The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 20, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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such sum as he may dealgnate. not exceeding $10«
| and make the costa thereof a lien upon the property, to be collected in Ilk a
Section 3. T h e Recorder ahull have Jurisdiction and a u th o rity of a m anner as tor street Im p ro vem en t*; but In such case the same must be re-
Justice o f the peace w ithin ihe lim it , of the CRy of Springfield. In both c iv il I ported to the Connell and the necessity thereof declared,
and crim inal m atters. and when exercising such Jurisdiction and authority I
g. T o prevent, regulate, prohibit and remove nuisances, and to 1 *
.h a ll be subject to a ll the general laws rtf the Htate prescribing the duties . .ta re hy ordinance w hat shall constitute the M ine. and to make the expense
o f a Justice of the peace and the mode of perform ing the aam»; hla duties nt abating such nuisance a lien upon the property where such nuisance
aa C lerk shall be prescribed by the Cogunon Council.
9. T O prn rid e for the establishm ent, equipm ent and mAintenanee ot
Hectlon 3. T he T reasurer muat keep an account with the general # flre departm ent and fire companies, and for thetr regulation and for th«
fund, and a seperate account w ith each special fund that may be raised for pUrpoM. m procuring funds w ith which to purchase a fire truck, and appara*
any specific object, and when a w arrant ta drawn on any p articu lar fund It tua an(j equipment for the aame, the city Council la hereby authorlxed and
can only be paid out of auch fund.
empowered to borrow on the faith and credit o f the city a to ta l sum of
Hectlon 4. The T reasurer muat make a report to the Council of all i money not to exceed $7,000 and to cause to be Issued and sold its general
moneys recalred
and expended whenever required hy the Council. | obligation coupon bonds bearing Interest at a rate not to exceed six par
T" -u T X ;"
r u
- “ i
Hectlon 6
T he Common Council may prescribe audh additional rules cen«um per annum, the principal thereof m aturing In not to exceed flru
regulations for the Recorder and T reasurer, not Inconsistent w ith th l. years from, th e ir date, and to provide by taxation of all property w itb ig
act. aa they w a y see fit,
the corporate lim it* of the city * sinking fund to re tire M id bonds a t th eir
or TH.
m aturity, and to pay the securing interest thereon. The bonded indebted­
Section 4. T he Mayor, w ith the consent of the m ajo rity of the Com­ ness herein provided shall be In addition to any and a ll other bonded Indebt* .
mon Council, eball have power to appoint a M arshall and a suitable force ot edneas. heretofore and that may he h ereafter Incurred by the city under th«
C H A R T E R I.
O F T H E IN C O R P O R A T IO N A N D » O U N D R IB E O F T H « C IT Y ,
rogwlar policemen and night w atchm en, or to remove o r suspend the M a r­ existing charter and amendments.
shal. night watchmen or any mem ber of the police, tyr any cause which he
tte c ll.« I
T h . ln h . b l l . n l . ot t h . CRT of Springfield
10 T o provide for the prevention and extinguishm ent o f fire s ' M
■lltuted .m l d rrla rw l U> be . m U B lcl|«l
.‘ J * "r “ tu M iw w '»
may deem sufficient, to be stated In the order of rem oval or suspension; appoint fire wardens and prescribe th e ir duties, and to compel any and a ll
and the Common Council may m ake a ll necessary and convenient rules and persons present to aid In the extinguishm ent of fires and the preservation
of Ih r “CRy of Springfield." and by .uch name »ha have F ® fP « « « • ““ ®’
. l o o . U r and b . "bed. plead and be Impleaded. In .11 e m .rU of Ja.Uce Ia .1
regulations for the organisation and conduct of aald police force.
o f property exposed to danger In tim e of fires, and by ordinance to pr«-
C H A P T E R V.
a c tio n .. .« Ila , or p r.M c .d ln « . w h a l.v e r; may purchaae ho Id aa
® '* ‘ " f t , .
scrlbw such other powers as may be necesM ry on such occasaions; to con­
n . r l r both real .n il personal. within « .Id city for public bulldtn««. puwt<
struct cisterns for w ater tor the extinguishm ent ot fires.
T o r i , M d c i l ? improvem ents; «my U a M . ..11 or dispose of t h . sam.. for the
Section 1. T h e Common Council shall have auth ority within the
11. To regulate the storage of gunpowder, giant powder, dynam ite,
benefit of the c ity ; may purchase. hold .n d receive property, bo h .
, lim it , of the City of Springfield to provide the manner of conducting elec­ nitroglycerine, and other combustible m aterials; the nse of candles, lamps
personal. beyond the lim it , of the city, to be used for_ c i t y P » ^ 8, £ “ P,“^ P“ 1 tions and canvas, v o te , cast thereat, and to fill vacancies In office.
and other lights In shops, stables and a ll other places; to prevenL remove,
Section 2. No person shall be entitled to vote at any m unicipal elec­
p ....» , for the e n l.lttla b m .n t and maintenance of • * " » “ * ^ * * . f o r ^ r t t
ror secure any fireplace, store, or other apparatus which may be dangerous
tlou Of persons .fille te d w ith ...n la g to u . d l . . . . e . or " “ " J
’ rk* , „ tion who has not been a resident of Springfield for the th irty days next p re­ In causing fires; T o regulate and prescribe the m anner of building parti*
h o u « *.. or for house. of correction; atao for an e r e c tio n » ! w s t e r w
, 2 ° ! ceding such election, and who la not a qualified legal voter In this 8tate. or tlon and party walla and fences.
who .h a ll have refused to pay any fine Imposed upon him by a court of aald
.uppiv the City w ith w ater, and m .y control, l e . . . , . M l or < R « P o » ® ’
13. To determ ine and prescribe the manner and size of all places
. . . . . . for the benefit of the city, .n d It »hall have and
• <^ lpnw,n "eB1,1 city.
Hectlon 3. A t any city election Im m ediately a fte r the yotea have been of entrance and exit from all public halls, churches, theaters, schools and
■ nd m .y alter or c h a n « , the same or make a new o n . ut pleasure.
Section 3 The corporal» lim it . “ f ‘ “ e CRy ¿’f
" « n n L m n te IG ver counted and the canvaas completed '.a the m anner provided or to he provided all other buildings used tor public gatherings, and the mode o f hanging th«
fo llo w .: t'om m encln« at a point on the North h«nk of the W1 > » "’ « tie R iver by the ('iitM u n i Council, the Recorder must make and Issue a certificate of doors thereof.
a t the « .u th e a .t corner of Lot T h ree (S k in Section T h irty four C34) " J ? * J election to each person declared by the canvassers to be elected and deliver
13. T o establish flre lim ita of the C ity and prescribe the kind ot
the aame to him on dem and; such certificate shall be prim s facie evidence building to be constructed therein ; to prohibit and regulate the erection
uh In Seventeen 117» South. Range T h ree ( I ) West of th» W lll.m i tt
M .-rld l.n , running thence North 22" E . . I , , n i * S ,P* ' “ *
.» "'in ’ ZMd city of the facta therein slated ; but the Common Council is the final Judge of and repair of wooden buildings w ithin snch fire lim its, and to restrain s a d
the q ualificatio n, and the election of the M ayor and Its members, and In lim it the height of buildings w ith in snch lim ita.
ner of the Robert K lUunpbell Donation Land t l.lm Num ber i t In ‘ h
.n d range; thence N orth along (h e K a .t line of « .Id d'>"“ m>" I * « * claim , case of a contest between tw o o r more persons claim ing to be elected there­
14. T o regulate and prohibit the running nt large of poultry and
1»M f e n ; thence K a .t to a point of Interm w tlon w ith the Eaat lin e of the to, mu«l determ ine the same
domestic anim als w ithin the c ity lim its, and to Impound and sell the same,
Section 4. A contest election for any officer other than M ayor and and to prevent the discharge of firearm s In M id city.
O r. «on .n d C alifo rn ia Railw ay C o m p a n y , rlg b l-o fw .y ; thence * ,u‘ h^ 8' ‘,r ’ y
. I o n . and on M e h K a .t line of . . I d rls h to f w ay to the • > * " * * “ « " ‘ hpreof Councllmen muat be determ ined according to the law of the 8 ta te reg u lat­
16. To regulate the rate of speed upon all railroads or other road*
w ith the North line of North “f ~ Street, a . platted In the HprRiglUM Inv. «L I ing proceedings In contested elections In county offices.
w ithin the corporate lim its, and to prevent fast and furious riding or d riv ­
Section 5. A ll laws of thia State regulating and governing general ing upon the streets and alleys therein.
m em .n d Power Company , »ddltlon to the CRy of Springfield, thence B a .t
on »uch North line of . . I d .tree« to the point of H on thereof w ith elections and proceedings and m atters Incidental thereto, shall apply as fa r
To prevent and restrain any rio t, nolees, disturbances, o r dl»-
the center line of T hird Street. ■■ the . . m e I . platted In « .Id addition; thence as applicable to and govern elections under thia act, except as herein o th er­ orderly 14. assemblages
In any place w ithin the corporate lim its ; to regulate
n ortherly on .uch center line of T hird Street, extended. to t h . point of In wise provided.
Section 6. A ll officers elected o r appointed under thia act before and prohibit the carryin g of deadly weapons in a concealed manner.
te r.e c o f .u c h line w ith the South-line of the County Road onI the North
17. T o say by ordinance w hether or not any bicycle, tricycle, or
line of foe It F P o w er. Donation Land (Ualm Num ber 4« In .a id city and enterin g upon the duties of th e ir office must take and file with the Recorder
sim ilar wheeled vehicle, o r any steam engine o r portable steam or traction
range thence easterly and n ortherly on and along «Uch County Road to the an <«th of office to the follow ing effect; *'l A. B . do aolomnly swear (or
engine, o r harvesting header or reaper, or o ther harvesting m achinery, shall
in lc r.e c lli.n thereof with a line draw n through Ihe re n te r of the went half affirm ) that I w ill support the constitution of the United State«, and
be driven through In running order or publicly conveyed through any street
of Section Twenty-Bye (25». from N orth to South. In aald city and range, of hla State, and th a t I w ill, to the best of my ability, fa ith fu lly perform the
or alley of the city, and to designate upon whut, if any. street or streets o r
th.-nc- South on »u. h line, through the center of the aoutheaat Q uarter of duties of the office of ... „ ........... ................... during my continuant» therein, so
alley the same may be done o r prohibited.
«aid aartlon to the South line thereof; thence E a .r on the line between help me God." It the person affirms. Instead o f the last clause of said oath,
18. To license, tax. regulate and restrain dance halls, b illiard tablea,
Section . Tw five «25» and T h irty .l x Cl«» In » .Id c ity and range. Tw en ty there must he added: "And thl« I promise under the pains and penalties of
pool tables, pigeon-hole tables, or any table where balls and cues are used,
¿ ,
<201 c h u ln . to III.- "Q u a rte r" corner on .a id line; thence South on IhM center p erju ry ."
Section 7. T he general election for said city shall he held biennially bowling alleys, shooting galleries, card tablea and card rooms, and all places
line through « .h l Section T h l r l y . l x I 3« I to the center of the M ill Race;
o f public amusement m aintained and conducted for profit.
th c .e e n o rth w e .le rly down the center of the M ill Race to the point of In te r­ at such place ns the Council may designate on the first Tuesday a fte r the
19 To prohibit any person or persons w ith in ,th e corporate lim its
ne, tlon with ihe K a .t line of Fourth Street In the CRy of Springfield; thence first Monday In Novem ber at the tim e of the general election. ’
of Springfield from selling or giving away any spirituous, m alt, or vinous
Section 8. T he term of office of all officers elected at any general
South on »uch line to a «tone corner, which I . 384 46 feel South o f the South
liquors to any m inor or person under the age of twenty-one years, and to
line of South “C" Street In wild city; thence South 73 d egree. 15 m in u te . election In said city shall commence on the first day of January a fte r said prohibit any person or persons from in any manner, d ire c tly or Indirectly,
K a .t 1000 feet; thence South #00 feet; thence W e .t to the re n te r of election.
