PAGE P IV E T H E SPK iN U FlK LD NEWS TH U R SD A Y FEBRUARY 1 .1 »27 Construction of a modern hotel la Office Asistant Employed LOBT Klamath Falls, to coet approximately Mrs. Alma Cowdea has beea em­ Small Rrown Leather Coin Purse (IftO.OOO. was ennouo(!eInml„ 1<)n aurin, «he week end- that for 192ft. It Is set forth In a com ford of Mohawk transacted bualne«» were releaaed from the Pnclfl. < hrl» January No ralaMH»» were parstlve statement covering eight , D istinctive Trim m ing Effective In Hrlngfleld early liila week. years that has been Issued by the tian h«mph»I fhl* weak The little reported traffic department of the Port of | E m b ro id e ry in b rig h t colors o«, - S e r e From F .r r y - lx m l. Knicker ' «"■' born '•"* Thuradny. A movement H on foot to reopen Portland commission. black o r navy blue — elaborate bocker of Headman'» Ferry wna In Ihe Cove Stole beak Stock at »1W a With the central Oregon skies free . sleeves, sometimes in a contrasting HprlngIt.Id Monday Visiting Brother H s r ._ l.a r r y Plum share Is now on sale and If enough H from cloud», a perfect rainbow ap- i color, are vivid details o f the Spring her of Cedardale, Oklahoma. 1» »Hit- frocks. Lace and buttons are often Thurston Man H o r o -l.e e DevH of ln|f f(jr a ft,w w#Bks with hla brother. »ubacrlbed for. the bank will resume p«-ar«*l In Ihe heaven» west of Bend one morning Het week, banging In seen, also. Thuraton spent ‘ “ a pari * of Tuesday j ' Humber, farmer of ibe Spring- buataeee. A financial statem ent prepared by the blue sky In the particles of rain »tailing In Hprlnglteld field dial rid . the city recorder ahowa the total as- end enow blown over the plateau T he Silk Frock Is Chosen Drive to Qrovo— Mr and Mrs C. F _ , . . . __tv ,.r.i Hrande to be »1.232,601.01 country from Ihe high Cascade». The W Hta. From Loa ' - J T„ . corporalton bu. , „ e . . Hat year to rainbow remained In the eky for sev­ Egglnmnn vlalted at Collage Grove For Every Occarion has been received from WlIHrd Monday eral minutes. Andre, »on of K II Andre, of Ihe safe " The wardrobe of every woman in­ Jake Luscher of Fairview was elect- | cludes at least one frock of silk for prac­ Hara From Weatflr— Mr». Brure arrival at I--» Angelea of the Andre, Japan»»» truck gardener, of Hood tical «marines»— georgette, crepe de lainaberry came In from Weatflr Mon­ family, which left for Southern ('all- »«*•( -»«Imate that th .lr tonnage of ed president of the Oregon State chine and flat crepe fashion them thu asparagus for Ihe coming spring will Dairymen's association al Its annual day. returning Tuesday tornia by motor H st week. Nine feet season. , meeting held In Monmouth last week reach 24 car», an Increase of 10 care of »now was encountered In Ihe S is­ Laird Is V laltor— V N. Laird, reel Other officers elected were J. R Mc­ kiyou pa»». Andre said The elder over the yield of 1924 deni of the Pleaaanl Hill district. Jarnoa William Park of Aelorla baa Cracken, Talent, first vice-president; Mr Andre I« Ihe Inventor of an oil ap«-nt a part of Monday Irunnacllng Ira O I-ance, Tillamook. second vice- drill appliance, and has been given a been designated by the war depart bu»ln<'sa In Hprlnglteld. president. and P. M Brandt. Corvallis. nient a» second alternate for Senator position the Rotary Disc — ----- Hit /UKIIliill with weaaa *s»~ . < secreiary-tr«!S»urer. • Sizes for W om en and Natron Man Haro— Among out of- ompany al the Compton plant of that Stanfield'» appointment to the I nlted The Slualaw river route betweiA .S tale« military academy at Weal town vtallors here Monday were lb" com vm Mi**e* Mapleton and Florence, the only un Point. following Natron realdenta; II. O. Smith, urani Koneria Fi.«.« lose In Cottage Grove during constructed portion of the «x-ntral Hmllh. Georg«- Smith. Grant Roberta. Oregon trans-atate highway went of H E Wright end James T a lla fe rr > L I G H T E R T R U N K S R E F L E C T i»2« wee »2*25. according to a r g port the C anadcs, waa decided upon by T o r u n r \ c M fin F Q N QT YI comi Jvtl hy 8. L. M acklin, city (ire Back A tta r Q uarantina — l>wi«ht T R E N D O F M O D E R N S . L TM , divided Into 11821. the the state highway commission in a K essey. ...( .t a n t «.«hier al the Com g bnlMlngs. .a d »1000. lb» Iosa sesslcu hehi In Portland last we«.;. This route was adopted In preference inercia) Slate hank, H back at hla crease In travel convenience«, hav«- on cont.