Springfield Welcome» The Woolen M ill People — Thi» it the First Industrial Tie Linking Eastern and W estern Oregon TRY THE HOME PRINT SHOP FIRST THE SPRINGFIELD NF»»' TWENTY-FOURTH YKAll NEW CHARTER IS BEATEN »T POLLS 4PR1NOFIELD. I-ANK COUNTY. OREGON. Deeds Given City For New Street HONOR STUDENTS LISTED AT SENIOR. JUNIOR HIGH Twenty-Are high school and 20 Junior high school students achieved Deeds of dedication for the new I Iin the aemester honor rolls, street, tiwo blocks east o f 10th street, | according to announcement of the and leading Into the industrial tract ||ats by principals this week, ft an ns h People’« Rejection o f N e w from Main street south have been| Hhldler. with an average cf M l per Document To Be Coneidered signed by M C. Udessler. of CotUge cent, again led the high school list. At Special City Council See- drove, and c . E. Colcord. Both men High school honor students are: Margaret Swarta, Hannah Shldle»', elon Next Monday Night And are giving half of the street free to the city In order Hint an east an-1 | x)U<|elle Williams. Kvelyn Walker Also Fira Truck Payment I trance may be gained to the new le-1 Agatha Beals, Naomi Carlton. Chest» 1 Hayden, Kdlth Hurd. M Roy Inman, Special meeting of the City Council dustrlal tract. hes^beea «¿lad for Monday night to The new naw street will not only ex B - a Laaaberry, Margaret Mortensen. at consider HprlnsfleW's rejection of a J tend through the Bressler and Colcord Margaret oderklrk. Esther McPber revised city charter at the polls Tues- property but also across the Indus-: Mon Na(jine McMurray. Ola Bayle'. day according to Mayor O O Bush trial tract south to the Mill race end H(Wa Wsgner. Winifred Tyson man What actfnn may be taken In then«« down ‘be hank of the race to Bertha Paddock William Pollard, arranging payments on the »7000 ‘he Woolen Mill site The street will Ik>ra Pederson, Lawrence Roof, Nell's owed for the new llr« truck. Included cun through the lease property of 8 ««„key. Audrey Bhutts. Audrey Smith, in the disapproved charter propoal-' K. J e m « tannery site and also tho ; an(1 Maxlne Snodgrass Those on the Junior high Hat are: tlon, probably will he dlsi-ussed at railroad right of way. Grading and graveling of the street Ruth Carlton. Prances Tuller. Dor- length at the session. The charter plan was snowed under will be done by the city as soon as ,nan chase. Barbara Chandler. Irma with a vot. of 214 against «» by th e ! 'he weather permits. The Woolen j ( .ri(, er Dale Daniels. Mary Hadley, people Tuesday The v o l e leave, the Mill people want to .tart construction lrgn, ManIey> raye l-arsons. Harold city with It. S.aertedly obsolete char ! •" March and Mr Jayne, who Is at Oelgerk. all of the eight grade, and ter and »ends a »50 00« sewer exten present In California, has also Indl- Wayna BUhart. Lela Squires, June slon financing program Into the dis­ caled that he wishes lo start «arly clover, Dora Hunter, Dalny Tomaeth, In the Spring. Helen Knight. Junta May. Eunice M o card. Jloth Industries expect to build ¡ Parland. Lydia Meyers and Eunice Mayor Bushman deplored the sc Hon of the people In rejecting the ">"d-'> fire proof buildings Hewer. O rM lw ooi. charier pien. declaring II. h l. belief -'eclrk Ughi ano power ex THURSDAY JANUARY 27. 1927 FIREMEN NEED SAYS EXPERT r T h e Peopi* • Pepe»" LIVC NKWSPAFBR IN A LIVI TOWN NUMBER 3 CHAMBER TO HEAR WOOLEN MILL PLANS I n s u r a n c e Rating Bureau Extension of the Springfield water Makes Survey o f Water system Intake main to a point farther Officials of Big Mill Proposed System and Equipment. ‘he m,u ' • ‘V ' ' , ? ' m ‘ ^ 7 done thin summer by the Mountain for Industrial Tract to Appear Springfield should have a volunteer! »<•»*• company Company of- Before Chamber o f Com* flre company of 20 men In the opinion «clals hare been con.ldering ways mere« Membership F r i d a y of W F. White, representative of tf»e ‘ “nrt of bettering the water Oregon Insurance Ratios Bureau of " W * ’ *“ "*« ,ntak” ’>*Mt Evening. Portland, who spent Tuesday making) ‘be Industrial tract At present