PAGE 7KN THURSDAY JANUARY 80, 1927 T H K SPR IN G FIELD NEWS Sprintisi« Ceuple Weds Miss Nellie Nesbitt and Uvula Tib AT U. OF O. CONFERENCE bel of dprlnglteld were married last MILLS UNDER SLOW BELL QUINTET SAT. NIGHT Ralurday al the courthouse In Kugeno Portland. Jan. 10 • tSpecial) ■ Kui Vnlveratty of Oregon, Kugcne. Jan. i University of Oregon. Eugene. Jan 30 by County Judge V. P. Barnard. The high _____________________________________ployment In the Pacific Northwest ‘ j®- (S p e c ia lI- With eleven victories I — (H feclali Four Hprugltold couple la residing here. school students attended the seventh return», the personal exemption of ha* b**'° »Med somewhat during the M 1 M , M B av, rM a I'arttaaS. Ore.. Jan M— For the in »3500 mav be taken bv either or P**' w**k »*>•“ logging was resumed I scored , In . every gSUte _ played , , this . . year, annual high school conference al (he I CALL ANO BCR Or N. W Bmw>y , aad guidaaee of tndivMa n o m may oe lasen oy rim er ,lr Vnlverally this week-end divided beetween them « <’» » l * *“ '»»* «r dtatrl..»! * ’ on priesa on plate and other verb t? at* ia preparing their returns. Clyde More lhau 500 students from all In .aw . the statu . „ . , . . . . fr"m •»«>»*"» O'*«»» “> '"e Cans ’ ,h * Or*«u“ basket hall lean, will at- • Hustle», collector of Internal rev- chaBM . tortus, th . . . *KI * . dlaB line. according to the 4-L em ploy- j ‘«“ P' "••*« «k* Invasion of the parla of (he slate, representing nearlv eaae. today lasued a statement ia change, during the taxable year, t h . . ^ h' working in- A. E Roberta. l*realdetit i The normal (ax is 11« per cent oa cloned. Planing and shipping d e p a r t - 1 ,h - ,r new P"a l,'»»g »«"' Oregon emption A catalogue, telling about our Secretarial, Bookkeep­ Every individual claiming to be : the first »4000 of taxable Income; 3 ments are running as required by tans have commented on the (endem-v > ing and Stenographic Courses, aent free to any address, -head of a fa m ily mast tile a return p,,rcent on ’* 7 » d »<*»- •»<» orders More men than Jobs I« the re of ,he ,hr*M’ »•’, »ra» a ,0 hoW “ >« •» « upon request. if be has a net income o f ,15««. or P* r th* ba,an* * port from every district ur paM “ am“ “* them selves to the exclusion of the newcomers Monday Is enrollment day. were, regardless of the fact that, as' The tax majr *** •**’* *“ fu" at 'he ' such. he in entitled to the same per- ,im *‘ lh* relurn *• nl«d or the tax-J Recovers Car , Coach Bill Reinhart has worked sonai exemption as a married man. payer may hls ,a * ,n ««••rterly I I hard to eliminate any evidence of Installments of 35 per cent each on »3500 an« »4P« for each dependent. A car stolen from Salem was found "leading lady" basket-ball, and the ro- Phone 666 992 Willamette Street Eugene, Oregon A head of a family" Is defined as March JS- June l s - September IS. |n d a t the auto park near the Springfield suits seem constantly better. Idaho -an individual who actually supports December 15. respectively. bridge Friday by P o lice. Chief Jess has a well balanced team with a and maintains in one household one ,n order to avoid penalttea for d e Smltson. The car has been driven powerful offensive and a brilliant d« or more individuals who are closely Hnquency. returns must reach the o f into the Oak shruba ami abandon.-1 fenslve. connected with him by blood relation- rt<* “f Collector Huntley In Portlani nfter It had been virtually ruined by In order to accomodate the huge ship, relationship by marriage, or by »<»« '«ter than midnight. Msr'-h 15. ac careless driving the local official yrowd unt:clpaled arrangements have adoytion. and whose right to exercise companied by the payment of at least found. It was returned to Sulem Mon been made for the seating, of «000 fttmilv control and provide for these 25 l* nt of ,h e amount of the day fans. dependent individuals is based upon tax- noti>“ moral or legal obligation." " ' ------ ------ I rsonsl exemptions are the same a Strange W ill as last year, being as follows; _ _ _ f ’ 500 for a single person, or a mar- An unusual will Is that of of Charles Don’t get an idea that picture-making Is strictly a summ,er Tied oerson not living with husband Millar of Toronto, who left »800.00 sport. m worth of brewery shares to Methodist Ench ingredient of PERFECTION Bread ia «elected »3500 for a married person who m inisters of the Toronto conference, The woods, fields, «»reams, etc. will provide some attractive with ’he utmost care. It must pass a rigid teat for purity. lived with husbaiw or wife throughout while »25.00 in shares In a Jockey club scenes for winter photos. It must be fully up to our high standard of quality. When the taxable year; j are bequeathed to two lawyers and baked in our sanitary shop, it provides a wholesome food. »350« for any person who was head Rev. Benjamin Spence of the Prohlbi- Then, too, you can take indoor pictures. It will provide amusement and entertainment for vour friends. of a family throughout the taxable tion Union, one-third to each. Give the children plenty of bread to eat. It contains Data on Income Tax is Given By Revenue Collector FIR CAMPS RESUMING; OREGON PLAYS IDAHO 4 SPRINGFIELD STUDENTS EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL ■m Load Up Youi Camera and Get Ready to Snap Some Attractive Winter Scenes Bread Is Wholesome Should any of the beneficiaries of »400 for each dependent this peculiar will refuse to accept » dependent is defined as “a pep- their bequests, these sums are to re- Wm. ether than husband or wife. main In the estate. At the end of wnder IS years of age. or incapable nine years all property left In the of self-surport because mentally or estate It to be sold and the proceeds Physically defective, who was receir-| given to the parents of the largest fng his chief support from the tax- number of children born in the prov . payer on the last day of the taxable Ince of Ontario within the nine years, year. This credit can be claimed by Considerable Interest 1s aroused the person who furnishes the chief over whether the preachers will ac- support and cannot be divided be- cept this brewery and racetrack *w**n two Individuals." 