THURSDAY .TANUAR7 *~ • iMT T H I 8PRIN0F1ÏLD NFWM TAGE FOUR r alliance early netti week Mr Mat for some time and is >u"lng Rnlshlug Matoon to Movo—A Matoon will "luova into hla new W illamette Heights toon has been constructing the house louche« on this weekend. HUNTLY RESIDENCE IS ENTERED BY BURGLARS Forcing their way through the bar it dtx>r of the M. B Huntty realdoooe at 3SS South Second street, hurglars ransacked at random through the house and escaped unseen with Jew- • tr y and other article» valued at more than MS« The breaking occurred last Bight tevlw.-en 5 and 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs Huntty left the place at 5 o'clock, locking the doors When they returned at 7. they found the back door wide open and entering dis­ covered that the place had been ran­ sacked from end to end by the mar- anti or. The intruder apparently left the bouse in a great hurry, prohab^ as the Huntly automobile entered the yard at 7 o'clock His feet became entangled in tn electric cord lying on the Hour, and he dragged this from ttg socked as he rushed for the door to escape All of Mrs. Huntly's Jewelry was stolen, including eight pairs of ear rings. bar pins, and rings. Police Chief Jess Smitson is in­ vestigating the burgularly on the theory that it was perpretated by the same person or persons responsible for robbery of the High school and l.tacoln school buildings last week- At Bell Theatre Feb uary 1 3 - 1 4 - 1 5 W HAT’S NEW ABOUT NEW PROPOSFD CITY CHARTER Continued from Page 1 making of franchises. If the voter approves of the above changes he should ap­ 8 . H. S. QUINTET TAKES prove of the whole new charter to i»e consistent. To disapprove WHIPPING FOR EUGENE of any other provisions of the charter is to disapprove of the old Springfield High school's basket charter under which he must continue to live should the new hall team took another sound thresh charter be voted down. tu t from Eugene Monday night, when The voters will make no mistake in approving the new the county seat baskethallers gallon­ charter, but disapproving it is to plunge the city into financial ed about the Springfield gymnasium difficulties in regard to the $7.000 fire truck bonds and to perpetu­ and to ss e d in enough baskets to run ate further trouble in disposing of any bonds the city may issue. the count up to 53. leaving Spring field with a paltry three points. The local team did manage to Im­ prove its defensive play, at least, it I» Indicated by comparisons with the game of a week previous, when Eu­ gene won SO odd to 3. But Coach Fenwick's proteges were not able to connect with the basket any better than before, and Eugene’s supero guarding system was working to per- feet ion Changes Listed Following is a list of the chapters and sections of the new charter that are changed from the old: CHAPTER I. No Change. CHAPTER 11. Changes Sections 4, 5. 6 and 7. CHAPTER III. No Change. CHAPTER IV. No Changes. CHAPTER V. Change Sections 2 and 7. CHAPTER VI. No Changes. CHAPTER VII. Changes Sections 5, 9, 18 and 63. CHAPTER VIII. Ail New. CHAPTER IX. Changes Sections 7. 10. 16. 17. 191 and 27. NEW FRESHMAN CL ASS OF Axminster. Tapestry Brussels, Wilton Velv ts, Kicartlax Linen, and other grades CHAPTER X. No Changes. room sizes—for below regular prices. HIGH SCHOOL PROBABLE CHAPTER XI. Change Section 12. $37.50 "Lincolnshire" Revers­ CHAPTER XII. Change Section 13. $65.00 Heavy 9x12 BusSorab Twenty ooe members of the Eight ible Wool Rugs, in pleasing Axminster Rugs, all of A grade of the Springfield Junior color combinations, 9 x 12 Trade for Larger Farm them perfect, choice of high school are taking state examina­ Moshisra in California— Word has room sizes, now ................ 