selling or giving away, through an agent or employe or otherwise, any cigar­
ih-ctlon 9 T he Recorder shall give ten day« notice by publication In
___ -----
' --
----------------— » -iw—
the W illa m e tte R iv e r; thence n o rth w e .le rly down Ihe center of aald riv e r to
some newspaper published In Ihe City of Springfield, or by posting notices ette.
tw ,.n t cigar,
v *" p a m o k ir“
* u’b»<’po <” » n r form to any m inor under the age o f
a point due South of the place of beginning
twenty-one years.
thereof In three public places In said CRy of Springfield.
20. To define who are common drunkards; to prohibit the selling o f
C H A P T E R V I.
O P T H E G O V E R N M E N T O F T H E C IT Y .
giving away of any intoxicating liquors to any such common drunkards
Section 1 The power and auth ority given to the municipal corpora
8ectlon’ l. An office may be declared vacant upon the death or re­ to fix the penalty thereof.
tlon of the City of Springfield by thia act la v e .te d In a M ayor and Common
21. To restrain or prohibit the smoking of opium, or the running Of
signation of the Incumbent, or upon such incumbent's ceasing to possess the
Council, and th e ir »uceeaaor. In oIBce.
Section 3. The Counrllm en .h a ll compose the Common Council of the qualifications of an elector. The office of M ayor may be declared vacant opium houses or places fop smoking opinm to define w hat is an opt«»»
house or place for smoking opium, and to punish the keeper or proprietor
CRy of Springfield, and aald officer, «ball be elected by the qualified v o te r, whenever the Incumbent thereof shall be absent from the C ity for a period
of sixty daya; provided, that the Common Council may grant to the M ayor thereof, and opium smokers and frequenters of snch houses.
o f »ahi city, at the ..m e tim e as other officer» are elected.
22. To restrain and prohibit bawdy houses and houses of ill-fam e,
Section 3. T he elective o fficer, of aald c ity shall be one M ayor, who leave of absence not exceeding ninety daya. T he office of Councilman may
and to define the same; to punish whores, lewd women, sad women o f IB
shall lie ex-officio President of the Common Connell, four Counrllm en. one be declared vacant whenever any Incumbent thereof ahall fa ll to attend two
repute: to Panish any person who loiters about or Inhabits or freqneat«
Recorder, who «hall be exofflclo C lerk of Ihe Common Council, and one regular consecutive meetings of the Council, unless absent upon leave form,
of *1
or, 11 r” Pu te- o r
w ith a w hore o r prostitute woman
the Council first obtained. A ll other eHv offlcea may be declared vacant n_
T reasurer.
, “ or ill repute.
Section 4. T he M ayor shall he elected for foor years, and »hall hold whenever the Incum bent shall be absent from the c ity for a period of th irty
To define and pro hibit unlaw ful gam ing and gambling, and te
days; provided, that the Council may grant said officer leave o f absence for
h l. office thereafter until hla successor he elected and qualified.
e .L Phitn* <am “ ? B?d, gam bling houses, and punish persons found g u ilty ot
Section & T he m em ber. of the Common Council shall be elected for a period not exceeding sixty daya.
Section 2. T he Common Council may remove or suspend from office gam bling o r unlaw ful gaming, or keeping or owning such houses
four years, and shall hold th e ir olficeS u ntil th e ir successor, are elected and
To define vagrancy and punish vagrants, and to provide for the
an y officer of Ihe city, other than the M ayor o r Councilmen. for a violation support 34. restrain
t, punishment, or e m p lo y m e T of vagrants an I ¿ u £ r .
