TH U R SD A Y JANUARY IS. 1927 T H K SPR IN G FIELD NBWB TAGS H IG H T THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Bvsry Thursday at Bprtngflald. Laos County. Oracea, by THK W IL L A M K T T K P R I M H. K M AXEY. Editor TOWN AND VICINITY Pall Creek Resident In— Mrs Jack Pettit of Fall Creek wag a Springfield Armltage Here— Alvy Armllage of visitor Monday. Thurston was a visitor here Monday. Visit Drury Home—Mr and Mrs. Goss Io Creek— Dr W II Pollard Percy Tyson of Springfield on Sun­ paid Fall ('reek a visit Sunday day vlalled at the residence of Mr. Thurston Man In—George Platt of and Mrs. Mrvln lYury of Coburg. Thurston spent a part of Monday Swanson Hare— Carl Swanson of transacting business here. Vida was a Springfield visitor Mon­ NOW. MORE T H A N EVER W hile the Senate may not be so pure and un- ! defiled as was the renowned S ir Galahad. It has been lately pointed out that the collective nose o f ■ the Senate functions ra th e r w ell in scenting out the co rru p tio n ists in these U nited States. For Instance, it w rote “ e x " in fo rn t o f the title o f Senator conferred upon one Ix irim e r when It was made plain he spent to o m uch money fo r a M A IL SUBSCRIPTION R A T I seat in the Senate: it let a ir in Mr. N ew berry and Year In Advance___ >1.78 rhree Months — 75» opened the door fo r him to w alk o u t; It pulled Moatbs |L M Stagi» Copy -------------------------------- 8« the ch a ir tn the Cabinet out fro m under Mr. l»en- by; It w ould not confirm the W arren appoint­ THURSDAY JANUARY IS. 1M7 ment because it held his dealings w ith the Sugar T ru st did not make him sweet; It drove out Mr. WORDS FROM THE LIPS OF GREAT MEN D augherty fro m the D epartm ent o f Justice; it “Those Who Ask for Equity Ought to Do It." shewed the people o f the c o u n try that the o il re ­ — John Jay. serve a ffa ir was greasy: it has investigated the charges o f large expenditures In the prim aries In a num ber o f states. R EAP T H E C H AR TER T o be sure, in most o f these cases, it did not The fu ll text o f the proposed new ch a rte r fo r require An exceptionally keen sense o f smell to the c ity o f Springfield w hich the electors w ill be discover the stench. But the point is th a t the Sen­ asked to endorse January 25 is printed in today's! ate did discover it and did act in the face o f su­ News. Every citizen owes it to him self and the pine Inaction by o th e r departm ents. com m onwealth o f Springfield to read thia charter And now the Senate has gone out to break a through tho ro u g h ly. Its purpose is to give lance w ith G overnor Sm all, o f Illin o is, and his Springfield a modern, up-to-date governm ent fo r emissary’ . F ra n k Sm ith. m any years to come. It la the w ritte n law o f the The Senate deserves a risin g vote o f thanks city, a co n stitu tio n as ft were, defining the powers fro m that large portion o f the Am erican people and duties o f c ity officials. It is the o n ly law In who believe in honesty in governm ent. It should w hich the Council o r courts cannot change. A ll keep up the good w ork and. now more than ever! ■MaauK aa second claaa mattar February 14. ISSI at tbs • postonica. Syrtagfiski. Gregna ordinances and rules th a t the council m ay make in fu tu re must get th e ir a u th o rity fro m thia ch a r­ ter. W hile probably no c h a rte r th a t could be d r a ft­ ed w ould suit everybody in every detail, the pro­ posed new c h a rte r is as good as the com m ittee could make it. Every Item was agreed upon not only by the councilm en but by the lay members of the com m ittee. Mre. Platt le Visitor— Mrs. Walter day. I’latt «(Thurston was a visitor here Called to Back Country— Dr Rtl- Monday. gene Kesler mnde professional calls Moves to Bandon—Mrs. Mary Net- al Deerhorn and Jasper Sunday. son has moved front Springfield tn Here Prom tu g e n e — Mr and Mrs. Bandon. Oregon Joe Sleinm ets and son of Eugeue August Vitus tn— August Villi«, were In the city for a short time farmer of the Natron district, paid Sunday. Springfield a business visit Monday. Tonsils Are Removed— Miss Shan- M arcols Woman Here— Mrs Guv tol of Motor Route B underwent an Redding of Marrola was a Spring- oerallon on her tonsils nt a local physician's ..(lice Friday. field visitor Saturday. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE A. E. Roberta, President A catalogue, te llin g alwuit o u r S ecretarial. Bookkeep­ ing and Stenographic Courses, sent free to any address, upon request. Monday is enrollm ent day. IT’S A GOOD SCHOOL Spark plugs and Ignition, etc. used to be the ch ie f topic o f the flivver ow n in g public, now what a person hears most on the streets Is conversa­ tio n about the A. and B batteries, sta tic and the value o f ground wires. Tim es do change. • • • Phone dilti Eugene, Oregon The Welcome Sign A W aukegan w ife branded her husband on the back w ith a hot flat Iron w hen he refused to get The old c h a rte r is obsolete and never has been up at her c a lljn the m orning. M oral; Never tu rn printed. The bime has cotue when the c ity must yo u r back to yo u r w ife when she is ta lkin g . have printed copies o f th e charter. It has prob­ • • • ably paid out m any tim es the p rin tin g cost on the, Sugar is being made by a German out o f 8a* ’*I old c h a rte r in having tra n scrip ts made o f sections o f it fo r bonding"companies. Officers o f the city- dust. Soon w e may expect to eat up the saw m ill | have never been inform ed on just w hat the old waste. • • • c h a rte r contained. John S. Martin (upper photo) ha« won the poultry raising cham­ pionship 21 years in succession. At the recent Philadelphia show he won 4 silver cup»— 10 firsts and seconds and 35 ribbons for 40 birds. Herman Trelle (low er), an American by birth, now a home­ steader at Wembley, Peace River, I f a ir sickness is lik e sea sickness we im agine Alberta, wax crowned Wheat and The fa c t th a t it w ill cost the c itv no m ore to p rin t a new c h a rte r than the old one. and also cities w on't fight about passenger airplanes be- j Oats King of North America, fhi« is the first time both honors have th a t the $7,000 fire bonds voted under the old ing routed over them . been won by tnc same mar». ch a rte r were not valid led the council to subm it this new' c h a rte r to the c ity electors a t th is tim e .1 W hen your young son asks you w hy they call When it is understood that the c ity governm ent ’’ /•''w h e n it goes by boat and shlp- Castssl Injured te being crippled w ith o u t a new ch a rte r the peo- f ^ g h t ^ c a r g o Ily Casteel of Springfield sustained pie w ill surely vote in fa v o r o f it. painful Injuries to his head when hit him ? by a Hying knn> while working at Man is a queer anim al. A deaf and dum b lab R e tirin g G overnor W a lte r Pierce raved about w h a t he said was the “ so-called" state deficit in • orer in London has both his hearing and ¡Hieech his last message to the legislature. He seemed restored lately when a sp lin te r was removed from to im ply th a t it was the newspapers’ fa u lt there his finger. . , • was a deficit. But a fte r all his ra rin g the fact rem ains there is a deficit o f nearly a m illio n dol- You m ust give the kn o cke r credit fo r h a vin g ' lors. Weeping W alter, w ho came in to office on high aim . He's alw ays h ittin g the man at the the promise to cut taxes, in h a lf goes out a fte r fo u r years not only w ith o u t reducing taxes m a t­ topK • • • e ria lly but w ith a treasury deficit of neariy one If Noah had not le ft Mrs. N oah’s m other o u t of m illio n dollars. He has been a costly m istake fo r the a rk we w o u ld n 't have all the m o ther-in-law the people of Oregon. • • • jokes today. • • • We should send a m anifesto to the dom ain o f| Eusene dem anding the protection o f o u r citizens. | Now th a t the installm ent plan buying is held When o u r u n ifo rr;e d chief o f po’.ice cannot go to be sound by econom ists we m ay ex|iect a fa ll to the county seat and park his autom obile a few ing off in in stallm ent • buying. • • m inutes in fro n t o f the s h e riff’s office w ith o u t having it stolen, things are in a te rrib le state. S ynthetic jewels are being used now in about One may exepet to hear next th a t the statue of 90 per cent o f the watches being made. • • • justice has been stolen fro m the c irc u it court room . Or th a t her scales have been lifte d by H onesty is the best policy even though It Is some daring m oonshiner w h o would use them Often the m ost expensive. fo r w eighing out mash. 992 W illam ette Street the Booth-Kelly Lumber rompiny Monday. The knot was thrown by (he re- saw. striking Casteel on the head and knocked him down Back From Po rtland d — M r Mnd Mrs. Will Wright and Mr and Mrs. W. F. Walker returned Friday atler a trip to Portland. Coming to Eugene Dr.Mellenthin is alw ays out at E gglm ann’s. W hether It's fa ir w eather or a rainy day we are alw ays glad to serve you. 'H ie choicest ice cream and soft d rin k s art* here ready fo r you. Eggl- m aun's chocolates can't lie beaten. Hundreds o f people attest to the goodness o f our confections. Get the llu b lt. Follow the crow d to K ggininnn's “ Where the Service Is u L ittle D ifferent.” EGGIMANN’S Bread Your Best Food Wholesome, Fresh baker’s bread has been found to be the best all around food- rich In every element that makes healthy, sturdy bodies In Children and sustains strength and health In adults. PERFECTION BREAD in on sale at our store and the grocers fresh from the oven every m orning. THE BREAD YOU DO NOT TIRE OF SPRINGFIELD BAKERY P erklns-Laxton Bldg Fred Frese. Prop. Phone fifi F ifth S tre e t S P E C IA L IS T in Internal Medicine tor the past fifteen years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at Osborn H otel, Office Houre: Monday January 31 10 a. m. to 4 p. m ONE DAY ONLY No Chargee for Consultation • W BUCHTBS • APWCA8TEB SESVICS a m . v .s. m x o r n e s OCW/THEREDTWET hme Q B e l l —S.HE 7STA (31EN O l UN, 1C TO V > U rO 4 ^ p HE « J O ( » f I '5AÓ/ 7 W g < 'LO A N N IE .— D in n e r L' R ä a d y ? I I'M HUNGRY A? A ------ r c a O./ I JUST ric u p flc -ajj a . u m hear , mp ANO *VA