THURSDAY JANUARY 20. I»27 rayagHNOW LCNgwe PAG» BIGHT THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published I w j Thursday at GETTING NEW FACTS ON AN OLD APPLE PEST Samuel Gompers, for many yearn chief of the POPULATION TO MOVE WEST a ra b ein g stu d ied a t th a Yakim a. W a sh in g to n field a ta tlo n . Taata o f a la rg e aarlea o f b a lls for m o lh a In the o r c h a r d s and In p a ck in g aheda are a ls o b ein g m a d e An a p p le ferm en t h a s b een foun d to he th e beat Imlt m a te r ia l o f th o s e tried , th o u g h a fe r ­ m en t o f m olaaaea and y ea a t le a lso good. N o n e o f th e ea a en tta l o ils t e s t ­ ed sh o w s m uch p ro m ise At th e S lig o . M d , la b o ra to ry the feed In h a b ile o f th e c o d lin g m oth la r­ v a e a r e b e in g stu d ied . e s p e c ia lly th o a a Jual h a tc h e d . T h e d e v e lo p m e n t o f I n s e c t ic id e . o th e r th a n a r se n ic a l* la b e in g a tte m p te d ENTERTAINMENT WILL FEATURE 4-L MEETING K n te rta lu m en t fe a tu rin g th e b ea t American Federation of I^abor, has been succeed­ T h e cod tin g UKith la a trw u b leeem e lo ca l ta le n t w ill h a v e a p r ln d iw l plat « ed by a man who is a student of industrial affulrs un Ihe program o f tile n e x t M o n d a y ,» and who notes the possibility of changing loca­ in se c t e n e m y o f ap p le* , p r ev a len t In T H E W IL L A M S T T S M E M m oat o t th e a p p le-g r o w lu g reg lo n a . A, m e e tin g o f th e lo c a l u n ll o f th e U iy a l tion of many industries because of longdistance H. B M AXEY. Bdltor t.e g to n o f L ogger* and I.u m h ertn ea , power transmission. William Green, now head of • p e d a l a p p ro p ria tio n tor B lea tin g Ih e a c c o rd in g Io S e c r e ta r y D. W M cK in ­ the federation, has made the following statement »Ituatlon In K anaaa waa nftide a v a il­ non and C hairm an Karl D illard . which indicates how closely labor Is watching the a b le to tb e B u reau o t K n to u io lo g v Jqty I, 1»3«. but In ord er to c o v e r an l e t t e r * to e n te r ta in e r s h e r e h a v e i development of power: M A IL SUBSCRIPTION R A T« bean se n t ou t from " « ! , h ea d q u a rter s 75i "Power Is one of the few commodities now sold e n tir e aeaaon w ork * » » b eg u n In «.'• I Advance.-----»1.7« Three Monthe Tear I In P o rtla n d , a sk in g th em to aaalat In g, at less than pre-war rates. The reduced rat« o p era! ten w ith th a K anaaa A g ricu ltu r­ r*« S in g le Copy - Mentha ____ th e program L igh t re fr e sh m e n t* w ill '■ — follows inventions and economics in power pro­ a l C o lle g e d u rin g th e ap rln g D a m a g e be se r v e d . A C h ish o lm , field offlrer T H U R S D A Y J A N U A R Y JO. t»37 duction and transmission, central generating sta- waa e s p e c ia lly a ev e r e in K aneaa and o f th e L eg io n , w ill be p resen t and w ill ___________ __ _ u ru "" 'tions with inter-connections using hydro-electric «he O aarka d u rin g th e p reced in g a e a ­ WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN 8teaIu.generated power to supplement eachj aon. and It la h op ed th a t Ih eae atud lea ■ peak. w ill th row m uch lig h t on th e cod lin g- QarrwtVa Old T im a Dance* "May the Lord Level in the Dust Those Who other in carrying the regular as well as the peak m oth p ro b lem th ro u g h o u t thia reg io n . In A uto C rash M id w ay E v e ry S a tu rd a y N ig h t. Would Deprive the People of Their Liberty” loads. F ield e ip e r lr a e n ta In c o n tr o l a re un-1 __ iohn Hanwden “With the tremendous water power of our dar w av at th a R e n lo n v llle . A r k a g a a a , D rea m la n d H a ll. K u gen e. E v e ry C la ire R obberaon o f G o sh en waa __________ P western country, we may confidently expect the la b o ra to ry , w h ich In clu d e th e te a tln g T u e sd a y N ig h t. T icket* 76c lu u lisä b ro u g h t to a lo c a l s u r g e o n * o l i t i e M onday su fferin