The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 20, 1927, Image 1

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    Go to the Polls and Vote on the Proposed New City Charter —Let’s Have a Full and Decisive 5’ * °
x *e People
B u lin a ta I t Q u ie t fo r
tha M a n W h o 't Q u ia t
A b o u t H i t B u tin a it.
Local Woman Has
Lived For Century
Mr». Elizabeth Lyons Celebrate»
100th Birthday Among
Standnrd T»»ta Are To Be Ap­
plied T o Springfield High
School Students Under Au­
thorization of Board; Bain
Seeking Master*» Degree.
of aiandard testa toj
Springfield Hist» School «tíntente ti
mi »n ilM V iir to learn the efficiency of
the «duiatlns system here »#» «I
thorltrd by the Springfield boar» of
education at It» Monday night session.
The hoard granted an appropriation'
to V D. Hain, city superintendent toj
carry on the teata, and part or the
financing will be handled by Mr Hain. I
who will use the results In preparing
a thesis for hla master's degree at
Said Gov. Al Smith of New York
at hla fourth inauguration last
the t'nlveralty of Oregon
Mr, Halu explained that the ben«-' week-------------- " "N ow | have no
idea what the future has In »tore
Ilia from the plan will be more noted for ma.
• • • • No man
two or three yeara later Through the| would stand before thia intelligent
teat» the weak apota In the education 1 gathering and say that he «t> not
ayalem can he detected and mean» receptive to the greatest position
the world has to offer to any
employed tor Ihelr reform. It waa. on«. • • • •»
pointed out The teatlng plan will b« |
applied to high school atíldenla only
and may continue over a period of THIEVES INVADE TWO
nor» ral yeara.
Miss Havana III
T he mtslter of the Illness of Ml»«
Hasel Steven». teacher In the tlrat-
taln achool. waa dlacuaaed at length
Mlaa Steven« haa been absent from
her classes for more than :io ds«s
and under the law the place may he
declared vacant The hoard author­
ised the auperlntendent to notify Ml»«
fllevena that If »he » not able to re­
turn by Friday, a regular teacher
must be employed to take her place.
Miaa Crystal Bryan, who waa hired
Tor four months and a half to take
rare of the overflow gradea, waa given
a fall-time contract for the remainder
of the year with pay at 1110 a month.
Regular meeting night of the boarn
waa set at the first Monday of each
month at the clerk's office on Fourth
street at 7 'JO o'clock
HUI» amount­
ing to 5175.05 were passed hy the
Report« of the recent robbery of the
high school and Lincoln achool build­
ings were heard
Forced windows gave acre»» to
thieves who over the week-end In­
vaded the high school And Lincoln
school building« and stole blankets
from the rest reomi, food from the
domestic science department, and
whst small change could be found.
At the high school, the domestic
science department was ransacked
from end to end by the hungry pilfers.
Nothing edible wan left. Hlankets on
a cot In the rast room were also miss­
ing when the Janitor opened the build­
ing Monday morning.
Blankets were the only apolls ob­
tained by the marauders at the Lin­
coln building.
Police Uhlaf Jess flmltson has made
an Investigation and Is endeavoring
to trace the thieves.
Final listing of Lions club members
who will make (he trip to Klamath
PLANNED BY METHODISTS Falls hy Southern Pacific excursion
Evangelistic meetings will be con­
ducted at the Melhodtat Episcopal
church for two weeks, helnnlng March
St, and ending on Faster Sunday
Reg. Henderson, an evangelist from
Ohio, will rnnduct the service«.
The Methodist Rrotherhond met
Monday night of thia week The chief
feature of the program waa a talk
on the radio, given hy Prof. H. O
Tanner of the department of chem­
istry of the University of Oregon.
Technical detail» of the radio were
explained by the University profos-
Three new members were taken !»
by the Methodists at the meeting.
