THURSDAY JANUARY 20, 1 »27 eat from the date of making the name, to be re-aaaeaaedi against the property (Ion. signed by him self In bla official capacity. Section IT. In case tbe notice he for the Improvement of a street or abutting upon, adjacent to. or benefiting by aald Im provem ent, which naaeaa- ” part thereof, tbe Council shall proceed to ascertain and determ ine the prob­ ment shall be made in an equitable m anner and aa nearly a« may be In con .h a ll £ d a n g e r . to p<»»er»by or to the adjacent property; and In coae form lty w ith the provisions of the charter at the tim e the Im provem ent was able coat of making such vem eiit and shall naaeaa upon each lot. tract I - 7 ’hm idin« ot any p u b li c alreet »hall become dangeroua to paaaera by. th« made, or the Council may adopt a different plan of apportionm ent when In or parcel of land liable therefor Ita proportionate share of such coat, anil for the purpose of making such pro rnla assessment» and apportioning (he • a y buiW tnr or W p the wune to be removed or made Its Judgmeut It In essential In order to secure an equitable assessment coats and expenses of such proposed Improvement. Including costa o f sur­ Common ( ounctl »hall b are i £ » » r to elpt>n^ shal, b„ , , len up)>„ T he Council »hall declare by ordinance 11» Intention to make auch vey, plans, asaesauienla and coats of construction and all other necessary •a te at * * * * * * * collected In the same m anner aa »tree! Improvement», reassessm ent, which ordinance shall b rie fly describe th»' Im provem ent, amt tfee pr” b*‘ y/ n n ld t'. , „ r um rrectlou. construction and m aintenance of flood shall declare the Intention of the Council to assess the cost there»»f against expenae» In connection th erew ith the Council shall aaseaa upon each lot. tract or parcel of land, bounded by the property line of the street to he Im g a te , on an> property in the city, and to prevent the overflow of » . t e r on the property abutting upon, adjacent to, or benefited thereby, describing proved and the re n te r of the block or Ihe alley, and upon such other lands each parcel of p ro perty which It Intends to so re-ussesa and the amount It . f . a, . jvitv «nd to rvxu U tv and voatrol tbe same. and premises In Ihe Im m ediate vic in ity o f auch proposed Improvement ns Intends to assess against each parcel Said ordinance shall fix a tim e and W To provide for tbe erection of a c ity hall or a may he specially benefited thereby, such relative portion of Hie whole sum I lace for holding a m eeting of the Council, at which all protest» again»! <■» ,.u . . s s k z “ & ? s s a s s s s such re-aasessmynt or reassessm ents shall he heard A notice embodying l u be levied n s shall be proportionate to the estim ated henefilk resulting Io the foregoing provisions o f the ordinance, and requiring a ll persons Inter such lot, tract, or other lands and premises from euch Improvement. In th« eated to appear at aald meeting and stale th e ir objections to such reassess­ Improvement of paving an alley auch assessment shall ba made upou Ihe ment. shall he published one« In a newspaper of general circulation and real estate hounded by the property lino of the alley Io lie Improved or paved, " » X nowers i S ’. to reserved ' « « » • • • » by the constitution of the State o f Oregon published In said city, and shall be posted in three places In said city, of at and the property line or afreet» on e ith e r aide of the alley. When the la fid . / ro ninm adjacent to the street proposed to he Improved shall mil he lalil off Into least ten days before such m eeting , th 7 X i e “ fT h Z ’ «y of Sprlngdeld a» to municipal leglalatlon blocks, thun tbe cost of such improvement shall be assessed upon lb« real " a ? To enact any and a ll ordinance., by laws, ami regulation» not At the tim e a pp oin t'd In such ordinance, the Council shall hear a n l estate nllunted main each aide of the street and w ithin one hundred sixty ♦ » with the constitution and laws of thia State or th»* 1 determ ine a ll objections which may have been filed and may thereupon. If feet of such street Inconsistent w ith 1 , order. health. cleanliness. orna- Section 38 T he probable coat o f Im proving such Intersection la to ± e r £ X £ t o £ the 7 i : and* to secure the protection of persons necessary, revise and corret such re-assessmenl. and shall declare the same by ordinance to be a lien upon the respective property assessed, and the de­ be assessed upon Ihe Iota or parts thereof situated I I I Ihe q uarter of