T U D K h DAY JANUARY 13, 1927 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS îh'.'l|W b " ' ? . , " " d *’r. »•'*> county roads or public h lr h w .y , I Z X . m t r X r ? h ’T ‘“"I " ■,r' ,'U "f *•"' “ ,y "“ •» « * V» Jurisdiction “ «nu control of the fou u rll, the ,« m» aa though .trotta. CHAPTER King Ben” Arrested on Girls’ Charge! X I. B EW ERB A N D T H E C O N S T R U C T IO N T H E R E O F Rwrtlon 1. The t’oinnion ha auih„ri....i ........................... < 1.uni H Council snail n a shsll w power und I. hereby S ia la , nr « L r"“"‘ru,'‘ ®r f l * l r and lay down all net canary sew -rs and and t» k " i , “ - ' 8pa,,l,y »upply a complete system of sewerage and to declaro by ordinarn e hefor. , ,« the ..m e whether the coot thereof, b roiirtv d lL w i? '! ! *a?Ù If * ,,a* *h“ " br * ■ * ............ «I»* fund a / i , r *' benefited by auch drain, or .ewer», or paid out of the sewsr any .ew er' .'r ' 7 ° ! P" p,r<7,,d.''d i ° r,1 and ,bo tnlnatlon of the Council for any .ew er or drain .h a ll be Dual »hall be'y.'ina".™., 'i íh,a i ’0“"'’“ d- ' ,‘ r’’" Pr«P«.ed proposed »ewer or drain n r r « . , s a l e e . l « • Bksaa of aaaa I, W I U ® « " 1 r , U L U ' o H l ' I U " U I ( l l l t t r l l ,,r repaired at the expense. In whole of th«* . property , ’ wwaaw-Mtaru 111«'r•'» 11«* T in«* t>r< IbOMI'fl k|1202)00 bond. Postal receipts of tha fend late® poatofflee for 1928 were >801 hlghaf than for the year 1925, ¡ostmaataff Thompson reported last week, declai* ing this condition shows a b ealtk / business growth In tbe city of P endl» ton. Postal receipts In Bend In tbe 19H calendar year exceeded those of 1>M by >1315.81, with the number of money orders issued approximately equalling that of the previous year. The Bank W alter II Gilliam ha. been ap­ postofflce In 1926 went into the flraV pointed postmaster of Dixonville, ia class division. Douglas county. There were 90,130 telephones la In an attempt to .tam p out an epi­ Portland January 1. 1927, according to demic 1# scarlatina. City Marshal figures compiled by H. M. Durstott, Haag of Cove has authorized shooting division commercial superintendent of of all stray cats. tbe Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Receipts at the Maker postofflce for company. The increase during 1 9 » 192« were >57,312.82, according to W. was 5669 telephones. 8. I tower., postmaster, bast year The receipts recorded by the county they .were >54.987.39. clerk’s office in Clackamas shows an Louis E. Bean, who assumed h l. increase of nearly 150 per cent slneo duties as a member of the public serv­ 1916. In 1916 the total of receipt! ice commission last week, was elected was >76666.25. In 1926 the total wag chairman of that body. >20,484.25. The office ataft has not Fines collected In Bend In 1926 to­ Increased since 191«. exercised or declared, ia tlnal. and can not he review or called Into question taled >4095, according to the report elsewhere. of the city recorder. Revenue from H» i l i o n 4 U u h in (en d a y . from the fl nu I publication of auch a n tic . Section 2. The Common Council, at Its earliest convenience after license fees amounted to >1835 ^ - « • ’i T ^ í e n e í t e d ’t o ’ i J d “ « • f s l n e d and determ ined by aald v iew er , to be this a d lakes effect, msy provide by ordinance, direction or resolution for 1 t, Hull(ll“K Permits were Issued In objection h l or ’ h * " r or dr"'" "'«X "I- * " h the Ite. order any codification and puhllahlng in bixjlt form thia charter and all ordinances or »i.-weia Mh" h"*” 10 **• nn<1,n«» «nd determination of nubi parts thereof In rull force at the time of such codification, and from time K1»ma,h Falls during 1926 for new to time thereafter, as It may deem proper. construction valued at >2,905.818. July piratlon* o f'" ,V ,,? J Î L E S r_’T ? la r. ni "•"'»« .