THURSDAY JANUARY i l , 1927 TllK SPRINOFIKI.H NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N atra is »B« FARM UNION HEAD : LAW S C O U N T Y U N IT wO. H -------------------------------------------- — Community News O F F IC K R S O F L A N K C O U N T Y F A R M E R S* U N IO N By Spadai Cerreapandenta C. W Altea. Vida, PresldeuL W. I. Seals. Eugene. Vloe-Preel- GARDEN WAY deaL UPPER W IL L A M E T T E Betty M Kappauf. Cottas» O t >»« Mr and Mr». W H. Anderson wer» ______ Secretary-Treasurer. * ,, c w h eeler of Trent »pent several O . L . Clement of Waltervtlle w a .! * Walter Morgan. Creswell. Cooduc * dayg a< Ug, weak obtorvteg the hosts to relatives at n dinner party Sunday. * The guest of honor being g^med president of the Lane Count' . H H Bmtta, Eugene. Doorkeep- • ' ' xh e Christian Badeavor society will their mother Mrs. Bltea Steven* ofj Springfield. Those who enjoyed the I Farmers Union at the quarterly sea- , * give their play "A Uencon'a Honey- Mr. and Mrs. conducted at the W. O. W. hall ■ o . g . Clement. Wa torvllle. Chap • | mOt*s-i Agriculture. Defective fences are at the Pleasant Hill highschool Fete of District l«l) Friday evening 11 w ell; executive committee. C. W. ^gpongibte for considerable annoy- ruary 3 and 4. AJten. McKenzie river; 0 . W. Wallace. anca disagreement among neighbors. i E E. Kilpatrick la wondering where was decided Io hold a basket sot tel W illamette and John Kebbelbeck. ,,amggfe to gardens and crops, and la he going to put the new »tuden*» February 11 at the school house Mr and Mrs A. C. Bogait and little 1 CM«t Fork often for the appearance of disease. expected at the Pleaaaat HUI high Unalterable opposition to any In The average farm fence is more un­ school mid year Every desk Is oc­ aon of Junction City and Mias A»a to the salaries of state -uid satisfactory because of faulty cou­ cupied at present but he Is deter Erdman of Eugene were vlaltora at n ty officiate was expressed in a slruction than on account of unsuit mined to take care of all who want the George Fish home Sunday Mlsa Helen Hansen mtesed several „oiu tlor. adopted entitled “a mem- able materials Woven wire is re to come. erlal to our legislator». ** and sent to warded by the department as the Little Marlon Bristow Is slaying at days of school on aecounl of Illness. Mrs. Dorothy Cyr waa hoateas la the county’s representatives In the most practical hog tight fence. i the home of her grandparents. Mr. the Sunshine Club test week at which : and Mrs. W. L Brlatow. while her •to te legislature now in session at i meeting charily plans were dlacussed Sweet Clow»r Sowing mother. Mrs. Morton Bristow, it at Salem Where winter wheat is grown an Springfield where she has gone to Al the meeting the following mem The resolution Is said to be In the J ^ T ^ Z o r t o T e ^ T .^ exceltent given the baby boy medical treatment. hers were present: Mr%W H And»l- sw eet clover Is to sow unscartfled or The Pleasant Hill public achool son. Mrs. H L. Chase. Mrs. Chas legislators for voting for the salary Mrs .w Marvin Chase. « Mrs. H E even unhulled seed on the m e w..«-«. ««*. mrs are» >«.»•«-. . . . .. wheat baskvIba|| m«m added another star to « Cole. Increase measure. excepting Mr about the middle of February, says , helr (.r<)wn whe„ , h#y dHeale<1 the : Wy Ila. Miss Maude Chase. Mrs Paul Bailey, who did not favor the measure Homer Chase. Mrs. Mrs. Oe Oe > ». the United States Department of: freshmen . .. ----- —«.— rs Hom er Chase. son, M Mrs. of ■ the u., high school by a «,,». It rends: Agriculture. It Is not advisable to score of 1 to 4. The public achool F»sh. Mrs. Jay Fish, and the hostess "Because agriculture Is paying sow any kind of sw eet clover seed team has some very promising mater­ Mrs. Cyr. about the full rental value of the much earlier than this date, because C. K. Bailey returned to Cheshire ial for the high school in a year r «arm« to taxes and — the -----------------— farmers B. u. — ---- t< ,(ke, v , o rrrnl|nate during a two. Those who played were: Public after a week’s visit at the J. Fish living less than W 9 per year In mld.w inUr and ,he school— Cecil Curts. Joe Garnilr». i home. labor salary incomes, we are un-Iter b‘y has come before the legislature ; Pruning Flowering shrubs will de- at Coburg and February 4 at Vida. »weeps on white Lnghorna al the Pad- rlsh to commend the stand of the time of flowering Mr. John S e ll... who h a. been "c Internationa, .lo ck .how two tor Bailey for votln< against all bloasora ln the spring taking medical treatments In Eugene years. salary Increases. “ . 