THURSDAY JANUARY 27. 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS page t h r : Classified mea Ads j T ak e T hat TRAIN SCHEDULE BANKERS OPPOSE POWER "Now then w hat should a polite BILL BEFORE CONGRESS little boy say to a lady who haa given Cascade Line him a penny for carrying lu-r Southbound, leaves Springfield. Opposition to w hat they term aa parcels 7" - 43 7:50 A. M. Dally. effort tn engage the U nited S ta ts * "1 am loo polite to say It madam .’’ Northbound. Springfield a t 2:46 P. Governm ent In the" electric power M Dolly. business was expressed by the Invest* Just Plain M ain Line -Bna connections H ere, ment Bankers Association of Am erica Social W o rk e r- Do you believe in Southbound C a lifo rn ia trains, Eu at a meeting of the Board of Govern* the transm igration of souls? gene a t 1:26 A. M „ 1:46 P. M.. 1 2 .1 * ,ora. held In Chicago January 1», In a Fisherm an— W elt, no, air. I Jlkes P. M . and •:0 6 A. M. D ally. resolution condemning t h e Swing 'em fried In the ordinary way. Northbound C a lifo rn ia trains. Eu- Johnson Bill now pending in Congress P ttlt H A L E — - 1 door Peru Hedan W A N T E D — T o trade fo r a c re a g l. gene a t 6:15, 2:17, 10:68 A. M . and which proposes the construction by cheap or w ill trade for PVird truck, 8 (* M M O N fi flood house and 1% lota In Spring- | the Government of a high dam In the »■room house, three 3 room a p a rt­ field, one block off pavement. Pive IN T H E C IR C U IT C U O R T O P T H E g -jo p M S T A T E O P O R E G O N FO R L A N E „ ... j ,___•_ Colorado R iver at Boulder Canypfi, ments, close In to buatneaa center b l e c k « fro m m ill Box 120. tf Southbound Oregon locals, Eugene „ , , . . . . , COUNTY. . . ... Colorado, under the guise of flood p ro - In M arshfield. »2500 E a .y term«. and 9:60 and 1:26 P. r John E. Prey, Plantlff, Va. Audrey E. a t 12.26 A. tectlon. T h e resolution, adopted un­ Prey, Defendant. Kent« for »40. E. E K E P N E R . tf. F O R R E N T - Large tra c t of good M. farm land near Hprlngfleld. Cheap T o Audrey E Prey. Defendant: animously, follows: Northbound Oregon locals, Eugene IN T H E N A M E OP T H E 8 T A T E ren t, a chance fo r a good farm e r to Resolved, by the Board of C o v e r» N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S make some money. Land should O P O R EG O N : You are hereby re­ a t 2:26 and 7:35 A. M. and 2:30 P. M ors of the Investm ent Bankers As­ quired to appear and answ er the com­ W endllng T ra in s be plowed thia w in ter. Inquire plaint filed against you In the above sociation of Am erica, at a meeting Notice la hereby given that the un­ Springfield. ! held at Chicago. Illinois, on the 19th News office. dersigned has been appointed Ad mixed, at entitled suit on or before six weeks Eaatbound m In tat rat or of the eatate of H a ttie B from date of first publcatlon of thia »:15 A. M. ■ day of January. 1*27, that the Invest* Mickelson, by the County Court o f, OR B A L E — Payroll sheets, p rin t* , summons, or fo r w ant thereof the a t Springfield ment Bankers Association of Am erica and la stock nt the N e w * eCflaa Westbound mixed. lam e County. Oregon A ll persona! plaintiff w ill take Judgment against reaffirms its opposition to proposed Form suitable tor road, - eonatrecUoa ... __ i You and w ill apply to the court f o r . '1:50 P. M. having rlalm a against aald e « U te are legislation now pending before tha w ork. saw m ills. etc., w ith tab le M the relief prayed for In th e c o m p la in t --------------- hereby notified to present the samel compute w o rkm an s compenaatloa o n fib- herein, and for a n n u lm e n t of I RO O F R E P A IR IN G properly verified to the undersigned! Federal Congress, known as the sad