I T lIu m U A V nCBKUARV 3. 1G27 T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THR1 Picture* Show Church W o rk TRAIN ____ SCHEDULE UNIVERSITY CROWDED Dr. O. C. Wright, member of the Cascade Line | F 0 R LIBRARY SPACE »tuff of the state Baptist convention, * * * “ •* l «* Oregon. Eugene. O rc . Kara an Illustrated lecture at tbo 7 -5 0 ? MU" L v lea" * b> A M Daily. . February 3 .(Special). Reading apacg Springfield Huptlat church Tuesday evening Pictures showing Baptist [ Northbound. Springfield a t 1:4 * F. for leaa than nine per cent of th * church work In thia atate -were' M n“ ,17 student* of the University la provided thrown on the acreen by Dr Wright. Q U A IJ T Y HItDOM B- Delirarmi a t your door. Call Fred Kosaerman at *° r I«. Main Line— Bun connections Here. Southbound California trains, Ba. CA LL AN D BEE Dr. N. W Emery gene at 1:36 A. M„ 1:45 P. M , 1S.15 on price* on plate and other work, tf P. M ., and • : OS A M. Dally. | by th* present library building, am ‘ “ rdlng to a report made to President Arn<>,d Bennett Hall by M. H. D o « * **M ' Ubrarlan W A N T E D — To trade for aerea*.- Otuxl house and I H lota In Spring field, one Mock off parement. F ire block« from mill, Box |J0. if Northbound California trains, E a -‘ Mr. ^ r*’ Douglass, In addition, reco*> F»>It R E N T — I-arge tract of good SU M M O N S gene at 4:15, 3:17, 10:65 A. M and “ ettd04 the «xpanalon of courses Is farm Und near Rprlngfleld. Cheap IN T H E C IR C U IT CUORT OF T U B I Z7ra i" M , elementary library training In order M STA TE O F OREGON FOR LA N E M rent, a chance for a good farmer to Southbound Oregon locaU. Eugene I ‘“ ‘ T " * • ® ciency ° f Mudasi CO UNTY. M o n o O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T make some money, len d abould Notice la hereby given that Ixiur- Pianti». Va. Audrey E I at 12.25 A. M and » 00 and 1:26 P . . and to thoM> preparing ta be plowed thia winter. Inquire John B. Frey. _ W _ s * • f a f i C f i /al» A » 1 S------_n __ Frey. Defendant teach or become librarians an oppor­ eoa Taylor. Adm lnlatratrli. of the Bat­ NOTICE OF FINAL 8BTTLKMENT Newa office. To Andrey E. Frey, Defendant: tunity to learn modern library mo* of Uie ealate of Alvlra ato of K A. Taylor, deceased, hla Bind ln lh* IN T H E NA M E O F T H E S TA TE Northbound Oregon locals. Eugene tboda. A. Prlndnl, dttcpMMed NO TIC E TO C R E D ITO R » her final report and account aa such, OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ ,,V "" ,ha' <»'“ Notice |a hereby given that the nn- quired to appear and answer the com at 2:26 and 7:36 A. M. and 3:30 P. M with tin- Clark ol the County Court »e|í ? TK. ^ a At present. M r Douglass pointed of laina County, (tragón, and the TH L. I»rind*l. Administrator of the m lnlra’f * pp,,lnl* d Ad I -------- ve W a n g lin g T r a in * plaint ------------ filed agalnat you In the above out, the library la used as the mala " / Alelra A. Brindai. dereaaed m ntatrator of the estate of Hattie B entitled suit on or before alx weeks Court haa aet Monday, the 14th day East hound mixed, at Springfield. study hall becuse of present methods or February. IM 7. at 10 00 o'clock In nan filed hla final arrount and report Mickelson. by (he County Court of) from date of first publcatlon of this 5:16 A. M. auch Administrator with the Coun of teaching and because many student* (he forenoon In the County Court »" IV I o u ri or la n e (> <> .. I n V * “ u" ,y - Oregon. All persons »unimons. or for want thereof the County tanfi the ( «uri. t'oun of h faine -1 u -a On •Coti ,n d 1 i * "ald ‘•»tale are I Plaintiff will take judgment agalnat Room In the Court llouaa at Eugene, ty have no other suitable places. A t Westbound mixed, at Springfield day Of F e b r n a r v IM T »he » •« " el»«» « !’?’" «n. and wlH aPP'> '«» 'he court for . .¿iT “ 1 . ! notified ?