THUKHDAY JANUARY 13, 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS dAds GETRESUUS) FO R R E N T la r g e tract of good fur in land m-ar Springfield. Che.ip rent, a i-hance (or a good la rn iv r Io mall«' aom r money. (.and should b» plowed thia w in ter, Inquire Newa offlce. FO R H A LE — »door Ford Harlan choap or w ill traile for Ford truck Broom houae, three 3-rooru apart- FO R R E N T —• Modern furnished house on Kaat M ain St. M r«. C. L. Hcott. It nientä, eloa* In to buaineaa re n te r , In MarntiAvld. »2500 Faay term« PAGE NINE TRAIN SCHEDULE Returns to Bridal Veil— Odin o t ■ " »on who has been visiting w ith big Cascade Line m other, Mrs. Em ma Olaon. has rw- Southbound, leaves Springfield, turned to bis work at Bridal V eil. 7:54) A. M Daily. , I ___________ _____ Northbound, Sprlngfleld* a t 2:66 P. V isitor From Portland— ' «a M a rg M Dally. I Conn, a graduate of the U n iversity ,,f M ain Line— Bus connections H ere. Oregon, visited a form er xclina« Southbound C alifo rn ia trains, Eu- friend, Mias Pauline M ille r of the gene at 1:26 A. M . 1:46 P M , 12.10 , •s PrlBFftp|d public school teaching P. M . and 0:08 A. M. D a lly I Bt“ ff 3unday m1h» Conn was a. com- Northbound C alifo rn ia trains, E n - l p* n,ed by *eTeral W ends. gene at 4:15, 2:17, 10:58 A. M 4:30 P. M. . Southbound Oregon locals. Eugene a t 12.26 A. M. and B:00 and 1:25 P. i jj „ ... . __ , , _ Northbound Oregon locals. Eugene at 2:26 and 7:36 A M and 3:20 P M and - ------------------------------- - ‘ Fisher M ill Accident— d t r : l ; In ».ho I head by “ p,M'e of tlm bpr f " " lB< fro,n an ° ’r‘‘rl>ead carrier. Fred W ard, an employe in the Fisher m ill of M a r- cola was knocked unconscious. Ha _ . . . . . _ , * “ ^ Ug*“ W n‘ " * W * surgeon a exam ination proved the Injuries painful but not serious. FOR R A L E — Plano In storage. used only alx week«. Lateat S ty le plain Renta (or »40 E E K K P N E H . it. c-aae. Baldw in make. Sw eet tone W a lte r Damroaeh, fo r 42 years and reaponalve action. W ill aacrl- j T o n a ila R e m o v e d — M ra. W a lte r N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S flee (or Im m ediate aale. »10 p e rl conductor o f the famous New Y o rk G riffin of i a l ’uah. W aahlngtun. un Symphony Orchestra, is to retire in W en dling T ra in s month l( dealred. W rite E D Pot­ A p ril. * He intends to devote hia derw ent a tonall operation at the of N o tlre |« hereby given that the un- tim e to broadcasting which la floe of Dr Eugene Heater Saturday ! d,'r ",« nw* keen appointed Ad- ter. 395 South 12th. Salem. Oregon, Eaatbound mixed, at Sprlngfleld. wonderful news fo r the millions of ________________ m nlatrator of the re la te o f H a ttie B i r 30: J «-IS: 9:16 A. M N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T music loving nuke 'ana. | Mlckelaon. by the County C o u rt or Notice is hereby given that l>our- Westbound mixed, a t Sprlngfleld E IG H T G RADE IX A M IN A T IO N « la n e County, Oregon A ll M rs o n . _____ W atch repairing done correctly * ene Taylor. Executrix of the E state The uniform eighth grade examtaa h arin g claim» against «aid estate are W ork In today—O u t tom orrow . Hoyt 1:50 P. M OR S A L E — Payroll a fa eat a. p rin t» of Ira N. T aylo r, deceased, has tiled Ilona w ill he held Thursday and F rl hereby notified t„ present the same 3 l i Main aL U end In stock a t th e New« offloe her final report and account as such, day. January 20 and 21. 