deductions. No em ployer shnwln the m arriage contract and for a da- For Roof R epairing call 2326-J Swing Johnson B ill, because; a t, the office of W ells a W ells, A t­ be wltboa? those f l u i whoa they ----------- " ” 1 P ’ oui torney«. Bank of Commerce iiidg. In "V h U d7 orce J “’“ I Eu*-n® . ‘ Drt L T - toximls, I One, W h ile the measure Is repre*- Eugene, lam e County. Oregon, w ith-: this summons la pufilisbed once . . . .....................I each week for six consecutlre" w eeks1 experienced and p erm an ently located, ented as p rim a rily for flood control In six months of the date of the first ' A L ittle a t a Tim e t f and reclam ation on the Colorado publication of thia notice. According to a morning paper wo­ in the Springfield News, a w eekly newspaper published at Sprfngfle:d, Dale of first publication January R iver, yet It Is ln fa c t a proposal to men are now tvuylng dresses on the Dot’s N ile . 6. 1*27. Lane County, Oregon, by order of have the Governm ent enter Into the ‘V a t you doink, Able?" C. P M IC K E L S O N . A d m ln latrator Installm ent system. We seem to have Hon O. P. 8 klpw n rth Judge of the electric power business. Involving seen some of them w earing the first above court made January 18th. 1»27. W E L L H A W E L L S . Attorneys. ’I ’m drunk." Governm ent ownership and o peratic* ___ J 6-13 20-37: P 2: Thl« summons first publshed on Jan­ Installm ent. ■Vat's dat 7" uary 20th, 1927. of a large power plant. ‘Sure, I ’m drunk pictures on the W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D , A tto rn ey; Two. T he b ill departs from the N O T IC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T SUMMONS for Plaintiff. Residence and Post of-! P«P«r already established national policy Notice Is hereby given that Eatate Iz>ur- flee address: Eugene, Oregon 1SR T A T F * o p l| i H n i o s Rw i B |i| T v p eB,‘ T , f lor Executrix of the contained In the Federal W a ter J 20-27: P 3-10-17-24: M 3 COUNTY FO R ’ ’ A N K <>f Ira N. T aylo r. deceaaed. haa filed FOR S A L E -C a r b o a paper tn t a r * . Powpr A c| for r fln* l report and account as such. sheets, 26x3* Inches, suitable tor questions by the Federal Power Com­ " " X 7 ' ! ? « < ■ » « SUM M O NS mission by g ranting licenses to pri­ Tu F lo ren c e u ° f l**» e (o u n ty . Oregon, and the IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O P T H E name, d e f e n d ^ - ‘ C ,,ur' h“ " Mond* y ,h « U ,h vate enterprise for the use of w ater S T A T E O P O R E O O N FO R L A N E named defendant K e b rla ry lg I7 „ 10:00 o r |w t l COUNTY. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T for power purpose under the Federal in t • name of tho State of Ore- the forenoon In the ( ’ounty Court Oeo H. IM tto and Anna M D itto, his Notice Is hereby given th a t George W a te r Power act. «on: You gre hereby required to K o on in the Court House at Eugene wife, plaintiffs, vs. A. L. Stearns L. Mast. A d m ln latrator of the E state Three, fu ll and adequate flood pro­ s r s s : z : ? ■ - • * <•— *• - «>• and Jane Doe Stearns, his wife, or of George E. Mast, deceased, haa ( #nd w ater »upp|y can be pro­ If deceased, th e ir unknown heirs. filed hl» final report and account aa . . . . , titled court and cau»e. on or beforei and p,a“ ’ to h ear objections to the N orthern Counties . . . Investm ent Com­ __ vtded by construction costing much the expiration of the tim e prescribed *“ me. ami (or the final settlem ent of ............................ , build pany. lim ited a corporation, and »uch. w ith the C lrrk of the County In the O rd er of Publication, to-w lt: i * “ *d estate. Also all other unknown parties who Court of Lane County, Oregon, and n r r > ln p p i h i h a , m h a v e or c l a i m s o m e tlt.e , estate. Court has set M onday the 4th the propo«.d high dam at Boulder On or before the expiration ol «lx L o t JIENM T A Y M IR Executrix, W E L L H A W E L L H . Attorneys. lien or Interest In the property des *»•> ° f F ebruary 1*27 a t 10 00 o clock Canyon. weeks from the date o f the first pub­ J 13 20 27: P 3 10 lication hereof, and If you fall tn crihed In the com plaint herein. De ‘n the forenoon in tt>e f 1 And fu rth e r resolved, that a copy fendants. Room in the Court House at Eugene. of thig regoi u tjon be s* nt to the ru le * answ er for want thereof, p lain tiff w ill apply to the court for the re lie f T o A. L. Stearns and Jane Doe *-an,‘ County, Oregon, as the tim e and com m ittee ot the House of Repres* SUM M ONS prayed for In the com plaint to-w lt: a \,r • . 1 . nt i h . ,n ...,iu i C IR C U IT C O U R T O P T H E ! Stearns, m s w iie , o r ■■ u e ceaaeu ., - In« t h J \,« r r ia « e ’r. n ira.u lo w S T A T E O P O R E G O N FO R L A M B th e ir unknown heirs. Northern Coun- »»<1 for lhe final of said ' o f a special rule for said B ill. "Signed h- . e i n X . m . N I d X n d l n t : C ,H ' N T Y ' Investm ent Company, lim ited, r. EabjtP G EO R G E L. M A S T . A d m in istrator. P lin y Jew ell. President. Investm ent an d fo r n .-h o t h e r n l f u r th e r r e lie f W illia m Donaldson and H elen Don-1 corporation, and Also all other par- 2 . „ V e « r t mav H m t» .t 2nd h" P '*» « '» « - »« - B A. ties who have o r claim some title. W E L L 8 A W E L I-S . A tto rn e y s . : Bankers Association of Am erica, AI- am to tn r court may seem Juat ano J 13 20-27: F 3-10 „ro n e. W ashburne and M ary W ashburn*, h it ll<>n- *»«•<•- or Interest in the pro- I len H. L ittle . Executive Secreetary." T h l. summons I . published p ur.a- w 'fe. J a m * . Claxke « d » h e ! Ctorke, I «« «•«* SUMMONS ' it to an o rd e r of t U Honorable G , i*1" ’ }*’ ■. T h °«nas W halen and Jane J ' " , d IN T H E N A M E O P T H E 8 T A T E IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E 1 Scotch f " Sklpworth? c irc u it Judge of L a a e 1 W halen, hla wife, or If deceased S T A T E O P O R EG O N . IN A N D F O R N ever borrow money from that County Oregon, made and entered i , " * ,r unknown heirs. Owen M athews O P O R E G O N : You are hereby sum­ LA N E COUNTY. man. he la a Shylock. In w inter he December 21. 1*28. and the flrst pub-1 «"«J J* » e M athews, his w ife, or moned and required to appear and llcatlon hereof la made the 23rd d ayl lr deceased, t h r tr unknown heirs, and answer the com plaint filed against Edna Horton, P la in tiff, vs. James M. takes SO per cent, and In summer Horton. Defendant. | gjx ty - of December. 1*26 and the la«t p u b ' A l» ° • » ®U»er unknown parties -who you In the above entitled suit and Bratton thereof 1« on the 3rd day o f| " » » • or <=>»•"> ■ » » » title , estate. Ren. court w ithin «lx week» of the date o f , T o James M. H o rton, Defendant: “ But why does he take more In ] n the name of the State of Oregon, February, 1*27. or Interest In the property described the flrst publication of this sum- I H O W A R D M B R O W N E L L . Attor-1 complaint herein. Defendants mans, tow tt: on or before the 3rd you are hereby summoned and ra- summer T o James L. C larke and E th el I day ot M arch. 1*27, and you w ill take qulre(j to appear and answ er the Com- "Because the days are longer." ney for plaintiff. Residence; Eu­ C larke, his w ife; Thomas W halen : notice that If you fall to appear and ,a |nt fllpd herein against you. in the gene, O reg oh ? and Jane Doe W halen, hla w ife, o r If » n **e ? or plead w ith in said t i m e abore „ „ (M e d guit and Court w ith in To Make g D 23-36: J » 13-20 