T IIURSPAY JANUARY 27. 1027 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS OREGON'S M O T H E R S METHUSELAH NEVER AND BABIES DISCUSSED * TRIED THESE - , )r .mioOblNSON _ 2 ? » -!* -iff» w ,., * . . . « . — ed^fcri^Jrand sabin > ! ^ * 7 ^ ^ , ^ . j — —» ” : L ™ “ " r CIVIC CLUB NAMES YEAR'S COMMITTEES TIPS The I ju II ss f ie le club al this week s (By Slate Board of Health» 1 Dodging old age Is ao easy that meeting named comm ittees for the Intelligent care of the mother-tie»«» • none need worry about beauty doctors the n o sly la a means of safeguarding the lives oy miraculous fountalus of youth. ■c-l coming year lo serre under «^¡mn’lttee- of both mothers and babies In Ore- cording to Bam Ib.nea, US. retired Installed ollh era The ■on. There Is an Increnalng con- Southern Pacific conductor who »ITers women follow: sclouaneaa In all elvIUged countries of the follow tag rules for those who do Social Mds. V. 4. c<> . . • the importance of decreasing the want to grow old S h o d « ..» . M.a, I arl Dlaou. Mrs. John heavy loss to the community due to Never slow up at grade crossing < Parker M.-uihi-rshlp Mra Nina Mcl’her- the high death rate among mothers Step on the gas! You may merely Mrs f K Wheaton. Mrs WII- at child birth and among Infanta dut- loae an arm or a leg the fir«l time; •««» Ing the Ural year of life. Saving the but persevere and you will dodge old Ham IH»nu i »•' lives of mothers and babies is largo age. If not the train. i m ly a matter of giving the mother and Whenever possible try to board Visiting— Mrs C. K. Wheaton. Mr«. Maude Bryan, Mrs, Mead Catching, child a square deal. Onu of the great- moving trains. Freight trains are un T h e only cat problems today Is maternity and usually effective. Heaven, end poaxl Mra. tira Hemenway Trustees Mrs. William Donaldson. the ......... other ..................... place, la ............ literally »- • » . . . . . . . . r the , hie .............. ..... popu » « - an we were making a fair average th* »">'• I a on t . others’ Where are th ey * 1 H00 deaths among children under a agv> In this way twenty miles an hour across the were good, thoug y o« « -Farther west Many of them In year old or approximately one out of Always take shortc uts where It Uumbermsn Is nju ¿ e a t country on earth. " t — y twenty horn al.ee any. "No T respasaln, This I. n _ ________ — _ greatest country A painful Injury to one of his b een 40 we made m m .-^ Theu^whet^'the ~lnd»ed? Or in North Platte!" I A better understanding on the part "*rv winner, especially If the slxn It was a flat country of far horl- railroad moved « .rm l.ua. the real of bantered | of m other, of baby hygiene, baby hang, over railroad .rack , was sustained by A. II. Baxter, high aons. and for vast stretches peopled Never mlaa a chance Io npeh von cPmber for the Fisher Lumber com "North Platte!" She laughed mer ,,a r e . «n(j tmby feeding, has cut down mainly, as one might >idg* from the the crowd moved, too You stop off rlly. "Dear me. don’t rnetlon North the death rate among older babies, head out of a car window io u m i» pally of Moriola. In .. an accident .||n n e,| whl.» and car windows, by antelope and prairie at North Platte. Nebraaky. It's healthy and I f . moral " P .a ite -n o t In the same bnmth with. Many B ttl. liv e, can he m m . M . £ £ £ * * the‘" r.T o a d . .pur he w a. ' Wearing was thrust dogs. Yet despite the novelty of such s But since 1 had crossed the j • o,’ .L “ i c*'n,ly b*'“* Publ“ hrd of lB; said, "there are oth er, discovered bv S i m p l . M i x t u r . M a k m dainty profile and waiting for the V ts Pimttm •••«trU'tlv moral - 1 had would die of ennui In North Platte tereat to every mother in Oregon A Stomach Faal Fina me nunng during luy tut m 4« ▼ years of railroading .. . in with . . ... ... . _ j in* «»•r» »» g)lmpaes. lime to time, of a pair of North Platte, «trutiy moral, i neo „ a .., , . . . . . «"»; » » . a . » ..