Section 4. T he Recorder and T reasurer «hall each hold h l. office tor ot duty, or neglect or refusal to perform the same; the grounds of such ac­ noh.1, L . ° r a,U ‘T,e B“ d Prohiblt Bny Bnd
»hops, theafor«,
the term of two y e a r., and until hla »ucceasor la elected and qualified
h?Us or o her’ h u .ln e « " h
publ,c Ien te rta in m ' n t “ t*1 amnsement. b illiard
Section 7. A ll officer, o f the CRy of Springfield in office when t h l.
halls, or other business houses or places from keeping open on Sunday.
act ta k e . effect »hall hold th e ir office, until th e ir te rm , of office for which
' 7 <ulBte' rM tra ,n > nd Prohibit laundries, b ro ker.,
Section I. At the first regular m eeting of the Council. In Januarv p a w n h in k e rs 1 ^ ” ” “'
they were alerted expire, and until th eir »ucceasor. are elected and qualified
d money 'h ang ers, drummers, com m ercial travelers, hotel
Section 8. T he appointive officer. Of the c ity »hall be a . follow »; one a fte r each general election, or aa soon th e re a fte r as practicable, the Council
h , au<“ o.neer\ toverna, hawkers, and peddlers and the selling of
CRy Attorney, one Street C<dhral.«loner. one CRy Surveyor, one M a r.h a ll, shall choose by ballot one of Its members to preside over the Council and goods by sample, and to define what shall constitute the same
who .h a ll be C hief of Police, and a suitable force of police and night w atch­ perform the duties of M ayor, in the absence of the M ayor from the city, or
for t h ^ lo c a G o " » ^ foe s a m T
“ ** re ' U“ te ,na^ke, hOUS* ” “ nd P,BC#B
men. a ll of Whom »hall be appointed by Ihe M ayor, w ith the ennaent of a If he be for any cause unable to act. said President of the Council shall have
m ajo rity of the Common Council» at the first m eeting follow ing each bien­ and exercise the powers and perforjn all the duties of M ayor
i J
“ nd prohibit foe keeping of stallion«
Section 2
T he M ayor and members of the Common Council shall and n . h t , Z
n ia l election, and »hall hold th e ir ri-apectlve office, for two year», unless re ­
and other anim als kept for breeding purposes.
moved from office by the Common Council or M ayor, a . In I h l . act otherwise receive no pa) for their services, and the compensation of other officers
J ’
.T°, co“ ‘ ro1 an<* regulate the m anner of constructing awning«
provided, and until th e ir successor, are elected trod qualified
T he tluH e. shall be provided for by the Common Council
Section 3. N o meiqber of the Common Council shall, during foe period signs da w n ln inKs n d g“td a n ,‘ 8id ^ w a ,k ’ and compel repairs and changes <n
of Ihe several appointed officer, «hall be .uch a» the Common Council may
for which he la elected, be interested in any contract the expenses of which or „ ¿ „ m "h ereo f 8ldeWB,k'' aIready «»“ «tructed. at the cost of the owner
by ordinance prescribe.
Section 9
No person »hall he elgffffr to any office, elective Of appoint­ are to be paid out of the city tre .e u ry .
Section 4 A m ajo rity o f the members of the Common Council shall ' trees and shade°?re2i
0 ,8 m anner of setting out ornam ental
ive, In th e corporation, w ho at ihe tim e of h l. election or appointm ent 1»
n l he streets or public property or parks of the
not entitled to the p riv ile g e , o f an elector under the constitution of this
from tim e to tim e and compel the attendance of absent members
‘ 31
To PB_llIo,
, r e . . . . 8.‘‘n v l dn t?
¿ » .7 " " °" ¿ '" e " s ’ .,°f . 88,(1 rH y 8,18,1 nOt ,n any Way «
ra Ph.
tl?“ an
ll tele-
h electric
e le c t r ic X
lie h m t . - . » a a
,, W* atn u ,e vuuu
o '»
lo 'a
ca tio
tio n
n of
of a
a ll
Section 10. T he M ayor shall fill a ll vacancies In the appointive offices
_____ ________________
Fht. and telephone lines, and telegraph, electric light and
any debts or liabilities which
shall singly or __ in m
foe aggregate exceed te len h
of said c ity by appointm ent, w ith the consent of a m ajo rity of the Common create
the sum of $2.600. nor shall the Common Council borrow money on the fa ith and public bui'kllnc's 1inal, 1V |t.rtC “ 7 d , ° i h er a PPa ra '>” for lighting streets
?‘ ? h’L e“ y'
lb ” c - d*t thereof, or both, to rtc e e d in the aggregate control “ he
----------- - — ------ - —
foe sum of $2.600. except as in this act otherw ise specially provided.
