THK SPRING FIBLD NEWS t AOS THURSDAY JANUARY 20. 1927 TWO Lane County Farmers Union News ____- O F F IC IA L FARM R EM INDERS H A N D LIN G OREGON FR U IT SH O R T COURSE SUBJECT Oregon Agricultural College. Cor ' House fern» »tu ck ed by scale m- vallis January SO—A general dis u: sect* »re controlled by fn q u en t ap- »Ion of the handling of fruit will be licattons of » common laundry soap, conducted by H Hartman, horticul-j says the entom ologist of the Oregon turlst of the experiment station, at station. One-quarter pound of aoap the sixth annual canner s school. is used to one gallon of water. It Is beat to wash the solution from the February 7 to 25. Professor Hartman has been carry plants about two hours after applies ing on experiment» for the past few , tlon years collocting data on determining ——----------------- — the maturity of fruit and the relation winter is the time Oregon of the time of picking to keeping and f!4rmers get their spray machinery In canning quality. Fruit storage, dis- ’ „.„.ilness for the spraying season, eases or fruit in storage and manage- , h„ Oregon experiment station ment of fruit storage plants will be som e orchardists find It necessary to covered in these discussions. increase the spray outfits because of A. G. Bouquet, professor of »ego orchard growth With the spray ap table gardening, will lecture and lead paratus in good working condition _ — __ aV.w insiU'tS IS discussions on the choice of varieties the spray for the control of Insects Is and Influence of seed strains on the put on at the right time, thus saving yield and quality of canning vege­ many dollars to the growers. tables. Methods of culture of vege­ tables for the factory and the grow- Oyster shell scale on apples pro­ M«‘ problems In producing the raw m ises to be an Important pest In Ore­ vegetable product for the cannery will gon in the coming season, says the he covered . - , experiment station Growers who Many other phases of commercial pear shaped scales on anning wtll be dealt with by special fruit examine the bark .ts of the college and other rerntnV- he|r (or (he scale. This part d authority. Registration will be is controlled by spraying with llme- tonday. February 7. ! sulfur. 12 gallons of the concentrated solution to 100 gallons of water, am C A L L A N D SE E Dr « W . Em ery plied in February. in prices on plate and other work. If KAN TLEEK Hot Water Bottle« w e N K rm C iN R U B R IC A T IO N ■ a LA O U T N V T Y UNIT U N IT isO. nO H — ' — "Ths General“ Coming her life at Thurston, and died at the Pacific Chriatlan hospital January 11. After negotiating sin es November l The funeral was selil at Veatche's for a data for presentation of "The Chapel January 15 The aervleoa General.'' Busier Keaton picture wltn were conducted hy K V. Strlvcr». Its locale In Lane county, Manarger Jack Larson of the llell Theatre an GARDEN WAY nounced today that the show will te> here February 13. 14 ami 15 < ullage AM ERICA’S GREAT CORN BELT TH R E A TE N E D AS At a recent meeting of the Bunahlne Grove was the center of activities of ALL A T T E M P T S TO H A LT EUROPEAN BORER FAIL t’lub which was held at the home of I Keaton’s compauy last summer dur* Mrs I'll»». Cole, the ladles decided i , « e , to o n im llig of "The General, and Appropriation «■» and contribute clothing for a many Sprlpgleld residents visited hi» Exparts Estimata $3,000,000 Fcdoral Farm newly family. The work will be done Grove Io watch the taking of the pic* and Fifty Mile Quarantine Belt will Be Neces­ nt the next meeting which will be held ture. sary To H alt Pest's West-' at the home of Mrs heater Cyr. Tltoae ward March who were present were Mr» H. 1. Chase. Mrs Martin Chase, Maude i W ritten especially for The Springfield News Chase. Mrs. Homer Chase. Mrs. Murk I By ROBERT FULLER _ _________ Cole. Mrs. C. Cole. Mrs Lester Cyr. i Chicago. Jan. 