« = = - 1 - 0 . . . . . . . . . exquisite blue eyes. nloB* (womankind; and yet became her before their bablea were r e q u e a _____________ _ w iled In Adlertka. often helps Merely to Indulge myself In feml And in after day» eoon to arr u Bparj(nng e yee and general daah. born. Among theae mother« there nine beauty, however, I need not „ . . _______ stomach trouble In TEN minutes by _ «**» 1 b"d not|i ’Win you.’’ she asked. "Join me In w, re daatha. Araon< the o, h„r have undei taken the expense and - » b,“ ’ rl’r Dr Eugene Kesler left S.urd.y for rwmow.n« O *» fatigue of Journeying from Albany on yielded to her counsel. i a m tl . appettxer? You will find It fol|f ,hotlN| nd women who did not Chlcwn, where he will spend (W O ° f 0 ,d the Hudson out to Omaho on the j Nevertheless this was true, at pres g superior cfl«nac— and we breakfast have such advice one woman in every w 0(ud ,n< rh„ , , „ im„ h never thought waa In your system plains side of the Missouri River; ( ent: . . „ shortly, at Sidney." »« t„ ,i her life at the birth of h -r ( rhilTLL o h<1. p„ „ lie 8«°P' 8«op» thnt full, blogtsd feeling lost , - _ and . "But I have already purchased my th<> of her , klrt sh- .............................................. ............. ol h“r - J d isease, at # a Chlcll, ( hlrago hospital Ha He o P ' b“‘ *»■ - thence by the Union Pacific Railroad baby, and In this Iasi group then- wU| (n (|m> )f F. hruary » .g e s you happy and cheerful. Excal "If I ' had eMtrac,ed a small silver flask. were six tim e, as many haby d eath . j of the new transcontinental line into ticket to Benton. 1 objected KMt-r (eft (m |hi, (|av rhronlc constipation. Adler P ^ V ^ t ^ k T I ’t y ^ w v ' as - - In ’ the h - number - born " " J to * T ‘h- f o r - ^ r ; " ^ n c u ; o . ' W h e re “ s h e w.,1 ik . work. QUICK and dellghtfuBy the Indian country. mother« There were handsome women a ho had prenatal care These figures until Dr"KMter return. easy Flanery’s Drug Store. plenty in the East; and of access, Yer astonihment. Bre just as true In Oregon Thousands , She snorted. I ..j „ „ .j y drink liquor, madam." I [ of mothers in this state have receive I also, to a youth of family and parts! in among them Mormons’ My , (ammerrd NOTICE OF FINAL HKARINO But here I was. advised by the j i and are receiving advice and Instrur- physicians to "go West." meaning by! Gawd, young man! Where they live j But when ,rave|ing— you ,h rough the nureau of Nursing - NOTICE Is hereby given Ihgi 8. Mog- this not simply the one-time W est o f , in conklblnage — several women to know An(, ln h|Bh and—dry Benton. ■ an(| child Hygiene of the Slate « good fifty six ncre farm 9 miles the administrator of the esta'e Ohio, or Illinois, or even Iowa, but ( one man. like a huffier herd or other H(juor ,g g y Ou w ill1 ,|(iard , , #a|th onut on gravel road. 8 acres timber. of Mrs. 11. McCorklndale. deceased, — th* remote and «enuine West lying beasts of the field? Denver well not decline to taste with a lady? Let, nraariU1 nf the lowest Infunt balance river bottom, has good house has filed his final account ns such beyond the Missouri. Denver mightn’t be bad. but ain t on drlnk |o beUer , cquatn tance. .n _______ ... . , h . nlted States. Many, and barn I^»ta of fruit and berries. administrator, snd lhai Saturday, ihe (th day of February. 1927. al the hour _ The Union Pacific announcem ___ ___________ ' no railroad, mithaxr f vAii w an t __ m o r ta lity ________ in in e i n ents! either. i If you .want jjen ton ... i- ' many Uvea ran be saved by providing. Let us show you this place — forenoon of «all of 10 ______ o’clock ___ In Ihe a aa S * 1 acclaimed that the summer of 18S8 health, and to grow up with a strictly , ••w'lth all my heart, madam," 11 an adequate service for the lnstrue-1 We have some good buys In homes day. and the County fo u r room In the the rails should cross the Black Hills moral you throw In with b,urted K th community, P la tte " j Hot» and care of mothers and children and some good trades In oul of town < ourt Hou»< at ****'* ' Mountains of Wyoming to another , North Platte. ........... .. | W . «m sgm ated our pledge. Just !n wt„ i property , nd aerM ( „m. and let 7 ’ b “ ^ I m a id «’ «“ ” 2 ™ of Rocky M ounUB« B .' Nmla I oa show you our Bal AUo aomc g o o . ^ 7 . ^ ^ 1 X m aT v“ Ttah; and that by the end of the year ( 1 ve started for Benton 1 think 111 g dll|t,ord ,nto my heaven of blue and BTery g U U )n Vn(twl w„ h „„U, M and . p , r, m„n,a tor rent ohk<.,|ona to said final account one might ride comfortably clear to on. And If I don’t like It you may gold and comfortable warmth. We have a good Business Hulldln.t are hereby notified to file sakl ohjec- eMeept|<>sl. ha, some form of Salt Lake City! And somewhere in see me in North Platte after a ll.' With a darting glance at him and organised service for the conserve for sale. Also some good vacant lota. t|Ons In writing with the clerk of said the expanse of brand new W estern , She grunted. a parting smile for me she passed lion of the Uvea of mothers and child-1 W M. VASBY, Reni Eeetate. '"^rl mogknsen . Administrator country, the plains and mountains. I “You can find me at the Bon Ton Inside. The brakeman lingered. 