46 PAGE NINE T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Mre. C roft Improved— Mr«. M a r (■raft, who haa been III for aome time, continue» to Im p ro re and Is able Io be about now 6CT RESULTS) r o il Ho A1.ITV H ltO O M H D e liv e r e d at your diHir. Cull Fred ihiaavrmun »1 80 F 10 H A L E — 3 door Ford Rod an * W A N T E D — T w o ladle« for part or fu ll tlm « work In ifprln gfleld. Call Erl day or Saturday nftarnoona. W asher W llaon Inc., «2 N in th A re Went. Eugene. J 20- cheap o r w ill trade for FVird truck. (ro o m holla», three 3-rOom apart- manta, clone In to bualneaa canter In M arahfleld. (2600. Kaay ternia Kent» for (40. E. E K E P N B It tf. N O T IC E o r F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N ull«« 1» hereby given that Ixtur- W ANTED To trade for acrenga. em T a ilo r , A d u iln latralrlx, of Ihe Kat (food houae and I H lota lu Spring- nte of E A. Taylor, deceased. hla filed Held. one block off pavement. Five N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R » . bar final report and account aa aurh, block« from m ill. B o i 120. if w ith the ('la rk of H im County Court Notice |a hereby s ire n th a t tha uu- of Lana County. Oregam. and the deralsned haa been appointed Ad­ FO R R E N T — L arga tra c t of good Court baa ant Monday, tha 14th day m in istrato r of the antate of H a ttie B farm land near Springfield. Cheap of February, 1*17, at I" M " I l>>< It In Mlckelaon. by the County fo u r! of tba foranoon In tha County Court rant, a chance for a good ta n n e r to l-*n e County, Oregon A ll per non a Knotu In the t ourt llouaa at hugen , h a rin g claim« agalnat aald eatate are make nome money. Land ahould I-ane County. Oregon, aa tha t i m e ; hereby notlfled to preaent the aame Inq uire j be plowed thia w inter and place to hear objection« Io t h e , properly aerified to the underalgned Newa office. aame. and tor the final settlem ent of at the office of W ells t W ella. At- aald eatate. i torneya, Bank of Commerce Bids. In IZJC K K N K T A TOR, A d m in istratrix. Eugene, l a t e County. Oregon, wlth- O R S A L ® — Parrott In alx months of the date of the first W E L L S * WKL1-M. Attorneys. In storti at publication of thia notice. J 12-20 (7 : F 2 10 suitable fo r road, Date o f first publication January saw m ills. e ta , w ith I. 1237. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . C. F. M IC K E L S O N . Adm inistrator. W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorney«. Notice la hereby given by the un­ J 2-12 30-27: F 2: deralgned that he haa been, by the order of Ihe County Court of I^ n e County, Oregon, appointed as admin Istator of the estate o f Charles A. Ooyeau- that creditors of said estati- are hereby notified to present their said claims Io the adm inistrator, at (he ((Rices of Sm ith A Evans, hla attorneys, at 424 6 « M iner Building. Eugene. Oregon, w ithin six months from the date of this notice Dated January 10th. 12(7. T. 11 Ooyeau. A dm inistrator. S M IT H 6 E V A N S . Attorney». J 1210-27: P 2-10 N O T IC E O F F IL IN G O F F IN A L ACCOUNT N O T IC E Is hereby given by the un­ dersigned Adm inistrator of the estate of George Horton deceased, that ne has Bled In the County Court o f I-ane County. Oregon, his Anal account, and that Saturday, the 2th day of February. 