The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, January 13, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Submitted to the People by Resolution
of the Common Council of the
Town of Springfield
T o amend an act entitled an act to Incorporate the town of Springfield, and
to repeal a ll acta and part« of acts relating to the Incorporation ot the
town of Springfield, and all acta am endatory thereof.
fh’rttnn I
The Inhabitants of the C ity of Hprlngfi«*ld are here y <
atlluted and declared to be a municipal corporation by the name and style
of the " f l t y of H p rln rfleld .'' and by such name shall have perpetual
eton, »11« and be sued. plead and be Impleaded, In a ll court« of J u s t< e
an io n « , suits. or proceeding« w hatever; may purchase. hold anil receive pro-
perly, both real and personal, w ithin »aid city for public biilldlnae. public
work« anil city Im
provem ent»; ; may lea»e. »ell
or , dl«po»"
of . the » «ame for the
benefit of the c ity ; may purchaae. hold and receive property, both real and
personal, beyond the lim it , of the city, to be used for city parks, burial pur
poses, for the establishm ent and maintenance of a hospital for the roeep-
Hon of persons afflicted with contagious diseases or o tte r diseases, for work
houses, or for houses of .o rre c tlo a ; also for an erection of w ater works Io
supply the City w ith water, ami may control lease sell or dispose of the
autne for th«- benefit of the city, and It «hall have uml u»e a common aeal,
and may a lte r or change the name or make u new one at pleasure
He« Hon 3 the c o rp o ra l, lim its of the < Ity of Springfield «hal he as
su«h mini as he may dealgnat«. not exceeding »100.
Hectlon I . Ths H e io rd e r »hall have Jiirlsdlc,Inn and a u th ority of a
Justice o f the peace w ithin the lim it« o f the City of Springfield, In both civil
and crim in al m utter«, . . . and
when , «xerclalng
such jurisdiction
no and .. auth . ority
ahall be .u b je c t to all the general laws of the State prescribing the duties
of a Justice of the peace and the mode of perform ing the . . m e ; hla duties
a» C lerk shall be prescribed by the Common Council.
and make the coats thereof a lien upon the property, to be collected In Ilk «
m anner a» for street Iratrov.-m enta; but In »uch caae the same m in t be re­
ported to the Council and the neceaslty thereof declared.
*• T o prevent, regulate, prohibit and remove nuisance», and to do-
j d a r e by ordinance what .h a ll conatitute the aame. and to make the expen««
1 „ f abating auch nuisance a lien upon the property where such ■"'■ r r f f
, nxlsta.
Section I . T h e T reasurer must keep an account with the gen eral!
¡ri-nartn ^n i*1 i n /
' ‘'’ ulpment a “ d maintenance o t
fund, and a se per ate account with each »ped al fund that may be raised for |)Ur
.... . .
t " * 1, for ,h * ,r r«<“ latlon and for the
any specific object, and when a w a rra n t la drawn on any p articu lar fund It lu
. . . „ J L 7 , , ,»
P“ rohaee a J 1* tTUck' a “ d a PP*«*-
can Ofdv be Laid out of »uch fund
~ and
,OT “ *« »»“ «• the cl«x Council Is hereby authorised and
Section 4. T he T reasurer must make a report to the Council of all money *not to ’ es<<MMlW|7 000ha B d *u Il
*7 *^ 2 . V i 12s '¡LT * 1 ° * * ’ ’ um ° {
m oney, re c .lv « ! and expended whenever required by the Council.
.X a t lo n cou^n
a° k‘ “J * 8“ ra*
Section 6 T he Common Council may prescribe such additional rule» ,.eutuni M r a n n u m th e n r i n , i . l i
r *2,
IT 1* ? **
,‘MC88d * l * f * r
and regulatlona for the Recorder and Tregaurer, not Inconsistent w ith tbls j yearH from their date and t o Pn r« v m I
T a.tU,’ | BK ? °i?t to 8Ice8d ft* *
. . th ...