T H E M A Y O R : H IS P O W E R S A N O D U T IE S .
Section 4. The Common Council shall have a u th ority to establish car and2 buT°Hne«,r 2 lnrthrh ni8n,” ‘r ° f con8trnc“ “ F a" d the locatton o f s l 'r ^ t
Section 1. T he M ayor shall lie the executive officer of the corpora­
fo te a 'o f fare foe” “
m “ nner ° f OP<,ra’ ' ng *he 88m<>' 8nd
tion. and must ex-rctae careful supervision of I t . general a ffa ir, and sub­ and adopt rules and by-laws governing th e ir own proceedings and the con­
duct of any elective or appointive officers, and mav punish any mem ber or
ordinate officer..
He «hall have the power Io call meetings of the Common
s « r J * 1-80" ,o r d lsor<l«rly behavior In th e ir presence
T h e ir proceedings
Connell ami shall preside at th e ir meetings. He shall have no vote except
operate and
In case of a tie. He .h a ll, at least once In each year, stale to the Common shall be public and In case of any vacancy In any elective office the Com­
mon ( ouncll shall have power, and are required to fill such vacancy by ap- Of the same, and' to tax " a n d T e ^
‘° **
whp* ”
Council the condition, financial and otherwise, and recommend such mens
pointm ent.
urea for the peace, health. Improvem ent, and prosperity of the city as he
-v-KCt,?7. 7'
,8ty,P of the ®nact,nK clause o f every ordinance shall
may deem expedient. H e «hall at the first m eeting of the Common Council
T he C ity of Springfield docs ordain as follow s.”
a fte r each general election appoint three members of the Council upon each
. . . hi S.e c t,° " 8.
,he sbsence of the Recorder, o r I f he be from anv cause
of the follow ing com mittees, to -w lt: 11) Jud iciary; (3) Finance; (3) Streets;
o f . h n ? 7 . a Ct' ,t he * f 8iy ° i . may d®8*4nate any person having the qualifications
(4 ) Fire, W ater, and Sew er: (8 ) H e a lth ; (6) P rin tin g and Police. Each
2 " r R , ™ r .L °
“ hl" 8le8d' wbo 8ha" fo rth w ith take the oath of office
of said com m ittees shall have general power and supervision over the d iffe r­
e n t sub ject, pertaining to Its departm ent, and such fu rth e r power» and 2h»itv . n d " L h h n“ 68 ,Ot * ’‘corder dl,ring such tem porary absence or in
? 8h8,i rece,ye the 8ame »alary aa the Recorder, to be deducted
duties as may he prescribed by ordinance or assigned It from tim e to tim e
in? . ’a 88 “ ry 8 n d , e: 8 of ,h 8 t offlc* r ; and the o rder of the M ayo r appoint
by the Council.
inga o í the c R Í0VWe f° r thP ,,g h t' niS ° f the S,rPPt8' >»®y8 aad Public build-
ing such person shall be filed In the office o f the Recorder.
Section 2. No ordinance passed by the Council «hall go Into force
Section 9. The Council may provide for the tim e and place ot Its
or be of any effect until approved by the M ayor, except a . provided In the
39. To provide w ater for the city
rn m » meetings, at any of which It may adjourn to foe next succeeding
tbrtKi succeeding section«.
,o r
Section 8. Upon the passage of any ordinance the enrolled copy
in * must be held at least once In each month.
thereof, attested by the Recorder, shall be subm itted to the M ayor by the
on ( h . 8 r? i|lo7f l ° ' T 1“ * C.o’Jnc,,
mu8t kp®P a Journal of Its proceedings, and voting In any wa’ rd ’ ta w h fo íf he ‘d o e V ^ M “ aU o ° Pr° h' b,t * ny eleC‘° ,‘ ,r0BI
Recorder, and If the M ayor approvea the same he shall w rite upon It "A p­
on the call of any tw o of Its members must caitRe the yeas and navs to be
proved.*' w ith the date thereof, and sign h l. name of office, and 'hereupon, n“ayP
” ,eCt,° n8- 8 " d ‘ be —
. n H"hnan
b'“ UP° n 8 m ° “ " n
adJourn iU V e a . a n l th e ir a ^ p o . X ^ / L n d ^ o X n ^ . o S ' ^ ^
unless otherw ise provided therein, such ordinance shall become a law and
nays shall not be taken unless upon call of three members.