312 Main St- Phone 73-J j 27: F 3 10 172« ■would find at least the breath of life, restaurant. If you get In broke, 1 11 "Friend of yours. Is she?" When a state goes to Improve Its When I arrived in Omaha the ticket t*ke care of you. T met her at Omaha. Is all," I apple crop It usually begins In one In remarkably short order she was atjfny Informed. "You are acquainted agent wa« enabled to sell me trans or several localities, does Ihe best It per tat ion away to the present west as'eep Wlth the lady, yourself?" can In these places and keeps other The brakeman came In later, lig h t-, ,.H er, j know about every era terminus. Benton. Wyoming Ter- apple growers In the state Informed ritory Itself, six hundred and ninety >ng the coal-oil lamps. Outside, the along the line between Platte about the progress made. Such un miles west of the Missouri! , twilight had deepened Into dusk. , and c j,eyenne.' i dertaklngs are railed demonstrations. Of Benton I had never heard. But Numerous passengers were making "She lives In Benton, though. ! ! because they show how the thing Is In round figures, seven hundred ready for bed; the men by removing undFrgtand_" i proffered ' done. That Is exactly the way Ors- m iles! Practically the distance from their boots and shoes and coats and “ Ye p. Followed her man. A heap 1 gon has gone about Improving th- Albany to ClncinattL and Itself dis- galluses and stretching out; the Wl> of people moved from Cheyenne to crop of babies. At present there are i tant from Albany over two thousand men by loosening their stays, with jjenton. by way of 1-aramle." five counties In this state that are miles! All by rail. significant clicks and sighs, and lav- ,.ghe ,g marrled. then?” providing an adequate and efficient The lady of the blue eyes w a' their heads upon adjacent should- "Far as I konw. Anyway, sh e’s ) health service to every community I hound for the same point. Ye Gods. er« or drooping against seat ends not 8|nk|e, by a long shot." And he within their boundaries. but she was a little beauty; a per- Babies cried, and were hushed. laughed. Of course there must be fundk to feet blonde, of the petite and fully Final "night-caps ’ were taken from (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) carry on and extend this work The ; ’ormed type, with regular features ll»e prevalent bottles, Copyright by Edwin L. Sablg i funds for this work are supp'led en- an lined to the clean-cut Grecian, a ’rhe brakeman leaned to me. 1 tlroly through matching federal fund« piquant mounth deliciously bowed "You for North P latte?' Watch repairing done correctly sir. Benton. Wyoming Terri-, Work In today—Out tomorrow Hort two eyes of the deepest blue veiled by Here From Medford— Mr. and Mrs , U Ic-tg lashes, and a mass of e'intlr./ tory.” , 321 Main St. A. B Mend of Medford are visiting gu'.oen hair upon which perched a “Then you d better move up to the ravishing little bonnet. <’ar ahead. This car stops at North CALL AND SEE Dr M. W Emery for a few days with Rev. snd Mrs. C. | The natural ensemble was en- Platte." on prices on plate and other work, tf H. Blom. hanced by h»r costume, all of black. Fortune had favored me across from the closely fitting bodice to the aisle from my new seat only a rustling crinoline beneath which couple of seats beyond. I glimpsed there peeped out tiny shoes. I had "»e *°P a <°lden head, securely opportunity also to note the Jet pen- 'ow and barricaded In by luggage, dant in the shelly ear toward me. and i 1 s'ep* until midnight. the flashing rings upon the fingers of ”r',e train was rumbling as befor?. her hands ; Tbe lamps had been extinguished— Could she by any chance live ln the