I sidle» nf the G. A. It. In meeting
last Friday named the following of­
ficers for the year: President, Mrs,
C. F. Egglmann; senior vice presi­
dent, Mrs. Hert Doane; Junior vice,
Mr Ada McPheraon; Mrs. Walter
1 Alton. treasurer; chaplain. Mra.
Mary Platt; secretary. Mrs. Mary Ma­
gill; patriotic Instructor, Mrs. Nettle
Metcalf; conductor. Mrs. Mamie Rich­
mond, musician. Pearl Metcalf.
Preaent al the meeting were five
G A R. veteran» and several mem-
bera of the Eugene auxiliary. The
Civil War veterans present were T.
N. Plank of Rugene, H. G. Townsend
of Rngene, Daniel O’Connell of Spring-
field, Zach Klnlsley nf Springfield,
and C. M. Dolety, of San Diego, Cali­
Dog Licenses Sailing
Over 30 dog licenses have been sold
and city officials estimate that about
26 per cent of the canine population
nf the city now carries bright tags. It
Is expected that 60 tags will be sold
dirring the next few weeks, and tho
remainder of the city’s pupa will go
as outlaw» through the year.
Sneed Establishing Store
train January 25 will be made at the
club’s meeting tomorrow at Woodman
hall, according to President J. F.
Ketels. Lions clubs nf thta district
•re attempting to send at least 75 to
the meeting, thus nasurtng the »pedal
excursion train over the Natron cut­
off The train 1» open to the general
The excursion will leave Eugene at
12 o'clock on January 25. and will
take on passengers at Springfield at
12:15. It will arrive at Klamath Falla
at 7 P. M that night. Just In time
for the charter night ceremonies of
the Klamath Falla club. The vlaltnrs
will return to the train after the pro­
gram and retire. The train will start-
back at 4 o'clock In the morning, ar­
riving In Sprlngflnld about 10 on
January 25.
A living link between that time
when the railroad was hardly more
than a dream, when much that la
modern was not even thought of, and
the rushing day» of the present. Mr».
Elizabeth Lyons of Springfield o n
Tuesday celebrated her 100th birth
Memories of a large portion of her
century of life remain with Mra.
Lyons. When on Tuesday there came
to her scores of telegrams, letters and
notes of congratulations, transmitted
from nil parts of the country by mod­
ern means of communication, she
talked much of the changes In tran»-
portatlon that have made the world
a much smaller place within the time
of her memory.
It was In 1527 that Mrs. Lyons wa»
born In Ohio. At the party held In
her honor Tuesday, It was neceasary
that two cakes, one labeled 1827 and
another 1827. be made to hold the
too candles A birthday dinner was
held at the home of her granddaugh­
ter, Mrs. Grace May. with a complete
ramtly circle of her living grandchlld-
ren and great grandchildren preaent.
She has outlived all of her children
After living In Ohio for several
years. Mrs. Lyons moved to Indiana
where she was married Her husband
died In 1872
1894 she moved lo
Oregon, living for a time at Spring
field and then moving to Drain. 8he
moved back to Springfield six years
The following grandchildren were
present Tuesday; Mrs. Mary Beckl»y
of Elkton. Max Lyons of Portland.
Miaa Dame Lyons of Reedsport. Har­
old Lyons of Rugene. Marshall Lyons
of Rugene. Mrs. Mary Chapman of
Reedsport. Mrs. Rose MacDonald of
Forest Grove. Mra. Junta Beals of
Corvallis. Mrs. Lola Stroda of Junc­
tion City and Mra. Oraoa May of
Oreat-grandchlldren preaent were
James Dlmralck Lyons of Portland,
Junta and Rugene May of Springfield;
Annetta, Barbara and June Stroda of
Junction City; John and Norman Mac­
Donald of Forest Grove; Myron.
Grace. Kirkland. Joseph and Agnes
Beals of Corvallis; Henry. Margaret.
Elisabeth. Robert. Eleanor and Philip
Beckley of Elkton.