1S27. In properly »»rifled to the u n d er.lg n "" 'L “ RO O F R E P A IR IN G Form suitable fo r road, eonstrnetlon w ith the Clerk of the Coun’ v Court school districts where pupils h a v e 1 at the office of W ell» ft W ells At ' — - For Roof R epairing call 2325 J ot Lame County. Oregon, and the work sawmills, etc., with table to co m p iled w ith the co nd ition s and torneya, Bank o f Commerce Bldg. In Sm ith to Move— R. W Sm ith. Just compute workm an s compensation Eu«eDP- “ “ d «*< result». I. T . Loomis. Court hae set Monday, the 14th day where application has been made to Eugene, Ian«' < ounty. Oregon, with-1 Ice o f the peace, la moving his living and deductions No em ployer shoal/ , experienced and p erm anently located of February. 1927. a t 10:0« »clock In the County School Superintendent i o b l h « i h m o f O t b ’ n o t iX Oi ' h" flr"' ln l° “ >• t,f r(x>m" ° « be w ithe«* these f -me when they for queatlona t(. the forenoon In the Connty Conrt Room In the Court House at Eugene, D«t.- of first publication January F'',,,r ‘ h street near the poatofflee in E J. M O OR E. County School Super­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Lane County, Oregon. as the tim e intendent. •> 1B27. to which he recently moved his <»f- N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G F IN A L • F M IC K E L S O N , A dm inistrator. flee. In the m a tte r of the estate o f Anna and pUce to bear objections to the A C C O U N T W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorneys , N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S . M Dt-Groot, I »®me, and for the Anal settlem ent o t J « 13 20-27: F 2: SUMMONS tow 5 ° Urt ? th# # ta U of N O T IC E is hereby given that jo U R F N F T A Y M IH Notice la hereby given by the un­ _ IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H dersigned that he has been, by the Executrix. “ E J; I T 1» «»• Maude E Porter. E xecu trix of the W F, I q 1 u v i , ^ R KI Estate of John J. estate of Anna M DeGroot, deceased, W E L L S o A tto rn e y » . order of the County Court of la n e S T A T E OF OREGON FOR L A N E SUM M ONS | Lindsay, deceased. has flled her flnal account and reporf’ J 13-20-27: F 3 10 County, Oregon, appointed as admin- COUNTY Notice Is hereby given by the nn- ! as W illia m Donaldson and H elen Don-' tatator of the estate o f Charles A. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E c m i T S - v ° F O RBO O M L A N E aldson. his wife, plaintiffs, ya„ B. A. j deralgned a d m in is tra to r of said eat- Court of la n e County^ Oregon and N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T ’i i.E M B N T Uoyeau; that creditors of said estate 1 NTY Washburne and M ary W ashburn«, h li , t e tb«‘ by ltB order dated and filed the Court has aet Saturday the 5th I Notice la hereby given that Lour- are hereby notified to present th e ir Dayton illlv m a n . P lain tiff, vs F lo r wife, James C larke and E th el C la rk » .1'” 1 December 11. 1*2«. the above day of February. 1B27, a t the hour ene "Taylor, Executrix o f the Estate ssld claim» to the adm inistrator, at ence Hllem an. Defendant h it wife, Thom as W halen and Jane ??m r r . - co',r t b“ »PP°*nt«d Jaunary of ten A. M In the County Court of E A - Taylor, deceased, hae filed the offices of Sm ith ft Evans, his To Florence Hllem an, the • hove [>„« W halen, hie w ife, o r I f deceased, *” 7 at 19 o’clock A. M at th e . Room. In the Court House. In Eugene. her flnal report and account as suck, attorneys, at 434-6« M iner Building. named defendant. th e ir unknown heir». Owen M athews rham here of said court In the I^ n e Lane County, Oregon, as the tim e j w ith the C lerk of the County C ourt Eugene. Oregon, w ith in six months In the name ot the S tate ot O re­ and Jane Doe M athews, bis w ife, o r ' i ? u n,y Coort House In the c ity of and place for the flnal settlem ent j t of Lane County, Oregon, and the from the date of thia notice. Lane County. Oregon as the said estate, and for the hearing of Court has set Monday, the 14th day gon: You are hereby required to I f deceased, th e ir unknown heirs, and ! Dated January 10th. 1»27. Also all other unknown parties w h o ! t *lne * Bd Pl**1* for hearing objec- objections to toe same. If any. appear and answ er the com plaint 'o f February. 