the ment and general welfare cision of the Common Council so made shall he flnul w ith reaper! to the re ­ four blocks adjolnug such Intersections, but only upon Ihe lots or part there­ gad property therein C H A P T E R V III. gularity. valid ity and correctness of such re-assessment, and such reassess­ of w ithin the quarter nearest thereto, and In the follow ing proportions five- ment shall be collected In the manner that other assessments for local tin ninths of the cost to the corner lot. and four ninths to the lota next Insldn; O F C IT Y R E V E N U E « . provements are entered, enforced and collected uuder the provisions of the provided, that wbnu any tract adjacent to said Improvement shall not lie .. , a n m nwava nald fo r license and collected as fines, aa well charter and the laws governing the City of Springfield. laid off In lota, the proportionate eoat of tbs Improvement of such Intersec­ collected by taxation. shall form the general fund of the city Section n . The docket of city liens Is a public w ritin g and the o rl tion shall be assessed to tha owner or owners ot auch land aa Ilea w ithin except os in thia act otherwise specially o( Springfield la ' glnal or certified copies of any m atter authorised to be entered therein are one hundred altxy feet of the Intereecllon, Section 2. No person pay ng a ‘ w »h tn the c ity lim its for which : entitled to the farce and effect thereof, and from the tim e of the e n try there- Section !» I f upon the com pletion of any Improvement It la found a r d . r t o c y r y on any business or .v rn a r . Mce> requlrvd to ; In of an aaaeaament against any property. Ihe sum so entered Is to be deemed that Ihe sum assessed therefor upon any lot or part thereof la not sufficient a license is required by this act or o . County ot bane Oregon, i a tax levied and a Hen against such property, and a ll other property w ith in ! to defray the coal thereof, the Council must ascertain the deficit and declare pay a license tax to the county an ‘ . .. h>ve exclusive control Of the City o f Springfield owned by such person at the tun q of such entry, | the same by ordinance, and when so declared the Recorder must enter tbe fo r tbe same purpose; and the v t iy . rl¥ w l »herefrom shall go to the which lien shall have p rio rity over all other prior or subsequent liens or sum of the deficit In tbe docket of city Hens In a column reserved for that a ll licenses, and no part of tne incom encumbrances w hatever upon the property against which the coats of auch purpose lu the original entry, with the date thereof, and such deficit shall said county. holding any office created by thia act improvement are assessed, and p riority over all subsequent liens or encuni- th e re a fte r be a Hen upon aurh lot or part thereof In like manner and w ith Section 3. W henever any * • refuse to pay over any moneys brances on other property in the city then owned by the ow qer of the pro Hke effect aa In case of tha sum o rig in a lly assessed, and shall also be pay or established by ordinance. • ordinance for the payment thereof, perty against which auch assesamenl la made, and may he enforced against I able and may be collected In Hke manner and w ith Hke effect as In tbe caee belonging to U e c ity at R e t i m e fixed by ora sotne qualified person i any property upon which tbe same Is a Hen in the m anner In thia chapter uf auch aunt so assessed t 1*.°e“ 7 . h e ^ l « r b T . p X " i « *"*■»«<> •» ‘ “ < * * * * V" Section 30 It upon the completion of tbe Improvem ent It la found Section 13. Any aaaeaament levied pursuant to thia chap ter which la that the sum assessed therefor upon any property la mors than auffirlant to this act. AU taxes levied by tbe Common Council shall be levied not paid w ith in tw enty days a fte r the same la entered In the docket of city defray the coat thereof, the Council must ascertain and declare tbe surplus Section € Chanter X V I I I of the General Laws of Oregon Itecs, It shall be the duty of the City Recorder to Issue a w a rra n t for the col In like m anner aa In the raae of the deficit; when so declared. It must be ? « *« *« • • « * to r* ” ,,r * • * ' lection of the same, directed to the M arshal or any person authorised to col-1 entered as In the rase of a deficit. In the docket o f city liens; and th e re a fte r the person who paid aurh surplus or hla legal repraaentatlvea. Is entitled to f e J * . * -1. , c rp o ra tlo a e as defined lu this act to prepare and file e s tim a te , of lect taxes due the city. repaym