-nte. to the upper or North Fork route. po»l after several week» spent In cm - lightened Ihe Job of Ihe baggagem an.. While sliding down the baaHtar at floctnent with a case of smallpox First egg taking of Ike year by the according lo E II Carson, general Glad « «•»’ school last week, Ardea Oregon state game commission has Visit At Portland—Mr» Merle Css baggage ag««nl for the Southern Cari­ OunmiK 19. »on of Mr and Mr» Rag h u c r lr e «if Fernrldge. w -a Impc -4 begun on cutthroat trout held In teel and Chryslle Amlereon l e f t ne Company. by two large «pllntera which «utaiad halthcry ponds at Tidewater In Lane Tuesday for Portland to vl»ll for a •The average piece of baggage bla ahdomen county. South Coos In Coos county, When you have dyspepsia you should eat wholesome food few days. checked now weigh» le»» than Ihe Jrm es Edward NIchoH, three-yexy. and on the Necanlcum river. 11 miles of a variety that won’t distress you. Starchy foods should baggage of ten year» ago," Caraon east of Seasiue. Approximately 2,000.- Spends Sunday Here — W i y n r •Id sen of Mr. and Mr». 8 B NIchoH said "People are becoming more ex­ be avoided and all other foods except fruit should be well I 000 eggs will be taken from these fish Hawke «pent Sunday here visiting hl« eg Riddle, waa brought to a Roseburg cooked. Eat plenty of fruit. Drink milk slowly. parent« He 1» employed at the State perienced traveler», end they no long­ hospital surfering from a long gash H I before they are released. Matt L. I er carry with them Ihe vast assort- Ryckman. superintendent of hatcher­ llouar al Salem bis aide caused by falling on a paw meni of clothing and nick-hack* once ies, announced. of pruning «bears. . Recovers from Smallpox— lk>n Oil considered essential. The Interior department Issued pub- ; One of the few remaining land­ ll»ple le out of quarantine after three .-„„,« - . . "Modern trains and hotel» snor'l mark» In La Grande must go The old lie notice for opening to entry on week« of collfliirauent with a case of ,-•»«,! will improve the appetite, increase the flow of gastric juices i home convenience«. A man may travol Grandy home, built In 1»77—constant Mart h 1 of 14ft farm units of the Tule : and assist the digestive organs In assimilating the food pro poX' | front San Francleco to New York and LaLc division of the KHmath reclam ly the borne of Ibe Urandya during ihe Welcome Beby Son— Mr. and Mr« ; bock with but one suit and a »mall Hat half century -will be wrecked ta atlou project. It is proposed to oper­ perly. ate the new division on a water rental A. R. Sneed are the happy parent, of hand bag and still look Immaculate. make way for local progress The regular use of these tablets for a limited time will per­ basis until the development Juatlftes a beby aon. born Sunday at the Peel- Ills suit can be pressed nightly ae he More than 20U0 Deachutsa county a district organisation, when a Joint- manently overcome the conditions which cause Dyspepsia, sleeps on trains, end hie laundry can flr Christian hn»pltal In Eugene registered v«dera failed to vote In Ihe liability contract will be required, with be returned within eight hour« when Indigestion, Etc. . last general election. J. H. Haner. i construction charges fixed at »»».35 Baby Bon Born— A baby aon was «lopping enroute. county clerk, «aid recently. In an­ born to Mr and Mr« Kenneth Gossler i an sere, payable in 40 years. Price "With women the llghtneee of dress nouncing that noltcas ef lapses of reg­ at their residence Sunday. The boy At a conference of railroad officials, wa» named Clare. He lipped the material« and the style» require lee« istration were being mailed out. fruit express company representatives, packing apace than In year» paat. Oregon monthly pensions have been shippers and broccoli growers held scales al 8% pound«. "Average weight of pieces checked granted a« follow«: Aaaon B Will». In Roseburg Hst week, the estimate Return« From Tillamook— W. C. has fallen to »ft pound». The 162.191.- Portland. »40; George L. Harding. for the 1927 broccoli crop from the Mcljigan. steam superintendent of Portland. »30; Edwin M. Barnett. the MtAiolkln Stale« Power Company, 390 pounds of baggage checked over Hermiston. »30. Charles B Arthur, Umpqua ealHy was pUeed at 450 cars, less than half the number sant out the company'» I’aclflc Line» last year returned Monday from Tillamook, Toledo, t i t ; Edwin K Stillwell. Cot last season. The airsags planted to where hie company la Installing Im waa valued by its owner» at aim rat taoe Grove. »20. broccoli for thU year'» harveal la only portant new equipment to Its pow.