TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY JANUARY 20, 1927 b, * TOWN AND VICINITY | PAOB TI N e w Year Photograph I Cray H»r*— Iru Gray of ThunRoi Here For Treatment— Hick Holter on Monday tranaaolod bunlti«»» hero. of W altervllle waa In Hprlngfleld for Hara From W»ndilng—-Mr* Mary medical treatment yeaterday. •42 Willamette St.. Eugene, Oregon. Greer of Wondltng waa a vlsttar hara Whittaker Mere— Kd Whittaker of late la»l w»»k. Thuratnn waa a bualneae vlallor here I Visit From W altervllle— Mr an I yeaterday Mra. H a iry Jaihaon of Waltervtllo Visit Kltklna' Home— Mr and Mra ware vlallor» here Friday. Fred Freae on Hunday vlalted at the Haro From Flata—Mhorman Conrad Kltklna realdence near Hprlngfleld. Winter Week of White Give Attention to Home Needs Now With Our Economy Offerings! t,f Collar Fata epeflt « narl of Monday T o n a lla R em oved— W . T Orury of tranaarllna boalnoaa hers. Jaaper wua a visitor in Hprlngfleld At a local surgeon’s office Hara From Thuraton— Mra. Churl»« yeaterday Taylor of Tbnralon wan In the cl’y he underwent a tonall operation. for n ahorl Hina Friday, Vielte Albany and Corvallla— M l « Clara Wyaa on Hunday motor«*» Corvallla and Albany. A rm ite g e Tburalon Monday. o Shiningly w hite— an array o f Household Fights for Primary Supplies greets you this week in our Stores Mere— Alvy Armltage of waa a Hprlngfleld vlallor — and reminds you to supply your needs now — here, where savings are greatest! Karhan In—Jim Karhan of Hend­ rick» Brtdsa traaeactcd buulneaa bare Monday. Family Quarantined— The J. O Hot* dan family of Chaaa Gardena la quar- antlnad with amallpox Bridge Aaaldanta Here—Joa and ■ Albert .Hart of Hendrick» Bridge were I bualneaa vlaltora here Monday Qoehen Reeldente Here— Mr an I Mra Marlon llarpol«1 of Uoahen were i vlaltora bare Monday (A+OQOA* An excellent new photograph of The President and Mrs. Coolidge lA km on the W hite House steps N tw Year day. Mra. Coolidge cele­ brated her 43th birthday on January 3. Roy Qlaae Here—Koy Olsaa of Motor Route II waa a vlallor here Sal urday. Vielte Rebhan Realdence— Deright O'Dell of Fnleni vlallad over the week-1 end at the residence of Hr. and Mr». W. C. Rebhan. W allace In— M L. Wallace an l I dauabter and W aller W allate. all of i Jaaper, vlalted In Sprlnafleld Satur day. lA^rooeeTam Fortner Senator Beveridge of In­ diana Is loading the fight in his state In defenae of the Prim ary law which the politicians of both par­ ties are trying to have repealed for a return to the old boss-ridden con­ vention system. Undergoes Tonsils Removed— Helen Hartley, dultahter of Harold Hartley, under went a tonall and adenoid operation at a local «urgent!« office Saturdty morning. O peration— Mrs. Tony Grsvoa underwent an operation at th Paclflc Christian hospital Bunday evening. Mrn. Ruby Smith Is assist­ ing at tile Drop Inn cafe during Mrs. Gravo's Illness M o to r R e b u ild in g JOINT INSTALLATION CONDUCTED BY LODGES P len ty o f Time to D ress Cylinder and Crank Shaft Regrinding for dinner, or for company, or for that automobile trip or visit to friends right after the evening meal for the housewife, who has not lost time shopping around. S h ea used her telephone and our tele­ phone service to bring her food. Telephoning for food to The White Front Grocery is safe - We deliver EXACTLY the goods she order». Are you using this time-saving, money-saving service? F Pembrooke & Moritz, Inc. Wholesome groceries mean good meals. Good meals means happy families. And happy families are healthy families. Keep your family healthy and happy by getting your groceries here. Always the best—al­ ways the lowest price. A full supply of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits GRAYS CASH 5C AR R V YOU BELIEVE Eugene, Oregon 73 W. Sth St. C iv ic C lu b to M e e t New officer» of the Springfield Wo­ men s Civic Club will preside at the J- til* installation of officers was I regular meeting to be conducted at i i t . . i.„ t night at the W. O. W. hall the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday by the Mu -rn Woodmen and Royal even ng. January 25. AH women of S;r!ntfleld. regardless of membership Mgfgbbcr tailed In the Woodmen are urged to attend the meeting, of- flffi B. Cc?rs of the club declare. The pur­ H l.lth rrlT d . rets:. a ln j. »dvtser; W ll! Vaughn. pose of the club, they say, is to In­ V. . J r. Vaugh". I: • . end clude in its membership all the wo­ clerk men of the city. C? '?» Meyers, escort. The meeting time is 7:30 o'clock. Th Roytl ‘'"highborn ln.Mal ' X.n, Pearl McKinnon* as oracle- M Ila M c r locfc. vlte-oracle; .Mrs. F li.a Baby G irl B o re — M r and M rs V e r n ­ Htearmer. past oracle; Mrs. G eirtla on Harper are the happy parents of a Nettleton, chaplain; Mrs. Ira Scrlv- baby daughter, born early yesterday ner. recorder; Mrs. Ilia Cline, receiv­ morning. The newcomer tipped the er; Mss El»a Lambert, marshal; seal«)» at eight pounds. Alice Peterson. Inner sentinel and Emma Olson, outer sentinel. FOR RENT ■I Good houses close in. Also some FOR 8ALB—Carbon paper In large sheets. Iflx3S Inches, suitable loi good fprnished apts. Call Wm. Vasby making tracings The N - » ’ Office 312 Main St. Phone Î3-J. When Experience Counts Experience in gnruge service counts when the unusual Hit nation Is to be met when the dlfflouR repair job rolls up to the door. Tim apprentice cannot tackle such work with satisfaction to anyone concerned—It takes experienc­ ed men. / IN BUYING WHERE YOU CAN GET THE BEST FOR THE LEAST. THEN EVENTUALLY YOU ARE GOING TO BE A CUSTOMER OF OURS. WHY NOT BEGIN NOW? A VISIT WILL CON­ VINCE YOU. We Specialize in Repair Work on All Makes of Cars Service Plus Quality Make Your Dollars W ork You work hard for your dollars are they working for you? Make them. Deposit a few here in a Savings Account and they will be working for you night and day, earning the interest we pay. Later, when yon are too old to work, these dollars will make your old age one of peace and comfort. You “would not be dependent on anyone NOW for the world. Neither will you want to be dependent on anyone LATER There is no need to be if you make every pay day count and save something for the future. When You Need A New Tire Try the GOODYEAR BALLOON CORD or Regular Sixes The Best Gas in Town Oils That Lubricate Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System Standard Auto Accessories A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Springfield Garage Phone Phone 9-WHITE FRONT GR0GERÏ-9 “You Can’t Wise It" W. H. ADRIAN, Prop. z Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon