The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 20, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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    T H U R S D A Y JANUARY SM), 1927
S p rin g fie ld People W e d
Levi C. Vlnaoo. a rural mall carries
■nil when »<> local«-d or s»tahltshsd »aid county road« or public highway* QU8HM AN IS NAMED VICE
Marriage licenses were granted b)
working out of Astoria, pleaded guilt?
■hull 1», and hneotne public »Ireet» of »aid d ly and »ubject to Jurisdiction
PRESIDENT SCOUT BODY the county clerk to the following pe«e
to a charge of detaining mall sad wag
aud control of tbn Council, tlic ■ante a* though atroela.
C H A P T C R X I.
pi« during tha laat week: l» u te Ed­
fined $1UO. Vinson baa been dl»
O. O. Bu»hman. mayor of Spring- ward Tlbbets and Nellie Lanora Nes-
charged from the service, after tbrou
year«' work la Clatsop county, gov»
field and chairman of the Boy Scout bltt, both of Springfield; Milton C.
Section t. The Common Council »hall hare power and I* hereby
. l i e l^ane and Zola Smith, both of Spring- Brief Resume of Happenings of ernment agents reported.
authorised to con»lruct or repair amt la» down all nacea»ary •«•were and | io
The $104,001) appropriation for aa
oy field; Ted Balsden and Madelyne Mc-
drain* of a character and capacity to aupply a com ,dele ayatem of aewerage j pr„aldenl of the I a u s County
the Week Collected for
Kalg. both of Eugene; Erneat Korn
eastern Oregon tuberculosis hospltafc
to declare
^ I
or any
part o f by
„ „ ordinance
I ........ . and
If »«. doing
a hat tha
' p a aaroe
l l i a whether
l i be .« .e
.s e coal
‘ '?“ "c“
and beta May Korea!, both of Eugene;
Our Readers.
approved at the November electloU,
property directly benefited by auch draina or aewera. or paid out of the aewor Mr Bushman will serve In thin capa Fred Stump and Hulda Virginia
la available at any time for c o a a tru *
fund aa hereinafter provided for. and the determination of the ((ouncll for
Prough. both of Eugene; Elvln Trout,
tlon of tbe required buildings. Atta»
gene; Hain Lehman. Junction City ; J Elmira, and Nellie Taylor. Veneta;
J. C. Lonqutst. 37, was killed at the
any aewer or drain ahall he linai
ney General Van Winkle held tn a !•>
flection 3 If the Count II daciarea that a propoacd aewer or drain Il. Aah. Oakridge and Fred Hunting-
Daniel Todd, Eugene and Luella Weld- Jones Logging company camp eight gal opinion recently Issued
■ball be conatructed. laid down, or repaired at the eipenae. In whole or port,
miles weat of Vernonia when a traa
enkeller, Springfield.
of the property directly benefited thereby, thereafter the proposed sew- ton of Mapleton.
Survey of the Lebanon Shea ««ctlOU
Many matter« of Importance were
fall on him.
er or drain a* to that part of the eip en ae thereof to be assessed upon the
of tbe Santlam highway will be CORP
property benefited, ahall lie deemed an Improvement, and the Council ahall discussed at the meeting. Including
Total ahlpmenta of horticultural and
Return« to Monmouth— Mr« Olenn
meoced before the middle of January,
proceed In all reaped* and with the ««me authority and power ■■ In the Im­ plana for planting of tree« along the
products from Hood
according to advices received at
provement of a »(reel by grading or graveling, eacept that the requirement» Pacific Highway by the Boy Scout» Riddle returned to Monmouth after
«pending a week end at her realdence
of Hectlon» 6. 7 and * of Chapter IX of t ill» act •hall not apply; but In lieu
Sweet Home by the county court and
reached 4538 car*
thereof the Council ahall appoint three dlalntereated freeholder«, residents County Executive Clark reported that here.
members of the good roads lotnmlV
of aald city, whoac duty It ahall be to view Ihe alreeta and new location of he ha» been In correspondence with
Poatmaater Hageman at Milwaukie tee of tbe chamber of commerce.
the propoaed drain or aewer and ahall aacertaln and determine »bat property Dean (5. W. Peavy of the O. A. C.
Vlalta from Yoncalla— Mra. Fred report« laat year'« business aa the
Arrests for violation# of the »tale
la directly benefited by such aewer or drain, and the eatlinate of and pro- " I forestry achool and that Dean Pearr
portion of aald benefits to and upon each lot or part of lot. or acreage pro-
school can furnlah Krewa of Yoncalla was a visito- tbia biggest In the hlatory of the Inatltu- prohibition statutes tn which statu
l»«*rty •<> dirrrtly h«*u«»nt»‘<t (rnniparml with (he other property b en elted ) «nd m I h •*«
nimitin« week at the realdence of Mr. a n i Mra tlon. The office was established In prohibition agents participated aggr*
report th«» »« me to the Common Council, which aald report »halt be filed with I the nuraery slock for the ptnn * A. P. Nielsen bf Springfield.
' 1848.
gated 1279 during tbe year* 1925 and
the Recorder
> under the provlalona of the Clark Mr-
Charles Hasness of Lyons, near 192«, according to a report filed with
Hectlon 3 Upon the report provided for In the preceding aeotlon be­ Nary a d . They now have for dlatrl
C A L L A N D S E E Dr. K W . Em ery
haa log, Jo hogg during the laat
tbe legislature In Salem by William
ing filed with Ihe Recorder. he «ball Immediately give notice thereof by
black locust. green aah. pnd
on prices on plate and other work. If , fKW daya from „h at la thought to be 8. Levena, state prohibition cornual*
puhtlenlnln for twenty day« In some newspaper published In said city, or button
by posting notice« thereof In three public place« In aald city; auch notice box elder
ptomaine poisoning caused from feed- g)oner
must H '- lfy with convenient certainty the streets or purls of atri-eta the*"
valley green corn.
of on which aald «ewer or drain 1« proposed to lie located and the property
reT|e w or called Into question j
„ , ,
The Columbia River Mint Growerg’
Hied ------------------------
by aald viewer* - Io be directly
| A nlght acbOol foT farmers, apon association waa organised at a meat»
ascertained and determ-----
. benefited by «aid , exercised or declared, la final, ana an "
earliest convenience after sored by the agricultural department Ing of growers held in Rainier last
aewer or drain, und Ihe estimate and proportion of auch benefit
j elsewhere
Section 2 The Common < ”“ n<’ordtnance direction or resolution tor o{ tbe Newberg high school, will begin
Section 4 Within ten days from the final publication of auch notice.']
week. C. M Hirtxel of Rainier wag
lh< o owner
w n e r of
o f sin
any property uacertatneti
ascertained ano
and i determined
i - i i -risinvn by
oy aald
»««, viewer*
view er. to
bo tin«
(b| H B,t take» effect, may prov • ' 7
charter and all ordinances or a J() weekg. ^ „ ( „ n at Newberg the
elected president, W. O. Jenks Of
directly benefited by said aewer or drain may file with the lie. order any codification and publishing In W »« I "
codification, and from time -
objection he or aha may have to Ihe finding« and determination of aald ; parU thereof In full force at the ttme of au. n
part of thia month.
Clatskanie, vice-president, and A. t .
' to time thereafter, aa tt may deem proper.
ggM.ggnlents levied or
The survey for the extension of the Brown, also of Clatskanie, secretary
Section 3. All general or ape cl at
(m(> tbey become ' standard construction on the Nehalem treasurer.
Hectlon 5 At (he n««t r»<ul«r tn«M>tinK of the C omiw ’II after the
plratton of the (tnar provided wlhln (he precedlnx auction for flllnr objec­ created under thia act shall bear legal interest in.m
highway haa been pushed aa far aa
An appropriation of 1175,000 for
tion« to »«Id report the Recorder «hall preaenl the ««me wllh Ihe objection» due.
All ordinances laws, rule« and regulation« hHr,tof^® (he Flshbawk Falls by A. F. Daniel
construction of a building for the naW
thereto. If »ny. to (he Council and It »hall (hereupon proceed Io examine and
Clatsop county engineer.
Hectlon / b y X ^ d o r t h e C ^
con»lder «aid retw»r( mid objection* thereto. If any. anti may adopt »aid re passed or made
eastern Oregon state normal school
. . _____ __
herewith, shall gfr
bi te“"gni|i''repealed
„ .i „ a hv
he T
i n n ì a school
ch oo bus ran Into » at b a Grande and $40,000 to covi
port In whole or In part. m<»dlfy or reject the »«me; provided, (hat (he Coun* effect, and not Inconsistent
Inconsistent nercwiin.
by th
the e City
City I I T The
ell may. by motion or resolution, postpone the consideration of »aid w aller to effect after this a « i
under either the act of in- tree near p roKrega last week. Chil- maintenance of the new Instltutlt
All rights*»......d or ll.btlltlea to incurred
cur rad under
the next regular meeting or »«»me »pedal or adjourned meeting
Hectlon « Rhould Ihe Council adopt aald report, either In whole or , l>rl>oratlon of the town of .S.pr2n*” '(J'’^ t<’rgPaJi
hereby 'b e acts
loat, impaired. dren on the front seat with the driver for the biennium waa approved bf
were thrown through the windshield. the normal school regents in session
In |M»rt, or aa modified. It ahall proceed to ascertain and determine the pro­ any ordinance, when this act takes effect, sh
,n (he Rw.order » but no serious injuries resulted
bable cost of constructing such sew er or drain, and shall asses« upon each or In any way be disregarded or deatrqyea
in 8alem last week.
Hectlon 5. All “‘J.*""" ldn,1wh% , h | ’ ,*t t^ k e s e ffe c t shall thereafter
Mr and Mrg F M Plke> Wallowa
lot or part thereof, or other property liable therefor Its proportionate share
Authorization by the La Granda
of surh cost, and «hall declare the «ame by ordlnanne a« provided In section 9 Court for the < '«V
n r i l t f l ) f , his act. or any ordinance ap- county pioneers,
Dion. era. celebrated
celebrated their
thei 60th city commission of construction of a*
of Chapter IX of this net relating tot Improvement of streets, mid all further , M. pr„ce.-ded In according to the provisions of ' ll,h
or proceeding
nb,,. , her„lo. and continued in force by t h is a ct. a n a no «
wedding anniversary at Wallowa last 18-inch main connecting the old tow»
proceeding« In relation tn such sewer or drain, shall be the same as In thia pili
„„w pending In'any court shall abaU jSy
^ X d t a S week. Both are In excellent health,
act provided for the Improvement of streets by xrndlng and graveling
reservoir with the city mains wag
Hectlon 7. Hhottld the Council declare that the costs of any proposed for the colie«Hon of '•*** " f , h).r lnatt. r or proceeding relating thereto. Mr. Pike lx 86 and Mrs. Pike 81.
made recently, marking yirtual c o *
aewer or drain shall lie paid out of the sewer fund, such sewer or drain may uiub r “by *’
i'!,',. «ale of property «hull abate or be affected by' this
Tfae Klamath Falls city library pletlon of the renovation of the wataf
be coustrutced. laid down or repaired aa the ordlnonce may provide, and be ! an(| no Pro<
"t but may be determined as (hough this act bad not
' “y '!aXe» board accepted the new $40.000 city supply system. Engineers estlmaM
paid for accordingly.
the person enforcing the same may
„“" t c d i r e T ” Hbrary. just completed, it was an-
the project will cost $35,000.