1(17 at the hour of 10 o'clock A M at the Court room of ssld Court In the County Court House In Eugene. I-ane County. Oregon, haa been e e l by the Court as the tim e and place for final hearing upon aald final settlement of said eslate. A ll persons having objections to said final account, or any Item thereof are hereby notified Io reaent the same to the County Court on or before the tim e fixed for final hearing herein. C M D O R IT Y , A dm inistrator of the estate of George Horton, de- ' * K BEA N. Attorney. J « 12 10 27 P 3: (- b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y 222 Main 81. «2 J Residence 136 C «2M F u ll Auto Equipment Lady Assistant WM. G. HUGHES A N D A U T O IN A U R A N O « N O T A R Y P U B L IC O ft lea a t Oregon Springfield. Call The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield OEO.. SUTTON TRANSFER Phone 57 N, M cL E A N Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonde Phone 617 My business It to protect your b u tln e ta fl«3 W illa m e tte 8 t. E ugene O regon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T . Sutton Bldg. Ph° " a Residence Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law C ity H a ll Building Sprlngflel«. Ora. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 F irs t N at'l Bank Bldg., Springfield FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W NOTARY P U B L IC Button Building Springfield, Oregon. M. G. HOCE Attorney-at-Law [’radine U. 9. and State Courts Eugene. Oregon III Thia W eak— 1 E. M urphy haa been confined to hla realdence this w«>ek with rh eutn atl»» Caeeade Line f re./«M** <1 About . "i « Southbound. lenres Springfield. mt gon and i.U 7 : M A. M Dally. Ho» ft Gi r»ot SUM M O NS Northbound. Springfield a t 2:4B P. Cooe Bay V. o In thia district IN T H E C IR C U IT C U O R T O F T H E M Dally. S T A T E O P O R E G O N FO R L A N E i ÍAW» 0« try under the > M ain Line— Bus connections Here, CO UNTY. Hb M »h m 1 » M arch 16. 1(27. John E. Frey, P lan tlg , Va. Audrey E. Southbound C alifo rn ia trains, Eu­ hdra«-» for the land that hän Prey, Defendant. gene a t 1:26 A M . 1:46 P. M , 12.10 power sites, part i o Audrey E. Frey, Defendant: IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E P M , and 2 :08 A. M Dally. opened to entry w ith the power alM O P O R E G O N : You are hereby re­ Northbound C alifo rn ia trains, Eu- reserved, and some of It is land on quired to appear and anew er the com- _ . . . .. , .. . . . . . . . plaint filed against you In the ab o v e , * " D" “ 4 : I6 - * M an<1 which tim b er h a * N-»n -old and ,2 :3 0 P. M. over. No purchase price w ill be re- entitled suit on or before six weeks from date of flrat publcatlon of this 1 Southbound Oregon local«, Eugene quired fo r the cut-over land, but the p lain tiff w ill Uk'e Jud gm ent''ag ainst' a t * « »"<« * <”> aad p - uaua‘ ’ , 5 # per charKed l ° ' vested land must be pa,ld for a ll o th er you and w ill apply to the court for lands to be opened. the re lie f prayed (or In the comglalnt Northbound Oregon locals, Eugene on file herein, and for annullm ent of Ex service men of the late war «dtfc the m arriage contract and for a de­ a t 3:26 and 7:36 A. M. and 1:20 P. M. I Germ any may begin filing appliea- cree of absolute divorce from you. i W endllng T raina ' tlons on February 23. K27. and all Thia summons is published o n c e 1 Eastbound mixed, at Springfield, applcatlons filed from that date 'o each week fo r six consecutive weeks in the Sorlngfleld Newa, a weeklv (:1 6 A. M. and Including M arch 14. 1(27. w ill be newspaper published nt Sprlngfle.d. Westbound m ixed, nt 8prlngfleld considered as filed at the same tim e, Lane County. Oregon, by order of 1:60 P. M. and a draw ing had for all conflicting Hon. O, P Sklpw orth Judge of the applications Exaervice men w ill above court made January 12th, 1(27. so have preference rig h t to file oa Thia summons first publahed on Jan­ F or Roof R epairing call 2326 J u n ti, JuBP 13 1>27. and uary 20th. 1227. , be Und w lll opea W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D , Attorney Eugene, and get results. I. T . Loomla. JuBe u „ „ for P lain tiff Residence and Post of­ experienced and perm anently located * eBtry by , be geBera, publlc. fice address: Eugene. Oregon. tiers claim ing preference rig h t ftp J 20-27: F 3-10-17-24: M 2: virtue of -vettletnent on the land prior N O T1C E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T to December 1, 1(13. should file th» iL J ia Said lands are situated in Lan» llcatlon hereof la tqade the 23rd dayl If deceased. the4r unknown helra. and [ ,h ' “ 'C o u n ty, Oregon, and described aa fol of December. 