1 i ----- ------- _ . . . should not be pruned now, but after la much Improved. i Cara In Collision Useless - l i Separate T M ? d r Auto o M t Bureau a7e7a™ te bn’reau' tlk«»r flowering, when all the shoot»» Maurice Clark h a . been qnlte a'ck Automobiles operated by J. W. Pro- "to our Judgment a ’*Para‘* « hare bloome<1 should be cut back with a case of bronchitis the ,___ base _i.„» of the Mr Harvey u Wright, field man for d w and A. U Koberta collidedI on r conducting the automobile bual or cut out at . .. I plan».: u > .-r i« h i A s ia m an (or is a uaeleaa ertravagance and an If these shrubs are pruned now. all Albert Feed and E. B. Tinker motor- East Main street Tuesday, resulting the flowerbearing wood will be re ed to Corvallis Tuesday January 34. In considerable damage to J x ith ma- o 7 ‘ he other hand aumm-r A . far as can be ten mod « decrees chine.. Prodw . . . parked on the "We are In favor of the Incorno tax io v r d 1 known as house bill No. 11. as the flowering shrubs like hydrangea and above sero wan the lowest the ther- right side of the stre.-c an w ____Just tax possible to levy; and hibiscus should be pruned early in mometer reached at Pleasant Hill dur struck by Ro rs car w n e iBrtbermore It w ill solve the state’s the spring, removing the oldest canes Ing the test cold snap. Pipes and tempted to turn to the left on Nine­ nt lack of income. water system s were froaen and some teenth street. -T he foregoing was a.bto.ttwd by “ » « e “ «' * pumps burst, as the cold came ln the - legislative committee to th» Lane n“ ,nder “ le“ ‘ ° ne thir<1 «4 night and the farmers were not pre­ • I County Farmer's Union convention FARM R EM IN D ER S pared for It. Six o’clock Thursday M arriage Licenses Issued •a d received a unanimous approval. morning found termers out draining • • • a • » » » • » • ! -C om m ittee— During the past week marriage He cars, tractors and water system s. Tlie best way to store honey In Ore C. W*. ALLEN. eases have been issued by the county gon Is In a warm and dry place. Thus : WM HOLLISTON. clerk to the following: W alter Jack TH U R STO N stored It will keep for months, even BETTY M. KAPPAUF.’* son. Harrisburg, and Thella Rust. years, says R ticullon. nee bee speem special r ---- ------- . „ . i rears H . A. bcuuon. Blschly: William Bass and Catherine I Blachly; William Bass and ( At last the anxious are gratlflel | J*, |hF aU , e „ rtoeg no, , Llnquest. both M r with electricity In their homes Set k,.,.p l.,| wh„„ keep W well when stored stored In In a a cold, cold, damp damp G arrett's Old T im a Danesa Sperger and Leureetta Pilger. Port " urday night the hall was lighted by cellar. ~ C a n s containing strained* Midway Every Saturday N igh t tend; Paul Ernahlser and Edna Hald- the snap of a switch and Sunday honey ru st If the honey Is In the Dreamland Hall. Eugene. Every orsen. both of Eugene; and Ted Bals- night the church. comb It Is likely to draw moisture and Tuesday Night. Tickets 75c. LwlUS den and Madelyne McKalg. both of Vida basketball trams m<-t Cr-nwell granulate much more quickly than Eugene. I teams on Thurston floor January 14. when kept in the pantry or other warm places. Vida won both games Breier’s Great Million Dollar Sale Is like Profit Sharing with our customers. Family needs and all your personal wants can be supplied here at a Great Saving. Men’s - Boys’ Wear Clearing the racks at Cleanup Prices ... $ 1 4 .5 0 Boys’ Suits ..._.... 4 .9 5 O’Coats ----------- 1 1 .5 0 Men’s Union Suits $ l.°o Boys Union Suits .....59C Men's Suits, Ready-to-wear Coats and dresses fo r Ladies, Misses and Child­ ren for Less Than Cost. Ladies Rain Coats, 5 2 . ^ Childrens Rain Coats, 2 . 39 -ine lot Silk M EN ’S BOOTSS 2.95, $3.45, $3^5 — Certain shrubs In Oregon are*prun Thurston five will play Walker five on Thurston floor Friday night. An ed now. such as th«- late flowering ! interesting game Is anticipated. material. Those which bloom early If. the spring, ns lilac and apirea. are not Flossie Harrington from Monmoaln pruned until after their flowering sea was a visitor at Thurston over the son. as pruning destroys the buds. All week-end. shrubs are pruned heavily once In ; Betty Hansen Is recovering and will three or four years, so that the bush Is entirely rebuilt with vlgorlus wood i ! soon be able to run and play again. In the course of that