THURSDAY JANUARY 27, 1927 THE 8PRINGF1KLD NEWS FAGR FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Pvbltahad Bvery Thureday at Springfield. Lane Coaniy. Orason. by THE WILLAMETTg PRESS H. K MAXEY, Editor The next long distance swim should be from 4-L S U R V E Y S H O W S F IR Key West to Havana. Cuba. Old men as well »is AND PINE LUMBER CUT kids would crowd the beach to start In such a FOR 1926 BY DISTRICTS popular route. After the three mile limit the shimmers could be furnished with something Portland. Jan 37. • (Special» ■ Fir stronger than beef broth. mill« imttlMr 104.000 (eel or more program at the next session The en­ and O H Jarrett, and the refresh­ tertainment com uilllee named la com­ ments will he prepared by D. W Mo- posed of W. I*. Tyson. It W. Carlton Kinnon and M A. Neel. dally were reaponalhh- tor 74.4 per Some Idea of what great demand there Is for, C),nt (lf ,h„ lullllM,r ,,ro' ,be »“tvey la the tact thst the 1 Ano county, is growing fast as i8 also the Mr Mellon. Mr. Vare and Col. Smith. It will be re-j wuck talked-of small mills (o’ten »«•- amount Of work county officials must do. Not called, advanced the piteous plea that corruption Is In cused of being Ihe leading factor In those culling from only that but each session of the legislature separable from the primary system, Phy these poor poll overproduction!, 1 . S • ticlans, forced Into buying seats In the Senate by our per- 5 0(H) to 38.000 feet dally, were res passes a lot of laws that entail additional work ponalble for hut 4.8 per cent of the for county officials. t one of th e tr high financiers, contributing money to be total fir cut and 3.8 per cent of the pine c u t The next grouping—mills To say that there should be no raise in salaries used to buy seats in the Senate is "just like giving money .cutting from 35.00 to 50 000 feet dally while the present officials are on the job is neither • church fair nor good business practise. In private busi- But the question Senator Beveridge would like io have —cut 7.3 and 12 7 per cent of the fir ness the man who has been on the job for several answered Is "If the primary was ihe cause ot flooding and pine total, respectively. years and has become highly proficient is the two state» with million», why dw not the same cause pro-1 man who is generally regarded as deserving t « belonged to church ments were served under the direction moss backs have never done anything for Oregon Now ,h« P°H «bows that more than 43 per cent of the peo of Miss Anna Dillard b lit harm. Likes and dislikes Of individuals P|e now »ubscrlbe to some other faith or other. At the business meeting It was rt«- not hold a city back. If you can’t say som ething; There seems to even be a rising tide of morality i cld « l to hold another entertainment good, say nothing at all New industrial concerns, creeping over the land, although some among us believe; cannot afford to bring high priced skilled labor non*' of ‘be heathen courts were more Irreligious than w e, into a backward community or into one where are ln ,he United state» there is internal strife. These things reflect? Perhaps there has been a falling off In fervor among j themselves sooner or later in the efficiency and i man>' of ,he church members hut there are grounds tor be j production Of the factory. I Bering the decline has been chiefly In the old-time tunatl-! ! cism and sectarian Intolerance. No cause exists tor weep We have a wonderful climate in which to live ¡ng over the total loss of either of these entroles of true and many natural resources as well. Nature has religion. bee,I good to VS. Let U S not hold up development The polls served as an answer to the claim by agnostics but be open minded and progressive and do our that organized religion is on the decline The results were' SPECIALIST bit to nuke Springfield and I^ane county betteri generally the same in all the cities in which the poll was and bigger. , taken. Even in New York, commonly termed a "Godless 1 • • • i city.” the believers outnumber the non-believers. In Internal Medicine for the . . . . This poll should help to squelch the blatant skeptics past fifteen years In England they have passed a law requiring who mak„ a great deal of noise about the decay of Ihe mufTlers to be placed on radio loud speakers. church Bu, lt probably won, Th refMe coa. DOES NOT OPERATE Soon we will have radio cops. yinced by any array of facts and figures. Will be at Osborn Hotel, Monday January 31 [ ALONG ABOUT THIS TIME OF YEAR Office Houre: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m