1(2« and the last pub-i Alao all other unknown parties « h o com rtalnt. to-wtt _ h tc h a ll l o w i : llcatlon thereof la on the 3rd day of have o r claim aome title , eatate, l l e n j Kor • decree, in ana oy , Beginning a t the corner to frae February. 1(27 or tn te m rt In the property d e.crlbed i „ X o t i e foltow“ ! S e f,,o n ’ 1 ! *" *’ ,! ° v ‘V H O W A R D M B R O W N E L L . A tto r In the com plaint herein. Defendants !l 5 ! her’" . ,n " " ‘J , * " * h; „ ¡“ " " T W est shore of T ria n g le Lake. In T for p laintiff Residence; Eu To James L C larke and E t h e l, described real L ¿ t, of 1« 9 R- 7 W W illa m e tte M eridian. ney 'C la r k e , hla w ife; Thomas W halen | Lane County O’* « “ " ' «nd running thence along U. 8. Gov gene. Oregon. « 13-30-27: F3 'a n d Jane Doe W halen, hla wife, o r If th»« p a n of Lots number F fte e n ^ tlS L ernm eBt Line, D 23 30: deceased, th e ir unknown heirs; Owen Sixteen (IS ) and Seventeeen (17).J y - N. 5 C W . 8.00 chains M alhew s and Jane Doe M athews, hla lnK WPl i . “ L tbe is iin L v T h r e e N 34*00' W 2.00 chains wife, or If deceased, th e ir unknown 1 R> £ k numbered N lnet T hree N. 67*00' W . 8.00 chains heirs; also all other unknown parties . " ash’'',rn<‘ “ ‘ ' p ' 1.6( chains N. 28*00' W who lien have or or Interest claim In some , e .- [ f 4.86 chains to present lake East tate the tltla property a Funeral Director FIRST NATIONAL TRAIN SCHEDULE SUMMONS N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice la hereby riv e n that Lour- IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E If deceased, e ir unknosrn ............. heirs. ------------------ - - th ......................... ot * 8 T A T F O F O REG O N F o n I A N F T aylo r, Executrix o f the Estate » T A T E O F O R E O O N FOR L A N E * IrB N T v t e r decaaa»d. haa filed N orthern Countlea Investm ent Com­ the Court haa a rt Batsvday the 6 t h ; B ,B lh r County Court V isits a t Goahan— Mine Pearl Net- fendanta. j said eatate, and for the hearing ot gen: You are hereby required to Room , B tb . c < w , HoOM „ To A. L. Stearns and Jane D o e o b je c tio n s to the same, If any. son visited Mrs C arl Lowry, her cou appear and answer the com plaint . ‘ M A U D E M. P O R T E R , Executrix. filed against you In the above ea- «*»»• County. Oregon, aa the tim e Stearns, his wife, or If deceased, ■in. a t Goshen Sunday. L a te r Mine W E L L S A W E L L S , Attorneys. titled court and cause, ea or b e fo re , and place to hear objections to the th e ir unknown heirs. N orthern Coun­ Nelson drove to T re n t, where the J g-13-20-27: F 3: the expiration o f the tim e prescribed same, and for the final settlem ent o f ties Investm ent Compao». lim ited. ». visited her annt and uncle, M r. and corporation, and Also all other par­ In the O rder of Publication, O w i t : I aald estate. 's-ho have or rla lm some title . M rs. D ick M altzen. ties N O T IC B la hereby given th a t th« Oa or before the expiration of six L O l'R E N E T A Y IZ 1 R Executrix, Her estate, or Interest In the pro- g u t e la n d Board o f the State weeks from the date nt the first pub- j W E L IX A W C I.IH . Attorneys. pertv described In the com plslnt here- Orecoo w jn recelve sealed hide at J 13-20-27: F 2 -l( In From N ot I— M r. ant» M m Sam Ilra tlo n hereof, and If you fall to In: the above named defendants: )t> - ta Capitol building at answer for w ant thereof, p lain tiff r' IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock M ontgom ery of N o ll were visitor» w ill apply to the court for the re lie f SUM M ON« OF OREGON: You are hereby sum- A M ' F p eb cb ru ro a ry IB. 15. 