°. to preaenl the sam Laue County, ttreann. aa the tint» dav of' Fehruarv 1 « , 1:60 P. M. much expense and Inconvenience, ta* of l,-n A M m * ,h° hour properly verified to the undersigned the re||< relief [wa ved for In the com plaint! ■aid. It has been necessary to borrow and piare Io hear ohjecllons to the Room In F u e - e i i a - C?ur‘ I ,h" °®< " Wells A Well«. At- »» Ur‘," ‘ the paBt week m^ rU g e Be J 27: F 3-10-17 24 case of fire, Mr. deralgned lhal be ban been, by the --------------------- — Thia summona flrat publwhed on Jan- enses have been lasued to the follow-1 Douglass declared. order c» Iin- County Court of Lane NO TIC E OF T H E SALE O F SPRING- ““ O' 20th. 1*27 I inK couples: Haley Adkins, Noth and: County, Oregon, appointed aa admln- F IE L D IM P R O V E M E N T BONDS for Pl’aTMDr' SW i i ’IVORD'w A‘ ,orney Marguerite Norton, Eugene; Claudel A ’ “ ‘»"antial Increase In the total SUMMON* Istator of the ealate of Charles A. IN T H E c iw n ifv r Residence and Post of- - » , , . . . NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN, that In ■or I lalntlff Ritchey and Pearl Dren, both of number ot hooks issued to student* H T A T ie 'o i' R T OF' T H K • , , " r ,l“ “ <,n,ll‘ *° ketw Interest at the Geo H. Ditto snd Anna M. Ditto, h.s N O T,C E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T for aclence claaaroolng and tobo™ T II Uoyeau, Administrator. wife, plaintiffs, vs. A L. Stearns No“ ce 1» hereby given that George ieg. and the k appear and answer the eo„.p!alnt r" ’” ,,f "lx ppr ''en* pnr »nnum. sub- S M IT H A EVANS. Attorneya. and Jane Doe Stearns, hln wife or L Ma»L Administrator of the Estate “ b e are not filed against you In the above en- i ' ,n rpdemptlon at any semi-annual J 13 20 27: F .3 I0 available for circulation. tllle<| court and cause, on or before! 1,1 pMyn,,,nt period after being In If deceased, their unknown heirs nt George E. Mast, deceased, has The library contains 152.594 vol­ the expiration of the lime prescribed i“1'1'* f,,y by paying the Northern Counties Investment Com- hl8 flnal report and account as NOTICE OF FILING OF FINAL In the Order of Publication to -w lr fBora, lon and A|ao a„ nfhpp „ first year’s advertising campaign and corporation, and Also all other par­ GEORGE L. MAST. Administrator. said Court In the County Court House as to (he court may seem Just and ties who have or claim some title. W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys. field work of the West Coast Lumbar In Engine, I-ane County, Oregon, baa proper. M. PETERSON, Recorder. Ben. estate, or Interest In the pro­ J 13-20-27: F 3-10 been net by the Court an the time and F 3-10-17-24: M 3: Trade Extension Bureau, in the Inter­ This summons Is published pursu- perty described In the complaint here­ place for final hearing upon said final ant to an order of the Honorable G ests of West Coast mills, brought most in; the above named defendants: settlement of said estate. SUMMONS SUM M ON» F. Sklpworth. Circuit Judge of Lane IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H B satisfactory results. J. D. Tennant, All persona having objection* to said County. Oregon, made and entered | Margaret White, Plaintiff, vs David „OF OREGON: You are hereby sum­ S T A T E O F OREOON. IN AN D FOR president of the bureau, reported to final account, or any Hein thereof are December >1. 1*24, and the first puh-i Franklin White. Defendant, moned and required to appear and | the stockholders in a meeting at th * L A N E COUNTY. hereby notified Io resent the name Io llcatlon hereof Is made the 23rd dav. To David Franklin While, Defendant, answer the complaint filed against Edna Horton. Plaintiff, vs. James M. Olympic Hotel. the County Court on or before the of December. 1926 and the last pub’ IN T H E NAM E O F T H E S T A T E you ... „ above entitled suit and In „ the Horton. Defendant. j "W here last year at this time wa time fixed for final hearing herein. llcatlon thereof Is on (he 3rd day of, ‘ »P ORBOON, You are hereby re- rollr, within six weeks of the date of To James M. Horton, Defendant: had i * C. M DO RITY, Administrator of February. 