ent of the same by a w arrant on tha Irsaaurer expenditures and probable receipts from a ll aource. of revenue, be- Section 13. Such w arrant shall require tbe person to whom It la direct- Section 31. A ll money paid or collected on tbe assessments for the ___ , ______ ___ i k , m a n n e r o f D r c o a r 'n g such aaaeaament was Im provem ent of tbe streets shall be kept aa a separate fund and In nowise Hen. and sell the same, uaed fnr any otber purpoee wbalsoever. separately to advantage S rctlon 33. W benaver tbe grade of any Street baa been eatablUhed. and disbursements. In th» Council mag autborlae th» giwner or owaara of any property tbsri'on. i m i or uw.o. acta to conflict h erew ith , and all a c t. or p a r t, of a c t. the m anner provided by law . and return tbe proceeds ot such sale to tbs and adjaeent tbereto, to cut dow n or 1111 up auch Street ln front of »ach pro­ .¿ e n d a to r v th e re o f - and all tows of thia stole regulating and governing the to iito g o fTtaxes by m unicipal corporations shall apply ao far aa applicable C ity Treasurer and tbe w arrant to the Recorder, w ith bla doings endorsed perty, accordlng to anrb grade, at tbe expenae and coat of auch owner uuder thereon, together w ith tbe receipt of the C ity T re a s u rer for the proceeds of auch con dition , and terms a» tbe Council may dalerm loa upun. to “ y in , of t i e . by the C ity of Springfield. except aa hereto otherwise such u l a aa paid to btm. C H A R T flR X. Section 14. Such w a rra n t shall h are tha force and effect of aa ex­ ^ S e c tio n 6. It In hereby prevlded that a ll taxes ao levied shall be col- O R IN tN O « T R f l l T « ecution against told real property, and shall he executed In Hke m anner, ex­ lected by the tam e officer in the same m anner and a t the earn, tim e as taxes cept aa In this chapter otherw ise specially provided »Rectlon 1. W heaever tbe Council aball deem It »xpedlenl to open. for county purposes are collected by the county o f Lone. I t shall be the Section 16. T he M arshal or e th e r officer shall, w ith in sixty days ¡ 7 , - 7 the^tox collector of said County to pay to the county Treasurer of from the receipt o f M id w arran t, sell the property therein described Such a a u a ^ O iZ H * » 1s i» ,7 o r * to a’u r v ^ a 'u r h ^ iw a m lM l * '* “i1" 11 £° r o r ilr^ £ u £ o i * a week. aU to x e . ao collected for told city and to le .b a ll be at public auction to t h . hlgheet bidder for c a .h to hand, and X 7 O‘, ,,»CJ* to furnish the Recorder of said c ity a receipt for eh duty amounts ! t each fchaU of be m tbe of * by *• ' j X ‘.to’ ^ t o n a “ ' ^ e ' . b a . ? « , v ^ n o U c e 'o f V ’ “ “ ' h' r' Or ,u n ,* lDl»« * * * • « r v ^ of aurh ? « , U V * . e ~ Z aim so paid to aald T reasurer at told county. ” ,h * dutv of * * • bolds Ito aeeelona Tbe M arshal shall glva notice o f aald sales, by publlaM -: , h. p«,r l ioll of lo, or , h. raof or property required to be Treoaurer of aald city frdm tim e to tim e, under the direction»^of the Common # contocutlve weeks In any n e w t-l .p o ro n rla te d 'f o r " '.u r 'h '.7 ^ j r A e ’ ‘L n 2 r ‘ T " ’' .‘" '.T " ” ,7, *“ T a u from of roam To prevent' fee — erection b X t ing o g w at w unreasonable ithin «h* <•>*» hour» « » •*• » *« ** m L "c" £Sd ■r affirm «!» to H s .h .rg » tbeto duties fallh fu llv »hull nriM-»»H and .a - . n»rg, in e ir street or alley and as. e rta ln and .let. rm lii.. h.,w much’ l"'.'. vatoable ' T a n r ! the premises of auch owners respectively w,,„ld be rendered by the opening of tbe same. If the Council la suilafl,..i ih>. ......... , ' nB by .a id view er.' or by the C lrcu h C om t um.n “ "‘‘, 7 ^ 1. Just «„d equitable and that the proposed street or alley ' w " h 1» <»f <’. u m ’c .y be enforced and collected as a pur, thereof 7 7 7 7 ’ " m ay J,,ln ln " uch and the o n ly qu estion lo I«.- de­ ed upon for the faith fu l performance of the work to the s a tis fy lion of t h e from t l . 8 f “ " n 19 * “ • • • * * « * 5tf’, ' r ‘ " o n J *« ™ fr ‘” the date o f aurh term ined b) such uppi-ul Khali be Ihe queatlon of damages t lotted Commissioner and^lbe Com m .ttee on Streets, w ith surety ,o the s.