1927. a t 10:00 o clock in T 11 Ooyeau. Adm inistrator. lf BBy to H i* fiB»> account of filed against you In the above en­ have o r claim some tlUe. estate. Men. I 1 : the forenoon in the County Court M A U D E M P O R T E R , Executrix. S M IT H A E V A N S . Attorneys. or Interest In the property described j “ . . . a/ n,lDli ,ratoJL * * ®?*de,_BBd ftled titled court and cause, on or before Room In the Court House at Eugene. W E L L S A W E L L 8 , Attorneys. J IS 20-27: F 2 10 the expiration of the tim e prescribed In the com plaint herein, Defendants ‘ In ~ said court on Decem ber 11, i»2« J «-13-20-27: F 3: Lane County, Oregon, as the t i n « F R E D H. L IN D S A Y . A d m in istrator In the O rd er of Publication, to-w it: T o James L. C larke and Ethel and place to bear objections to the N O T IC E O F F IL IN G O F F IN A L On or before the expiration of six Clarke, hie w ife ; Thomas W halen of John J. Lindsay, deceased. N O T IC E Is hereby given that the same, and for the flnal settlem ent nt ACCOUNT F R E D E. S M IT H . A tto rn ey for Ad­ weeks from the date of the first pub and Jane Doe W halen, hla w ife, o r If I State Land Board of the State ot said estate. N O T IC E la hereby given by the un­ llra tlo a hereof, and If you fall to deceased, th e ir unknown heirs; Owen m in is tra to r Oregon w ill receive sealed bids at L O U R E N E T A Y L O R Executrix. dersigned A d m in istrator of the estate answer for w ant thereof, p lain tiff M athew s and Jane Doe M a th *» » hie D K-23-S0: J «12 Its office In the Capitol building at W E L L S A W E L L S , Attorneys. of George Horton, deceased, that ne w ill apply to the court fo r the re lie f w ife, or If deceased, th e ir unknown Oregon, up to 11:0» o'clock J 13-20-27: F 3-l0 baa tiled In the County Court o f Laoe prayed for In the rotnplalnt to-w lt: h e irs ; also all other unknown »artlea N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T , Salem. A. M.. F ebruary 15. 1927. for all the I County. Oregon, his Anal account, For a decree o f the conrt dissolv­ who have or els*"« »»»*• f t ' * , es­ State's interest in the h erein ater dee and that Saturday, the 6th day of ing the m arriage contract now exist tate. lien or Interest tn th y • » » '» rty N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N . T h a t j „ T l ^ shore la n d , g iv in g however | N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T February. I »27. at the hour of 10 Ing between p la in tiff and defendant described In the com plaint h e r*!n ; C alls A Tlnton. E xecu trix of the last | the owner or owners of any lands , Notice is hereby given th a t George o'clock A. M at the Court room of and for such other end fu rth e r re lie f i the above ns med defendant»- Will and testam ent and estate of abutting thereon, the preference ' L. M a s t A dm in istrator of the Estate said Court In the County Court House as to the court may eeem Just and I jjq T H E N A M E O F T H E " T A T E Reuben A. Stephens, deceased has right to purchase said shore lands at of George E. Mast, deceased, has In Eugene. la n e County. Oregon, has proper. O F OREGON: You are herehv «tin.