c°a ch atmosphere was heavy with Benton- w om an d r e s se d a s s h - oil smell and the exhalations of hu- was, as much a la mode as if she | man beings In all stages of deshabille. I walked Broadway in New York?I But the golden head was there, • A SENSATIONAL UNDERPRICING Omaha itself had astonished me w ith ia *x>ut aB w'ien 'alrt sighted, OF WOMEN’S THREAD SILK HOSE the display upon its streets; and now' Now it stirred and erected a little, if Benton, far out ln the w ilderness., ' "»e unseem liness of sitting and wafting for her to make her toilet, should prove another surprise— ! Indeed the Western world was not so I hastily staggered to achieve my own by aid of the water tank, tin so raw, after all. This I b a special lot of approximately 150 pairs In Russian Half of my seat at the start had basin, roller towel and small looking Calf shade, including odds and ends of different lines which Wen effectually filled by a large. glass at the rear. The coach was the last In the tra in .; | we are closing out at 59c per pair or 2 pairs for $1.00. « o u t. red faced woman who formed the base of a pyramid of boxes and , 1 a'ePl>*,l "Ut “ P«“ the back platform, parcels ; tor fresh air. Children’s 1 -2 W ool W om en’s $2.00 Full A bevy of antelope flashed white , S’» was going to North Platte, Stockings, Special tails at us as they scudded away. three hundred miles westward. I told Fashioned Silk Hose Two motionless figures, horseback, her I was going to Benton. You’ll be pleas­ whom I took to be wild Indians, sur­ She stared, round-eyed. Better silk ed to learn they In them than “I reckon you're a gambler!" she veyed us from a distant sandhill. come In t h e Across the river there appeared a accused. you’ll find ln popular pineapple weave many costlier silk hose "I am seeking health in the West." fungus of low buildings, almost in-1 effect. Select from black these days. Black only. I said, “where the climate Is high and distinguishable, with a glimmer of, and camel. Broken 1 o t canvas-topped wagons fringed It. All Blzes to 10i/2. dry.” however, all sizes repres­ I "My Gawd!” she blurted. "High and That was the old emigrant road. ented. While I was thus orienting my- , dry! You're goin' to the right place W O M E N ’ S THREAD SILK HOSE, For all I hear tell. Benton is high self the car door opened and clo sed .! enough and dry enough. But laws I turned my head. The lady of the I When you want better than ordinary printing POPULAR SHADES, $1.25 VALUES, PR. sakes, you don't need to go that fur. Blue Eyes had Joined me. As fr e sh , —the kind that satisfies and you want It to cost Tot» can as well stop off at North as the morning she was! you no more than necessary—and you want It to "Oh! You? I beg your pardon, sir,", Platte, or Sidney of Cheyenne. They’ll C H I L D R E N ’ S RAYON AND LISLE Impress all those who see It and to bring the de­ sculp you sure at Benton—unless yon I felt her diffidence was more p o lite' than sincere. watch out mighty sharp." sired results—Just phone 2, or better still, come S T O C K I N G S , «6c VALUES, PAIR “ You are heartily welcome,” I as “How so, my I ask?" to our shop. True they are termed as seconds but their wearing quality "You’re certlnly green,” she ap­ usred. “There Is air enough for u s ; hasn’t been Impaired. In fact the Imperfections are so both." prised. "Benton’s roarin'—and I slight the human eye can scarcely detect the minute flaw. We tore by another freight waiting know what that means. Didn't North That Is why they are being Bold at such a low price. The Platte rear? 1 seen It at Its beginnln's. upon a siding located amidst a wide first glance at them would make you think they are silk debris of tin cans and barren spots, | My old man and me. we were there because of their lustrous finish. In the much worn drop resembling the ruins from fire and from the fust, when It started in as stitch ribbed effect. All sizes—and colors are camel, peach, Opposite P. O. Springfield quake. the railroad terminal. My sakes, but champagne, beige, alBo black. New arrivals! "There Is Juleburg." them were times! Gamblin', shootln,' “A town?" I gasped. ifJ drinkln’ and high-cockalorums night FOR SALE TWO, PAIRS» 49c $1 1 is »1-65 — Costs Less and Earns M ore! The Willamette Press 89c 39c