T H U R S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 3. 1927 T l IK SPRINGFIELD N KW 3 Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LAN1 COUNTY UNIT wO. M MANY W IL L ATTEND O R EG O N S U M M ER SC H O O L OFFICER« OF LANE COUNTY • FARMERS UNION * C. W Allen. Vida. President. W. I. Seals. Eugene. Vice-Presi • dent. . Betty M Kappauf. Cottage Orove • Secretary Treasurer Walter Morgan. Creswell, Conduc • tor. H H Smith. Ru«*ne. DoorfcWF ' tr. . O. L Clement. Wa tarrills, Chap • Bugv-n«- Oregon. F eb . S _ ,S p e c ia l» : —Th*t »00 or 300 men and won»« n Bill he working on the campus next I »atnmer towards master s and doc-; lor’» degrees Is included in the sum- Ber session plans for graduate etude I being worked out by Alfred Powers, llrector of summer school, and Dr.. George Rebec, dean of the graduate, School, who will be on the campus ■ lata. (or two courses in philosophy and for lirection of graduate work. Expect Kest.ru B sck -lh r Kug.ne Graduate study will be provided in Kester, who Is in Chicago attending s •ducatlon. history. English, chemes clinic, is expected to return to Spring- try. psychology, romance languages Hold on February $ or 8 Mrs. Kester gociology economics, physics, poli­ who has been at San Francisco dur tical science, and »oology. tng the absence of the local physician, Not only will opportunities be open is expected back about the same time during the six weeks for those work­ ing toward higher degrees but the Watch repairing done correctly four weeks post-session will offer Work in today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt courses enabling the student to carry 311 Main sL “ g total of 15 hours of credit._____ ___ Fluff Rug Co. 1636 Jefferson Street, EXigene. Phone 401. If you want new rugs it will pay you to call us up or see us as we can make them out of your old carpets. OUR RUGS WEAR FOREVER ARTHUR ADLER, Proprietor und Mrs. Ralph Laird all received E M P L O Y M E N T S U R V E Y BY uaby chicks from the lawuud farm at 4L SH O W S IN C R EA SE O F ’Corvallis Wednesday February 3. 21.500 W O R K E R S I N 1926 Mr and Mr» Georgs Puglie, distri­ butors of Wllshere's lunari» at Ku ..... i Portland. Feb » i Special! —Appro­ gene visited at Pleasant Hill Sunday ximately 31.500 more melt and women U PP ER W IL L A M E T T E THURSTO N afternoon. were gainfully employed in Ihe I’nel- Ac Northwest during 182« them The b oy. and g irl, basketball, Mr snd Mr. J. A Ph.1,w and two e e l teams won over the Walker teams on' children. Robert and Bvlye of Hwl.s s s s s - s s s • were In 1825. according Io Ihe «1. an- FARM POINTERS ' nual employment survey Jual coin the local floor las, Friday evening I home spent the week end at the home • e a s e Rev Turner gave a very Interest-¡of Mr and Mrs Floyd Lord at Enter­ s s s e e e s pleled by Ihe organisation and pub­ lished In Ihe current Issue of the ing lecture at the church laa, Sundav prise They .„ en d ed the Endeavor Oregon breeders produce the lies, Four L Lumber New» evening on Where we go, our Bible party Saturday nigh, and church Sun laying stock in Ihe northwest. Buyers Rmploymsnl in general manufactur­ He had slides showing pictures day. Mrs Rena Edmlston returned hum s’ Floyd John, who has been in Ihe do not need to send 1000 miles to get ing. in «which 1» Include,! woodworking plant» and paper mill». »Iiowed a gain last Thursday from Ashland where army for tbs past IK months si at ton­ good chicks over 1825 of 14.000 worker» The high she spent the pas, two weeks with ed at Missoula. Montana, relurneil Io A few extra eggs In the fall wl I point for logging and lumber mnnu her daughter, who is attending No.--j ' his home at Trent last week Ills , often pay the difference between the ractuilng showed 12.000 more work­ mat there. 1 «-omlng was a surprise to hla family. i price of a poor chick and a good one er« in 182« than in the previous year A. W. Weaver has purchased a He stopped at Monmouth on hit iwsy For mining and mineral» Ihe figures kYird sedan. home to vtsl, his brother Roy. who Strawberry root weevil la now -on were approximately the »«me Fink­ There was a dance al the hall last ; is taking teachers training at Nor trolled In Oregon by a new polaon ing activities showed a decrease "f Saturday evening ; mat. ball say» Ihe entom ologist of the ex 1000 worker» from 1825. The young people1. Bible school I A( „lection he hl perlmnent a,a,bin. This bait Is ins le Agriculture. In which for Ihe pur class held a party at Fred Gray s ] b{ (bj( Pleasant Hill high school Janu up by mixing 85 pounds of tlri-d pose« of Ihe survey are al»o Included 1 am t Tuesday evening ary IKth the i“ llu* 1“« j . w l.