1(27, for l_ all the l here Sunday. prayed for In the com plaint to-w it: interest In the herelnater des IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E m ored and required to appear and For a decree of the court dlssolv the com plaint filed against „ lh„ , ahore lands, g iv in g however __ _______ Ing the m arriage contract now exist- S T A T E O F O R EO O N FOR L A N E answer the above entlt'ed suit and to tbe OWBer or otyners of any land , N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T you In _____ Ing between p la in tiff and d efe n d a n t, c ’ W illia m Donaldson and Helen Don- court w ith in six weeks of the date * of I Abutting _______ _ ___ __ Notice is given ----- — that ~~~ Georg« thereon. the preference — ‘ ‘ hereby " -* i 4 t ^ t h ' U m u rthZ . r l * i m ,hi i » rr«n<> • W “ n h" w1f* ' P“ 1» “ ® '' ’ » » * • > •u.. *• « "7 ? M . 7 «e r ih t d ' . r)ght to purchase said ahore lands at j L Mast. A d m in istrator of the Eatata _ • ‘ ,?ub1' _ ..k ii~ .M . u im W. F. Walker PIR K - j LAND TO BE OPENED FOR HOMESTEADING D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon SPRJNGFIE4.D 6RAVEL CO, All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rook and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Mein on Mill street HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. of George E. Mast, deceased, has «led h i- final report and account aa ®uch' Wf,h| C o n h tr Ore*gon°Uand tbe Court hag Monday, the 14th day of F ebruary 1(27. a t 10:00 o'clock , lB the forenoon in the County Court Room in the Court House a t Eugeno. ¡, County Oregon as the tim e and ^ a c e ^ T h e a r o b jlc tio “ to the same. pmce lo . . . . . . and for the final settlem ent of said Estate. G EO R G E L M A S T . Adm inistrator. W E L L S & W E L L S . Attorneys. J 13-20-27: F 3-1« SUM M ONS IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H R S T A T E O F O REG O N. IN A N D FOB LA N E COUNTY. Edna Horton. Plaintiff, va. James M. Horton. Defendant. T o James M. H o rton, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby summoned and re­ quired to appear and answer the Com- p laint filed herein against you. in the above entitled suit and Court within g|x weeks of th e jla te of the first pub- lication of this Summon» and if yoa fa il to answ er for want thereof, tha P la in tiff w ill take Judgment against ™ r u “ n r T w - i. t o r ' a decree of the ‘ ’ourt dissolving the bonds of m atrl- shore. (described In the com plaint h e r e in ;. " " .’ ' . e. _|a rln _ an. E. 6 1« chains along pma- 60*00 the above named defendants: I ?J T nt th e en, 8. t .k e shore ) IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E >ud* ‘n« 7 “! thp ¿ “j , * nt b . owners of the above described real g jg- g J 0« chains along pres i property : that the defendants have lake shore. moned and renui-eri to apnear »«•n X.« elel^ no estate, _4_ right, title or In te re s t 8 «2* 46' E. « 60 ealns along p w a answ er the com plaint filed against I whatsoever In and to said real pro­ you in the above entitled suit and perty or any part thereof; and also e n t lake shore. 8. 41*64' E. 3.92 chains along p re , court w ithin six weeks from the date that the defendants and each o f them, of the first publication of this sum­ be forever debarred from asserting ent lake shore. mon». to-w lt: on or beforei the 27th any claims whatsoever In and to said S. 49*2«' W 147 chains along p re , I day of January 1(27: and you w ill real property or any part thereof, ad­ ent lake shore to place of b eglm lng | take notice that If vou fall to anoear verse to the plaintiffs, and for such containing 6.1« acres. and answ er or plead w ith in said tim e other and fu rth e r re lie f .herein as to Applications should be accomfmn r the plaintiff« f follow ln» desrrlhed real rro n e rtv be made on the 20th day of January. 