THURSDAY JANUARY 27. 1927 T H S SPHtNUKIELD NEWS PLAN KLAMATH FALLS EXCURSION ON FEB. 22 In From Jsapsr— Mrs. Perry lara of Jaapsr was hare Monday. Wat Hart Haro— Jos lla rt of Wtoltsrvllls «an In town for a abort tints Monday Move to Wangling— Mr and Mr«. V M iinlurlT have moved to WnndllnR. Creawell Man H a rt— K L. Ilollen of t'reawoll waa a taltor In Ihla city Mon day. Hara From Marcola— Mra. Frank Mason of Miircoln waa a Springfield vlaltor Monday Vlalta at Portland— Mlaa Dorothy Abbott vlsltml with bar parent« at t*oi tlan I over the week end. Hprlngfleld residents will have an­ H«r« From Crook— b. H. Larimer, other opportunity to take the Klam ­ of Fall Creek, «pent a part of Tuee­ ath Falla trip at special rate over the Southern Pacific on February 22. ac­ day In Springfield. cording to Robert Holmes, represent Brlakar In— llenry Bricker of Trent atlre of the railroad, who was a vlalt­ waa a vlaltor In Ihla city Tueaday. or here yesterday. The «pedal ex­ cursion will carry passengers at re­ Hara From Mabie— Mra. Jim Wind­ duced' rates, and an opportunity will ham of Windham vlalted In Spring- be given for atop-overa at Chiloquin, field on Tueaday. where a skiing event Is to be held on Wlnbarry Raaldanta Hara — Aaa Washington's birthday. Ithlnevault and family of Wlnberry A flan Francisco excursion wilt were vlaltora In Hprlnglleld Tueeday. leave Friday, with a lfi-day stopover privileges and reduced rates, the com­ W altarvllla Man Hara— W aller Car­ pany reprexcntatlve announced. ter of W altervllle waa In the city for a time yeRterday. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENEJAUNTEREST without extra cost! Theatrical Cold Cream It may be used to ad­ vantage many times a day to remove dust, dirt, face p o w d e r , rouge from the skin. Of great value at this time of the year In keeping the akin soft. Our Groceries delivered to your door cost you no more than "cash and carry.” Just an added service—we render free. Just an added service that never falls—rain or shine. Next time just phone your order and say “deliver.’’ Our Prices are always low! DOES PRICE INTEREST YOU? Most certainly Is does. But quality Interests you too even after the price is forgotten. Trading here you are guaranteed first quality and permanent satisfaction. Ona Pound Can 75c Flanery’s Drug Store Phone Phone when he was 37 years of age. the needle worked out of his body through his hip. Sheep men of Baker county have organised under the name of the Ba­ ker County Wool Growers' association. At the aimluil meeting to be held about May Ï5, permanent officers will be elected and a constitution and by laws drawn tip. There was one fatality due to In- < ustrlal accidents In Oregon during '.he week ending January 20, accord­ ing to a report prepared by the state industrial accident commission. The victim was J. C. Longqulst, timber feller, of Portland. Hordes of mice are devastating grain fields In Klamath Falls section of the country and a well organized drive Is under way to rid the commun­ ity of rodents. Five years ago the mice made a similar invasion of grain fields near there. That the battelship Oregon has ful­ ly Justified Its presence In Portland harbor is the statement contained' In a report filed with Governor Patterson by the Battleship Oregon commission. The report shows that approximately 50,000 people paid for the privilege of visiting the ship during the 18 months It haa been In the harbor, while anoth­ er 100.000 persona were admitted to the ship without rhasga. Ji welcoming representatives ef the Or». gon-Califomla Cooperative , Woolaa A1 Perkins, who haa been at Port­ Mills company, who will vielt th land today appearing before the high­ n w fp ctrrr site here and attend to­ way commission In connection with morrow night’s meeting of the Cl the Springfield bridge plan, will coma, to Hprlngfleld this afternoon to me-1 with the local Industrial commute«. I vxs L l . AN D HEK Dr. N. W. E tw -y He will Join with the committee In on prices og plate and other work, t? The Hood River county court ap­ pointed W. J Kucken county truit In­ spector Oregon's 192*1 apple crop Is estimat­ ed at 8.190.0M boxes, wltb 6021 cars shipped up to Januury 15 A modern BiO room hotel will be built in 1« Grande thia year, accord lug to a late announcement to be nsed on the Oregon-Washington highway from Pilot Rock through Pendleton to Freewater. C. E. Carter, state engineer, announced. W ill Moore, for the past four years insurance commissioner, fire marshal and real estate commissioner under the administration of ex-Governor W alter M. Pierce, resigned his office to become effective February 1. When W alter E, Smith, formerly of Linn county bnt now a resident of Klamath Falls was 4 years old. he swallowed a needle. The other day EXTRA SERVICE Perkins Coming Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. QUARTET FORMED BY Joseph K Elliott. 45. was killed Vlaltor From Spokane— Mr«. J. A. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT while blasting stumps at bis place- Ferrl» of Hpokane, mother of Mra. W one mile northeast of Canby last week Vlalt at Klmlra— M r and Mr«. F. C Itebhan. la vlalting here for a few Organisation of a qnartet and com­ Receipts of the state real estate de- Eggimann made a bualnnaa trip to daya. pletion of plana for giving u aeries of partaient during 1224 aggregated |17,- Klmlra Tueeday. dances to provide funds for sending 264 50. according to a report Just la- •coot« Have Swim — Scouts o f In From Thurston—Oscar McMahon Troop I I vlalted the swimming pool the drill team to the national conven­ sued of Tburaton transacted business ’n at the University men's gymna«lum tion In California this year were The logging ramp of Clark 4k Wilson among features of the Neighbors of Hprlngflsld Monday. Tueaday night. at W llark. closed since early Decern Woodcraft meeting conducted last her. resumed operation last week with Ooaa to Salam— Mlaa !*aullnr Miller, Haa Infaotad Thumb— Merle Brown night. zoo employes. a teacher In the local achoola. vlvlte I of W altervllle baa been visiting a The quartet la to be known a t the The Redmond postofflre la now list­ b tr home at Malem ever the week e-.d local physician's ofllce thia week for Neighbors o f Woodcraft singers. ed as an office of the second das», Haro From Notl— Mr. and Mr» Ham treatment of a badly infected thumb. Members are Alma Cowden. Rachel receipts having gone over the top De- Thatcher, Leota Rodenhaugh a n d Montgomery of Notl were vlaltora ,it (ember 31. with 5250 to spare. Tonsils Rsmovad — L ittle J u n e Hasel Burnett. the Fred Frege residence Saturday, j Monmouth voters last week ap­ Moore, who live« at the M. Casteel The first dance to be given iwlll be Travla In— A C. Travla of Garden borne, underwent a lonall and adenlnd next Tuesday evening at Midway ball. proved the bond Issue to purchase a Way waa a bualneaa vlaltor here Mon­ operation at a local surgeon's ofllce Tickets are to be on sale shortly. The site for proposed new normal school ' d rill team hopes to attend the conven­ buildings. The vote waa 184 to 8 Tuesday. day tion to I k * held at Riverside. Califor­ Both the Bandon and North Rend Mra. B aiter In— Mra. Carl Baxter of Visits at Albany— W C. M< Lagan, nia In Heptember. chsmbera of commerce have approved Wendllng waa a vlaltor In Dprlngfleld «•earn superintendent of the Mountain Mrs. Stella Blarkerby. organiser for the proposed game preserve from the Haturday. Hiatee Power company. vietUd at the District 12. was present at the meet- Coquille river at Bandon to the Call Albany headquarteers of hla concern ' Ing, and announced that the district tornia line on the south. Hare From Creak— Hoy Brewer, yesterday. j circle meeting will be held at Bandon The potato production of Columbia realdent of Fall Creek, waa a Hprlnr May 23 and 24. county this year in shipments eclipses field vlaltor Monday Hara From Portland— Juanita Com- The newly organised quartet w ill he the lombined csrlots of the last five tnlngs. of Portland, la vlalting at the W altarvllla Vlaltor— Mra. Kd BlenW heard for the first time at the P. T. A. years, according to A. L. Morris, pota­ of W altervllle «pent a part of Monday residence of her slater, Mra. Paul meeting Friday afternoon. to inspector of Columbia county. Schlewe. She will be here for several here. daya. ; , ! The St Helena Pulp A Paper com­ Here From Bandon— Mra. Jess Can­ pany began last week shipping its Taylor la Vlaltor—Charlea Taylor of Hurt« Thumb— Henry Bricker of to of Bandon haa been here this week product of kraft paper Into the mar- Thuraton waa a vlaltor in Hprlngfleld A carload is now Trent sustained a painful Injury to vlslllnv r t the realdence of her daugh­ l: -ts of the world Monday. bla thumb while using a saw last Hat­ ter. M r* Merle Casteel. Returning to­ I'-avlug each day There are 250 men Lowell Man Haro— E. M Ruak of e - n her home. Mrs. Cento will on the payroll. urday. He vlalted Hprlngfleld for r n - Ixiwell waa a vlaltor In Hprlngfleld medical treatment. be accompanied by Claudia June There was collected by the state early thia week. Moore, who has been mek’ny her home treasurer during the last two year» Malar Official Hara— C. R. McLesn at the Casteel residence. Inheritance tax aggregating 11.117,- Haa Bualneaa Hare—J. H Rausch of meter superintendent o* the Mountain 000. or approximately 1350.000 In ex W altervllle waa a bualneaa vlaltor In Stales Power company, was a visitor SUMMONS cess of that collected during the pre­ Hprlngfleld early thia week. at the Hprlngfleld power plant Tues­ Msrgsret W hite. Plaintiff, vs David ceding biennium Franklin White. Defendant. Ooaa to Woodland— Mra. E l l e n day. Thomas W Riches. Silverton na­ To David Franklin White. Defendant. Froat baa Irft^for Woodland. Washing tive. died at hla home there last week IN T H E NA M E O F T H E S T 4 T E Confined to Bad— Thomas Hansen ton, where ahe will apend several O F OREGON, You are hereby re­ He was born at Silverton 73 years weeka, vlgjtlng with her aon Kd. Froat. of Marcola la confiend to hla bed wltn quired to appear and answer the com­ a aerloua congestion of the lungs. plaint filed against you In the above ago and lived there all his life. He Haa Operation— Doris Chaae. little Pneumonia la threatening, according entitled suit on or before six weeks was postmaster from 1888 to 1892 and from the date of the first publication from 1894 to 1907. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Kenneth 1 to the local physician attending. of thia summons. and If you fall so Chaae, underwent a major operation Plans for construction of a sulphite to appear and annwer. for want there­ at the Pacific Chrlatlan hospital Sal-! Coloradoans Move Here— Mr. and of. the plalnUff will apply to the Court pulp and paper mill of large sise at Mrs. J | i b arter and Mr. and Mra. for the relief demanded In her com­ Astoria htve been matured, and orday. I McCormick, former residents of Ord­ plaint. to-wlt: For a decree of thia contract on preliminary construction Girl Baby Born— A girl baby w aa' way. Colorado, have moved Into the Court forever dissolving the bonds of work has been awarded according to born January 20 to Mr. and Mra. C .! matrimony now existing between the Stacey apartment house at Third and plaintiff and defendant, and for such ' a recant announcement. It. Caaaldy of Eugene. Mra. Caaaldv C streets. They probably w ill locate other and further relief as to the j An even 10,000 hens have been waa formerly Ella Davla of Spring- here permanently. Court may seem equitable. signed up by Lane county farmers field. Thia summons Is published once1 for the proposed branch of the Pa­ each week for six successive weegs | Chicken T h ie f Busy In the Springfield News, a weekly cific Poultry Producers, to be estab­ A id Bals O n S a tu rd a y newspaper of general circulation, pub­ lished at Eugene, according to Q. 8 Activities of chicken thieves In (hla lished In Hprlngfleld. Lane County. Ore­ Fletcher, county agent. The Ixtdles Aid of the Methodist dlatrlct were Investigated thia week gon, by order of Hon. C. P. Barnard. Receipts of the state Insurance de­ Hpisropal church w ill conduct a cook-. by Police Chief Jeesa Hmltson when County Judge of fame County, Ore aggregated ed food sale and baskar on Haturday vlalta of the thieve« to local poultry gon. which order bears date the 25th partment during 1924 at the I. O. O. F. building at Fourth ■ houses were reported. At one place day of January. 1227. and the data nt 8702.789.32. while disbursements to­ and Main streets. Each member of the residence of Clara Hlmpson. the the first publication of this Summons taled 832,904.52. according to a report Is January 27. 1227 prepared recently by W ill Moore, state the Aid la requested to bring an thief visited the poultry yard In W IT T E R A KINO. Attorneys for article for aale, officer« announced t > | broad daylight and carried away nine Plaintiff. Residence and Poetolfice Ad­ Insurance commissioner. dress, Eugene, Oregon.. Fifteen thousand cubic yards of day. pullets and a rooster. J 27: F 3-1IM7-24: M 3-10 crushed rock has been contracted for A Good Cleansing Cream PADS • W ^eJ 942 Willamette St., Eugene. Oregon. I ! ; i j ; ' But They’re Not Under One Roof * 773 Store» in 46 Stale» I A coast-to-cmat helpful ness •' Imagine the extent of their service! t I f they were all under one roof, the largest store in New V ork and Chicago would be small by comparison. Their selective and buying power would be no greater; the individual customer would benefit no more But they are under 773 roofs, serving as many coin m unities. Ccnscaoently, nearly a third of the people of the country have J. C. Penney Company Stores in which they enjoy all the advantages experienced by people in the big cities. New styles reach you through this Store as quickly as they reach the people in New York and Chicago • j ' j ; Values and Saving!, in moat instances, are greater here— and the enjoyment of personal shopping is multiplied a thou­ sand t i m e t . “Every city is better off from having a J. C Penney Com pony btore, shopping advantages are increased generally ' Rich, Red Blood Will Bring Color To Your Cheeks Health and beauty usually go hand in hand. Where per­ fect health abides, worry and wrinkles have no place. Pure, rich red blood is the basis of good health. Nyal Hot Spring Blood Purifier will build up your blood and give a glow of health to your entire system. It will insure a clear, rosy complexion. Thin blood remedy will keep the bowels regular, tone up the stomach and keep the kidneys and liver in a healthy, nor­ mal condition. Take this remedy now and keep your system in perfect shape during the cold season. Price $1.00. Ketel’s Drug Store j I ! 1 I ! The Most Effective Worker! Money is the most effective worker in the world because it NEVER RESTS. Day and night it is at its task earning interest, bring­ ing in income for its owner. But it must be invested before it can work. And that is wTiat this bank does witn your money, sharing the earnings with you by paying you interest on every dollar you let us use. $1.00 opens a Savings Account and obtains a Liberty Bell Bank. Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank t Springfield, Oregon