- rendered and filed In the Connty the hlgnest price offered, provide« filed his final report and account aa been set by the Court as the time and T his summons Is published pursu- mnneri and reau l. ed to aenear and Court o f the State of Oregon fo r the such, w ith the C lerk o f the County place for Anal hearing upon said Anal ant to an order Rf the Honorable G answ et the com plaint filed «e.ilnst County o f Lane h er flnal account such offer Is made In good faith , alse Court of Lane County, Oregon. settlem ent of said eslate F Sklpw orth, Circuit Judge of I.»ne y OU |B the above enUtled suit *nd and that by an o rder duly made and j reserving to the Beard the rig h t to the Court has Mo^ day the' 14th All persons having objection» to said County. Oregon, made and entered^ court w ithin six week» from the date entered In said Court Saturdav the reject eny and a ll bids. , day of February 1927, at 10:00 o’clock final account, or any Item thereof are December 21. 192«. and the first pub-i of the first publication of this snm- 22nd day of Jaunary a t the hour o fi gald , anda are situated In Lan< in the forenoon tn the County Conrt hereby notified to resent the same Io llcatlnn hereof Is made the 23rd dnv" mona. to-w lt: on or before the 27th tpn o clock Io the forenoon of said county. Oregon, and described as fol i Room in the Court House at Eugene. . the County Court on or before the of December. 192« and the last p u b -,d a r of J m u a rv 1927: and you w ill day. at the County Court room In th e ' . Lane County. Oregon, as the tim e and Ilcatlon thereof Is on the 3rd day of tak e notice that If vou fa ll to appear C ity of Eugene, Oregon has been fix time fixed (or final hearing herein. Beginning a t the corner to frac piace t0 hear objections to the same, C. M D O R IT Y . A d m in istrator of February. 1927. 1 and answer or plead w ith in said tim e ed as the day tim e and place for j t , ona) SectloIMI i 9 a„d 20. on th» and for the final settlem ent o f said H O W A R D M B R O W N E L L , A tto r -.fh « p laintiff, f w want thereof, w ill hearing o f objections to said flnal W egt the estate of George Horton, de­ of T rtan g |e Lake, In T ney for p la in tiff Residence; Eu appiY to the above entitled court for account. AM objections to said flnal 16 g r 7 w W illa m e tte M eridian Estate ceased. G EO RG E L. M A 8 T . Adm inistrator. gene, Oregon j the re lie f praved fo r In th e ir said account must be In w ritin g and filed and runn|„ K thence along U . 8. Gov L. B B E A N . Attorney. W E L L S ft W E L L S . Attorneys. D 23-30: J « 13-20-27: F3 ] com plaint, to-w lt: J « 13 20-27: F 2: w ith the C lerk of the Court on or em m e n t Line, J 13-20-27: F 3 10 For a decree herein, In and by before said day and time. N. 59* W . 8.00 chains which all adverse claims of said de­ Dated this 18th day of December. 2.00 chains N. 34*00' W SUM M ONS fendants and each of them In and to 1926 N 57*00' W . 8 00 chains the follow ing described re a l propertv C A D L A A T IP T O N . Executrix. 1.59 chains N. 28*00' 28 00 W cnains , N T H E C IR C V IT C O U R T O F TH IS uated In f a n e Countv. Oregon, to- F R A N K A D e P U E . attorney for a — — "— I East 4 96 chains to present lake STAT e O F O R EG O N, IN A N D FO R w lt; Tots Fifteen (16) and Sixteen the estate. shore LANE COUNTY I t « ) . Block Ope Hundred One ()O 1I D 23-30: J 6-13-20 8. 60*00' E. 5 1« chains along pre» ^ „ 3 Horton. P lain tiff, ys James M. Washhnrne's Subdivision of the ent lake shore. Horton, Defendant. Springfield Investm ent and Power N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Mr«. Arthur Sayle» 1 8. 8 38' E. 3.06 chains along pre» To James M. Horton. Defendant: Compenv's Addition to the Tow n of In the name of the State of Oregon, Teacher of Hano Sprlngfleld l a n e County, Oregon — N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : T h a t ent lake shore. shall he fully determ ined, and deci»-. Ona V. Liles has been appointed ad 8 62* 45’ _ E. 4 50 calne along pre» you are hereby summoned and re ­ Ing and adjudging that the plaintiff» m ln ls tra to r of the estate of M arg a rpt «n t lake shore. quired to a ip e a r and answer the Com-- Mr». Leland Svarvarud are the owner» of the shore described M Liles, deceased, by the County 8. 