20—-Farm ers hi America's great corn belt. In Mr» Geo Fi»h. Mr» J Fish. Mrs. \\ Geo dlana to the Rockies, are troubled over the advance of the Rum- R “ Hardie. Mrs < ’-» Harrington. Mrs. FR I. - SAT. - JAN. 21 - 22 pean corn borer. Reports that the destructive worm has pushed U. G McKlhnny. Mrs. \V J I’engra. westward as far as Kalamazoo. Mich., have led to conferences Mrs Dewey Kay and Mrs H. B. Wyll- Richard Dix and Lois Wilson In Mr. and Mrs. O. It Ftsh and son I * betiween farm ers and the couut agents to devise some effective Gilbert, and John Lynch were guests <1 »» M a i T l cd defense against the pest. the llrlg<'» home Sunday ___________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Among tire proposals already made to combat the borer a r e , •• Ira Cline has returned from a s»v a $3,000,000 Federal appropriation and a fifty-mile quarantine eral months' stay at Sheridan, Mo SUNDAY — JANUARY 23 belt around the infested region . Mr n|ne h-(| ,o h|, old E l‘ rone O'Brien and in the lust h„n„, wtth ,h„ intention in„ nu„ of . The borer has done m uch damage In Iasi two or three Mlsilourl Mt!i#()Url h„ni„ of * a » a. »1 . k. — 1 . l.A tl.A it .. InMii, »11,1 la'»» I»»ASsriiXtXU c /live Borden In years on both sides of A the lakes In the Ontario and Krie regions. r „ midnln ) t ums «, but the lure of the in this V country hit hardest ... are - western — New York, West. Wr|>( Oregon, was too ■ II XIIIO A’U lltlJ the X S»g- districts itio»nc»o sail A Great Pestilence Spreading Throughout The Country Bell Theatre northern Pennsylvania. Ohio and southern Michigan Spreads Despite Three Year Fight In these regions the quarantine method has already been tried, but on a sm aller scale. .Motorists then* are fam iliar with waving lanterns that force hasty applications of brakes at night aloug the roads leading from an infested county to one free from the pest. S tate and Federal agents in these states have halted millions of autom obiles in an attem pt to prevent the westward spread of the borer, but its appearance in regions beyond the Insects cause an annual average quarantine indicates the m ethod is ineffectual. loss In Oregon of 10 per cent or $500.- Grave danger faces the farm ers of til«* corn belt If the borer 000 to the vegetable growers, »ays should succeed in digging himself in there. The borer might do Don C. Mote, entom ollglst of the ex m ore dam age here than the boll weevil did in its raids on the périment »tatlon. Vegetables suffer South, for this region is the center of the nation’s corn and pork tw ice a» much as other crops from i production and of the dairy industry. : Insect ravages, he says. This westward advance of the coni borer Is consequently of Vegetable growing is becoming a ' great im portance to the nation at large. • _____ __ I prominent industry In Oregon, pro- The borer is a non-quota Immigrant from east central Eur- i feasor Mote asserts. Vegetables now i ope. Although it has done much dam age in Europe, this has , grown in Oregon exclusively for sale been lessened by the fa tt that the farm ers there use every scrap bring more than I million dollars an­ of stalk. Since the borer lives in stalks and stubble through the nually. In addition to the commer w inter even though the tem jierature drops to 40 below, It will be ! clal crop the farm garden has a value i m ore difficult to prevent its spread and consequent dam age in ‘ of 3 million dollars. I this country w here much of the stalk is left standing. Tiny Moths Have Range of Twenty Miles During the past five year» severtl W arm w eather finds the borer laying eggs which hatch into truck crops such as broccoli, lettuce and celery have developed a shipping m oths able to fly tw enty miles further irtto unlnfested territory. business The pack of cannery vege­ Eating as it goes the borer burrows up the stalk until the corn tables h »/ also