. . . fit
year» rrrwn tn eir date, and to provide by taxation of all property w ith in
act, as they m ay tee fit
) the corporate ||mlUt o, lhe city a »inking fuB<1 to re tlre Mal<f bond, Bt , h e|r
’ m aturity, and to pay the securing Interest thereon. The bonded Indebted»
Section «. T h e M ayor, w ith the consent of (he m ajo rity of the Com- • a ^ n herein provided shall be In addition to any and all other hondes n i w "
__ __ ______
I have power to appoint a M a r.h a ll and a .u lt.b l.- force of adneM . heretofore and . h i . m i" ________
b?.“ d8l
"nr ^ o .n /n d * th e ^ M .r ' t'd “ ’' ’ “ •‘«¿•«oior* »"d «ha, may be h ereafter incurred "by the clty~under
regular policemen and night 'watchmen, o r to remove o r auapend the M ar
e iia tin g charter and ani>*nrim«*rii«
ih a l, night watchmen or any mem ber of the police, for any cauae which be
10. T o provide for the prevention and extinguishm ent of fires r to
may (Uum aum<.,rnt>
a U le d
, he ordw- o f rem oval or »u«penalon;
and m e Common Council may make all neqessary and convenient rulea and appoint fire wardens and prescribe th e ir duties, and to compel any and a ll
persons present to aid In the extinguishm ent of fires and the preservation
regulation» for the organisation and conduct of «aid police force,
of property exposed to danger In tim e of fires, and by ordinance to pre­
C H A P T E R V.
scribe such other powers as may be necessary on such occasslons; to con­
struct cisterns for w ater for the extinguishm ent of fires.
Section 1. T he Common Council »ball have auth ority w ithin the
11|n|tg (>f )hB (
of g|>r)n<flHd
pr(,vlda ,„ e m anner of conducting elec
11. To regulate the storage of gunpowder, giant powder, dynam ite,
t|()I)il >nd , . . n¥a a , votes cast thereat, and to fill vacancies In offlre.
n itroglycerine. and other combustible m aterials; the use of candles lamps
Section Z. No person ahall be entitled to vote at any municipal elec- and other lights In shops, «tables and a ll other places; to prevent, remove,
tl<jn w(jf> h>(| n<)(
# r„ , d^Bt nf H prlngflel I for the th lrtv days nest pre
or secure any fireplace, »love, or other apparatus which may be dangerous
wh„ ,» n„ t a quallhed legal voter In this State, or In causing fire«; To regulate and prescribe the m anner of building p arti­
r„ fu »w , to pay any „tie Imposed upon him by a court of «aid tion and party walls and fences.
12. To determ ine and prescribe the m anner and slse o f a ll place*
Section 3. At any <dty election Im m ediately a fte r the votes have been of entrance and exit from all public halls, churches, theaters, school« and
(.oun(w | and the canvass completed Io the m anner provided or to be provided a ll other buildings used for public gatherings, and the mode of hanging th *
make and Issue a certificate of doors thereof.
. „ to
, be elected
, and
. . . . . 13, T"“ establish fire lim its o f the C ity and prescribe the kind of
shall he prim a facie evidence building to be constructed therein ; to prohibit and regulate the erection
. . i OUn<,i l
‘ he " r “ 1 Ju<Ui ‘
n "d, " “f “ ": ,,f
within such fire lim its, and to restrain and
M ayor and Its members, and In lim it the height o f buildings w ithin such lim its.
ca«e of a contest between tw o o r tupre persons claim ing to be elected there­ a _
T ® régulât« and prohibit the running at large of poultry and
to. iuu«i determ ine the aame
lom estic anim als w ithin the c ity lim its, and to impound and aeil the same
Section 4. A contest election for any officer other than M ayor and and to prevent the discharge o f firearm s in said city.