Hectlon 8 In the construction of any sewer or drain the City of
Hprtngtteld shall have the right tn use and divert from Its natural course
nounccd. The building will be opened
Books are one of the moat ordinary
any and nil creeks mid streams running through the city. In said sewer or u , colb c tlb lc if
plnm ns "herXfter laying out. and platting to lhe pubUc Wn hin a few weeks
possessions nowadays, but a book S*f
Section 9 The Council has power snd Is authorised Io. whenever It ] any addition to the City of
"^',1 wi,|th of streets to ' A report made public by Will Moore, years old is a rarity. Such a voluma
mny deem It expedient or necssary. In order to provide a complete system ' «hat, c»use the same
«nd tatted adjacent thereto, and to state insurance commissioner, shows is that owned by H. L. Cantley at
h i n ‘X ~ d
With and be . continuance th sl the receipt, of h i. dep,
of sewerage for said city, lay down, construct aewera or drains outside of that '’‘r '" 1".'.; i : . ' r .“
Portland. It was printed in Germaay
¿a, ¿ i ¿ eeu ^ - X
^ S r ^
v o tin g " V h T p ^ ,
tbe corporate limits of said city, to regulate the manner of construction and be an ,'ald
In 1560. Its type Is not so clear c»l
I said
. L . ____________________________________________
» ’ «• —
“ “
to expond
the funds
city therefor, as If the same were constructed,
as modern printing and its Illustra­
laid down, nr repaired within said corporate lim its; provided, all drains or
tions are all from pen drawings.
aewera and repairs thereof outside of the corporate limit* of said city shall aum as may be prescrllwd by ordinance.
be paid out of the Sewer fund hereinafter provided for.
name of said city In any court of cmnpetent JurlMlctttn
Oregon monthly pensions have bee»
power and authority to
Clifton Campeau, 5Vi years old, was
Hectlon 10 Halil City of Hprtngtteld ahall have Ihe power and author
flection 7. The Common ( ouncll s
C ity o of i sp
r in g n e m whenever
wne»®»^« ••
* ___ m
expedient or nece»- shot and killed by his playmate. Rob­ granted as follows; Rudolph A. Pa­
Ity to acquire by purchaae or otherwise, own and possess such real property : divide the City
nutalde the corporate limits of the city as In the Judgment o f the Council I aary Into a suitable number ol’ wards, and detln. th« bounds
shall ert Epley? aged 7. In the basement of terson. Portland. $40; Albert D W a lt ­
may be neceaaary to enable It to provide a complete ayitem of sewerage and after auch ward» are ao established no t « * * ' ‘n ‘h® i eaid "L P “
the Epley home in Portland laat week. er. Portland. $40; Charles E. Hanlgaa.
«ball have the rl<b( to enter upon any land between the termini of any pro- vote In any ward other than that of wn 4
e ....
gn*o wardg. as The boys did not know the gun was Portland. $40; Lydia V. Allan. Port­
posed aewer or drain. ...h e r lV»lde or out.tde of ..I d corporate l.m.ta for
R ectlo. 8. W henever the CouncU U .R d
. „ nparly
land, $30; Claude T. St. Clair, W auna.
th>- purpose of examining, locating and surveying the line of such sewer or provided In this act. It »hall, by ordinane p
residents of each
. . .
Florence E. Taylor, Rogue R iver,
drain, doing n<> unneo-sRary damage thereby. and It may appropriate the use of ' as possible, of an equal number of Counc I
practicable to provide
The 41 miles of road between Day­
an nwii'h of said land a» may be necessary for the construction or laying i ward, by the voter» thereof; but In esse i .
ward r «hall provide for the
and Mitchell In eastern Oregon $30; Flora B Lehn. Newport. $30.
n iirr (>I
UUItt iim ru ass'saa
down, or keeping In repair said aewer or drain, not to exceed twenty feet , for »n equal number
of v Councilman
from ear -------- . remaining
is so bad on account of rains and melt-
The state supreme court refused to
election of ««"•’ < \> 7;J1™“ nth7 0“ ^ h, h? rred0 ,* nd
n‘n”Un < °
¡ing .now that the „ a g e . are unable
In width, and may make whatever ruts and excavation» ■» rpay be necessary
assume jurisdiction In mandamua
In order to repair or lav down »aid sewer or drain, filling such excavation» f ' “
«¿'..lion 9
Whenever the city »hall be divided Into wards, the Coun- t„ operate Mail la being carried on proceedings brought by Row. Patter­
or ruts «■ soon us practicable after making the same.
shall provide a voting place In and Judges and clerks of election for ear hor#eback.
son and other members of the state
Hectlon 11. Should the city be unable to agree with the owner of the ell
ward, and pre.crlbe the manner of conducting the election and the
board of education to sign contractg
lands mentioned In the preceding »action a» to the compensation to be paid
for the right-of-way over the same, or If auch owner be ah«ent from the city an'1 Ca8«ctlon *0Of WheVever' the city Is divided Into wards, as In this act The Dalles Justice court on charges wtth the publishers for certain text­
«aid city may maintain an action tn the Circuit Court of the proper county provided, the Council shall, by ordinance, provide for the apportionment ON of cruelty t0 animals, was also books adopted by the state textbook
agulnwl such owner, for the purpose of having such land appropriated to Its
commission at its annual meeting bald
use. and for determining the compensation to be paid to such owner there the Counctlmen then in force among said wards and the etty at at-ge. s charged with polluting the Deschutes
ere o
river with carcasses of horses that In Salem early in November.
for. and the general laws of thia Htate regulating the inode of proceedings mav be necessary, and make such provision» in re a on
Improvementa are now being made
to appropriate land by private corporations shall govern and control the ,Ud’ 'n snectionhr i C N T X c t k m " r " " r e s u m i n g order ahall Issue from any : had starved to death
mode of proceedings I d such action.
at the eastern Oregon game farm flva
Section 12.
For tjie purpose of raising money with which to pay
miles east of Pendleton. A well which
--------------- --
. . .
«„u eggs have been hatched at the Enter-
the coats and expenses that may be Incurred by the City of Springfield In
will be used to furnish the supply of
ronstrui ting and laying down the sew ers and drains in this act provided for. I •*>**
said city Is hereby authorised and fully empowered, whenever In the Juilg of P'opertyTfor any U r .
(o (h„ Coun(.„ b this act Is cording to Irvine French, superintend- water for an overhead sprinkling aya­
tem for the pens la being dug. naw
men! of the Council It mny be expedient or advisable, to Issua and dinpoae
of the bonds of the city of tbe denominations of from $100 fit) to $1.000 00. aa granted to the municipal corporation of the City of Springfield to be exer- ent. This brings the total number of pens for wild turkeys constructed and
the puri haser may desire, with Interest coupons attached thereto, the par
13. The Common Council shall grant no franchise or amend-, o_hheiw sunnosedlv minora ran- a new lighting system installed. A
value Of which shall not exceed the aum of $50.000 00. signed by the Mayor ments Section
to any franchise ot other prerogative of sovereignty to any person.! Robbens, supposedly minors^ ran duck pond also la to be built.
and counter-signed by the Recorder, with the seal of the city attached, firm or corporation except by ordinance As a condition precedent to the sacked every room of the Fremont
Proposals for constructing the $J.-
wherebv the City of Springfield ahall be h»-ld and considered In substance enactment to any such ordinance, the Common Council shall publish notice , »chool of Klamath Falls laat week,
000.000 Bear Creek dam for the Port­
and effect to undertake and promise. In consideration of the promises, to pav
to the bearer of each of said bonds the sums therein named, In lawful money of Ils Intention to do so not less than once a week for three consecutive &nd a{ter cooking themselves a meal land city water bureau will be opened
weeks, in one or more newspapers of general circulation printed and pub-
cafeteria, escaped with approxi-
of th«- United States, together with Interest thereon at such per centum and llshed
at a meeting of the city council Feb­
In the city . Such notice shall state the substance and nature of the
within such time as the Council may determine, interest payable half yearly. proposed ordinance. Including the name of the grantee, and constat of at | n>«e.y ».w oi pupils m n y .
ruary 9. according to the statement
A* provided In said coupons. Said Issue shall be In addition to all other least one hundred words, and unless the ordinance Is of less length, tn which
o f the 44 active irrigation district» by City Auditor Funk. The dam will
Issuea authorlied heretofore for sewer«.
event the whole ordinance shall be published. The said ordinance shall be )n ,u,, glate on| y u are ¡„ a sound be 900 feet long and 200 feet high.