«r a dollar a pound. »139.29J.7ft2 Io be about one third the amount aet out exact plant. last yoar. but a heavier yield per acre la expected, as conditions have been very good and the crop la In fine shape. The state highway commission, in soaslon In Portland last week, ordered I a re-survey on the Old Oregon trail ! between Kamela and Hllgard, 12 miles, for widening this section. The j following Hwanla for maintenance ma teriala were allowed; Dillon-Quinton j section of Columbia River highway in • Gilliam. Sherman and Wasco counties to M. Chandler ft Co.. »19.064; Jack Horner Creek Mohler gectlon of the Rooaevelt h!i hway to Simonsen 4« Hefty, »17;27-1; Mystic Creek-Winston section of Coos Bay-Roaeburg highway, A new shipment of 200 lovely, lustrous »elf stripe umkrthlngs Feel like »21.86ft. »Ilk look like Silk and wash satisfactorily. With ribbor. shoulder straps, Ninety-nine persons were killed and and nicely finished. Two delightful pastel »hades orchid or peach. 4044 persons were Injured as Ihe re­ sult of SO.02ft motor vehicle accidents in the state during 1926. according to a report prepared by T. A. Raifety, “Brill’s «Marvel" Is their name the original guaranteed stockings of flaw­ chief Inspector for the state motor ve­ less silk which lit and display the lines of nature. Such wanted shades as hicle department. There were 3625 Thrift consists of the provident use of Maple, lark, sandelwood, sugar cane, lariat and champagne. arrests by the state traffic officers one s income and revenues and the careful during the year. Of these. 187 result­ orderiijg of one’s expense?, so as to live not ed from operatl«>n of cars by Intoxi­ only within one’s means, but to lay aside cated drivers, and for possession and something for the “rainy day.” Note their generous size, 81 by 105 Inches. Effectively crinkled, and' transportation of liquor. Reckless colored stripes, made from the best ferade staple cotton and skillfplly and careless driving caused 286 aw Thrift, rightly understood and constantly woven. The colors are guaranteed absolutely fast. rests, while 1572 arrests were due to carried out, Is a moral virtue which insures speeding on the highways. health, wealth and happiness and is a power­ Although there were increases In ful safeguard against dissipation. production and shipments of lumber Ask for “Brill’s Western Giant” (made expressly for the J. C. Brill Stores) by 101 west coast mills last week. and you’ll get heavy quality blue denim overalls that are full cut. triple ' compared to 103 mills the previous $1.00 Opens a Savings Account week, there was a notable decrease In stitched and reinforced stitching on all corners. Union made too. and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank the total'numbar of naw orders book­ ed. The report for the wask ending January 22 showed production totaling 8»,19t,675 feet, compared to »7.277.114 A good 85c value these blue qhambray shirts. Full cut. triple etitched, feet for the previous week: shlpmeata two pockets, reinforced at points of strain, full length and nicely finished. Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System totaled »1.101.127 feet, compared ta a x • total of »4.2(7.947 feet the previous A GOOD B A N K IN A GOOD C O U N TR Y week, while new orders booked la«t week totaled 94,004.612 feet, «mmper- And quite the rage, to6 -so serviceable and practical for school wear. •d to 109.920.041 feet the previous Made of heavy weight dark grey corduroy In the much wanted wide bot­ week, according to the weekly report toms with cufTs, t>elt loops, plenty of pockets, sizes 4 to 7. Larger sizes (M the W est Coeat Luasbormae'e aeoe- Sprlagfleld, Oregon ciatioa. at $2.4fl. ) ,• • .........- - . I - . "~a~- -' J'.' W — J 1— 1— TOWN AND VICINITY OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST A New Frock for Spring! $19.75 mwwww A Word About Dyspepsia A. D. S. Dyspepsia Tablets 50c Ketel’s Drug Store [O C& uí^ V (/jíx a /w n > m tK i PROVING CONCLUSIVELY WHY IT PAYS TO TRADE AT J C. BRILL STORE Women’s Shimmering Rayon Vests Women’s Silk To Top Hose, Pair THRIFT! Bed Spreads, Fast Color, Only Men’s 220 Weight Bib Overalls Men’s Good Weight Work Shirts Boy’s Natty Corduroy Longies At Commercial State Bank w