5 Acres close In. This place has , tions this week seeking certificates been received here from Mr. and Mr« several designs and colors. ■which will provide for their entrance R. E. Moshier. who are on an extend­ good orchard, all kinds of berries, 5 1 $1.25 Rag Rugs. 24x48 inches, in the Into the high school ed trip which will eventually carry , room plaatered house, garage and hen I $70.00 fine quality seamless ’’ontilsr "Hit and Miss" patterns, According to Superintendent V. P. them into the east At the time i f house. An ideal place for some gar 1-1 AxminBter Rugs, all per­ just the thing for scatter rugs, Bain, a new high school freshman writing they were n California, and I ener. Let ua show you this place. ' fect rugs and latest In now class probably will be formed by the declared that they were enjoying Wm. Vasby. 312 Main St. designs. 9x12 room size, neophytes. Returns from the state every foot of the Journey Mr. Mosh­ now ......... — ................. $ 19.00 Klearfiax Linen Rugs In tests will be received in about a week, ier recently sold hla Interest» in the CARO OF T H A N K S roBe color only. This Is a according to Superintendent Bain. Our entire stock of importe«! creamery here. wonderful long wearing rug — ■ — a “Numdah" Oriental Rugs, fresh We wish to thank our many friends nnd will last. 9x12 size- Here From Eugene— Mrs E M. Baby Son Born — Mr. and Mrs. for their kindness and sympathy Id from India, all colors and size;, now ... ...................-..... ....... Banta and Mrs. E. R. Shank of Eu­ Francis M. Dowdy of W alterrille are our most recent bereavement. Also for reduced ...................- ................ O ■_/ 70 Room Size Rugs Enter the Sale $28.65 $46.85 79c $54.35 gene were among out-of-town visitors the parents of a baby son. born Sun­ the beautiful flowers. here Friday Mrs Martha A. English and family. day. * In $24.50 SUPERLATIVE VALUE—A: a JANUARY SALE FEATURE PRICE A— B Buffet Range Where Quality Meets Confidence Phone 2233 Shopping News The “Aristrocrat” of Ranges $ Phone 2233 For Quality, Meichandise and Low Prices Trade at Pilcher’s Department Store Pequot Pequot Pillow Cases 42x36 Each 45x36 Each the Standard Sheeting of the U. 8. A. 39c 45c Pequot Pillow Tubing 8- 4 Bleached .............. 55c yard 9- 4 Bleached ..... ..........60c yard 10- 4 Bleached 65c yard 42 Inch, Reach ................ 42c 45 Inch, Each ............... 45c 8-4 Unbleached ......... 49c yard •-4 Unbleached ............55c yard Sheets 10-4 Unbleached ........ 60c yard 81x90 Seamless. A very good one. Special at ..._...... 98c Ea. Pequot Sheets 63x90 72x90 81x90 81x99 81x108 Each Each Each Each Each ................... ........... ............... ...... ......... $5 Cash- Men’s Bib $2 Week 98c Pair Last Spring we sold this same overall at $1.29 pair, later in the season it was reduced to $1.15 a pair, and now marked down to 98c pair, this season's est­ ablished price. Pillow Cases $1.29 Cotton Blankets $1.39 42x36 A wonderful bargain at $1.49 this price.................... 25c Each A Special Purchase. Size 64x76 Double. In Tan, Grey and $1.69 Bleached Muslin $1.69 Hope ......................... $1.49 15c yard White, Special at Pilchers’s Department Store Seth Laraway Successor Complete with Water Coils Overalls At a new price. Overalls 78 .50 A. A. McDonald, Manager Laraway Bldg., 9 6 6 -9 6 8 W illamette Street, Eugene, Oregon Where Quality Meets Confidence A modern range for tlie modern kltche ». The newest of the long line of A-B “Aristrocrat» " Only 35 Inches wide, 32 inches high. Rustproof. Ovens made of Wilder Metal (aluminum). Inside flues and Hide wills enameled on both sides. I^arge ovens fitted with direct contact thermometer. Whl e porcelain bark splashers, oven panels and legs. Black enamel body -sanitary and easy to clean. Extra large firebox and duplex grates. Free With Each Range Sold Thi» Week Choice of 18 PIECE ALUMINUM COOKING SET 32 PIECE DINNER SET 50 PIECE GROCERY ORDER USE YOUR CREDIT ETHERBEE -P O W E R S