1*27 , qulred to appear and answer the com-1 th e firs t D u b lira tin n o f th is sum In the name of the State of Oregon. tO, trade Promotion dla- HOWARD M BROWNELL. Alter- a* al,,rt FtW In the above moBg. towlt: on or beforeh'he 3rd the estate of George Horton, de­ a-va from other Industries to show ceased ney for plaintiff. Residence; Eu jn tltled suit on or before six weeks: 4av of March, 1*27. and vou w ill take I ’ you _ — are hereby ---------- summoned and re- ' I p mill,««,,, ' f7 ’nt i ,be <,al*' ot ,b,‘ Publication notice that if vou fall to appear and : Qulred to appear and answer the Com- en’ toda-v Are have one of our L E BEAN. Attorney. gene. Oregon of this summons, and If you fall so or p)ead wtthln said time l>'a,“ t filed herein against you. in the own- representing the most aggressive J 4 13 20 37: F 3: I) 23 30: J 4-13 20-27: F3 nr i;P broB,r.,“„n,ftr,‘2 :,7 :r^ 0 r .W’ r t ,h ’> P'a ">"ff»- for want thereof. Wfli “hove entitled suit and Court wltTlin and complete selling campaign this in- for ii..? —Hof K * 1 ° Urt ' aPP,y *0 the above entitled court for six weeks of the date of the first pub- dustry has ever undertaken ’• ■ r me to-wlt relief : demanded In her com- , u,. ,u.-^ 9umn,ons „ and -a i- “ you ¡ Thp Pleasing thing about the U si Plaint For . decìse "of ThTs * * *" , k . i . “ C“ ,On th"’ complaint, to-wlt fail to answer for want thereof, tha | year's program. Mr. Tennant said. Court forever dissolving the bonds of) was For a decree. In and by which all matrimony now existing between the adverse claims of said defendants and ,>lain,iff »Hl take Judgment against, the remargkable response which has plaintiff and defendant, and for such each of them in and to the follow'ng pra-^ d ,for in P U ln tiff s Com- come 5ac|t to , hp lndugtrv f other and further relief ax to the described real property situated in ""I a J e" e e , ot tb e ' of printer's ink and n , ™ » . « n Court may seem equitable. Lane County. Oregon to-wlt: All of ( ° ur' di’"'olvlnS ‘ he bonds of matri- r s ,n* Personal field Mr«. Arthur Sayles This summons Is published once . . . . . , . . . . . . mony now existing and granting to work. Sixty-three publications w er* each w eek for six successive wePKa 'h»' P«r« of IxRs number Fifteen (151. Teacher of Plano In the Springfield News a w e e k " ! Six,‘“‘n <’ 8 ‘ nnd «eventeeen (17). ly- Plaintiff an absolute divorce from the used for advertising and 240 advertise- newspaper of general circulation. p u le j,n< we',f " f ,he railroad right-of w qy, Defendant, and for such other and men" ’ beginning May 12th. were pub­ lished In Springfield. Lane County O re -!1" ,he Block numbered Ninety Three further relief as to the Court may Ushed in these. Starting with threa Mr«. Leland Svarverud : (93) in Washburne's Subdivision of seem Just and quitable. field men within thirty days after the gon. hy order of Hon C. P. Bernard. Teacher of Violin the Sprlngfieki Investment and Power . — County Judge of Lane County. Ore Company's Addition to S p r i n g f i e l d , T h l»'summons is served upon you ! organisation was authorised, the Bur- 22S Main SL Residence 125 c St- I gon. whlch ordi r bear» date the 25th (la v o f J a n u a ry n - f Lan’‘ County, O regon-shall be fu llv , by pubJ:catl° n b y y!r,ue °? “ order eau now has five and expects to h a r* 132 - 7th St. E. 43 J « ¡M ¡B U S I N E S S D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant WM. G. HUGHES F IN K ANO AUTO IN fiU R A N C R NO TARY PUBLIC QEO,. N, M eLfiAN O ffice a t FIRST NATIONAL BANK S p rin g fie ld , O regon Automobils, F irs and L ife IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds Phone «17 My businsaa It to protect your business «40 W llla m o tte SL Eugans jDrsgon * Call SUTTON TRANSFER Phone 57 VA8BY BROS. OR. N. W. EMERY Painting ft Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street D E N TIS T Sutton B id *. Phono 20-J Raaldanoa Phon* 153-M Springfield, Oregon DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTI8T General Law Practica Fleet Nat’l Bank Bid*., Bprlngflald Phon* 43 I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Ora. FRANK A. OE PUE D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon A T T O R N E Y A T LAW NOTARY Sutton Building ■ ¿ d i ™ , . J , . “™ l i d ‘ l i S S K P U B L IC SPRIKGFIH.B GRAVEL GO. Springfield, Ora gon. M. G. HOCE Attomey-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon Hare From Creale—S I. Delves of Camp Creek waa a Springfield visitor Tueaday. All kind* of gravel for con­ crete or road work. Wo make a specialty of crushed rock and rook sand. Bunk- ora at foot of Main on Mlil street. * HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. DR BALD— Parro« sheet«. Md hi atoah «3 the Neww