41*54’ E. 3 92 chains along pre» plaint filed herein against you. in the real property; that the defendant» Court of Lane County. Oregon Teacher of Violin above entitled suit and Court w ith in ent lake shore. 228 M ain 81. Residence 125 C Bt. A ll persons haying claims against have no estatA rig ht, title o r Interest 8. 49*2«' W . 147 chains along pre« six weeks of the date of the .first pub- whetsnever In and to said rent pro­ said estate are required to present <2 J <2M 132 - 7th 8t. E. - them w ith the proper vouchers.: ent lake shore to place of begirnlag Ilcatlon of this Summons and if you perty or anv part thereof; and also i that the defendant« and each o f them i w lthin six months from the 23rd day containing 5 14 acre« , » •» to »nswer for want h e re o f, tho F u ll Auto Equipm ent be forever d eb arred from am o rtlng December. 192«. to the said ad Applications i P la in tiff w ill take judgm ent against Lady Assistant any c la im , w hatsoever In or to said ; m ln lstrato r at the law office of L L »»’ ^ ^ X ^ V L d d r e s s T t a you as prayed for ,n PIa*B‘ iff s Cora- l r e . 1 p ro p e r..................... p ar. thereof. R ay In the M in e r B uilding. Eugenes of b‘d >Bd ’ ^ d WM. G. HUGHES ¡B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y )!» W. F. Walker Funeral Director F IR S I adverse to the plaintiffs, and for such A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC O ffice at FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Sprlngfleld, Oregon “The Loop” Your Hom« When In Sprlngfleld Call GSO,. SUTTON TRANSFER N. M cL S A N Automobile, Fire end Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds Phone «17 My business It to protect your bueinots ««0 W illa m e tte SL Eugono Oregon Phone 57 DR. N. W. EMERY OBNTIBT Sutten B ld » Phon« 20-J Residence Phone ,53 M VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating In all its branches 312 Main Street Sprlngfleld, Oregon General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Attorney-at-Law C ity H a ll Building Sprlngfleld, Ore. Phone 43 F irs t N a t i Bank Bldg., Sprlngfleld FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W N O T A R Y P U B L IC D. W. Roof Sprlngfleld, Oregon. Sutton Building •JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Sprlngfleld, Oregon ,| M. G. HOGE SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. Attorney-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon In From W a lte rv llle — M r. and Mra. H a rry Jackson of W a lte rv llle spent a part of Saturday visiting In Hprlng- fleM. : . • I • All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rook and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Oregon - I --------- --- ------ ----- ------------- * ------ — . . Court the bonds of m atri- ONAn v L IL E S . A d» ' B h « ‘ ° r ^ naonv now existing and granting to v m l re , D p the Estate of M argaret M . Liles, u e ‘‘Appllcatlon land(1 „ ,n d I P la in tiff an absolute divorce from the ceased. . „ . Dated at Salem. Oregon. November Defendant, and for such other and L L R A Y . A tto rn ey for Estate IB, 1926 fu rth e r re lie f aa tcf the Conrt m a r D 23 30: J 6 13 20 , O. G. B R O W N . C lerk of State Lami geeni j uat and quitable. Board. T his summons is served upon yoa K 18-26: D 2-916-23-30: J. e-13-20 A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SALE OF by publication by virtue o f an order REAL PROPERTY of the Hon. G. F. Skipw orth. Judge of R E S T O R