«* '»>• Council after the e Section 3 All general or special taxes or assessm ents levied or wa’ the record month with >620,045. m . i." o M br : ¿ ^ , b T C ,,^ d W,ht " ,ih' Pr," - ,"n« - cUon ">r "Hnr ob > , «•Mated under this act shall bear legal Interest from the time they become The public treasury of Baker count, tl< c r e i ., u ant 1» 11. b,- Kr240437.40. effect after this act takes effect and thereafter until repealed by the City Cottage Grove showed steady prog- o.'. rr*"':r ,,r HP— «»I or adjourned meeting • ouncll. All rights vested or liabilities Incurred under either the act of In- Section « __ the Council adopt aald report, eith er In whole or , orP,'r“t,OB »I t" »» »1 Springfield, or the amendatory’ arts'th ereof 'or durin“ the la ,t year- bolldin« b‘.bb r'----r “- '' «haíl'prm ced’To the pro ‘ "ny ordinance, when this act take« effect, shall not hereby be lost, impaired “Por»'*0“» reaching a total of >400,- «e In nnv way disregarded or destroyed. '¡000, far exoeedlng that of any pre- 5. All actlona and proceedings pending In the Recorder’s 1 vlous year. 'Ity of Springfield when this art takes effect ahall th ereafter1 Tn,al ... . a__. In according to the provision« of thia art, or any ordinance a a -' * 1 1 " " Grande during and continued In force by thia act. and no suit, or proceeding I 1926 *’B8 *49-501' according to the an- nny court shall abate by virtue of this art. No proceedings i nual report of Fire Chief C. C. Murthi- lon of taxes or for street improvements, and no proceedings , »on Just completed. The 1925 loaa street assessm ent or other matter or proceeding relating thereto.; was $36 528 SS " ' h*' may provide, and be and 110 proceeding«, for (he sale of property shall abate or be affected bv this Un h l for acconlingiv “¿ i: may.iw‘ determined as though this art had no, been passed, or under) ^ « P era tlo n . feeding, testing and this act as the person enforcing the same may determine) and all taxes breeding were the outstanding points f? V"r ”f sald cUy are h’‘r”by and declared to discussed at a meeting of more than lie collectible If levied upon the same basis as are other similar taxes Section 6. Any person or persons hereafter laying out. and platting 200 dairymen and their families at Hertlon 9 addition to the f | , y of Springfield, within the limits or adjacent thereto Haines last week. Ä T X ...................... any — "1 — - o * - ----*----- • ‘’ of . . •,'°< . - ks anil width of streets to erage for «aid e liv 1 .................... . e " ” «'.e n t omplefe system i MIlHlI caUR«’ ' I ? * l||»> »*'.i)8 on*’i>rrn •- ln **i James Stuart of Stanfield, 83 years r'.’.r-.r.“ 'd : 1,y.’. Iay d«*n. con s,ru n ,.w e r a or drains outside of ' ”7 a * / ‘Ji* C“,? ,lr "a>_- ^ p i m ï w i t ^ ï Ï . to esia.n.1 the fu...... ,« ,d cliy thereVVr . . I, th e « m ^ in the Masonic lodge, which makes la id 1.036,400 duging 1927 was proposed in the tentative budget submitted to the board of re­ gents of the university of Oregon at a recent meeting by President Arnold Bennet, Hall. The figures show that the university has anticipated re­ sources for the year of >1,048.844.81. Oregon highway maps—50,000 Of Curry county, business them—showing the railroads of the ranchers, have formed a state as well as the vehicle roads, and ipany and organized for showing on each of the highways ’he newspaper to be called the number by which it is designated 01 Independent. federal records, are ready for distribu­ provided In this art. I, shall, by ordinance)7rov7de~fnr~he'¿'¿. Hon' ^ T e ’. r " ' P0’ 10" 1«* rece,pta ln tion by the publicity department of De­ the Portland Chamber of Commerce, SO match