FWrm seMabla far ratfi, m i ww^ M wminfc eto, with S ' £ £ " > ’? ' ' » • ' f i T ' - i S S ? ( S i ! t . . . no ’‘" 'atP- rig h t title or Interest Springfield News once a week for nant 8,a'ed were most effective cs J 27 ■ F 3-10-17-24 M 3-10 whatsoever In and to said real pro- six consecutive weeks, and that you i opening up new markets for West ' ' perty or any part thereof; and also answer the said Complaint within {Coast woods. Mn-rioa- cr- c k . . i ,hat the defendants and each of them, six weeks from date of first publics- r «• . .SOTI E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T be forever debarred from asserting, tion thereof. Date of first publics- fh„ „ pd4e- treasurer, said that Notice Is hereby given that Ix>ur- any claims whatsoever In and to said tlon. January 13. 1927. , the Bureau, whose finances he reportefi a y °7 . Kxpcu‘ r,x of .‘ he Estate | real property or any part thereof, ad- W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys for, ,n mos‘ excellent condition, was e«- of Ira N. Taylor, deceased, has filed verse to the plaintiffs, and for such Plaintiff. Post Office Address. Eugene, actl.v the stimulant the W e s t C o « .» her flnal report and account as such, other and further relief herein as to Oregon. Oregon I lne e ,t Coa,t .......... _ vtreaon. lumber Industry needed. The budget with the Clerk of the County Court i the court may seem equitable, J. 13-20-27: F 3-10-17-24: for 1926, covering eight months, total­ of I.anc County. Oregon, and the This summons Is published pursu- Court has set Monday, the H th day ant to the order of the Honorable O. ed a few dollars less than 3250,0011 RESTO RATIO N TO E N T R Y OF of February, 1927, at 10:00 o'clock In F Sklpworth. Judge of the above en- while that for 1927 is 3375.688. T iti* I-ANOS IN N A TIO N A L FOREST the forenoon In the County C o u rt, titled court, duly made and entered List 4-2158 "C" NM B money, collected by assessment from Room in the Court House at Eugene, on the 18 day of January. 1927. The Notice is hereby 0ven that the 93 companies, based on logs produced Lane Cotinty, Oregon, aa the time first publication ot this summons will be made on the 20th day of January, lands described below, within the and lumber shipped, was spent foF and place to hear objections to the 1927, and the last publication thereof Cascade National Forest, w ill be open advertising, field work, literature, and same, and for the flnal settlement of will be made on the 3rd day of March. to settlement and entry at the United said estate. 1927, and It will be published six con­ States Land Office at Roseburg. Ore­ administration, he stated. LO U R EN E TAYfZJR Executrix. secutive weeks In the Springfield gon. under the provisions of the W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys. News. homestead law and act of June 11. VDR SALS—Carbon paper in J 13-20-27: F 3 10 I. M PETERSON, Attorney for 1906 (34 Stat., 233). on A pril 27. •beets. >4x3> Inches, suitable fn* Plaintiffs. Postofflce Address, Spring- 1927. by any qualified person in the ■ a k in * traeings The New« Offlo*. field. Oregon. absence of entry by persons coming NO TIC E OF F IN A L HEA R IN O J 20-27: F 3 10-17-24: M. 3: within either of the two following N O TIC E Is hereby given that S, Mog- classes: (1) , Persons named after SUMMONS ensnn, the administrator of the estate C IT A T IO N each tract upon whose application CIRU U IT CO URT O F T H B of Mrs. B. McCorklndale, deceased, o r e o o n IN AN D FOR has filed his flnal account as such IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT O F T O E the lands were listed. If any, who, S T A T E OF OREOON FOR T H E j in order to avail themselves of the I-A N E CO UNTY. administrator, and that Saturday, the CO U N TY OF LA N E preference rig h t must file their sp­ U ^ e n c e Prlne. Plaintiff, y». Sarah ) 26th day of February. 1927. at the hour Prlne. Defendant in the M ad er of the application of plication within sixty days prior to ( of lo o'clock in the forenoon of sail To Sarah Prlne Defendant. John A. 3hishcoff for change of the date of opening; (2) Ex-servtce day. and the County Cour room In the IN TH E NAME OF TOE STATE men of the war with Germany, who. Court House at Eugene. M n e Coun­ name. You are hereby re- In order to avail themselves of the O F OREGON: To all persons interested. ty. Oregon, has been fixed as the time ?ppear and “ »wer the com- preference right conferred by Con q!