Charter Approval
The citizen’ll approval of the new ch arter is asked by
Mayor O. O. Bushman in an open letter to the voters of
Springfield. The m ayor in his letter also explains the fire
truck and sewer bond proposals. His letter follows:
TO T H E V O T E R 6 O F S P R IN G F IE L D :
I have had some enquiries about certain parts of the proposed
new charted to be voted upon by the people on January 26th. and by
way of exjlanation and for the information of the general public will
say that the charter committee In getting up the new charter has
followed In general the provisions of the old charter, eliminating cer­
tain parts that have became obsolete thru the 25 years of the exist- ,
ance of the old charter and adding some new provisions to conform
with preaent state law I have been asked about subdivision 26 of
Section 16 of Chapters which gives the council the power to regulate
the keeping open on Sunday o^ Theatres and certain other business
places. This Subdivision has been taken out of the old charter with­
out ahange. word for word, and whatever powers are conferred by It.
are conferred by the old charter.
1 have also been asked about the 550.000.00 sewer bond la­
m e provided by Section 12 of Chapter 11 of the proposed charter. I
may say in this connection that the old charter provided for a 520-
500.00 sewer bond issue, which bonds have long since been issne'i,
and also the old charter provided for a 510.000.00 issue for lights and
a 516.000.00 Issue for water works. Neither the lights nor water works
bond» were Issued ar»4 these have been eliminated from the proposed
new charted, thus leaving out of the new charter 525.000.00 in bonds
that were authorized in the old. The only bonds provided for In the
new charter are 57000.00 Fire Truck which have so far been held up
by a technicality, and the 550.000.00 sewer issue. It was though bet­
ter to place provision for this sewer Iseue In the new charter so as
to save delay and expense of another election at some time in the
near future, and to give the council a chance to build sewers as de­
mand on the part of the public becomes sufficient to Justify them.
As has been the custom in the past. It is the policy of the council
that the city pay for trunk line sewers only and the property owner
for the latteral sewers, and It may not be necessary to issue the fall
amount authorised at all. as was the case with the Water and Light
bonds In the old charter, hut In case the demand for sewers is suffi­
cient, the bonds would be authorised and available. Already there
are petitions before the council for sewers to be provided South of
the Mill race and also North of G street. The sewer system, at the
present Is entirely inadequate, and ta bound to come up In the future.
The City Engineer haa submitted plans for extensions of the sawar
system as follows; The proposed plans are for trunk linear Begin­
ning about the West end of C street; thence North to D street; Theaoe
East to Water street; thence North to F street; thence East one-half
Mock on F street; thence along the alley North to K street; thence
■wit to 15th street on K; thence Sooth on 10th crossing Main and one
Block 8outh on Main, thence Rast to Industrial tract, the industrial
tract will eventually have to be served.
K. R. Andre Sells Patent on In­
vention to Los Angeles Firm
And Is Also Given Good Posi­
tion in Their Factory in Cali­
Spare moments turned Into perfec­
tion of an oil drill appliance con-
celved In his own mind hack In 142B
have brought prosperity to K. R.
Andre, of Springfield, who has Just
sold his patent on the invention »•
the Rotary Disc Bit Company of Lee
Angeles and has accented a posttfaM
with that comnanv at its plant la (Be
southern California city.
Mr. Andre's invention Is a lock for
a rotary bit on the oil drill, and eoe-
stltutes » long-neetbd Improren»«»«
to this free of oil drilling maehfneHC**
It Is said, 'eh* R-rlngfield man haa
worked In oil field» In Southern Cali­
fornia and elsewhere for vears. and
his Invention soon came to the a t­
tention of the California company.
In 1923 Mr. Andre succeeded la
procuring a patent for his Invention
For three months he ha« been un­
ship to work on account of ill nene.
Word came recently, however, from
the Rotary Disc Bit Comnanv seeking
to purchase the natent on his hit
lock, and two weeks ago he went to
Los Angeles to confer with official»
of the comnanv He returned tM»
week with a tidy sum received foF
the purchase nf the patent, and s
position with the comnanv.
Mr Andre has been living with M»
famllv on Second street near fBo
bridge He has left tor to« AngetoSk
motoring down.
The romantic history of the OregMf
country was recalled Sunday w M f
James Henry Brumctte. native Or»-
gonlan and one-time Indian Inter»»»»*
, er, celebrated his slxty-nlnth birtbffsy .