1 money. It may cause them some If husband and wife file separate searching ot conscience to decide. j About l/ou r H ealth Things You Should Know Coming to Eugene Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST nun ilmi by lohn Joseph Osine», M D VENTILATION in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years DOES NOT OPERATE the best nourishment for young growing bodies. Our line of THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY Perklns-Laxton Bldg Fred Frese, Prop. Phone 66 Fifth Street PHOTO SUPPLIES Is very copiplete. We buy at frequent Intervals so as to insure freshness of films, etc. We are Agent» for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies K etel’s Drug Store GIVE YOUR FAMILY ICE CREAM EVERY DAY Ice cream is not only a delightful confection, the wav ours is made, but it is also one of the best foodH you can serve. It is full of vitalizing food elements. Buy your ice cream and candys at a confectionery store. EGGIMANN’S Will be at M o nd ay J a n u a ry 31 Ventilation in winter is a prob­ Office H o u rs : 10 a. m . to 4 p. m lem of first importance. There ia bo doubt that ill-ventilated apart­ ONE DAY ONLY ments make for ill-health. Rarely do we find a family now-a-days No Charges for Consultation _ without one or more sufferers from respiratory infections. Dr Melliothin is a regular graduate ' I want to emphasize at the out­ ' in medicine and surgery and Is lie -! set however, that warm air does not enged by the state of Oregon. mean impure air, by any means; He does not operate for chronic ap- 1 »either may we look on cold air as pendicltis. gall stones, ulcers of the I always being “fresh air.” One of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. Oie essentials of air in the living- He has to hls credit wonderful re­ room is, that it be comfortable to sults in diseases of the stomach, liver, R.e occupants; great or sudden bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, ««nations in temperatura may ba j kidney, bladder, bed wetting, cat- aaceedingly harmful. / , arrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatl- Circulating air is better than 1 ca, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. rtagnated; the outlet for over- Below are the names of a few i t keated, or foul air should be at the hls many satisfied patients In Oregon. highest point in the living apart­ Mrs. L. L. Peetz, Moro, heart ment; the inlet for out-door air at i trouble. the lowest. If front doors are Mrs. F. F. Hager, (daughter Marie) •pened and closed frequently dur­ | Walton tonsils and adenoids. ing days and, plenty of Mrs. E. C. Mulloy, Hillsboro, ulcer eut-door air may be admitted in I of the leg. that way; and, air should be held Mrs. N els Peterson, Skamokawa, inside, long enough to be warmed ■ Wash., colitis. by the heating-plant It is there­ fore evident that, the outlet for air Orover C. Oouthler, Coquille, O re, •hmiid be smaller than the opening ' colitis and ulcers of the stomach. for in tA e. Mrs. Carl Johnson, Marshfield, ear , f00™ '* generally to ! trouble. be loolfprrnpon with suspicion. No J. W. Turner. Dallas, stomach trou- matter if It be a public hall, I ble a church, a theatre, or any place »*ed on oceaalon*. Public halls E. A. Russell, Klamath Falls, ap should be tTMrted with formalde­ pendicitis. hyde two or three times a week; Remember the above date, that, the air should be changed daily. A bedroom should aiwayg ue left wide consultation on this trip will be free open after occupation,—the bed­ and that hls treatment is different. ding thoroughly “aired” and fre­ Married women must be accom­ quent sprinklings with a olution panied by their husbands of formaldehyde may prevent many Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los a respiratory infection. People khow th things, but so many Angeles, California. i neglect the»«. J 3-20-27: ------ | O sborn H o te l. Rich in Romance —the colorful journey east You will scarcely know through the sou th land your own rooms Sunny days. Languorous breezes. Great cities—San Francisco, Los An­ geles, El Paso, New Orleans. Side- trips over fantastic Apache Trail of Arizona; and into age-old Mexico. Festooned live-oaks beside Louisiana bayous. Just a few strokes of a paint brush are all that stand between you and a home interior that visitors will admire and envy. Scuffed up floors, marred woodwork and furniture, walls, ceilings, even the radiators, can be magically transformed with ACME QUALITY Pain Varnish Specially pleasing is the color range In No-Lustre Finish Flat Wall Paint tol walla and Bnamel-Kote for interior wood» and furniture. Before you buy any paint, come in and tee us. We are here to serve you. Wright & Son . A wondrous journey, easily arranged. Stopover privileges en route. The luxuri­ ous travel accommodations of famous transcontinental trains. Ask for an itinerary to fit your plans. Four trains daily southbound. From California the noted “SunsctLimited” to New Orleans. Or, if you wish, connect at San Francisco or Los Angeles with new extra-fare flyers to Chicago. N o finer trip east than this. Plan it now. Southern Pacific CARL OL8ON. AGENT »