* f*? G R EETIN G and place for hearing and settling a* * ln8t You. In the above IN *THE NA M E O F T H E S T A T E : gress. may file application within one P said flnal account. All persons hav­ O F OREOON, You are hereby cited hundred ten days prior to date of entitled Court and cause, on or before ing objections to said flnal account the expiration of the time prescribed and required to appear in the C ounty: opening All such applications filed are hereby notified to file naW objec- Court of the State of Oregon, for the | within the first twenty days of this in the Order of publication, to-wlt: llona In writing with the clerk of said County of Lane, at the Court Roam period w ill be treated as stmultane- On or before the expiration of six court on or before aald date. thereof, at Eugene. In the County o f , ously filed at 9 a. m on the ninetieth weeks from the date of the first pub­ lication hereof, and If you fall to » MOGENSKN, Administrator Lane, on Saturday, the 5th day of day prior to date of opening. Appll answer for want thereof. Plaintiff w ill J 27: F 3-10-17-24 February. 1927, at ten o'clock In the cations by ex-service men thereafter, apply to the Court for the relief prav- forenoon of that day. then and there but prior to date of opening, w ill be ed for In the Complaint which Is In N otice of final settlement to show cause. If any you have, why treated In the order in which filed. substance as follows to-wit: for a de­ The general public may file appli­ In the matter of the estate of Anna the name of the petitioner above cree of this Court dissolving the con­ M DeOroot, named shall not be. hy the decree of cations within twenty days prior to tract of marriage now. and heretofore 8a,f' — court, NO TIC E Is hereby given t that h a t I : ----- -■-> changed - - - from . . . . . . - John u..u A. I °P®n,nS . . . datp- These , al . w ill be treated existing between Plaintiff and Defend­ j Maude E. Porter, Executrix of th e ! Shlshcoff to John S. Gardner, and for as 8lmultanp0U8,y at 9 *- m. on ant. and for such other, further, and estate of Anna M DeOroot, deceased, leave for the wife and children of date of opening, but no application different relief as to the Court may seem Just and proper. has filed her flnal account nnd report I »aid petitioner to use such new or will be allowed prior thereto. E H N B H N E H N W H , N B H SEH This summons Is served upon you, as such Executrix, with the County changed Christian name. NW H N E H , by publication thereof In the Spring- Court, of I-ane County, Oregon, and Witness, the Hon. C. P. Barnard, N E U N W H , N W H NEH NW H, N W H field News, Springfield. Oregon, once the Court has set Saturday the 6th Judge of the County Court of the i A vh N E H day of February. 1927, at the hour State of Oregon, for the County of SW H- N W H N E H Sec. 15, T . »1 S.. each week for Six Consecutive weeks, of ten A. M. In the County Court Lane and the Seal of said Court here­ R. 3 E„ W. M. containing 22.65 acres. persuant to an Order of Hon, O. F. Room, In the Court House, In Eugene, to affixed, this 11th day of January. Listed upon the application of J. H. Sklpworth. Circuit Judge of the above Lane County, Oregon, as the time 1927. Singletary of Oakridge, Orason, Liat Court, made and entered January 25, 1927, the first publication thereof la and plane for the flnal settlement uf A T T E S T : R. 8. BRYSON. Clerk, 6-2168. ' January 27. 1927 and the last publica­ said estate, and for the hearing of December 13. 1994. County By Eva L Duckworth. tion March 10.1927. objections to the same. If any. THO . C. H A V B L I* Court Seal. Deputy. M. O. HOGE. Attorney for Plaintiff M A U D E M. PORTER, Executrix. Assletaat Commissioner of the Gen­ S M IT H A EVANS, Attorneya. 454 53» W illam ette S tre e t Bugeoa. Ore­ W ELLS A W ELI-S, Attorneya. Miner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregoa. eral Land Ofilee. gon. J 5-13 20-27: F 3: J 13-29-87: F 3 -F J 18-3A57: F 3 J r : r t-15-17-14: M » IB: dreas Eugene Oregon