In order to displace our present charter with a modern chart­
at his residence here. Mr. firumefi»
er. yet following In general the same plan of city government as we
was born at Oakland, lived many *
have had. eliminating only old obsolete provisions and substituting
at Jasper, and moved to Snrlm»-
In their place, uptodate provisions, which will enable us to have a
field 20 years ago. Joining with him
more efficient city government 1 hope that the voters may see fit to
in the celebration was his wife, rela­
vote for the proposed new charter. I feel that if the voters are fully
tives and friends.
Informed on the new charter that they will vote for It. Anyone
Two daughters. Mrs. Sadie MlntoA
wishing any Information as to the charter please apply at the City
and Mrs. Bell Makin of Portland fttr-
Hall and It will be freely given.
nlshed a huge cake that framed aa
G. G. B U S H M A N . M A YO R .
attractive decoration In the center of
the table. Sixtv-nlne pink candle»
ornamented the top of the cake.
Among other relatives present were
A truckload of cordwood was de­
: Mrs. Owen Thomnson and children,
posited In the center of Main street. I
Erma. Ruby, Ralph. Haxel. Darrell of
a new motor coach was badly wreck-!
Santa Clara: Mr. and Mrs. C Walsh
ed and one person hurt In a collision I
and chHdran. Virgil and Opal of Lo­
between an automobile and truck a t !
well. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eaton and
Seventh and Main streets at 4:80 j
I children. Orlal and Edith of Srrlag-
o’clock yesterday.
j field. Guests included Mr. and MVS.
Mrs. Marion Adam» wa« driving the i
No radical changes in city governm ent are contained in
car. an Essex coach, which crashed I the new ch arter to be voted on a t the polls at a special election John Ketels Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
Into the read of a wood truck owned held next Tuesday, Jan u ary 26. The principal changes found in Nielsen, of Springfield, and Mrs. Fred
Krews of Yoncalla.
by A. Annette. The truck was thrown
What is N ew About
N ew City Charter
the new charter are ones th a t m ade the docum ent conform with
sideways In the street, tipped dang-1 m odem state la.'w, the legalizing of the $7,000 fire truck bond is­
erotisly. and the load of cordwood , sue and the proposal for a $50,000 tru n k sew er bond to be ex­
slid to the pavement. The front end pended as emergencies for sew er exist.
of the coach was crushed, glass;
Because of lack of knowledge of the old ch a rter m any of its
broken, and Mrs. Adms sustained In-:
provisions look like new ones to some citizens who in some cases
Mrs. Adams was driving east on have taken exceptions to provisions they have been living under
FALL CREEK IS DEAD Main street and the truck waa going for 32 years, not knowing it. Among those sections confused
are the powers of the council in regard to Sunday closing, the
south on Seventh.
Death came Sunday evening to one
method of foreclosing on street assessm ents, bonds provided for
of Oregon's pioneers, Mrs. Li Randall
in the old ch arter but never issued. N either the power of the
of Fall Creek. She was aged 50 years
council has been added to or taken from in regard to Sunday
and had been a resident of Oregon
N. C. OF ODD FELLOWS closing of stores and th eatres nor the foreclosing on street as­
since 1889.
sessm ents. The sections in the new ch a rter are in the same
R. W. Smith was Installed noble words as the old. They will rem ain In full force and effect even
Funeral services were held yester­
day at Fall Creek In charge of W. F. grand of the Springfield Odd Fellows if the sew ch a rter is voted down.
Walker of 8prlngfleld, with Rev Fred at ceremonies last night. Mr. Smith
The new ch arter provides for the initiative, recall and refer­
was elected to fill the vacancy left
Hornshuh officiating.
Mrs. Randall was horn at Gidden. by W. O. Hughes, who was elected endum which citizens m ay exercise to m ake new laws or repeal
Iowa. She Is survived by the follow­ noble grand last week but on account ones the council have passed or recall councilmen. In fact the
ing children; Clark of Fall Creek. of business was unable to take tho people exercise a great deal m ore authority now than w hen the
old c h arter was made.