be of force and effect. A ll ordinances shall he published once a fte r their
PoTn?dU , r . nu f o o ? , ^ r « X ; i ° ,at,0n o f any prd,b8- " W W A
therein '»h?nn n, i » j ' i i I1l7 mber o f the C<,uncl1 f ° r words uttered in debate » .id C o m m l? C
passage In some newspaper of general circulation In the CRy of Springfield. therein shall not be liable o r questioned therefor In any other place.
Section 4. If the M ayor do not approve o f an ordinance ao submitted,
. h i , . * .a
o . . 12- T , h e Common Council shall have power and auth ority forfeitures and8tpena!tie»nd rPgP,ate 8 P °Hc® force, and to Impose fines,
he mu»L w ithin ten daya o f the receipt thereof, return the same to the Re­ tfonh
s ofth»h.Cn ir " f Spftngfleld to provide for the punishment of all viola
corder w ith hla reasona for not approving It, and If the M ayor do not so
«h alt » ,
'a (. i i n Ord,7 anc®8 by flne' or flne and im prisonm ent- but no fine quent tax O T^ S M ssm X ’t ’ Jevled’ n n í í ’1 F1al property wh®n *> M for a delta-
return It such ordinance ahall become a law as If he approved of IL
shall exceed $200, o r Im prisonm ent more than one hundred days
CRy o f Springfield, and to sell a n d ^ d i . ^ s e T f o e s a w ? '
aUU,° r “ y ° f
Section 6. Upon the first m eeting of the Council, a fte r the return of
"J 3
W h 8“ a" y person shall be convicted of an offense under
nny-ordlnanoe from the M ayor not pproved, the Recorder shall d eliver the .n v
fa li In
"fh l *
"hal1 * * adJud«e<l to pay a flne and costs, and shall ments as the pubi"c gtw d'm ay rr^ H lret fo, be8H ^ n ? td ,ntK8- tJ adp8' and ®m Ploy-
same to the Council w ith the mesaage of the M ayor which muat be read, rail to pay the same, h e -m a y In addition thereto be sentenced to la b o r
as not prohibited by law.
requlr® t0 h® licensed, taxed or regulated, and
and such ordinance .h a ll then be put upon ita passage again, and If three- oO
f r s.°McRyy ‘u V e ^ f o ’ 2 b "8W 7 '” ' 8nd CO8t’
or P -b llc J S S S
fourths of all members constituting the Council, as then provided by law.
Common n '
1? the char* e of ,h ® Ma™h»l o r other public officer and the hand merchandise"8* ’ * * * ’ atl<l rp<u,ate Junk dealers and dealers In second-
vote In the affirm ntlve It shall thereupon become a law, w ithout tile approval ( r a w on Council may provide such fetters and manacles as m ay be neces
o f the M ayor, and not otherwise.
«ary to .ec u re such person during such term o f iabor
7 ’
eC* 8' exhlblHonsT<sh?wsn a^dU oXfo?ildm1hH?late 8n<1 re8tra,n theatricals and other
49. T o r e 7 X n r dnd ^ M s ^ 1 r e s ¿ T U’ ement8 8nd ahootin« «a"®rlea.
>.u. s ®ctlon **■ T h ® Common Council shall have power and a u th o rltv
w ith in the^corporate lim its of foe C ity of S p rin g fie ld :-^
auth ority
50. To provide f o / f o j p rr7em ion
re" ° r , personal Property,
fa c tio n 1. T he Recorder shall be the Judicial officer of the elty and
shall have Jurisdiction of all offenses against the city or any ordinance there­ .11 nroDertv" h?ih ^ 1 « i t ' " “1 ' 8Xe8, '21 * ” n®rnl »nd municipal purposes on from the streets, alleys, crosswalks nnd nid81" 1 ¿®m ova* r'f all obstructions
sidewalks, and for the cleaning and
. P* r8° na'' w ,th ln th ® C“ T » m ils which Is taxable rep airin g of the same.
of, and may fine or com m it persons found g u ilty thereof, and shall hold a bv la ? fo i H t ^ h , t
court therein at such place as the Council shall designate nr provide, which i»y la w rnr state and county purposes..