greatly Increase,! in breaks and falls over before the ears have ripened. Som etimes It the last live years. Greenhouses are i even devours the ears themselves. Although no effectual remedy has been found, it has been springing up everywhere. The larg­ est greenhouse in the state was built discovered that a wasp-like parasite feeds on the borer. In gen eral, though, the best remedy known at present it to cut the corn in 1»23. I t . , r. ,re the best we ever had. Finest Return From Spokane Mrs. Os­ born Pratt and mother In law v ere here Saturday en route for their home at Goshen following a visit at Spokane, Washington. with Mrs. Pro«'» stater. Mrs. Roy Patterson. ____ ___________ s A C H A N C E TO ilece. so they can t leak. No n t i t t ° « _____ BUY A HOUSE AND GET latches, seams, splices or bind- IT P A I N T E D FREE ’ara Rubber, moulded in one Guaranteed for two years as early as possible and to destroy all the crop not list'd or put it in silos, where the borer dies, and to plant some other crop the following year. Such remedy would be more difficult In the corn belt than in the regions of more diversified farming. Community News UPPER W IL L A M E T T E I have taken over the A. F Flowers real estate businen» and have opened The member» of the Chrtatlan En­ my oIBce at 312 Main street. To the deavor »oclety are busy practicing first party buying a house through ! for their play "The Deacon'» Honey­ thia office 1 will give four gallons of moon” which they hope to give the Heath t Milligan high grade bunga last of January. low paint. So now is your chance to, Several members of the Christian buy that house and have it painted Endeavor society went to Eugene at the same time. Sunday night to attend the revival By Special Corraapondanta TH U R STO N much for him. r.iiun a Kdlth anil Alma Ij»nd»berry of springfleM were gue»t» of Alma Flatt ..... . Sunday Friends of Henry llukrlede received new» ot hl» death which occurred re­ cently at Fllmore, California M' llukrlede formerly owned the Fish llopyurd Ava Erdman of Eugene vtalted with her mother. Mr» Erdman Sunday. Watch repairing done correctly Work In today—-Gut tomorrow. Hoyt 321 Main at. U CALL AND SEE Dr N W Emery on price» on plate and other work, it New Cash Discount System We linve put Into operation it new Cash Diwount Sys­ tem which we believe will help our cuBtOinen* a« Well as oursdvtMt. Our Idea 1» to do away ua n inth ua pomilble with the trouble and expense of keeping book« The sys­ tem 1« «iniilar to the Green Trading Stump, hut much bet­ ter. With us you get 6O4;i more discount than with the Green Stamp, and It 1« much easier to handle. With eacn cash purchase you get a ticket with date and am ount o. purchased printed on It. When you return $20.00 worth of these ticket« we pay you BOc In ca«h;- For example; If you purchase I10.00 w orth per m onth, th at mean» you save $0.00 |ier year on your m eat bill, and for us It mean« the ca«h we get today we can put Into stock tomorrow. Keep our money moving and thereby give better value« to you. Any of our customer« who may not for any reason de «¡re to take advantage of the Cash Discount but prefer to run an account from month to m onth may do «0. We will take care of their order« the sam e a« we have In the pa»t. Several case» of chicken-pox have been reported. Jimmie Hill and Prank Campbell are the most recent victims. Miss Mildred Price ha» recently accepted a school near trlltcoo« Lake where she will finish »the term. Mrs U zzle Gray went to Eugene tggiaennBaMBBMBSBHBwassMgaBSNOTBSBBaMBainasaMBSSHBMiBMMMaanBBanB W. M. VASBY, Real Eestate, services being held there. Monday to visit her little grand 312 Main St. D. O. U nion and Bruce Wheeler daughter, Betty Jean, who underwent were chosen as elders to take the an operation at the Northwest H os­ place of W. I.. Bristow, who resigned pital. because of his