Mrs. Mims Harney of Wlnberry, Mrs, poet.
Edith Smith of Cottage Grove, Frank
The new ch arter is like the old in the first chapter entirely.
and Ray of Fall Creek. Other rela- Ernest Walker, right supporter to N. In the second chapter the term s of office of city officials is
tlvea Include her mother, Mrs. J. Hig­ G.; Zack Klnlsley, left supporter to changed to conform with state law.
C hapter three'and four re­
gins of Eugene, Mrs. Robert Bland N. O.; F. H. Walker, warden and Carl main unchanged while chapter five Is changed in regards to the
of Redmond, Mrs. Fred Butcher of Girard, treasurer.
qualifications of an elector and the date of election is made to
Los Angeles, sisters, and W. F. Gib­
conform with general state elections. C hapter six rem ains un­
Guard Names Offloers
son and George Gibson of Fall Creek
and C. E. Gibson of Eugene, brothers.
Ethmer Qrlffls has been promoted
In chapter seven the am ount of indebtedness the city
from corporal to sergeant in th e' council can incur is fixed a t $2,500 and providing for Initiative,
P. T. A. Postpones
Springfield National Guard troop, i
The meeting of the Parent-Teachers John Ranch and Edgar Ixiuk. first' recall and referendum . All other provisions in this chapter are
essentially the sam e as before.
association, to have been conducted class privates, have been given th e.
tomorrow, has been postponed to Frl- rank nf corporal, according to Com-'
C hapter eight is changed throughout to m ake it conform
day, January 28. because nf examina­ mandlng Officer Swarts.
with the modern method of financing and collection of taxes.
tions being conducted at the Lincoln
Chapter nine is changed in the assessing improvement of prop­
erty using the provisions sim ilar to other cities, and providing
Missionary to Speak
A. R. flneed la eatabltshlng a feed
proceedure for m arshal sales of delinquent property. Sections
hunlne«» In Springfield In the hullding
Miss Minnie Argetslnger, a teacher 7, 10, 16, 19 and 27 of this chapter should be read thoroughly by
Has Influants—Harry Shnrman of
formerly occupied hy tho Long and Springfield 1» confined to his bod with In the Girls Union University at Chen- the voter to understand fully the m ethod laid down.
Cross plumbing shop, on Main be­ Infliienxa.
gtu, China, will soak at tho Baptist,
C hapter X is like the old ch a rter but chapter eleven is
tween Fourth and Fifth. Mr. Sneed
church net Tuesday night at 7:30[
formerly operated a department store
Move to C street—J. A. McCormick ' o'clock. The public Is Invited to hear changed to provide for the $50,000 sewer bonds discussed above
Chapter twelve is changed to provide protection to the city in the
and ramtly are moving to 246 C street, her.
Continued on Page 4
Peepie-a Pape»"
Change of the name of SprlnglWM
' boy scoot troops from Springfield
, Troops 1 and 2 to Lane Cousfy
, Troops 11 and 12. respectively. w»»
announced today by county scout o f­
ficials. The troops will be listed Ba­
der the new numbers hence 'ortta.
Troop t l, the Lions club troop, will
meet on Tuesday nights from now 0».
with headquarters at the Christ'»»
church gymnasium. The new pro-
grain will start Jannary 25. Meetfaff
time Is 7:30 o'clock.
With Walter Gossler In charffK.
both troops went on a swim at flb»
University men's gymnasium ta«»
Girl Scouts of Troop 1 met thia
week and elected the following Of­
ficers; Rhododendren patrol. Adalltt»
Perkins, leader; Elma Landsbury,
corporal. Hiawatha patrol. Barbara
Adams, leader; Jean Scott corporal.
Those passing the tenderfoot test»
are Elma Landshury and Clara John»
The Scouts will meet again this Sat­
Examination Week
Examinations are under way at the
Springfield high school today. The
first semester of the school year !»
being completed this week, and an­
nouncement of honor rolls Is belnff
watched for with Interest by the hlg#
school students.