A T IO N TO E N T R Y O F N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that said Court, dated and filed January 7 L A N D S IN N A T IO N A L F O R E S T by v irtu e of an order of the County i 1927. -directing -this -Summons -ba L is t 6-2158 “C " N M B Court of Lane County Oregon, dulv served on you by publication in the ________ Notice is hereby given that the Springfield News once a week for made and entered on the second day of Decern’ ^r. 192«. the undersigned lands described below, w ith in the six consecutive weeks, and that you A dm in istrator of the estate of H A. cascade N atio n al Forest, w ill he open angwer the gald Comp|aint w ithin Rasor. deceased, w 11. on and a fte r ,ft settlem ent and entry at the U nited ; s)x weeks frf)m date of flrst blica. the 20th day of January. 1927. offer states Land Office at Roseburg Ore- t)on , hereof 1Mte flrgt pubItca. for sale and sell, at p rivate sale, to gen. under the provisions of t h e ) t l( n Junuary 13 1927 the highest bidder for cash In hand, homestead law and act of June 11.1 w e LLS ft W E L L S , Attorneys for the follow ing described real property ^ 0 « , S4 Stat.. 23-3) on A p ril 27. H a in tiff Fogt offlce Addresgi Eugene. E S T A T E O F A B R A H A M M IL L E R , belonging to said estate, to-w lt: l 927. by any qualified person in the O re _on DECEASED. T he N orth H a lf of lx>ts No. F ive I absence of entry by persons coming J 13-20-27: F 3-10-17-24: N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T (51 and Six (6) In Rlock T w entv-nlne W|thin e ith e r of the two follow ing (1 ) Persons named a fter N otice la hereby given th a t Amanda (29) In Gross Addition to the C ity of | classes; Engene. la n e County. Oregon as plat- each tract upon whone application C IT A T IO N B. M ille r. A d m in is tra trix of the es­ ted and recorded the lands w ere listed. If any, who. rNo ™ ta te of Abraham M ille r, deceaaed. has S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E T h e sale w ill take nlace and bids I |n order to ava il themselves of the filed In the County Court of the State C O U N TY O F LANE. of Oregon. In and fo r la n e Connty, mav be submitted to the said adm in- Preference rig ht, must file th e ir ap- In the M a tte r o f the application of h er flnal report as such adm in is tra ­ 's tra to r at »he law office of P o tte r ft plication w ith in sixty days prior to John A. Shlshcoff for change of K in g 961 W illa m e tte Street. Eugene, ( the date of opening; (2) Ex-serrice t r ix ; and that ten o’clock In the men of the w ar w ith G erm any, who, name. forenoon of Saturday, the 15th day of O r ^ n n O R V A L R A 8O R . A d m in is tra to r of, in order to a vail themselves of the To a ll persons interested. January. 1927. a t the Court room G R E E T IN G the Estate of H A. Rasor. Deceased preference rig h t conferred by Con- thereof, have been by the Court. flx«d IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E D 16-23-3«: J 6'lS I Kress, may file application w ithin one and appointed as the tim e and place I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' hundred ten days prior to date of O F O R EG O N, You are hereby cited for hearing objections to said report .. ot-n-TT opening. A11 such applications file d : and required to appear In the County and for the flnal settlem ent of the N O T IC E O F F IN A L S B T T L IfiM B N w jthln the first tw enty days of this Court o f the State of Oregon, for the estate of «aid deceased Notice Is hereby given that the un- pe r,od w |„ be treated as slmultane-1 County of Lane, at the Court Room A M A N D A E M IL L E R . A d m in istra­ ously filed at 9 a m. on the n in etieth 1 thereof, at Eugene. In the County of trix . tate of Nancy R utherford, decease . day pr(or t0 date of opening A p D ll-) Lane, on Saturday, the 5th day of A. E W H E E L E R . A ttorney. has filed his final account in said s- r n tjong bv ex-service men th e re a fte r.: February, 1927, at ten o'clock in the D 16-23-80: J 6-13 la te w ith the County ( curt of la n e t0 date of openlng w lll b„ forenoon of m at day, then and there County O’* ? » “ - a nd ,tbe ."