he Industrial Tract Springfield People Can A ffo rd to be Liberal in Supporting the New Woolen M ill Proposed / Z You oan never be eure others know w h a t you have to otter unless you tell them. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W KNT Y -KO V llT H Y KA II PUBLIC FORUM 10 BE HELD FBIBM VoluntMr Fire Company To Be Organized and Community Problems Oiacueeed at Meet Sponsored by American Leg­ ion, Commander Announces. A uditors R eport 17 Eighth Graders C ity Debt Is Less G raduate in City I Took “ M a ’s" Place City More Than $34.000 Better Now Freshman Class Formed Off Than In 1925 | At Senior High School Books Show By Neophytes The net Indehtedneaa Of the city of hrprlngfleld waa reduced from 9143,- 411.43 to >107.73».78 during 102« ao- cording to the annual report of the audltora. Tyaon * llorton. aubmltted te the council. The audltora report “Thia Indicate» a healthy condition, proving the efficient manner In which the affaire have been handled during the puat year by city authorities. * The auditors report »hows the city's asset» over laat year as 311.- R53S6 Including equipment and sup- plies 91,379.97. fire department 97.639 • 47 and real eatate 32.940.31. The re- port also shows a reduction of 921.- MIR.9« taking Into conalderatlon the above asaeta, or a total of the two amounting to 934.(73.93. Seventeen eighth grade puplla of n ,n Kprlngfleld Junior High school received aenior high school rank by »ucceasfully passing state examinu- tlon» conducted In January. It was an­ noun«ed thia week by Otto Burchum. principal of the Junior school, The 17 will form a new class at the high achool, along with new students coming In for the second sem ester. Yhe Hat of eighth grade graduate» Includes several with exceedingly high marks and the average Is very g950,- cording to Commander John Wllla of Häneen obtained a portion as 000 in stock signed up and local men the IxMtlon. who urge* that all Spring- »tehurrepher at 910 per week in would subscribe 1100.000 to the stock hold people Intereated In community the Kimball Trust Co. of Chica and give a free site. The meeting was progreea attend Working by day, studying b lernice yean- The youthful Dan Moody B eats, E v e tts B rock m an . B e r n ic e ; the best attended in months and January 18. While the American Legion Is ber reward came last wee Klein, May Fisher. Nellie Hickman, | Ux>k there seemed to be no doubt but that the waa made vio»-président. aponaorlng the organisation of the i Beanie Stewart. Kdna 8hldler. Hat- MRS LENA ELLIOTT Springfield could carry through her new lire company of 13 men, the mem ■ end of the contract If the promoUTS DIES AT AGE OF 70 Tr,nka' ” ax,D eI h Whee,er' Carl b erah ip In the c o m p a n y la nol In any ' “ _ ~ _ $9000 BONDS ORDERED Wagner and < lara Johna. could do what they say they can. way exclusive Io L eglon alrea. d e ADDITIONS MADE TO Geography examinations given out, SOLD BY CITY COUNCIL Those representing eastern Oregon Mr». s ir» l» Lena * n i Leulla i . c u u b r Elliott .iii,,,. u died . o m - at * the _______ clared Mr Will II 1» th e w ish o f t h e ; MUNICIPAL FIRE HALL . in . . . » „ i . . m o n th « S t by the state were successfully passed --------- sheepmen and backers of the woolen veterans’ organ I tat Inn. he »aid. Ihal -■ °a n 11 r Mid. e Hunday by 1S member» of the seventh grade. | The sale of 99,050.5« of city of Sprlngfleld improvement bond» to mills, who appeared here, included D. the men mini fitted for Ihe lire tight-, Carpenter» are working thl» weed her Sprlngfleld residence Sunday, ? ? h e h .Z ,M „ ¿ « e l i ^ l t h J V « Clover. William Husteaite.l take care of sidewalk and streets S. Shlel. Klamath Fhlls. Wm Blaikl.l, Ing Job be made member» of Ihe com an addition to the Sprlngfleld Sre Brownsville, C. N. Coseboom. Klam­ pauy. and the nrganlaatlun of an efll y,m|| which will provide additional 11 " c v ' S tiv e r s of th e Eugene Carl Adams, Ray ArmIUge. Merle I built under the Bancroft act this last ath Fails, and Glen Hord. Portland. . . . . , h 7 . bar«! Carr. Franklin Drury. Lane Fisher. ----------- — h v th e clenl and able department 1» a m ailer a|eep|ng quarter» for Bremen. Two