-s with 5 p«.und. of calcium ar..m live (vti »lock , ||>(.B and dairying, ............._ »howed Ray Nevers from’ Eugene spent elected President. Gertrude Dilley. I Tht, bB„ ,B „ppU.,,1 until gB(n of 3000 W(lr|,„r, during 182« The Saturday nigh, In Thurston vice president, fo r a Olson, s e c r e t a " r ’ " y J - «ISSI hBrveitlll< but , hr » growers a r e | 1 |o |# | «• vmptoyrd u„d,.r this ..................... heading W -» ," » « -e -- — - n 000 workers In 182« This Is Ihe the near future, the proceed» are to munagvr. Vena Awbrey; publicity a," the proper time. Isrgest group In Ihe survey Gener­ buy heaters for their class rooms manager. Clarence Monson. al manufacturing Is next «with 2«, 0-w Mamie Edmlston left laa, Sands'- At ih^ debate tryou,» heli, at ‘he This 1» the „m e of year when the employed! then "merchandising, for Portland high school January 26, thoae selected (>rrgl,n beekeeper over haute his banking. Investment, etc..“ with Id«.- The la d le s Aid met with Mrs were, affirmative. Gertrud«« Dllly. equipment - says - - - - « II. • A. • Rcullen. bo« 000 employed: and then locglng ami Ernes, Bertsch for an all day tnee‘ Helen Larimer. Daisy Winfrey: Nega­ specialist Of the experiment station lumber manufacturing with an aver­ ing Thursday Each lady took » tive Berry Muuney. Hazel Wheeler. All extracting combs are looked over age i-flO’ .OOO employed during l"2« covered dish iv e rw a «««- Resale Fegle» The first debate will and gradod. and those «which have Al the employment peak of ih« " " J T H’ - ™ , 7 .‘. » 7 Ì w ” k Thursday February 17. The holes through them or large portions y«>ar. late September. 182« close to to . F rid a y a fte r «m-nding . week (,ebaU. B#lllns, W Bllt. of drone combs are patched with work 1,400000 men and women were em ­ visiting relative» Santa t lara isltlng ’* “ t ’ * * * a, '" " bllr_ ‘ » er a , Pleasant Hill ami Ihe negativ-« Br foundation Burr combs and bee ployed The low point of the year'« ......... .. .............. i...... ..1 , , f t h e e o u ln - Harry Harbll from Coburg xlslle.l orove „ . will debate at Co,tag»» Grove glue are cleaned from all of the equip employment l««-gan with the New Year relative, here Tuesday The Hill high school snd ment. Par,« are re-nallud where nec­ and continued through! out January The telephone lin e, in T h u rslo. basketball wl„ r>lw.t essary. and If thoroughly dry are re- and February, rising gradually Io the have .11 been out of -on,m ission to * „ 1 ™ , Equipment which Is beyond September peak and then rspldly fall­ the past «week as Ihe government em ; further use Is disposed of In some ing io the December low. which com ployes have been moving them Her- w' *' _ j Mrs Dora Harden Is reported ,0 wav pares with January and February, vice was resumed again Tuesday ” * ay bo quite III. - - ' ” evening. Tb(> flr>( of * gerle, u( poultry talks New Facta For Poultrymsn Mrs Maggie Campbell spent sever |b-e» require proper winter p r o le . Extensive Investigations in breeil- .1 days with her sister. Mrs A B - f „ rn.(on February 3 Prof «><•" Oregon »ays the bee aparlallst Mathews, last week. I (hl(.k< of lhe experiment station ing and feeding of poultry were car­ ---------------------- w The Plesan, Hill boy. b l.k e tb .il D ee. do no, hibernate during ihe -dn ried on by Ihe Bureau of Animal In- Vstoran R . l . . . . d - l V r c y Woodard keBp , h„ , rm per.,u re of the dustrv. United Slates Ik-purlmi-nt of team wax ueteaieu oy 1 oourx no-« —- — ---- - - '■ , of Creswell, formerly a member week hv a score of _ . 18 ,0 17 The girl, hive about 57 d egree, by m u .c j l..•; Agrl.-ultur«. during the last fix «1 -cording io a r.-,-.r, of Ih« of the Springfield American Legion won from Coburg girls by a score - f «<«"»> The .-«Ider It I. outside I b a jy ^ r . post, has been released from the vet­ 18 to 13 This was no, a conference «’•«»‘•r »' hees Ihe warmer I, I. In ,-hlef of that bureau In ezp erln-n s erans hospital at Portland. He may side As a result when be- a are not with Rhode Island l,«-«l" and Mingle ’ “ m H s Emma Olson was sick several Properly pro, e. led In the winter th e y . , „ „ tb White Leghorn, for .n cre^ sd go to Arizona for his health. d .v s las, week With Influenza .consum e . . . unnecessary amount « < „ , / production, there was » higher The Pleasant Hill Christian Endea honey and waste a large amount «»^proportion og 200s-gg record, than vor society successfully staged the »''»»“ Y T ht. activity also c . u . e . an durin« any previous year play "The Deacon's Honeymoon" last *»<-»« "f moisture In the hive 1 ------------------------ - . with . . » poultry in­ Other experiments ■ volved chick mortality, haichsblllty Good building lota from »75 to Saturday at the Woodman Hall. Ttiow« and fertility of eggs. Inheritance of »1000 If you are going to build h e r e , who took part were Jed Wheeler, Garrett's Old Tims Danes egg production, and vurlous expert- a goo-1 chance. (’heater Wllliamn. Alvin OteOB. Taylor Dreamland Hall. Eugene. Every m en u in feeding for egg production. Also five room plastered house ,0 Circle. Circle Laurence Wheeler. Bert Her, Fe< Feg Tuf|1(1b N,