of said land as tnav i„ ,, " r b y ' and ,,m a y "PPr” Prlate the use of an possible, of an equal number of Counrllraen from the residents of ea< h cemb*r were 5 44 Per cent ¡tow« ,,r k eep ,„ g ? nnt : : i r j ; , j V w T " “ ^ x - ia y n < ward. by the voters thereof; but in case It shall no, be practicable ,0 provide ! cemb« r 01 Tear, according to fig- Reappointment of the following The re- n width and m ake w hatever , ,,ts and ! " •’’‘"•••d Iw eti'y feet e J6“’ ho"p,tal 8UfferinS ‘»e ef- ____ ,« appropriate land by private , orpomfbms "m in mOd’ "f pr'>* C’dlngs Judgmi’n, '.'.‘f 'fh T c iu ’n'rtl Curry county’s financial . problems mode of proceedings in such action h" «nd control the Section 11 No Injunction or restraining order shall Issue from snv t w ‘ s ’ “ “ ’Ce,lt plece- an> OTer for the Pre8ent a"d a large «he eortV im l « p e » . ? . ^ ^ . r,P,^ 1? llralR'n« ">®»-F'wl,h which p„'y court to enjoin or prevent the Issuance or warrants or the"eollex-tlZn of m J 1 photORraphi taken iailed to re-) amount on floating Indebtedness will con slru ctln g and laying down The m w J m a ^ d ™ , '**? ‘ L” ' ° f 8 Pr ," * Hcld In the’'IsTJss’mTrt h " a 7 X ::nm:dii'rWe<’ f° r ln ,hlete,,• or to preven, the sale Marlon county prune growers ex- 000. This was decided at a special authorized and r..iiu fully ¿ñm owTr.d ”" pr’,y |d « l for of property for any tax .11 It o „ ........ .. ,y ,' ntpowered. men, , t the Council ihv c be e x i„ .,ii..„ "‘‘” 7 7 ' 7 w " " henever ’•never In In the Jude The power and author,tv ... I pressed unanimously approval of gome bond election held with a view to put* of the bonds of (be city of the denom lna In n .ad''L*abb'; *° '»"“c »«d dispose graille, 12. I to ,h e municipal corporation ’ f the City of 8o-'n«fi w fOrm ° f "rgani,,‘tion to stabilize the ting the county back on a b;»i» where the pur, baser msy desire, with I n t X , ’ I®0 00 *° »« »«0 0» as rlsed according the provisions of thU Lcî ' 8p- "«field to be cxer- marke, „ a m -#, ing he,d ,n Saleœ itsw arrauts would no longer be sell* T»lue O, Which shall „01 e x ’ :,I X r t T on^ : ‘ft,fta , h1’ d »»«• P»r ,A n ^ M CTrmrth2eC<,UnC‘l ’T ’ 11 *r ,n ‘ n" fra"ehl«e or amend laat week More tha" 250 at- Ing below par. ' ",‘n !Pd by ,h r M»>” .r m en u un,l punier Signed by the He, order T im m ? ™ firm, or Æ X ^ c e « p— lend’‘d by the c C.’ty :,y of Springfield shall . tie' ,b held ,h e and »’‘«I e of 1«'— the city a tta ch ed wher»2»y city •"•‘••■■eo. attached, John Macomber. about 45, was shot ■nd effect to undertake and prom ise 1« _ ?.d cn"H,dered d In li substance and killed almost instantly last week Bend s municipal water system was to the each bond, ’ """'dotation of the sulrl the sun,« therein” ,^ promises, ‘in ’!» or th. bearer im te d of S ta tJ ' of . T suld g X ! bonds Tub ih ,n«e"r:M",Lh e’’r,,'n nam lawful to p«v weeks "!,'1’,?'n,On *" d° n°' ,ba" 8 w ee? for t h ' r e ^ ^ c o X c X ; CO"’Pl‘’,ed * 0081 of »5S0’000’ a at Dallas, as he waa leaving the Ubmn « '* > .- with Interest there,,, ' “* sL :hn ™,a,PaPT . , Of *eneraI clreula"<>" Printed and pub- aavln* of «PProxImately >86.000. John of Leo Roberta following an altercs* within such time as the Council mav delern.lT: m," a‘ *U<’b ,X‘r <’’’",u 'n «nd lishi il In thT c i ; may Issie determine. '"” In, >r r L P7 y!