the The large woolen mill proposed to a comprehensive surrey of this city Intake Is on the race near ’he east , for his organisation. White Indicated end of the Booth Kelly mill pond. , be constructed on the Industrial site Officials of the company have re- by the Oregon-California Cooperative that the organization of a volunteer _______ ________________ Woolen Mill and Tannery aaaoclatlofi company would probably reault In a <»UMt*d money to raake »•"» well,, k «•-». frvr Unrins the river bottom section east off th** _ . . better ln .u r.n ce rating for »bring , R W„1 he explained to the people «4 field. Is believed that sufficient under- Springfield by officials of the concern Fire Chief Jean Smltson accompan ground water can be gotten from at the regular meeting of the Chamber led White on the surrey, and la ahap In , 7l«n7 for b rln gln ^ ih e 'voi'un'teer'i weU* th'" * CommerCe FrW,y eTen‘Dg * W‘r* many times the stse of Springfield the eBect that they „ub to meet fire-fighting Idea to the attention of The theory Is that the McKenzie . . . the people of Springfield was received! the city council. Volunteer fire fight- river once flowed across the Wiliam- " era are merely listed as such and ette river about Seavey's ferry. If by H. E. Maxey, chairman of the In» given no pay except for the time water were struck In sufficient quan- dustrlal and Park committee, Monday, they spend In actual service. Smltson tlty In these test wells It would In- p)Te officials of the new concerTao- pointed out that by such a plan the sure the city a water supply for cold- companled by their architect will fire department always would be as­ ness and purity second to none in raake the trip here to go into detail sured of sufficient men to adequately this part of Oregon. plans for the new woolen mill. Build» fight any blaze. Whether the wells work out or not of the new mill la expected td It Is possible that Smltson may the water system Intake will have to gUrt early In March and represents aak the council to consider a plan be moved along the race nearer to an investment of about »400.000. The of giving two men a place to sleep the river. Members of the Industrial woolen mill people are anxious ’0 t h . l the ..u n e of the adverar vote of ........... " d M ," d by ,he " ’ W p r" | DEED FOR OLD STREET In the city building If they will a«re>- rmDm| ttee have been assured that start In August operations of the big pie. These ullllllen must be made, many was failure In read or Io under CAR PIERS RECEIVED to serve as fire fighters In case of j Mountain States Power company p|ant that Is expected to employ be- while the (wo plants are In the pro- ¡ stand the proposed new docum ent emergency at night. ; would not hold up development on tween 400 and 500 people. Heads of He Indicated that the council .1 1 *«“ «* coo.tructloo Quit claim deed to the rlght-of way White approved of Springfield's' the industrial tract because It might tbe different departments of the new Since the 10th street sewer Is not o f the old street car bridge and piers Monday's session mav consider bring» to be built the sewer for the Indus­ was received by the Town of Spring- water system -while making his sur ) contaminate the water supply under g,ui have already been employed, of- Ing the charter proposal up axsln. or | fictals say. to operate the most mo.l- trial tract will have to be connected field from the Southern Pacific Com­ vey. Testa at the hydrants showed existing conditions. on the other hand may drop the mat­ the water has a pressure of 98 pounds I ■ ■ ........ — : ern woolen mill In the west. Fine I on to the end of the Main atr ot pany today. ter altogether and 1000 gallons of water a minute g Q Q j'j" OFFICIALS TO Worsted«, tweeds and other high "The »7000 fire bond Issue proposal! » •» « '• • W<" k "°uth •" ? lw ‘‘ , The __________________________________ deed was promised five months are available. grade woolen goods will be made for wiin ln>< tml into (he charier bill a« block« east to the Jayne* p an an and has been pannlna through BANQUET ON FEB. 9 the first time In the west, according to The insurance rating given Spring- a rider In order Io validate the bonds field by White will be made public . Scouting officials of the Springfield ,he P,anR ot the ne,r Pe°D,e T extile voted by the people last summer but m,lla- : Southern Pacific since that time. A ■bortly I d the Ratine Bureaus report troOpK u an(j j j , wm attend a ban-' workers familiar with this class eff refused of aocaplance by 4’ e n « n io I accompanied the deed, asking It Is expected that because of the | qnet t0 conduced at Eugene Feb- woolen goods manufacture are being that Springfield acknowledge the deed new fire engine and equipment In­ ruary » In connection with the pro- brought from the east and Scotland, house because of minor technicalities. SPRINGFIELD SPAN IS Mayor Bushman la of the opinion TALKED AT CONFERENCE; by ordinance. surance rates will be lowered. gram for anniversary w e e k 'o f Boy | The woolen mill officials are annt* ■ The piers and right-of-way become that some means of handling the fire Scouts of America. It was announced' ous to find out the civic spirit ot Further plana for the new Spring- the property of the city through negn- bonds may be arranged when the Young Peopls Maat today. I Springfield and ita attitude toward 1» .ed ito rs have completed their survey fleld highway bridge were developed t|a l|on, gtarted when the Springfield Troop committees. Scoutm asters,' dustrlal enterprises here and whether The young people's class of the of the city's financial situation. A In Portland today when members of highway bridge plan was agitated A assistant scoutmasters will' attend the , it - Is the sort _ ot , . town Baptist church met for dinner in th e ( _ their . . people the county court conferred with stale t part of thp right-of-way la Included In warrant for the amount ta held by the church parlors after church Sunday. | b*nquet. D etail, of the event h a v e, would like to lire In. For that reason Howard Cooper company, which fur officials In charge of planning for the tbg right-of-way of the approaches to The class la taught by Oscar Oladish. not been determined, but will b e ( President H J. Cox has urged a full new span. Actual preliminary work , he n g v bridge to be built soon, nlabed the city (with Its new fir-.' announced later. The affair fa to he turnout of the membership to meet ■ ■ i>. . j . - — — x r on the bridge le eaperted to gel un-i "■ ■ r - . i trw.-h given under the auspices of the Lane the new people and hear first hand der way soon. It was reported by E E. ! County Council of Boys Scouts with what is proposed In the way of this Morrison, chairman of the Springfield MRS. PAUL BASFORD which the Springfield troops are af- development. developm ent The visitors have com« bridge committee. plimented the Industrial committee ' filiated. IS TO GET CONTRACT No difficulty le anticipated by Mr. j for its entergeUc and public spirited Inability of Mlea Hasel S tev eA to Morrison In arranging for the right-j STILLMAN DOW. AGED ecttvlUes in bringing Springfield re nf-way for the new bridge and Ita their notice. President Cox says he is continue her work as teach er In the I approaches at the foot of Main street MAN, BEING SOUGHT anxlous to show them that the whole Bprlngfleld elementary schools he-1 I and »hla aide of the Pacific- Highway. town is as appreciative and wide cause of Illness has l>»d to the forfeit The committee has the right-of-way An effort is being made to locate j Bwage ag tbe Industrial committee ure of her . ontract. It wag-announced plhn lined up. and la awaiting word | Stillman Dow. 70 years of age. whose wben ,t com(Jg indugtrlai develop» this week by Superintendent V. from the state engineer as to the ex­ relatives report that he was last j ment Bale act location of the new bridge before known to be working on a ranch three _ „ . . „ , . _ Mrs. Paul Basford. who has been acting further. ,, . . _ ... . .. The meeting is called for 8 oclocg miles out of Eugene, probably in the . _ __ substituting during Miss Steven's Ill­ _ ,. . ” . . i . In the Chamber of Commerce room« Springfield d istrict Anyone knowing L v ness, Is to receive a contract as re­ . v . . . i a _ over the Commercial State bank. LIONS REPORT KLAMATH of the whereabouts of the aged man. gular teacher to serve for the re­ , or having Information which may as- Included in the party visiting herd DEN CEREMONIES GREAT mainder of the year, according to slst in locating him, should report to to Ptck the ‘o f« “ 0" for ,h e new m’2l plans. Mrs. Basford will teach a Mrs M. B Huntly. ! Rite ° n Industrial tract is D. F. A royal good time was enjoyed by i grade In the Brattaln school Letters and money are being held | Shlel. formerly of »»*'< *- Scotla? d; Miss Stevens has been In a sanltar- all the Lions of the W illamette valley ( « tïv In Astoria for the man. it was report­ director of sales of the Oregon-Cali­ tem for some son lim e She w ss given n dens -who attended the rhsrter night ed. Friends fear that he may be in fornia Cooperative Woolen Mills; Clt» leave of abaence Inal year when II wss ceremonies at Klamath Falls Tuesday w an t and are anxious to get the cult Judge R. H. Bunnell of Klamath found that her health made It Imp««- night, according to John Ketels and money to him. according to Mrs. county; C. F. Stone, attorney of Klam­ slble for her to continue her w ork ' Harry Stewart. Springfield club dele- Huntly, who has turned the matter ath Falls; C. Coseboom. architect, the D,en. I gal««., who returned home yesterday. mill manager also of Scotland, and * i over to county authorities. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , The new club Instituted at Klamath contractor who will build the plant. FOUR CHILDREN IN CAR i Fal1" off w,th “ hurrah, says The last two are making plane Id the local delegates, who attest of a CLINE B U Y S 1 6 0 ACRE move here to have charge of con­ AS IT STRIKES T R E E ,||ve meeting. The visitors were en- FARM NEAR SPRINGFIELD struction. tertained elaborately. Lion Stewart Four small children were In an acted as talltwlster at the ceremonies. Twenty woolen experts who hard Ira Cline has purchased a well im­ automobile which struck a tree near been employed as heads of depart­ proved 180 acre farm located the Rue home here Monday, and ments will be brought here during the HIGH SCHOOL TO GIVE miles northeast of Springfield from Harold Rue, 4. was seriously Injured. Mike Great. Mr. Cline has traded In summer to start operations as soon as CANTATA FRIDAY NIGHT The car was driven by an older his »acre tract located In thia vicinity the mill la finished. ...... . • sister, iwho lost control of the ma­ Financing of the new mill Is far as a part payment. Mr. Cline has also Thirty-five voices will be heard In chine when her font slipped from the become the owner of about 120 head enough under way to insure its con­ the Indian cantata. “The Mound brake to the accelerator. Harold, who of livestock and a complete set of struction officials declare. The bring­ was sitting In the front seat, iwast Builders,” to be presented by the glee farm machinery which were Included ing together of the wool grower, the clubs of the Springfield high school thrown Into the windshield when the expert manufacturer and the experi­ in the deal. tomorrow n ig h t Seats are on sale car collided with the tree, and glass Former books by this great American writer Mr. Cline Is a former Missourian enced sales managers Is expected tT now for the program, which will open caused severe lacerations of his neck. are "Circle K.” "The City of the Sun,” “Bar B,” and has recently returned from his make a combination that rwtll Insure One of the cuts was dangerously near at 8 o'clock In the high school audi­ success from the start for the new and "White Indians." You will enjoy "Clay native state. torium. the Jugular vein. venture. Climatic conditions are Said Chimney Trail." Miss Fay Spaulding Is director of One of the other children was to be exactly right here for fine wocl- Benefit Card Party the cantata, which la featured with slightly hurt. The Eastern Star Club will enter­ eu goods