Hectlon 13 Before disposing of any of the bonds provided for In this read at two consecutive regular meetings of the CouncilI before thef
; condition and able to work out their It will Impound 11,000.000.000 gallons
a d . the Council ahall require the Recorder to advertise for thlrtv «lays. In
«? —
» « ’ l .? f !
of water in a basin of 400 acres.
at leaat one newspaper of this State, for sealed proposals to purchase auch Ôr"aX r ’p r a r o « ^ v .C
twmda. which said advertisement shall state the amount of larnda to he sold ; I , be said publication of notice. No franchise shall be granted bv any public ! filed with the legislature in Salem by
During the past two years S2S4
the Interest thereon; the time tbe aame shall become due; the time and | ¡.ervlce «orporatlon. or for h public utility, except
upon such terms as shall Rhea Luper. state engtneer.
predatory animals have been killed
place the proposals will be opened and considered, and that the bonds are secure to the cltv
adequate compensation therefor by
R. M. Wlnans of Dee, who holds tha by federal hunters, according to tha
Issued and disposed of under provisions of this act.
exacting such a percentage of tha gross income as shall be deemed adequate
mid-Columbia record for bears and report of Stanley Jewett, in charge
Hectlon 14. At Ihe time specified In the notice provided for In the to cover present values and future development.
Section 14 The following acts are hereby repealed: An act entitled bobcats this season, having caught of predatory animal extermination for
preceding section, the (’ouncll shall proceed to open all proposals received
for the purchase of the bond» offered, and dispose of the same to the person an act to Incorporate the Town of Springfield In I^ine County, approved the (our big bear and six cats, recently the biological survey. Animals de­
or persons making the best offer or offers therefor; provided. Ihe Council 9th day of February. 1893. and all acts and parts of acts amendatory thereof. tstonlshed Dee residents whan he ar­ stroyed In the two yeafs were listed
Section IB In as much as the present municipal government of the rived in town with a live bobcat.
shall have power and authority to reject any and all bids or proposal».
as follows: Coyotes. 7528; bobcats,
tjectlon 15. The funds arising from the sale or disposal of all bonds Town of Springfi eld Is Inelficlent and does not serve the interests of the In­
693; bears. 54; cougars. 8, wolves, 1.
provided for In this act shall he known as the sewer fund, and shall be kept habitants thereof, this act shall take effect and be enforced from and after
the establishment of a five-day work­ Besides these the hunters killed 2(11
separate and apart from all other funds of the city, and shall only be used Its approval by the Governor.
Approved February 9th 1893
ing week to replace the present five porcupines which are considered de­
to pay the costs and expense« that may be Incurred by tbe city tn and about
the construction and laying down the sewers and drains«tn this act provided
tnd one-half day schedule was sound- structive to trees.
for, and the Issuing and disposing of said bonds.
The four-mill special road tax. voted
id last night at a meeting of the
the people of Lane county at the
Hectlon 1(1 The Connell of said city shall, at the same time the tax
for general expense Is levied, and at least once In each year, levy and collect
primary election last May for the pur­
“Shall the Town of Springfield amend Its charter by approving and ; The thirtieth annual convention of
a special tax on all taxable property within said city, sufficient to raise money
pose of paying the county's share
enough to pay the semil-annual Interest Issued under this act and to provide adopting the new city charter proposed and submitted by the Council to the the Oregon Wool Growers’ associa-
a sinking fund with which to pay the principal of said bonds on maturity; people of the Town of Springfield by resolution adopted by the Common tion was held in Pendleton last week toveard the completion of the McKen­
said tax may be Included In the other taxes of said city and considered a Council and filed with the Recorder on the 12th day of January. 1927.
with 200 growers from all sections of zie highway and the Willamette Val­
part thereof for the purpose of levying and collecting the same, and as fast
the ^tate in attendance.