‘ble ba'f >««Hv. proposed ordinance. lncJudtag t h i , ;am Tt Mt^ 8ub,(,an<'e and nature of the Dubuis. engineer, informed members « - provided in ».Id coupons II Said tlon over a missing umbrella. Mre. Said Issue shall be In addition ,0 a ll '^ i iV Issues authorised heretofore for sewers least one hundred words and unless the ord in al anrt consist of a t . of the Bend city council at a meeting Roberta was said by officers to have even, the whole o r d i n a l sh ill b ? rt,b H .h ^ Th " ' J ™ ? nK,h’ ,n wbich la8t week. admitted doing the shooting and then ae, .s8*,; i'° n o ’ , n r.,ora ’’'"P0 "1"« "f «ny nf th» bonds provided for In this to have declared that her husband art the (ou n cll shall requlri- the Recorder ,0 advertise for thlrtv days In h!mdi" wM*». "‘ Td P"|Per ,h l" 8 ,a ,,,• ,Or 8(’aled Proposals to purchase sue), or other prorogrative of s o v w ig it T s h a li’f: ; : " t ! ! PPlyln''' f° r "U<'h ,raBcW” ’ “nd Grant county 8one8 ,or P°rtl“ d fired the sh o t Roberta also admitted the said publication of notice. ” f r a n ^ h T s b i i r h : * ^ . * ! 2 advance-.° f la8t we« k Six main line cars were the shooting. It was aald. i« ,7 ,h ,KB d “dr^rllsimient shall state the amount of Imnds to be sold the Interest thereon; the time the same shall become due the time ami Hervlce corporation, or for a public utility except u p o ? s u c ^ PU^ h fr ° m G rant and the remainder fro® Sheepmen In the southern and east­ b,T;;«l a*nd,>d iP,nm" d Wi 1 bs OPe2 2 i abd c"nRldere known ns the sewer fund and shall be ken, * * ’>nforc"d a"d after ing for many years. the slaughter of sheep by dogs been separate and apart from all other funds of the city, and shall only Im Jsed it« approval by tiie Governor so heavy as at the present time. to pay the eosts and expenses that may be Incurred hy the city In and about Approve,! February 9th 1893 The Port of Astoria terminals han the construe!Ion and laying down the sewers and drains In this art provided More than >1.000.000 has been ap­ died 369,353 tong of freight during for, and the Issuing and disposing of said bonds. the year 1926. a gain of 10,342 tons propriated to Oregon for the forest Section 16. The Connell of said oily shall, at the same time , he ,«x over 1925. when the total traffic was highway and forest road development B A L L O T T IT L E TO BE U S E D IN S A ID E L E C T IO N . for ginernl expense Is levied, and at leas, once In each year, le w and collect "Hh.ii ,h t . „ 358.991 tons, annual report oj the traf funds for the fiscal year 1928. begin­ a special lax on all taxable property within suld city, sufficient to raise money ning July 1, 1927, according to infor­ enough to pay the sem iannual Interest Issued under this art and to provide adopting the n,>? . H w h . « 8» IW "f M n d [ta rhart,’r bY approving and 7 ic department showed. A C° U,M carpenlers ln tbe uap mation which has Just been reecived a sinking fund with which to pay the principal of said bonds on maVurltv people of the Town of Sprlng'flrtd’Z ieZolu’tl’on " d o p X " h y X ^ C o m m ^ ’ said tax may he Included In the other taxes of said city and considered'« ‘’<>'ln, y oand «led with the Recorder on the 12th day of J .n u /ry , I M v ' of the steel square will at once be by C. M Granger, district forester Of pari thereof for the purpose of levying and collecting the same and as fas, established In the Eugene high school the total of >1,116,904. >537.103 la In ns the tax Is collected Its proportion to the other taxes collected with or In 601 No. under the Smith-Hughes act, accord­ the forest road development fund and eluded In the sum colleced. shall be set apart from the other tax ns a HDoclal f<"d for the purpose and to he used In the manner hereinafter provided and ing to Fred Chess, manual training >579,801 ln the forest highway fund. shall not he used for any other purpose, except that for which the same was A new complaint against freight teacher of the city schools. ■collected, ’ N O T IC E rates on livestock In the Pacific north­ S P E C IA L E L E C T IO N TO A P P R O V E A D O P T IO N O F N E W There were a total of 345 industrial flection 17. The money belonging to