manufacture. Abundance ot Indian muale and tells a beautiful tain at a benefit party at the Chamber moisture and mild weather are need­ story of primitive Americans. Ac­ F. T. A. To Moot of Commerce rooms ton igh t Thurs­ ed. otherwise the mill would probably The postponed meeting of the Par­ companying will be Wlnlfrld Tyson. day. It was announced today. All Stars have been located In eastern Oregon Special numbers to be presented ent-Teachers association will be con­ and masons and their fam lllts are near to the wool supply. ducted tomorrow afternoon at the Lin­ during the program Include a duet by The finest tweeds and worsteds for cordially Invited to attend the party. Agatha Beals and Naomi Carlton, a coln school. Regular business will be suitings will be manufactured and For those not Interested In cards, She stared, round-eyed. violin solo by Charles Nadornlk, taken up at the meeting. other games will be arranged, It was made up Into garments. Socks, under- “I reckon you're a gambler!" she accused. Dr. Redmond of Eugene will speak piano solo by Miss Tyson, and vocal woar, shirts, suits, overcoats, blankets stated by the committee In charge. "1 am seeking health in the W est" I said, "where selection by Melba Mellon and a sel­ on the care of the teeMi. A musical and other articles will be made ac­ the climate Is high and dry." program will be provided. All are in­ ection by William Pollard. cording to manufa turing plans. All •My Gawd!" ahe blurted. "High and dry! You’re Woodcraft Meeting vited to ttend the meeting. goln’ to the right place. For ail I hear tell, Benton Is New officers of the Neighbors of will bear a made In Springfield label Many At Banquet high enough and dry enough. But laws sakes, you don't Woodcraft gave the drill work In con­ thus giving the city much advertising Rlxty-flve attended the Mothers' Moro Artloloa Loot need to go that fur. You ran as well stop off at North nection with initiation of new mem­ In other states and countries. No clue as to the Identity of the and daughters' banquet held at the Platte, or Sidney or Cheyenne. They'll sculp you sure at bers Into the lodge at the m eeting at burglar who entered the M B. Hunt Springfield high school last Saturday Baby Daughter Welcomed Benton—unless you watch out mighty sharp. the W. O. W. hall last night. Refresh­ ly residence last week has been un­ night. The luncheon, sponsored hy A baby daughter was born this "How so. may I a sk 7" ments -were served at the close of the covered by Police Chief Jess Smltson. the Women's League, was prepared morning at 7:30 o'clock to Mr. and "You're certainly green," Bhe apprised. "Benton's meeting. Mrs. Huntly reported this week that and served by the girls of the domes­ Mrs. Walter Gossler of Springfield. roarin'—and I know what that means. Didn't North she has discovered more articles to tic deparement working under the The newcomer weighs a little more Platte roar? I seen It at Its beginning. My old man and Falls On lot he missing than were at first noticed. direction of Miss Peterson. than seven pounds, and has not yet me, we were there from the fust, when It started In aa Gerald Morrison sustained serious Total loss In Jewelry was more than the railroad terminal. My sakes, but them were times! lacerations about his head when he been named. »20« Play Lebanon Next The event occurred at the Pacifia Gamblin', «hootin', drink in' and high-cockalorums night fell on the Ice while skating last Set- Lebanon High school basketball and day! T w asn't no place for Innocence! Easy come, urday. Glasses he was wearing broke Christian hospital, where officials re­ Vlolto Father—A. H Benseney Io en- team will be faced by Springfield no easy go, that was the word. as his heed struck the lee, sad a gash port that both mother sad baby are Joying a visit from his daughter, Viv­ February 4, the next game to be play­ doing well. to the skull resulted. ian Bailey of Astoria. ed by the local team. Clay Chimney Trail Gripping Story o f the Early West By E D W IN L. SA B IN begins in this issae of The Springfield News