27: P3 MaThVw.' and* Jane1 ", t o ^ e ’ a S ’ve’ ^ « » ^ for six weeks of the date of the first p « » younR had , hobby g r results ) (BPYMS «tsn iw g Q U A L IT Y H IIO O M S — Delivered at your door. C a ll Fred llosaertnan at *0 F I«. N O T IC K O P P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N o th '* la hereby given that laiur- ene T aylo r. A d m in istratrix. of the B at­ a ta ol B. A. T aylo r. deceased. hl» filed her final report and account aa such, w ith the C lerk of the County Court o f loine County, Oregon, and the Court haa aet Monday, the 14th day o f February. 1®2?. at 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon In the County Court itooni In the Court llouae at Kugenn, Lane County, Oregon, aa the tim e and p la ie to hear objections to the name, and for the flnul aettlem ent of said nutate L O U R K N B T A Y O R . A d m ln la tra trli W E L L S A W E L L S . A tto rn e y « . J IS 20-27: P 3 10 N O T IC E TO C R ED 1TO R 8. Notice la hereby given by the un­ dersigned that he haa been, by the order of the County Court of lam e County. Oregon, appointed aa admin- lalato r of the eatate of Charlea A. (lo y e a u ; that creditor« of aald eatate are hereby notified to preaent th e ir aald rlalm a to the adm lnlatrator. at the office» of Sm ith A Kvana, hla attorney«, at 434-6 6 M in er llultding. Eugene, Oregon, w ithin a ll month« from the date of thia notice. Dated January 10th. 1*27 'I' II G oycau S M IT H A dn iln l« tr« to r A E V A N S . A tto rn e y « . J 13 20 27: P 3 10 N O T IC E O P P IL IN G OP P IN A L ACCOUNT N O T IC E la hereby given by the un- deralgned A dnilnlntrator of the eatate of George Horton, deceased, that lie ha« tiled In the County Court of lome County. Oregon, hl« dual account, and that Saturday, the 6th day of February, 1*27. at the hour of 10 O'clock A. M. at the Court room of aald Court In tha County Court llouae In Bug. ne. lam e County. Oregon, haa been act by the Court aa the tim e and place lo r final hearing upon aald final settlem ent o( aald eatate. A ll persona having objections to aald final acrounl. o r any Item thereof are hereby notified tn resent the same to the County Court on or before the tim e filed for final hearing hareln. C. M D O R IT Y , A dm lnlatrator of the eatate of George Horton, de­ ceased. L E BEA N . Afforney. J » 1 3 2 6 3 7 : P 3: 'B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Mrs. Arthur Sayles Teacher of Plano . W. F. Walker Leland Svarvarud Teacher of Violin Funeral Director M r*. 132 - 7th St. B. 228 M ain St. 62 J Residence 126 c St- 6 -H Pull Auto Equipm ent Lady Assistant P IR I W M . G, HUGHES ' A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC O fflee at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Sprlngflsld, Oregon “The Loop” Your Hom* Whan In Springfbfd Call SUTTON TRANSFER Phona 57 DR. N. W. EM^RY GBO.. N, M eL ffA N Automobil«, Flea and L ife IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds Phone »17 My buelneee It to protect your bueinete 660 W illa m e tte S t Eugene O reg on O K N T IS T Sutton B id *. Phona 20-J ’ Raoldenot Phono 153-M Springfield, Oregon VA8BY BROS. Painting A Decorating In all Its branches 312 Main S tr**t General L aw Practica I. M. PETERSON A ttorney-at-Law C ity H a ll Building Springfield, Ora. DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phon* 43 F lra t N a t’l Bank Bldg., Springfield FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W NOTARY Sutton Building P U B L IC Springfield, Oregon. D . W . Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon M. G. HOGE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. 8. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon P la tt H era— W a lte r P la tt of Thu rs­ ton was a visitor In Springfield M on­ day SPRINGFIELD 6RAYEL GO. All kind* of gravel for oon- or*t* or road work. W* mak* a specialty of crushed reck and rook aand. Bunk- art at foot of Main on Mill atraot. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. wife, or If deceaaed. th eir unknown lh ,‘ l* Mef Pr,jre d ,o r ,n th e,r “ ld lic“ llon ° * ,hls 9um m o“ 8 and * at home h alf of our saxaphone p layer* com plaint, to-w lt: fall to answ er for want thereof, t h a , wou,d out Qf w ork „ announceg , 1 heirs; also a ll other unknown parties F o r a decree. In and by which all P lain tiff w ill take Judgment against da„ _ . gn„ „ „ , h'<” *“ * fflrl have two hobbies At described In the com plaint herein; described real property situated in Cour, ' d |ggo|vlng the bonds of m atrl- home. the above named defendants: A ll of mony now Bxlgtin g and granting to ---------------- ------------ IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E lam e County. Oregon, to-w lt: O P O R EG O N : You are hereby sun*- Satisfied mon<»l and requi.ed to appear and ing west of the railroad rlght-of-w-iy Defendant, and for such other and Long-Suffering T ay lo r— You recent­ answ er the com plaint filed against In the Block numbered N in ety T hree fu rth e r re lie f as to the Court may ly Inherited money. W hy not pay me you In the above entitled suit and what you owe me? court within six wrecks from the date i* 3 ) In W ashburne’s Subdivision of geem Just and quitable. Th(a gummong ig gerved upon you H is C lien t— I wouldn't like people o f the flrst publication o f this snm- the Sprlngflelo Investm ent and Power publication bv virtue of an order mona. to-w lt: on o r before the 27th Company's Addition to Springfield. . to thin k that in h eriting money has County. O . re . g o n , -s h ,__ a ll be fullv of (he H(jn Q p g k ipw or,h. Judge of ! day o f .Tamiarv I #27,* and von w ill . Lane . , . ad- said Court, dated and filed January 7 changed m y habits. « • b . >*„■ ir rsii tn .n .. . determ ined, and declaring and ra k e no tice te x t ir vou fa ll to appear J W W f i f f H > « t t ,i,„ „ p i„ i„ , a n d n n r a n r n r n ln a d _ l * K l n . . l a h® la in tiffs a r e the ™ ii -this i . r o . b* and answer or plead w ith in said tim e C A L L A N D S E E Dr. N. W Em ery ' the plaintiff, for want thereof, w ill property; that the defendants have served on you by publication in the 1 apply to the above entitled court for no estate, rig ht, title or Interest. I Springfield News once a week for on prices on plate and other work, t f i the re lie f praved for In th e ir said whatsoever In and to said real pro six consecutive weeks, and that you ! com plaint, to-w lt: perty or ,.n., any part thereof; , --------------- and also answer the said j . Com . plaint w . ith .................— . . . . in . I N O T IC E O F P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T For a decree herein. In and by that the defendants and each of them, six weeks from date of first puoiica- , n tb e m a tte r of the estate of A lv lra which all adverse claims o f said de- be forever debarred from a ssertin g , tion thereof. Date of first pub lics-. Prindel. deceased. I iC" . . . " . . . . . m ln nnd ,o 1 »ny claims whatsoever In and to said tlon. January 13. 1927. N O T IC E is hereby given that Oran* I the follow ing described real p ro p e rty ' , pr()pprty or anv part thereof, ad- W E L L 8 & W E L L S . Attorneys fo r re l L Prindel. A d m in istrator of the •P u a te d In I a n * County, O reg nn _Jo-, vprge thp plaintiffs, and for such P lain tiff. Post Offlee Address, Eugene, estate of A lvtra A. Prindel. deceased w it; Io»ts Fifteen (16) and Sixteen other aud fu rth e r re lie f herein as to Oregon. has filed his final account and report , *16). Block O n * Hundred One (161) | lbp court mav seem equitable. J. 13-20-27: F 3-10-17-24: as such A d m in istrator w ith the Coun­ W a s h h u rn e 's Subdivision of the Thlg gumm^ns is published pursu- ty Court, of I^ane County, Oregon, and ; Springfield Investm ent and Power ant to the order of the Honorable G. the Court has set Monday the 28tn R E S T O R A T IO N T O E N T R Y O F | Company's Addition to the Tow n of p, gklpwortta. Judge of the above en day of February. 1*27. at the hour L A N D S IN N A T IO N A L F O R E S T Springfield T-an* County. O regon.— titled court, duly made and entered of ten A. M. in the County Court L is t 6-2158 "C " N M B | shall be fully determ ined, and decla-- on the 18 day of January. 1*27. The Room In Eugene. Lane County. Ore­ ___________ ________ ____ ____ - . . . . . _____ — - _________ - ___ N otice Is hereby (riven that the ing and adjudging that the plaintiffs I flrst publication of this summons w ill gon. as the tim e and place for tha ' are the owners of the above described be made on the 20th day of January, lands described be|o w - the final settlem ent of said estate and for j real property: lh at the defendants! 1*27. and the last publication thereof j Cascade N atio n al Forest, w ill be open the hearing of objections to the same have no estate, rig ht, title or Interest w ill be made on the 3rd day of M arch, to settlem ent and e n try at the I nited tf any. i whatsoever in and to said real p ro -! 1927. and It w ill be published six con- States Land Offlee at Roseburg. Ore- Bated this 21st day of January. 1927. i perty or any p art thereof; and also secutlve weeks In the Springfield gon. u nder, the provisions o f the O R A N V E L L. P R IN D E L , Adm lnl». homestead law and act of June 11. that the defendants and each of them i News. trator. ! he forever debarred from asserting I I. M. P E T E R S O N , Attorney for 1*0« (34 Stat., 233), on A p ril 27. W E L I.8 A W E L L S . Attorneys. 1*27, by any qualified person ln the J any claims whatsoever In or to said ' Postofflce Address. Spring- J 27: F 3-10-17-24 absence o f entry by persons coming 1 ‘ field. Oregon. I real property or a a r part thereof, J 20-27: F 3-10-1724: M. 3: w ithin eith er of the two follow ing SUM M O N S adverse to the plaintiffs, and for such classes: (1) Persons named a fte r other and fu rth e r re lie f herein as to C IT A T IO N each tra c t upon whose application IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H R S T A T E OR O R E G O N IN A N D FOR the court may aeem equitable. IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O P T H E the lands were listed. If any. who, LANE COUNTY. T his mimmons Is published pur­ S T A T E O F O R E G O N FOR T H E ' in order to avail themselves of the Law rence Prlne, P lain tiff, vs. Sarah suant to the o rder of Honorable O. C O U N TY OP LANE. preference right, must file th e ir sp­ Prlne. D e fen d a n t P. Sklpw orth. Judge of the above en­ in the M a tte r of the application of plication w ith in sixty days prior to To Sarah Prlne Defendant, title d c o u rt duly made and entered John A. Shlshcoff for change o f. the date of opening; (2) Ex-service IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E on the 14th day of December. 192» nam ,. , men of the w ar w ith Germ any, who. O F O R E G O N : You are hereby re­ T he flrst publication of this summons To all persons interested. i ln " rdPr to th85 l quired to appear and answ er the com­ w ill he made on the 16th day of Dec­ OREEJTINO pr^fprpncp rig h t conforrpd dy ( on- plaint filed against you. In the above ember. 