T o ProT,d4 for the survey of blocks, streets and alleys of the city anee or any u n i r J f o l ^ o / f o O e ^ t ’ p r a c t l M ^ i n d " ' l.l,arrelinK and disturb-
said court shall be known and designated as the “ Recorder's Court." H e . „ j
m oecent practice, and to define what shall const!-
a id for m aking and establishing the boundary lines of s a il blocks and tute the same.
shall have authority to Issue process for the arrest of persons accused of i
,h: n,a n i u K ° r " ’ e 8trPPt8 ani' widening and straightening the
any offense agnlnst the ordinance or laws of the city, and may com mit such
a ir guns and s H n g ’ lio f o ^ f l™ " ¿ tr k g *7?
pl8tols' and flrearms.
person» to Im prisonm ent, or adm it them to hall pending tria l; to Issue suh- flame, and numbering houaea thereon.
k nd8' flrecrackers, bombs, and
eXC,U“ ° n f° rm detonating works of all description
ponea* to ro m p fl witnesses to appear and testify of any cause before him the city lim lt s ^ ^ ’^ m « r X hZ er8« o r d PrOVlde
and to compel obedience thereto; to Issun any and a ll process necessary to
5< E
a » ® -.
To prohibit the throw ing of any filth, garbage, or other Im nurl-
carry Into efTect the Jurigiment or effect o f the Recorder's Court. All civil
C®8 ®r m aterial of any kind Into the W illa m e tte River or into any ofoer
and crim inal proceedings In the Recorder's C ourt for the violation of city
w nter or stream w ith in the city lim its, or any other act by which th e w a te r cars or othe'r n .lí’. l 'á y l 'n??n "uc’h i '?Det?t,, ' e ' V 1" * <I° W" ° f t ™ (' lla for 8trpp‘ -
ordinances or offenses against the city are governed Bnd regulated hy the
» "w ays upon such street or streets as the Council may de­
h ih lU B ta i m p ^ . mlKh' be CP" tattJ“ a ‘ ed' <” • ‘ he genera) health of the in- sígnate.
general laws of the state governing Justices of the peace and Justice's courts,
except that the accused shall not have the rig h t oft tria l hy Jury, unless he
8" d “ d ve rtl" ing noises,
contsalou’se?ndbl|nfh h,?8p" 8l18 nnd ,0 Pf®»®»t foe Introduction and spread steam whistles, ringing bells Pand*to cont'll<i
demand the some before any witnesses are sworn on the tria l of the cause, of
lim its.
l8, and to contro> and Hm it traffic w ithin the city
tine X ’ ^ V f f n t t H t h « S ; . f o ’ * ^
' h” Cl‘ y' and t0 —
P "r
and shall pay Ihe Jury fee for one day and give security for the paym ent of
all costs In such sum as may he designated hy the Recorder, not exceeding
to prevent such |i«rson8h fro<mh ÍK'ggíñg?< de' orm ®d or crippled persons, and
rem? VBl of " ‘ « « " n g w ater and offensive aub-
$100, w ith one or more sureties, who shall Justify In the sum of $800 over stances am " f o ° ^ « . « T
tancea ami to prevent streams from overflowing th e ir banks.
Í3- To provide for the cleaning and sprinkling of the streets and •
and above all debts and liabilities, exclusive o f property exempt from ex­
7. To fill up or drain any lota or blocks where stagnant w ater stands.
ecution, or In lieu thereof deposit w ith the Recorder as security for the coats
Submitted to the People by Resolution
of the Common Council of the
Town of Springfield