«.» - r I f l . s k i , no re, tem p.lon arshat shall execute Section 4 Sui-h appeal shall he taken In th« same manner as an faction of the Comm ittee on Street», and the provisions of such bond shall to the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, a deed o f conveyance containing a ' at peal form the nssessmi nt o f damages In laying out a highway by the description of the property sold, a statem ent o f the amount bid. of the Im ­ County Court except thnt Ihe notice of a| peal shall be enforced by an action in tbe name of the C ity of Springfield. he served upon the Section 4. No contract to grade or gravel any street or alley shall provement for which the assessment was made, of the year In which the Mayor. Recorder or C ity Attorney, nnd may he served hv anv person over tax » a s levied, that the assemsnent or tax was unpaid at th«- tim e of the twenty -one years of age not a porty to the pro. ee.ilngs, and proof of «urn be let until a fte r the Recorder, by order of the Common Council, shall have sale, and that no redemplon has been m ade; and the effect of such deed I s. r v l . , mj»y I m - made In the sum. munn« r us proof of th.- -«ervl.J o f „ „ „ m o p s given ten days notice thereof by publication In some newspaper published H . f ‘" ' ’' . ’‘ P P''11" 11' f “ 11» «<» reco ver a Ju.tyem .nl mere favor- in the City of Sprlngfleld. or by posting notice thereof In t h r e e public places shall be to convey to the grant«-e therein named the legal anil equitable title P»>' « " «•'»!» and d isb u rs em e n ts In said city, not less than ten days prior to the tim e of letting such con­ In fee simple to the real property in such deed doeertbed; and such deed: of th'e a p -'e a i” ' ’ “ PPW,,* <, fro m ' shall he prim a facie evidence of title in such gnputee. anil th a t all proceed­ tract. ings and acts necessary to make such deed in all respect» good and valid I S ectio n 4. In e s tim a tin g Ih e d a m age» o f th e prem ises of anv person Section 5. Such notice shall state the tim e when, and the place where ’ 1 v ,’h" P ','r - r*" ' * l* w » r a nnd Jury ahull he go verned by l i t . - « I l f bids will be opened and said contract w ill be let, a n d re fe r to the ordinance have been bad and done, and such prim a tach- evidence shall not le- dls- , If an y. o f th e premises o f such person h.-fore an d providing for the Improvement of such street or alley by number and the puled, overcome or rebotteil, or th»- effect thereof avoided, except by satis-1 f o * ’n,.k ” 11) pb-aud In m aking the assessment, or In the a fte r the opening, widening, extending, or straightening of Urn Mtre.-t o r i l l . - - date of its passage, and shall specify what p art of im provem ent or repair factory proof of e ith e r: ° f T * * Pr ‘*n ,,’ * H f,,r w b '< h " 1» adopted. In. h id in g »ball be let in one contract, and the tim e w ithin which the same shall be assessment or collection of the tax; I2 | paym ent of the assessment or tax 7he n la i'il.'.» " " !' . 7 “ " y before sale or redem ption a fte r sale; (3 ) that payment o r redem ption was Ihe p la itin g of the same Into lots and blo.-ks and that It consider nfilv such required to be done. Section 6 The owner of tw o-thirds o f the property adjacent to such prevented by fraud of the puri liaser; (4 | that the property was sold for , damages or Inconveniences caueed by auch street or alley as affects th .......... an assessment or tax for which n either «aid property nor the ow ner th e re o f' " S ^ d 'lo n "? U t ! Wh' < h " " ... m arket. street or alley, or part thereof lo be improved, shall have the rig ht to make Section , When two or more persons Join In an appeal and u part and file with the Recorder a w ritten rem onstrance against the proposed Im ­ at the time of sale was Hable, and th a t no part of the asseasment or tax t ;’ tyyuH'7.n" r, m ” r,‘ " h * " - ¿ r r a X - H M l D o m pfh' provement or repair at any tim e before the last tw o preceding days stated was assessed or levied upon the property sold. Section 20. A sale of real property under the provisions of fhis chap , d la i r e l. , , ; ’X se^ .................. .. ln " In said notice for letting of such contract. Its Section 7. If a rem onstrance I m ? filed signed by two-thirds of the ter conveyn to th - purchaser, subjei t to redem ption as herein provided all the real estate or lntcr«-st therein of the owner, w hether known or unknown, cour, s ^ i i ' x ^ n f ^ r s : « ^ , ^ ^ In r owners of the property abutting on said street or alley to be so Improved or repaired no contract shall be let th erefo r u ntil the Council shall consider to .-'th e r with all the rights and appurtenances th«-reunto belonging . ? « I c 'e r m l n e Section 21. When an assessment upon any lot. tract or part thereof that the atreeet or alley Is not o f s i i f t t e l e e . o . . . 