•’d ° 5 ” yt treated In the order In which filed. to show cause, if any you have, why N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ha" 1?t|h u"5» m »« T h,‘ g^oeral public may file applt- the name of the petitioner above N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N : T h a t ,,a r y ', 19- 7- 1 ° °n nW Room m th e ca,,H ns w lth ,n ty days prior to These w ill be treated named shall not be, by the decree of the undersigned, has been duly ap­ the tim e, and the Co“ T tR < ™ " J ® . ‘ “’ opening date as simultaneously filed at 9 a m on said court, changed from John A. pointed by the Connty Court of the County Court Hour»«. In E «J PBP' > datp opening, but no application Shlshcoff to John S. Gardner, and fo r State o f Oregon fo r the County o ' County. Oregon as the p leave for the w ife and children of Lane as the a d m in is tra trix of the hearing of said flnal account. A ll w ,|j be a n owed prtOr thereto, estate of L. A. Sm ith, deceased and persons having objections to said fln- E ^ NEk» N E U N W % , N E t4 SEt4 said petitioner to use such new o r changed Christian name. all persons having claims against al account or any p articu lar Item N W U . NW>4 N W jU NE>4, W itness, the Hon. C. P. Barnard, said estate are hereby notified to thereo f are hereby notified to file »hei a W i^ NE14 NE% NWU, N W *4 present the same to the adm lnlstra- same w ith the C lerk o f said Court on 3^-1^ NW't» N E i4 Sec. 15, T . 21 8.. Judge of the County Court of the trlx a t the office of F ra n k A. DePue, or before the said 17th day of Janu-I R s E w M containlng 22.50 acres, State of Oregon, for the County of Lane and the Seal of said Court here­ the attorney for the estate In Spring- ary . 1927, at 10:00 o’clock A. M Listed upon the application of J. H. to affixed, this 11th day of January, field. Oregon, properly verified, on or Date of the first publication o f this Sin gletary of Oakridge, Oregon. L ia t 1927. before six months from the date of notino la December 16. 1926 A T T E S T : R S BRYSO N, Clerk. J A M E S R U T H E R F O R D . Adminis­ 6-2158. this notice. December IS. 1926. County By Eva L. Duckworth. Dated December 20th, 1926. tra to r of the estate of Nancy R u th er­ T H O . C. H A V F .L L , Court Seal. Deputy. B E S S IE H. S M IT H , Adm lnlstra- ford, Deceased. Assistant Commissioner of the Gen­ S M IT H ft E V A N S , Attorneys. 43« trlx . Gordon 8. W elle, A tto rn e y fo r Ad- M iner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon. era l Land Offlce. F R A N K A D e l’U E , atto rn ey for m ln lstrato r. J 13-20-27: F 3 J J 13-20-27: F 3 D 16 23 30: J «-I3 the estate. ther court and mav fu rth e seem r re lie f herein as to; : o the eoultahle th * court may seem equitable. f This summons Is published p u r­ suant to the o rder of Honorable G 1 F Sklpw orth. Judge of the above en- 1 title d court, dulv made and entered ' on the 14th day of December, 192« ! The first publication of this summons j w ill be made on the l« th dBv of Dec­ em ber 1926. and the last publication , thereof w ill be made on the 27th day | of January. 1927. and It w ill be pub- ■ llahed six consecutive weeks In the j Snrlngfleld News newspaper I M P E T E R S O N . A tto rn ev for Plaintiffs. Postoffice address, Sprlng- field. Oregon D 16 23 30: J 6-13-27: i j I ,