g from a d la lo c a le d I center of population to shift to the west. Irriga of a ra en tca la a p p lied In varlou a d o e sh o u ld er, re c e iv e d In a n a u to m o b ile I BGAL DEFICIENCIES VOID ROAD TAX ttion will make It possible for the West to feed a a r e a and a t v a rlo u a tim e* , and o t a c c id e n t In ih e G eelien d istr ic t Kob- , . . ' larger population. Already industries are devel- FO R S A I.» - C a r b o n paper In larga The four mill special road tax voted by the P®°-| o„,nK which will make the West self-sustaining, o v lc ld a l and la r v ld d a l m a ter ia l* . attesta, ïix J P Inches, suitable fas h e r e o n w a s rem o v ed to tb e P a cific pie for the McKenzie and Coast highways has, • motor transportation, telephone and Q u estio n * r e la tin g to th e q u a n tity o f making traainga T h e Hews ntfloe C h r istia n h o sp ita l. been declared void by the state tax commissioner * communication will reduce the barriers be- apary reatd u e o n fr u it at h a rv ea t t im e because neither the notice of election nor the (ween Ra.-u antj \yes,, Industries are moving ballot measure stated that it was to be in excess smaller toArns and farm work is becoming of the six per cent legal limitation. In othei‘ hlnizc,, These changes are of fundamental words both were draWn incorrectly because of |H>rtance to the labor movement. ' either lack of or misinformed legal authority • • • given ivvn the in» county court. — —--— The finger ring is supposed to have been the For years the county court has had either in­ first symbol of slavery, the master putting a ring sufficient or faulty legal advice on matters involv­ on his slaves and »wives. There are some wives ing hundreds of thousands of dollars of the coun­ ty^ money. It is high time that this inefficient who say it is still the • symbol. • • condition be changed. The younger crowd is urged to acquire more Since the district attorney's office has been facts, but they are more interested In dates thun burdened down with illicit booze cases that of­ fice has never functioned 100 per cent for the data. county court or for county officials. Either this prohibition prosecution should be taken out of the hands of the district attorney’s office and ad­ ministered by a separate officer or the court should hire a legal adviser for the county busi-( Bess. At present it seems to be more important t to catch some weak minded country boy with a few spoon fulls of home brew than to look after But a limited number remain. Fur trimmed and tailored styles. county court procedure involving thousands Ot; Formerly $19.75 to $47.50. Now $9.88 to $23.75. (Second Floor» The Soul Has Its Weathers. dollars. And from reports this condition does not j alone exist in Lane county. A« it is the voters went to the polls and made , Sometimes all is bright ami serene, and other monkeys out of themselves voting an illegal mea- times it is dark andI ¿«»“dy. sometimes sure to' tax themselves for $184.000. They must Sometimes It is clear weather and .« Due to active selling naturally stock Is limited. Some are fur trimmed, « S . - « 1 » * order 0 » , .hey may againI Morny. q( whJ(.h smartly styled, sizes 3 to 12. Now $2.38 to $5.88. (Second Floor) T°^.e'w illam e«e river bridge bonds would have not whence they come nor wll'lJV*r h e e V ^ S ' S \eh2 four n,S .as If cirixen coin- t mhe blown,g , — o - f l e n C - M - t - . a k e t .heir n e ir w o * m s a, „ — UCTII ’Uiu .... - — , 1 control, so our moods and tempers seem to arts. mittee interested had not looked after the legal we know not how. . I Exactly 26 captivating silk and wool creations grace one of the display procedure leading up . to . election. . The best we can do is to maintain our pois racks for easy selection. One and two piece styles. (Second Floor) '“ S ^vas^e^bask^^Tvith^a w lZ X e w i f f M ^ a n d | Springfield. Lana County. Orecon. by DR. FRANK CRAHESAYS January Clearance Sale In Full Swing W omen’s Lovely Coats 1-2 Price