By A. B. CHAPIN The United States has a million and a half more automobiles than telephones but the radio is pushing the old flivvers fast. THURSDAY JANUARY 37.1427 Coming to Eugene Where Goodness Counts Quality In candy and other confection» 1» appreciated with every mouth full. We acll only high grade, pure whole­ some candy. Every morael of It la filled with delicloua goodneaa. Years of experience In the candy business hus taught us what is good and what Is not. You’re always right when you have a box of Kggl- mann a chocolate«. EGGIMANN’S T h e “ M a k in g s ” o f a M a n Into every golden loaf of Perfection Bread, there has gone only the richest and most nutritloua Ingredient»—with purity the chief consideration. Every uppetizing «lice Is flll- ed with health and Wholesome goodness and “the makings of a man.” BAKED FRESH DAILY Bread, pies, and cakes are baked fresh dally In our sanitary oven». Phone us your daily order, or call and choose from our largì- assortment of good tilings. THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Fred Freee. Prop. Perkins-laAXton Bldg- Phone 66 Fifth Street r • This coupon ami 25c entitle the undersigned to iste J8c can of Acme Quali! y Knanwl Kute, any color, and a special 20c Panit Brusii. % Name J Address . .......... .. . .. - V y ' SPECIAL OFFER To ».-quaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a spectal offer for a short time only. tine /fv ] L J Make your home inviting ---with C olor ! Surely there are piece« of furniture in your home that need the brightening touch of the paint brush. Why not get ■ome Acme Quality Enamel-Kote and do the job up right ■—right now? You can get any color you want. And how easy it is to use Acme Enamel KoteI Just a few strokes of the brush and there you have a brand new chair! Oive your home a personal inspection and note the poasibiljtiea for beautifying by the simple meant of paint. You've a surprise in store I < ■ ACHE QUALITY Paint^Varnish Dr.Mellenthin It'»economical to use Acme Quality Cnamel Kote, the beautiful, an - cfuring finish. For interior woodwork of every kind. See coupon abova. Wright & Son ONE DAY ONLY p S b o H cab . m e - ? S + jg Y fe y B S E L F / I No Charges for Consultation MYCoe©»iass,'(txAig $e£u P lee P in G- all wiwTEtt.— You KNOW You tfOTrA SET OUT OF. HERE PRE Try' SoOU AuP 6-0 TO WORK -> «..■« - - - -s- I f AWP K w Y -OU PAgg «ME SUNNW TACK HEBE f , a WITH THAT OLt> SAG- '0OUT THE S um B eiak J S o BR iwht fou CA4ri- I'LL fcOUWCE TWlS SKILLET OFF . , YOufe h e a p --------II I f I' m Siqx xw' t , bet > OF HAVIN' You loaf 'P ound H epe FOB. Si* WEEKS IN TU' SPPlwC- WHEN To Be out hustlin ' Foe hash an ' hominy OuE-HT. —----- - f You'Re JU4T LIKE A LOT OF OTHER LATY HUSeVD: ---- - Too U lftw es WILLIWC- To USE ANY 0U> 4L|£ Ybu can \. r ï lay abouaj B "S i ' house SE T U P — MES- !• UC U 4w,MA — ■P ont B e SO 2 ouoh » £ 1 - « I t / ’T a , ■Ihf iff-i ' , ' : s '.ÎZF ____ 1 4 Dr Melllnthln Is a regular graduate In m edicine and surgery and la lic­ ensed by the state nt Oregon. He does not operate for chronic ap­ pendicitis. gall stones, ulcers of the stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re­ sults In diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wet’lng. cat­ arrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciati­ ca, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few i f his many satisfied patients In Oregon Mrs. L. L. Peetz, Moro, heart trouble. Mrs. F. F. Hager, (daughter Marie» Walton tonsils and adenoids. Mrs. E. C. Miilloy, Hillsboro, ulcer of the legL Mrs. N els Peterson. 8kamnkawa, Wash., colitis. Orover C. Gouthler. Coquille, O re, colitis and ulcers of the stomach. Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfield, ear trouble. J. W. Turner, Dallas, stomach trou­ ble. E A. Russell, Klamath Falls, ap pepdlcltis. Retnemher the above date, that consultation on this trip will he free and that his treatment Is different. Married women must be accom­ panied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. J 3-34-37: C a lifo rn ia -b o u n d Four fine trains daily to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Hundreds enjoy this inviting service. They tell with enthusiasm o f the Shasta Route journey. Appointments to delight the most exacting. Observation and duh car accommodations; standard and tourist sleepers, coaches. De­ licious maals. Travel on the train. Ride restfullv and in comfort. Winter excursion tickets at low cosL Southern Pacific J r < ■ CARL OLSON, AGENT