7 . and determ ine the necessities of such Improvem ents or repairs; but if, a fte r abllshm ent o f the same, a fte r the appeal „,,„,1 hav'e'heen determ toedh* consideration by the Council o f the ordinance requiring and directing such becomes delinquent, any person having a lien thereon by Judgment, decree Improvement, two thirds of all the Councihnen shall vote for the same, and or mortgage may. at any tim e before the sale of such lot. tra c t or part the M ayor shall again approve tbe ordinance, the contracts for such Im prove­ thereof, pay :iie same, and such payment discharges the property from the . r to r 7 X - i ' i ^ i h r ^ ! ; . ^ : ; : : ; ^ , ments or repairs may be let as if no rem onstrance hail been filed, eith er effect of the assessment; and the amount of such delinquent taxes and all = upon the bids already received therefor, or the Recorder may give notice accruing costs and charges. If any. when so paid, Is th e re a fte r to be deemed again, as provided to Section 4 of Chapter IX of this act. as the Council a part of such Hen c re d ito r’s Judgment, decree or mortgage, as the case mav and III th eir verdict find the amount of damages R any snslnm l he. nnd shall hear like Interest and b e enforced and collected as a part x r * r r h e ^ ; , ^ 7 s n (f h^ s ^ (h a ll direct. Section 8. If no rem onstrance be filed, as above provided, the con­ thereof. R.-ctlon 22. W henever any lot. tra c t or p art thereo f sold under the forty dfla7a, l X r 0 t h ! f ex°plrfntr|o n rofVl'tire dm e^herrtn HmUed“ " » " am“ " 'l 7 / h l" tra c t to grade and gravel such street or alley may be let as In such not(pc Stated; provided, that the Common Council or Street Com m ittee may re ­ provisions of this chapter, shall bring more than the assessment thereon, If w ith costs and charges of collection, the surplus must he paid to the T re a s ­ appeal shall he taken within forty days a fte r n .7. ject any and all bids. appeal b e \a k e n . order a w arrant ,lr “ wn t n Hm T r, ^ , 7 7 7 , 7 "" ” Sn Section 9. A fte r the probable cost o f such Im provem ent has been urer. and the officer executing Ihe w arrant must take a recc'o t for such sur­ ascertained and the proportionate share thereof to each lot. part of lot and plus ami file it with the Recorder on the return of the w arrant. At any tim e of damage or damages and costs assessed lo the owner o r n w , . ‘ f*"t»*c- acreage property liable therefor, has been determ ined, the Common Council thereafter, the owner or his legal representative Is entitled to a w a rra n t liv e ly of the property appropriated In favor of such o w n . 7 , ° shall declare the same by ordinance and d irect Us clerk to enter In the upon the T re a s u rer for such surplus; provided, whenever any lot, tra c t or shall desire to open, lay out, establish, widen, straighten o i e X d ' s u n n I a rt thereof sold under the provisions of this chapter shall b rin g less than street, and «aus.- such report, survey nnd plat to I... reeo rH .H ................ . docket of the city liens a statem ent thereof containing: — of C ity Surveys," and from thenceforth said street stin c he 11 R 7 ° r '1 1. A description of each lot, part of lot, or acreage property for such the assessment thereon, the Common Council shall stir,ply the deficiency out ’ considered as of the general fund, If In the opinion of the Council such Im provem ent Is opened, laid out anil established widened sirnlwh» n Im provem ent sufficient for identification. ««.. > lo issu.* directing said Section 23. The return of the officer executing the w a rra n t must street ow ner Is unknown. Section 11. Re<-ord’ The 3. The sum assessed upon »nch property and Ihe date nt entering »P*clfy the amonut for which each lot, tra c t o r p art thereof sold, and Ihe be entered by the - 7 t h J report' and "p tyt "of the cHv’ s Whl>■- m aking of such Im provem ent o r the levying or asseasment therefor, shall In such ooln, and not otherwise. 7 * nd locat*1 Section 24. The Recorder shall, upon receiving and filing the dupli­ upon the roudbed o f and upon or ncros. any e n o ^ J he declared to be void by any court, or If the Council ahall be of the opinion th a t said assessment Is illeg al or dnubtfal by any omission or defect, the cate receipt provided In Section 18, Im m ediately cancel aald lien upon nald or ra ilw a y right-of-w ay w it h ., the e o r p o r g l a ^ X ^ Cpunctl may cau: e the >-o»t uf such Im provem ent, together w ith legal inter- docket of c ity Hens, by entering upon tbe face thereof an entry o f aatlafao-