Entire Stock Girl’s Coats 1-2 Off basket. This allows us to dispose of ILhejiailv of W i n the morning, Sove.W,Ifh,the readingpublic who kick sometimes ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J X e ’iJT l^ g rip of a m S ¡hat ' S ? meLhof stuff t ^ n * X PthZ editorial waste is our control basket they would cotnpUin no longer. malicious are simply due to the prevalence of zwiizw/w* a some uncontrolable mood in them . A roaming court that assesses and collects, Thprfl arP S()nlp people, thanks be. that are al- fines is the latest inovation in traffic regulations ways bright and cheery. One « — «- •— who has this ——« sunn) >! , in Paris. Some speed cops in this country ex­ disposition is to be congratulated, and even more ercise nearly the same powers whether they have to be felicitated are those about him. authority or not. If one can be a point of sunshine in this storm- • • • tossed world he has certainly added much to hu­ The drone bee has 13,800 eyes and the queen man well being. but 4.900 so scientists say. The proportion seems The alternation of moods, however, is common to have been reversed in the human race. to all of us. We should all expect some dark days • • • and resist their influence as much as possible. When one goes to.the modern dances and sees We can do very much with our will. the wall crowded with girls and only a hand full Our judgment should tell us the danger of let­ of men in sight he can but wonder if the man ting ourselves go when “the wind is from the power of the nation is declining. east.” We should wait until the times change • • • and not give way to dark humors. It can be ac- | Some folks expect to accomplish grand results complished if we are but fixed in our determina- J in 1927 by opening their mouths and allowing tion to encourage cheerful moods and discourage i someone else to drop a juicy plum into the same. untoward feelings. • • • We cannot control our feelings, it is true, but , The only newspaper printed in Tombstone, Ari- by a set purpose we can make them strengthen zona. is called the Epitaph.___________________ us. 1 . j ( SKATIN' W™ WAPOFN - \ DO O* THE TTWO ( BY TH' PAiLt-OAP v jn Y o u 'u . 8 e ABOUT AV HANDY ON y p e iCC lS T W A r « o / X'U. ^ 5 T I CAn ' -*A - CJT A r iG u^ e ® ANO w P i TB M Y N A eie — « « s u 1 WAS A H'C> v THR I W omen’s Dresses to $20.00, at $10.85 I W omen’s Silk Teddies, Sale $2.49 I Children’s $1.75 Sleeping Garments $1.29 Delight fully made of lovely quality Crepe de Chine silk In various ways. Daintily embellished with filmy lace and ribbon. Genuine “Brighton Carlsbad” make—of heavy quality fancy outing flannel. Braid trimmed, with pocket; pajama style, size 6 to 10. (S e c o n d F lo o r | Girl’s to $3.00 School Dresses $ 1.49 The prettiest tub frocks you'd care to see. Cleverly made of ga>ly pat­ terned prints and ginghams surely cute. Nicely trimmed Sizes 2 to 12. Printed In Springfield — B e c a u se of th e a d eq u a cy of h er p r ln tln « eq u ip m en t, th e ev a r p r e s e n t d e s ir e to se r v e , and b e c a u se o t th e d ir e c t and In d irect r e c i­ p ro ca l p a tr o n a g e and profit th u s m a d e p o ssib le . Every dollar sent away to catalogue houses for supplies Is gone forever. But; every dollar sent to local merchants and industries payB wages and taxes, improves the city and comes hack. Buy your printing in Springfield where there Is a little more possi ­ bility of your dollar coming home to rooBt. 1 SUPPOS’E THINKS’ H E 'L L «SLIDE AW AY U K E A s i f t © - that r h e u h a tc LE O WILL r o t o UP LIKE A R U B B E R CR.UTCH - ANO EVERY T IM E HE FALLS HE'LL FALL T W IC E — O « E O N T H ' VCE AH ONCE IN TH E EYES OH WELL -d A lE S -S I M i c e r A S WELL FIRE O P AND HEAT A LirTLH Y .A T -O S O HE CAN TAKE A » S r W O T 3ATH TO THAW « c m n O T - A N ClT THE ARNtCA MOSTTS -PLASTERS REACY cause HS'LI- COMB ORAG 6IN’ IN S O O N — CBBAKIN' AND &BOANIN' LIRE A RUSTY GAT«/ The Willamette Press Opposite P. O. Phone 2