summer, were authorized by the A wire of regret for failure to be of vital inlereat Io every Sprlngllel I more bed» will be Inatalled In the Pre Christian church In charge. council at the Monday n igh ts m eet­ Survivors of Mrs. Elliott, who lived Bari McFarland. Oeorge 8m,th. Alma present wa» received from D. H Bun­ property holder department building when th»- aildl- ing. The bond» cover the cem ert nell, county Judge of Klamath county, are: her A wage of »1 for every call an»wer- tlon complete, acordlng to plan« |„ the state for 25 years, ». , u* er, Velma Moakop. Alleen Rue and sidewalk», laid, the paving of the who is acting treasurer of the tem­ . . . _____ ,n husband. L W. Elliott a son, 1«. ed and 33 for every lime a fire la made by Fire Chief Jeaa Smlteea. alley between Main and A. street in Elliott. Sprlngfleld; daughters. Mrs. D“ h,y Tomaeth. porary organization. Judge Bunnell fought la to be paid to (he volunteer The building program la in a ;cord- W C ’Grove and Mr. M L. Elliott of s '«”' exam ination, will be given the business section and the improve­ wired he had been called to San Fran­ firemen. A working company of 14 ance with a general plan for Increas- ment of A. Street between 9th and Eugene; stepchildren. Mrs Bessie •* •'» May 12 and 13. and again In cisco on urgent business. men la Io he provided, to of them. In­ Ing the Sprlngfleld lire department Io 10th streets. Holland, Portland; Mrs. Phoebe Jnne The delegation came from Klamath cluding Chief Jeaa Hmltaon. to he an efficient working organisation Of The council discussed the failure Falls Thursday evening and were u t Elliott regularly paid, and Ihe remalnedr vol- 14 men In the department. Il la Ihe Howe. Balt Irtte; Harry W n l,ltw, ran i -J m un ,w ; of the charter to pas» but agreed to at a a dinner ourn hotel notei !■ ST. MARY’S HIGH IS dinner at at tne the m Osburn unleers The uignnlMtlon la author­ plan lo have two aleeplng earn n»«ni • w ____________ ___ WINNER OVER LOCALS *aU until the next Eugene, by the Sprlngfleld Chamber ised in action of the council taken i t at the lire hall, thus Insuring p-ntec ccm M A D V TO SPEA K ' - whether the charter would be re- no- Commerce committee including MISSIONARY TO SPEAK thia week's »eaalnn. tlon In caae of emergency at night. a-r c n n c D T M F C H U R C H Although the Sprlngfleld H i g n mltted to the people in altered form Welby stevens. W G. Hughes. C. B. Any other subject of community In­ AT EBBERT M. E.CHURCH school g(.hm)1 basketeers showed ghow,.d consider- <.0Ilaider. or the “>oney for the fire truck be Kenyo„ „ , Cox. E E Morrison. _______ terest may be discussed at the Leg­ raised in some-other manner | o Q Bushman A. j . Perkins and H. CHURCH CONFERENCE TO Mrs. Springer, a returned mission- »”'* Improvement over recent d,m- ion’s public forum, said Mr Will, with E. Maxey. Friday morning the site BE HELD HERE FRIDAY ary of Africa will .peak at the Eh- onstratlona. they were unable to cap- politic« and religion barred The l e g ­ . »»is-m « a victory wlolnw Fwvm thn St M a rv « was inspected and a location picked tare from the St Mary a j IS NEXT; ion. he said, is anxious to sponsor bert Memorial Methodist church next out for the new mill south of the rail­ pnruir meetings at m unity 1 ...... .............. public meetlnga at wmen which com community { Ijin e county w orkers of the • hrlwt Sunday evening. It waa announced to­ high school team of Eugene last nigh». I JUNIORS WIN HILL GAME road tracks and on the Booth-Kelly problems may be discussed and bene Ian church will gather In Spring -pioneering Missionary Work When the whistle sounded Sprlngfleld “ i mill race Just east of the log pond. had chalked up 22 markers, while the nta achieved. ' i°r ,n al*4ay conferent e . I. m s I v . n rin rf*r'ii talk la »x. the m topic of Mr« Mrs. S Springer's talk, Springfield High school's basket-' After _____ c-_i,i-„ Friday „.»