health. Several motored to Junction City' The debating team s at the Pleas­ to see Buster Keaton in “The Gen i ant Hill high school are working hatd eral'’ which was filmed at Cottage I Grove last summer. for (he coming debates. The Pleasant Hill high school Mr. Morly. a Jewelor from South I basketball teams played the Walker Africa was an Interesting visitor nt teams at Walker Thursday Jan. 13. Thurston Sul day. The Pleasant Hill girls won by a Ed Whittaker who has been III ex­ score of 24 to 9. while the boy» suf­ pects to change climate soon. fered their first defeat the score be­ Perry Price, a graduate oB the Is like Profit Sharing with our customers. Family needs ing 17 to 9 In favor of Walker. Two Thurston High school was recently of the second team snbstltnted on and all your personal wants can be supplied here at a pledged Pl Kappa Phi at O. A. C. i the Pleasant Hill team as two of the Mrs. laiura Hadley Is visiting tier regular learn were ont on account of Great Saving. mother, Mrs. Needham. sickness. There will be an all day meeting After a siege of the flu. all the of the Ladles Aid at the church Linton family are well and back in Thursday. Men are Invited to conje school again. Jerry Kahler Is sick with a severe and help fix up the grounds. There will be a lunch served at noon. cold and flu. W alterville District Sunlay School Five thousand baby chicks will be received from the Inwood Leghorn Conference was I'"'' at the church Clearing the racks at Coats and dresses f o r farm near Corvallis this week by two Sunday afternoon. Cleanup Prices Open Door to Business poultry raisers of the Pleasant Hill! Leaburg Sunday School won the Ladies, Misses and Child­ The business man is now accessible by another Men's Suits, llstrlct. and 4400 will arrive February, banner for which the various schools I r<>“,c »£««» through the nil doorway — ...........way privat o f his privits have been contesting. 1st. ren for Less Than Cost. A business call h y l on/t D ,ilal, „ 1,1, Boys' Suits Teddy Leavitt the ' evangelist h a»t Mrs. Rena Edmlston Is visiting her merits ■ prompt answer and gain s immediate Ladies Rain Coats, 5 2 . been engaged to hold a series of re-; daughter, Hazel, at. Ashland. interest and attention. O'Coats ____ Mrs. Jennie Edmlston returned to, * vlval meetings at Pleasant Hill n etti Increasingly, business houses are augmenting Childrens Rain Coats, 2 . 39 Eugene Tuesday to take care of her Men’s Union Suits summer. regular salesmen's visits by "in-between" Long daughter. Mrs. Rosa Baugham, who Berry Manney and Daisy Winfrey ■ Distance calls. Results: Larger volume o f but’ -m e lot Silk Dresses, 5 .9 3 Boys Union Suits nest and quicker turnover »t e reduced selling represented the Pleasant Hill high Is 111. Harvey Calvert, who has had a cost, ff Many new and p r a c tic a l use» o f Long school at the conference In Eugene Distance are no doubt applicable to y»«r busi­ severe attack of the flu was able to last Friday. M EN'S BOOTS$ 2.95, $3.45. $3/95 — 10” Pack $3.15 ness. These will be ch eerfu lly discussed with Many of the radio fans are very attend school Monday. you upon request to the Business Office o f ths BOYS’ BOOTS $1.98. $2.45, $2.95 — W ORK SHOES $1.89 Mr. De Witt from Seattle was ft enthusiastic over the concerts being Telephone Company. broadcasted by KOEH Eugene. Ore- victim of the flu while visiting at M EN'S DRESS SHOES $2.45, $3.95 — BOYS DRESS $1.89 ¿«eg V'tlaHc. gon. The concert Sunday night by the Weaver home. Many grieve the death ol Mrs. Melba Williams and Engeas Ml LADIES DRESS PUMPS and OXFORDS $1.95 and $2.95 Carrla Byler, ho had lived mo»t of Tire PACIFIC UBLFPUONE AND TELEGRAPJI COMPANY Gawles earns over tbs sir perfectly. $2.50 Flanery’s Drug Store Swarts & Washburne Breier’s Great Million Dollar Sale Men’s - Boys’ Wear LADIES’ Ready-to-wear iTTZ? $ 1 4 .5 0 4 .9 5 11.50 J1.00 69C