time, says the I 'Mrs. M argaret Campbell Is visiting landscape gardening department ofj her sister Mrs. Mary Matin wa. the state college. Maude Russell, who Is attending Trees especially adapted for street 1 Normal school at Monmouth, spent I the weeh rt d with her parents, Mr. planting In Oregon, along wide streets and Mrs. Fred Russell. with wide parking spaces, have been M e Bert Weaver and son., are found to be the Oriental sycamore, ■ American elm and horse chestnut; for j I visiting friends at Banta Clara. Miss Chanell. a n accomplished streets and parkings of medium w id th .' I v'ollnlst from Alberta. Canada, and the Norway maple, European linden, t Miss Bee.rsche from New Mexico, a pin oak and scarlet oak. Those beat I I piano accompanist furnished some de­ adapted for narrow streets and park-1 lightful music Bunday morning. They Ings are the European white birch and plnved the favorite selections of the English hawthorne. says the land­ scape gardening department of the audience. The music was followed by a short state college. characterization of Joseph, worked In­ A complete mineral fertilizer Is ap­ to an Inspiring sermon. "When A Man’s A Man." Delivered by J Turn­ plied to the berry crop a little before the leaves open, the Oregon experi­ er. a minister from Australia. Mr Turner was a spectator Mon­ ment station rpoerta. Many growers use a 2-10 10 fertilizer for this pur day during a process of butchering hogs, lie said that people eat very pose. When superphosphate, potash lettle pork In Australia. Mutton 1« and sodium nitrate are applied sep- their chief meat. It Is secured fresh arately, the superphosphate and pot­ from the markets or packed In cold ash are put on before the sodium nit­ storage. A large cold storage house rate. Sodium nitrate Is easily leached In which the Government owns half from the soil, while the other tiwo are Interest la rented In portions to the not, and for this reason It la applied later for beat results. surrounding territory families. I LADIES’ Dresses. 5.S Q 10” Pack $3.15 BOYS' BOOTS $1.98, $2.45, $2.95 — W ORK SHOES $1.89 M EN ’S DRESS SHOES $2.45, $3.95 — BOYS DRESS $1.89 LADIES DRESS PUMPS and,O XFO R D S $1.95 and $2.95 - - _ ~ That'S W h a t W a Always W andered Invited hla pupil* to ash questions bearing on the subject One sm all boy held up his hsnd The teacher had been lecturing hla '•Well.'* said the tearher, "What la rlasa on the wladom often displayed by animals and birds lie compare ! It you want to know?" "I want to know, air.*’ was the re- It with that of human beings, to th» na kins» how ut»r » disadvantage i : ply, "what »»»»••» makes - chick, -— — tetter's Having flnlthed hla dlacourse, he big our egg-cups »r»? EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. K. Roberta, Protldont A catalogue, telling about our Secretarial, Bookkeep­ ing and Stenographic Courses, sent free to any addroM», upon request. Monday la enrollment day. IT'S A GOOD SCHOOL Phone 6t>ti 992 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon Swiss Steaks are good eating u« w ell a« econom ical to buy. Juicy cuts w ill be enjoyed by tin* whole fam ily. O ur freHh We have a supply o f choice bacon rig h t from the smokehouse. Ala«» freshly rendered lard th a t can « I h - h e a t. In bulk und in tw o alxe jui II k . Get the habit o f com ing to the house o f good meats. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Phone 153 F ourth and Main St. MAKE SURE You Get This Special Cylinder in the Washer You Buy T H E CONLON cylin d e r la un Innovation in m etnl cylinder design. No o th e r cylinder Is like It. Nt» other cylinder h a i such advantages. The CONLON cylinder Is a ll-alum inum easy to keep clean. Its tloor is ribbed to give it great strength and os no solder is uaed anyw here in Its construction, it Is doubly strong. A nother p o in t! The cover alw ays stays on The CON­ LON < yllnder, fo r it Is mad«? over a cast alum inum fram e w hich is rigid. See th is fe a tu re and the o ther big CONLON features before you buy. Y our choice should be The CONLON, fo r only w ith th is w asher can you get so m any exclusive features that mean yo u r entire satisfaction. EASY TERMS It costs no more to get The CONl.ON than an ordinary washer. 310 63 DOWN and the balance In terms less per month than it costs you to get our w a s h i n g done. There Is no need to have other than tha best, dome In and see Th.» CONLON today. m o u n t a in A states power company — - 4