«i evening - - the _____ meeting was announced today by officiala ol Catholic players cleamed 30. which will be given at 7:30 o'clock. ball team will continue Its schedule when {he endorgem ent of the Cham- the Sprlngfleld Christian church. The ... Pollard and Squires showed basket DOCS. BOAT AND MOTOR Special music will be a feature of the of Commerce w as secured Presf- program for the conference la In shooting Improvement and each mark- Friday when the Lebanon High school choir. Cox appo|nted fonr committee« iuri to r ed up nine points for Sprlngfleld. Nice team will be played. Lebanon is un- BRING LOCAL MAN HOME charge of Rev E. V. Stivers, pastor church A Iterations to the church auditor-1 v R ” derstood to have a fairly strong ag- j w c, re|lUlte the subscription lists, of the First Christian church of Eu .u . . was responsible for the other four. ________________ gregation, and a hard tussle Is pre Thege commltteeg congigt of A. J. Varied methods of travel seldom gene, and Includes Inspirational ad­ turn. Improving the accoustlrs. h a v e , dieted for the local quintet. The , perk,ng Welby gteTenR and E. B. encountered In these days were em ­ dresses. music, and discussion of pro­ Juat been completed. These Includ­ ing Ihe partitioning off of the balcon- JANUARY POSTOFFICE next game will be with the University Morrlson; u K p , ^ s c . wWght ployed by Jess (.arson of Sprlngfleld, blems. lea with velvet curtains, an Improve | FIGURES HAVE GAIN High school. Eugene. February IS. • M(, Q Q Bughlnan; w M Long, on his return lo this city from the! The conference will open at 10 ment carried out with the advice of 1 ------------ Yukon country of Alaska Mr. Lar­ Victory was brought to Sprlngfleld (-paries Eggimann and George Pet- son, son of George I .arson, arrived at 0 <■•<*<'*« In the morning. Luncheon the achool of architecture of the Uni i Nineteen twenty-seven postal re- by the Junior High school basketball k)Dg. Jegg geavey, Mark Perry and hla residence here Tuesday night I hy verslty of Oregon 1 relpts took a good stride In advance team Friday night when it w hipped, Harry Stewart. In gelling out of the Yukon OOM- «’hnveh at noon, and an afternoon ----------------- -- j of 192« during the first month. Janu- the Pleasant Hill eighth and ninth 1 ^he proposed new mill will hava try. M r. Larson used dog team s to "esslult will be con u, te n 1 , POLE FLIER WILL BE ary figures released by Postmaster F grade teams in a hard battle, 10 to «. ! |arge floor space. Ten acres of reach WJ.IU Horae and from .hare * * ^ R n r s and member, tf HEARD BY LIONS CLUB B- Hamlin »how. A gain of «49 p-r Two overtime periods were required ^ ou n d will be Included In the sit», to Skagway, and went to S e t t le by t * Sprlngfleld church w.ll enjoy a - cent is reported in comparison with to finish the game, which iwas played The flr8t unlt of building .will require boat From Seattle he came lo Eu- banquet at the church Lieut. Commander Richard E. Byrd, figures for the corresponding month at Pleasant Hill. A tie of « all re- frontage on the railroad and who became famous by a flight to the j of last year. UI»1U vU unbroken for well over 10 wB, j*. 35^ gene by stage and to Sprlngfleld by mained (n depth. One store bus He twaa In the Yukon counter JOHN ELMER ELLISON north pole on May ». 192«. will o» Postal receipts for the last month minuteB 1 English type construction with saw- for nine months. KILLED IN ACCIDENT heard by members of the Sprlngfleld were 9770.73. those for January, 192« ■ Members of the Sprlngfleld Junior tooth roof to provide light is the plan Lions Club at a Lions luncheon In Eu- 3721.82. I high team are McFarland, center; of Architect Coseboom. Short Change Kxpert H tro Funeral services are being held gene Friday. The Sprlngfleld club I The most modern machinery, much Lansberry and Mattison, forwards; thia afternoon at the Walker chapel will attend the Eugene meeting In- Pols Removal Delayed of which will be automatic, will be Laselle and Nystrom. guards. Several Sprlngfleld business -houses' for j„hn Elmer Ellison. 