16. 1936 fu rth e r re lie f aa to the Court may S|*1iated 'p ’ nne Conniv. P re ro n to- 1927. anil the last publication thereof O. O. B R O W N . C le rk o t State Lan- - -of w ill be made on the 27th day w ith the C leflt of the Court on o r hundred ten days prior to date ol O F O R EG O N . You are hereby cited ’ ’ ’ nnuarv. 1927. and It w ill be puh- before said day and tim e. _____ 1 opening. A11 such applleatiops filed and required to appear in the County " - h 'd six consecutive weeks In the Dated this 18th day of December, w ithin the first tw en ty days of this i Court of the State of Oregon, tor the S <-tngfleld New-« newspaper 1926 * period w ill be treated as slm ultane- j County of Lane, at the Court Room ’ M. P E T E R S O N . Attorney for CAL.LA A T IP T O N . Executrix. ously filed a t 9 a. m on the n in etieth 1 thereof, at Eugene, In the County of " I ’ intlffR. Postofflce address, Spring- F R A N K A. D eP U E . attorney for ,|ay prior to date o f opening Appll- I^ane, on Saturday, the 6th day of field, Oregon cations by ex-service men th ereafter. ’ February, 1927, at ten o’clock In the the estate. D 16-23-30: J 6-13-27: D 23-30: J 6-13 20 but prior to date of opening, w ill be forenoon of tnat day. then and there treated In the order In which filed. to show cause. If' any you have, why T he general public may file appli­ the name of the petitio ner above N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S cations w ithin tw en ty days p rior to named shall not be, by the decree of N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : T hat ThesP w |ll be treated said court, changed from John A. the undersigned, has been duly ap­ N O T IC E IS H E R fc B Y G IV E N : T h a t ; oppnlng datP Ona V. Liles has been appointed nd Bg slmqltanenusly filed at 9 a. m. on Shishcoff to John S. Gardner, and for pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County o* m ln la tra to r of the estate of M argaret date of op«,n ing, but no application leave for the w ife and child ren of Lane aa the a d m ln la tra trlx of " the M. Idles, deceased, by the County w ill be allowed p rior thereto. said p etitioner to use auch new oc ’ eatate o f L. A. Sm ith, deceased and Court o f 1-ane County, Oregon, E H N E H N E H N W H . N E H A B H changed Christian name. A ll persons having claims against 1 N W H . N W H N W ,H N E H . all persons having claims against W itness, the Hon. C. P. Barnard. NEH NEH N W H , N W H Judge of the County Court of the said estate are hereby notlfled to said estate are required tp p resent' s w ^ them, w ith the proper vouchers, S W H N W H N E H Sec. 15, T . 21 S., S tate of Oregon, for the County of present the same to the adm inistra­ trix a t the office of F ra n k A. DePue. w ith in six months from the 23rd day R. 3 E.. W M containing 22.50 acres. Lane and the Seal of said Court here­ of December. 1926, to the said ad- Listed upon the application of J. H. to affixed, this 11th day af January, t h , atto rn ey tor the estate In Spring fleld. Oregon, psoperly verified, on or m ln la tra to r at the la w office of L. L. Singletary of Oakridge, Oregon, L iat 1927 i . .. - . . iti n..il,ll««w before six months from the date of Ray In the M in er Building. Eugene, 6 2168. A T T E S T . R. S. B RYSO N, Clerk. Oregon. . . this notice. County By Eva L. Duckworth, December 13, 1926. O N A V L IL E S . A d m in istrator af tinted December 20th, 1916 T H O . C. H A V E L U Court Seal. Deputy. the Eatate o f M argaret M. Idles, De­ B E S S IE H. S M IT H , A d m in istra­ Assistant Commissioner of the Gen­ S M IT H A E V A N S . Attorneys. 424 ceased trix . M iner B ldg. Eugene. Oregon. eral Land Office. L L. R A Y , Attorney tor Estate. F R A N K A. D ePU B . atto rn ey fo r, J 13-20 27: F 3-.Z J 13-20-27: F 4 D 23 30: J $ 13 20 i-.« e fita H s ______ __ J