1*26. and the last publication IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E I «re««, may file applicaUon w ith in one th ereo f w ill he made on the 27th day O P O R EO O N . You are hereby cited hundred ten days Prior_ to d* te " ' entitled Court and cause, on or before the expiration of the tim e prescribed of January. 1927, and It w ill be pub­ and required to appear In the County A" ®u^h in the O rder of publication, to-w lt: lished six consecutive weeks In the Court of the State of Oregon, for the w ith in the '’¿ " t ,w ® "\y d ^’ “ f| On or before the expiration of six Springfield News newspaper. County of Lane, at the Court Room P«r od w ill be tre a t^ n “ weeks from the date of the first pub­ I. M. P E T E R S O N . Attorney for at Eugene. In the County ,.f i ou",y " le ,i,at ", nm , In n B lication hereof, and If you fall to Plaintiffs, Postofflce address. Spring- thereof, Lane, on Saturday, the 6th day of: <«»5; Prior to date of AP.P‘ ‘- answ er for w ant thereof. P la in tiff w ill field. Oregon February. 1*27. at ten o'clock In the I ra tio n , by « .» « rv lc e men Uh e re . ter. apply to the Court for the re lie f pray­ D 16-23 30: J 6-13-27: ed for In the Complaint which Is In forenoon of that day, then and th e re : but pldor dat , ° « ipd to show cause. If any you have, w h y ] treated tn the order ln„w hich filed, substance as follows to-w lt: fo r a de­ the name of the petitioner above I T he general public may file appll- cree of this Court dissolving the con­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T In the m a tter o f the estate of Anna cations w ith in tw en ty days prior to tract of m arriage now, and heretofore named shall not be. by the decree of opening date. These w ill be treated existing between P la in tiff and Defend­ M DeOroot, said court, changed from John A. as sim ultaneously filed a t * a. m. on ant. and for such other, further, and N O T IC E Is hereby given that Shlshcoff to John S. Gardner, and for date of opening, but no application different re lie f as to the Court may Maude E. Porter, Executrix of the leave for the w ife and children of w ill be allowed prior thereto. seem Just and proper. estate of Anna M. DeOroot, deceased, said petitio ner to use such new or E H N E H N E H N W H . N E H S E H This summons Is served upon you, has filed her Anal account and report changed Christian name. NE% NW H, NW H NW M N E H . by publication thereof In the Spring- as such Executrix, w ith the County W itness, the Hon. C. P. Barnard. S W H NEU n bh n w h , N W H field Nows, Springfield, Oregon, once Court, of loine County. Oregon, and Judge of the County Court of the S W H N W V , N E H Sec. 15, T . 21 S., each week for Six Consecutive weeks, the Court has aet Saturday the 6th State of Oregon, fo r the County of R. 3 E., W . M containing 22.60 acres. persuant to an O rder of Hon, O. F. day of February. 1927, a t the hour Sklpw orth, C irc u it Judge of the above of ten A. M. In the County Court Lane and the Seal of said Court here­ Listed upon the application of J. H . Court, made and entered January 26. Room, In the C ourt House, In Eugene, to affixed, this 11th day of January. S in gletary of O akridge, Oregon. L ia t 1927. the first publication thereof is Lane County. O re*on, an the tim e 1*27. January 27, 1*27 and the tast publica­ A T T E S T : R S. B R Y SO N , Clerk. 6-2158. and plaoe for the Anal settlem ent ut December 13. 1*26, tion M arch 16.1*27. County By Eva L. Duckworth, «aid estate, and for the hearing of T H O . C. H A T E L L . M. O. H O G E. A ttorney for P lain tiff, Court 9eal. Deputy. objections to the same, tf any. Assistant Commissioner of the Gen­ 632 W illa m e tte Street. Eugene. O r*- S M IT H A E V A N S , Attorneys, 634 M A U D E M. P O R T E R , Executrix.