as I breathe." I safed. And—"You've been having a "Thank you I do not drink." quiet little smile with her. eh?" He "What?" Hia tone stiffened "The asserted. "That may go excellently In the sniffed suspiciously “A few swigs of hell you say. Have a smile you pll- East.’ she answered. "But we in the that'll make a pioneer of you quick- _ » •• ern alkali S ues favoring you—d h \ . . . starting. Jim." she inter­ West favor the Persian maxim—Io Train's Now If she tells you of a system, take posed sharply “If you want to get ride, shoot, and tell the truth With those three qualities even a tender­ my advice and quit while your »air», hurry- . , , - J The bell was ringing, the passen- foot can establish himself." “You bear the truth when 1 say I “My hair is my own fashion, sir. t vers were hurrying, incited by the anticipate much pleasure aa well as I rebuked "And the lady is not for conductor's shout: “All ’board!" renewed health. In Benton,’ I de­ discussion between gentlemen, parti­ Without another word the ladv clared. cularly as my acquaintance with her tripped for the car steps. 1 gave the "Were we by ourselves we would 1s only casual." fellow one (Jrm look and perforce “Tnt. tut'" he grinned. "No of­ left him. The train moved as 1 seal the feature In another 'smile' to­ fense intended. Mister Pilgrim. Her Jumped on the nearest car and the gether." she slyly promised. "Unless and me are good enough friends. I conductor and brakeman hauled the that might shock you." "I am ready to fall in with the There's no brace game in that deal. i tipsy fellow aboard. customs of the country." I assured. "I I only aim to give you a steer. My lady was ensconced. certainly am not adverse to smlle