Graxlng ley-Florence highway, has been de­
as the tax Is collected Its proportion to the other taxes collected with or In­
clared invalid and the $184.968.54 to
cluded In the sum cnllered, shall be set apart from the other ( ax as a special
have been raised by the levy will not
fund for the purpose and to be used In the manner hereinafter provided, and
be available, according to an opinion
shall not be used for any other purpose, except that for which the same was
Although dead for half a year, L. C. received from the state tax commis­
Roberts of Bend has been elected to sion by B. F. Keeney, county assessor.
Section 17. The money belonging to the sinking fund, provided for
the directorship of a Deschutes coun­
Construction of 10 bridges and the
by the proceeding section of this act, shall be by said city Invested frpm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday the 25th day of Janu­ ty loan association, it was discovered
time to time In Interest-bearing bonds of the United States or of this State
grading and resurfacing of great
or some municipal corporation therein, or loaned on good unencumbered ary, 1927; a special election will be held of the voters of the Town of Spring- by member» of the aS8O«:latlon a tJ h e gtretcheg of puhllc roa(,g ,n Tarlous
real estate security, or used In purchasing any outstanding bonds of the city field. Lane County. State of Oregon, and that the poles will he open from ■ annua, meeting of the association held sections of the state will come up for
Ihe hour of eight o'clock A M. until the hour of eight o’clock P. M. of said last week.
disposed of under this act.
consideration by the state highway
Through flotation of a huge bond commission at its next meeting in
Said election Is called by order of the Common Connell of the Town
of Springfield for the purpose of proposing and submitting to the people of Issue, the Southern Pacific company Portland January 27-28. according to
Ihe Town of Springfield for their approval or adoption of a new charter for plans to purchase the 582 m iles of notices sent to contractors. Six of
Section 1. In every action, suit or proceeding In any court concerning said town as proposed by Ihe Common Council of said town In a resolution old Oregon & California Railroad com-
the projected bridges are on the Red­
.. .
the exercise or enforcement by said city, the Common Council or any com passed and adopted on the 3rd day of January, 1927, the approval of the said
mllte«! thereof, or any officer or board of the city, of any power or authority charter by the people of Springfield will be submitted to the voters In the pany. which it has operatsd as a part wood highway near Grants Pass, two
of Its system in Oregon for 40 years others, both 70-foot steel spans, are
by this act given or delegated to said city, Common Council, or any of Its followlng proposition:
“Shall the Town of Springfield amend It# charter by approving and under lease.
officers, bonrds or committees, all arts, proceedings and duties of said city,
to be constructed on existing abut­
the Common Council, or any committee thereof, or any officer or hoard of adopting the new city charter proposed and submitted by the Council to the
The cities of Oregon will take a ments on the Pacific highway near
said city, shall be presumed to bn regular and duly done or tnken from tho people of the Town of Springfield by resolution adopted by the Common hand in any program of legislation
Canyonville; one ia a bridge over tha
beginning, and no error, defect or omission In any act, proceeding or thing Council and filed with the Recorder on the 12th day of January. 19277"
dealing with the pollution situation North slough near North Bend In
required to be done nr taken by this act, or liny ordinance of said city shall
involving the W illamette Iriver, ac­ Coos county and tha other ia a steel
affect or Invalidate such act or proceedings, unless the person attacking tho
The full text of said resolution and proposed charter Is on file at the cording to a decision reached at a superstructure over the McKenzie
same shall allege and prove that he has been misled by such error, defect or
omission to his dnmage, and the court shall disregard every error, defect nr office of tho City Recorder where It may be read and consulted by the public. meeting of the Oregon league of Citlei river on a county road 10 miles east
The poling place for said election shall he at the City Hall In the
omission which does not affect the eubetanttal rights of snch person; and any
held in Salem recently.
of Eugene in Lane county.
proceeding, matter, o) thing by this act committed or left tn the discretion Town of Springfield, l-ane County. Oregon.
I. M. PETERSON, Town Recorder
or Judgment of tho Council such discretion or Judgment of the Council when