42, almost a . „ . a a . „ -» I Installed and the best known arrange- were visited Saturday by a short ||(r resident of Sprlngfleld district, ...... — —______ ment will be employed In the layottf “ S T n. O f - r - - soldiers may BORROW change expert, who. at two of the who wa« killed on Tuesday while P C D T IF ir iT F S of the plant, according to Mr Blaikie. .Mo.U"U ,i ¡ 0N stores, was accompanied by an »e-| working for the Snellstrom Brothers Grove also will hear Commander »•<« by , the man elected as the manager of Company and city officials, is being ctnnpllce. The activities of the two | >Untber company at Vaughn, three Byrd, who Is a member of the lunch­ Announcement new plant Mr. Blaikie Is th« delayed r^ n i-o r-w a y m a ile rs . Announcement that the Commerci- . j the — by right-of-way matters achieved no resulta In Sprlngfleld., miles from Notl. eon organisation. through certain alley#. It was learend al State Bank can now make loan# p r e s e n t superintendent o f the however. Their plan wa» to give a | Mf E|||g On was almost Instantly this «week. Cleaning up of the ques on veterans war compensation certi- Brownsville Woolen Mills (20 bill for a small article, and before k|U((d whpn „ chocker came loose Mre. Flshsr H on ored ! tlons regarding use of the property — fleates was made today by C. E. Ken- receiving change lo ask for a - 910 from a log near the place he waa YEARLY CIRCULATION ~ ~ ~ L . . . for the lines will probably result :n yon, cashier of the local bank. note. Then, after getting the change. iworklng andhstruck a dead tree. The Mrs. Carl Fisher was honored at a #f proJe(,t Loans will be made according to O F LIBRARY 1 2 . 4 4 4 the he -----1 had to top .... visitor ........ protested . ....... . that .... — p t fell e ll o out u t or m e tr e e , « t r is m e m». of the tree, striking Mr. delightful surprise party at her Eu-. ,raproye thp appearance of Main the Ioan value on the certificates, ap­ given only a 31 bill Instead of a |9C. 1 EmgOn B„d crushing his skull. Medi- gene home on Wednesday, the occas- The total circulation of the Sprlng­ _sssl w n a .s ln a I Ih n h a n rn fn . . U ..a Ì ..S proximately 844 per, cent of the total sad l la paaalng K back the p change to cal aid waa rushed to him, but he Ion of her birthday. 8everal Sprlng­ value. An arrangement Is made by fleld public library during 192« was exchange the transaction to a 31 af­ died before help reached him. fleld ladles were present. the local bank whereby loans are 12,444. and two-thirds of the book« Five Hundred Club Meet« fair, offered Ihe store’s 31« hill as The ease was Investigated by Cor­ Mrs. Fisher was taken down town made on a year's basis at 9 per cent lent to adults were fiction, according a part of the returned change. oner W, W. Branatetter. The body by ,,y her urr daughter, uR u.N i.i. while »w— - •»— The Five Hundred club enjoyed a the visitors to the library report compiled by th« waa brought to Sprlngfleld shortly went Into her home and prepared delightful evening at the residence of Interest, and at the end of the year the bank either will take up the loan, board. Only 5 per cent of children'« Clvle Club Sale after the accident and examined ay dinner. Those present when she re- jjr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian last Fri- or will take up the year's increase of books were fiction, the report show». ‘ day evening. The la d le s Civic Club will hold a Dr. W C.. Rebhan. Funeral arrange­ turned were : The annual meeting of the library 33 1-3 per cent, taking out the interest ments were made by W. F. Walker. Mrs. Hatvy Stewart, Mrs. Frank Among those present were Mr. and cooked food sale In the 1. O. O. F. -------------- ----- and remitting ».he balance to the hold­ board will be held at the regular Feb­ building at Fourth and Main streets and Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pestor of the Hamlin, Mrs. Alec McKentle, Mrs. W Mrs. Leland Ewbank, guests. Mem ruary session. on Saturday, the proceeds to go to | Methodist church here, has charge of H. Pollard. Mrs. Ethel Miller, Mrs. ' bers who enjoyed the evening of er of the certificate. The average dally circulation of the Loans will be made on certificates the public library. Members of tho . the services. Internment Is at Laurel Jean Ward. Mrs. Cogswell Campbell. cards were Mr. and Mrs. Adrian, Mr. library Is 101. During the year, 281 and Mrs. F. A. DePue. Dr and Mrs. dated January 1, 1926, or earlier. The club ask that all patrons of the library HUI cemetery. Mrs. J. Ely. new borrowers were added. announcement by the local bank Is S. R. Dtppel. Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. Ellison Is the father of seven donate to the sale, and state that any Chrysanthemum Club Meeting Dawson, Mrs. Maude Bryan, Miss greeted with interest by veterans of one having new bonks they may wish children, a ll of whom survive, as well School Board To Meet Crystal Bryan, Fred Cllngan. Welby the Wtorld War, as, due to the red to donate to the library may do so as his widow, hla father, Frank Elli­ tape Involved, few Institutions here­ The Chrysanthemum club was en Stevens. Ike Larimer, Mrs. Grace son of W est Sprlngfleld and his conveniently s t this time. The Sprlngfleld board of education tofore have been willing to handle mether, Mrs. Alice Ellison and a tertalned by Mrs. W. J. Scott yeste» ; Roberta, will conduct Its February meeting on loans on the certificates. day at an enjoyable luncheeon at brother, Earl, both of Portland Danes Proves Suceeea Monday night at the office of the Oona to Portland The deceased has been a resident the Anchorage. Approximately 386 was cleared by Clerk. R. W. Smith on Fourth street. Dentists Meet Soon Among guests were Mrs. Mary j --------- members of the Neighbors of Wood­ of West Sprlngfleld practically all his Among matters to be considered Lindsay, Mrs. C. O. Wilson, Mrs. J. F. 1 a J. Perkins and Welby Stevens craft lodge at the dance sponsored life, and Is well known here. Dr. S. R. Dippel, of Sprlngfleld. will be the granting of a contract to Ketels. Mrs. William Riddell, Mrs, left yesterday for a few days In Port­ nt the Midway pavilion this week, and president of tho Southern Willamette teach to Mrs. Paul Basford, who h-ts Library Board Electa George Hobson. Mrs. Grace Roberts, land on business. While away they eo succeasful was the affair thal tho Dental Association, announced today been substituting for Miss Hasel expect to visit Wm. Blaikie, manage- Mrs. N. W. Emery, Mrs. Meda Catch­ lodge will conduct another dance at that his organisation will conduct Its Stevens, whose contract was forfeit­ of Brownsville Mills, and Mrs. N. W. Emery was re-elected ing R «aisaa and Mrs. 8. r. C. Wright. ava a ». w —................. --- the ---- — ---- --------- Woolen ---- the same place Saturday night and on monthly meeting at the Osburn hotel ed on account of her Illness. Several Nine of the club members were inHpect the plant at Brownsville. Mr. sut-rnedlng week-ends. The dances president of the f»prlngfleld Public on February 19. Sprlngfleld dentists other business matters are to he con­ Blaikie will hold a similar capacity will furnish funds for sending the library board at a meeting last night present. sidered at Monday's meeting. will attend. In the mill propeed for Sprlngfleld. local drill learn to the national con­ Mrs. Fred Hinson was named vice- Auxiliary To Meet vention to be held at Riverside. Cali­ president and Mrs. L. K. Page secre­ Flan Evangelistfo M eeting P rlte illa Meeting Improving Socond Street tary. Miss Mary Roberts was re­ fornia this year. Evangelistic meetings will be con­ Members of the American Legion elected librarian, and Mrs. Lydia Mc­ A t Wednesday night’s m eeting of The Priscilla club met last Friday ducted at the Christian church here Improvement of 8econd street has Auxiliary will meet Friday night at the lodge, two will be Initiated. The Gowan was named as a new member at the residence of Mrs. J. C. Parker for three weeks In March. It waa an­ been under way this week, with re­ the residence of Mrs. M. B. Huntly. quartet composed of members of the of the board. sults pleasing to motorists and bus- and enjoyed a delightful and busy nounced today by church officials. An president of the organisation. Mrs. Plans for new books for the library lodge will sing the new son« com­ Huntly has urged that all members riders. The street has been scraped afternoon. Refreshments were served evangelist In the W est from Kansas posed by Mrs. Stella Blackahy. dis- were made. Mre. Page entertained will have charge of the services. by the hostess. from Main street to the bridge be present. the members at the Bell Theatre. trie! manager. LEBXNON QAME -» -¡ a o i .