the sinking fund, provided for CHARTER accidents in the state of Oregon dur­ west was filed with the interstate by the proceeding section of this act, shall he by said city invested from ing the week ended January 6, ac­ commerce commission at Washing­ time to time In Interest bearing bonds of the United States or of this State or some municipal corporation therein, or loaned on good unencumbered cording to a report from the state in­ ton, D. C., by the Northwest Livestock real estate security, or used in purchasing any outstanding bonds of the cltv dustrial accident commission. None Shippers’ Traffic league, said to com­ disposed of under this act. • y prise more than 2000 shippers. Thg of the accidents were fatal. • rates complained of are those to Ta­ C H A P T E R X II. Said election is c a lle d h v .u . „ „ Oregon monthly pensions have been M IS C E L L A N E O U S P R O V IS IO N S of Springfield for the purpose of proposing'andT utai'V m :ntr ,,,hf T° W" *ran,ed 88 foll<>W8: Clara L. Sheffield, coma and Seattle from Oregon point! on the Southern Pacific and the Ore­ flection 1. In every action, ault or proceeding In any court concerning gon Electric Railway company and paaied lm l ? ',be, C,,n,mon G"un, |l of said town in a r X t l o n , land’ ,30; Krank,in HaU’ Lebanon, the exercise or enforcement hy said city, the Common Council or any com from North Portland. EdWBrd WaMVO” ’,• "“ ker’ mi, ce thereof, or any officer or hoard of the city, of anv power or authority X r i e V i ^ X X i e " : ? 8 r i n X d ' ^ ^ r ' r ' k92L ’h/ BPPr0VBl ° f More Oregon produce was marketed by this ac, given or delegated to said city, Common Council, or anv of Its following propoHiilon P W be to the voters In the Bertha Steudlng. Eugene, $30. otneers. hoards or committees, all acts, proceedings and duties of said d tv in Portland last year than the year hlI « * . T »Wn 8 Pringfleld amend Its charter by approving1 and A men'8 dorn,,tory to ba k"°" n •« before and as a consequence receipt* •b" / "jnmon Council, or any committee thereof, or any officer or hoard of .d o n ,l!,sh|R snld city, shall be presumed to he regular and duly done or taken from the tieonie of ,h " 7 C ty Sb?rter Proposed and submitted hy the Council to the 1 the sherrY Ross ha*J* I" memory of beginning, and no error, defect or omission In any act, proceeding or^ hlng K ; . , ".’n r f i ^ z r . h " b: ,u,? ? d b y " " the u te aherry Kbaa’ w,n b° •< from outside the state were lighter. There were 5283 carloads of fruits and required t o be done or taken hy this act, or nny ordinance of said city »han Recorder on the l„th day of January, 1927’’’ I the University of Oregon under the 600 Yes. vegetables unloaded in Portland In affect or Invalidate such act or proceedings, unless the person attacking tha 601 No. terms of the late Mrs. Mary Jane Ross 1928 In comparison with 6963 carload» same shall allege and prove that he has been misled by »uch error defect ou. ss on to 1,1s damage, and the court shall disregard "every e X , ' ¿ X £ office o ? , U c i , ? R X d " i \ ? e " r X IOmaavni l PrOT edd rhar‘Pr ° b fl,P al »•* Woodward’s will. Her father, Sherry in 1925, 5294 carloads in 1924 and 3727 omission which docs not affect (he suhalantlnl rights of such person and a n v Th« i , n,pr w‘lere It may be rend and consulted bv the nuhhp Ross, was the first settler on Ross carloads In 1919, reports R. L. Ringer, p r o , ceding, mailer. ,,r thing by this act committed or ie f t " t n h : ni l s X d , m island and the flrat private owner of In charge of the Portland office of thg or Judgment of the Council such discretion or Judgment of the Council wl! t . . „ ” ■' c “’ the island. bureau of agricultural economics. I M. PHTERSON, Town Recorder