Councilmi-n moat be determ ined according to the law of the Slate reg ulat­
T o regulate , , the rate . o f speed
upon a ll railroads u or i u other
ing froreedtngs
In i I county
K f i i In
l l I ronteateA
' l i i i t f f i r i i * elections
'|V T ( | K i l l N
'lJ U U i/ h
iiii v b .
w ith in
iK i,
--------- - r ' ' — —
6. A A l ll l i laws
° r ' ?<,rat'
j .
, ----------
an,! 10
fast and furious riding or d rir-
't n » n
ttW H
i of
» i t this
n iM
n State
iB ie
u i« im g
a and
iiv r r m u g
'* iiv r .u
aIll| I,r(M„,.(||n , M ,„„1 m atters Incidental thereto, shall apply as far
" g upoD ,he
and alleys therein.
amt range; thence North along the East line of «aid donation land claim
13H4 fee l; thence Eusl to a point of Intersection w ith the East lin e of the
Oregon and C alifo rn ia Hallw ay Company's right o , w a y ; thence southeasterly
along and on »urh East title of said right of way to th« Intersection thereof
w ith the N orth line of North ” K ' Street, as platted In III« Sprlngflold Invest
w ent and Power Compitny's addition to the (T ty nf . Springfield,
,tl »11.1. North Hue of said s ire .4 Io Il.e point o f Intersection th' r.s.f Willi
th«* t enter Itn«* <<f TIM nl
u* ihu nunu« It* phittud in mm I<1 addition;
aa applicable to und govern electio n* under thia act, except ua herein other-
prevent and restrain any riot, noteeg, disturbances, or dlo-
n orth erly on nuch <-«-nt»*r lln** o f T h ird Street, extended, to the point of In- wlae provided.
orderly aaw-mhlag»*« in any place w ith in the corporate lim its ; to rtg u la U
t<’rMM tlon of au « h line with the Houth lln** of the County lioad on the N orth
Section 6. A ll officer« elected o r appointed under this act before an<* prohibit the carrying of deadly weapons in a concealed m anner
lln« o f the II F I* o w « tm Donation lumd Clnltn Num ber 48 In Hold city and • nterlng upon th«* duties of th e ir office must take and file with the Recorder
say by ordinance w hether o r not any bicycle, tricycle, or
range; thence euaterly and norlh«*rly on and along hU«h County Itond to the an oath of offlcw to th** follow ing effect: “ f A B.. do aolomnly sw ear (o r s’ rnlh‘ r wheeled vehicle, or any steam engine o r portable steam or traction
Intersection thereof w ith a lln«’ drawn through the center of th«* weal half affirm» that I w ill support the constitution of the t ’ nlted States, and *‘nFlne. or harvesting hea/ler o r reaper, or other harvesting machinery
«>( B«Ttlon T w e n ty flv-- (26), from North to Houth, In »»Id city anti rang.», ot hl 8U t< gad that i w ill io tha be»t o f my ability, faith fu lly p erfo rm th e be
In running
o rder
o r publicly conveyed through any street
“ driven through ------------
th* n<*e H«»uth on auth Hit«-, through the center of th»' aouthenat Q uarter of ilutlea of I be office of . ................................ during m y continuance therein, so allev ¿he
h“ *“ y “2 ? ?
’ hat. if any. street or s U e e U ¡o r
aal<l ae< tloit to th»- South line th'TPof; th» nee Kant on th» I ’.!»** between help me God.’’ If the person affirm«, instead o f the last clause of said oath, a lk y the same may b«* done or prohibited.
H* t thina T w en ty (Iv* (26) and T h irty Mix <361 In aaid city und range. T w e n ty there niuat be added: “ And this I promise under the pains and penalties of ,^ ,1 J k ' i T o 1,c‘‘n* ‘‘- «“ »• regulate and restrain dance halls, 'billiard tables.
(20 ) chains to the “Q u itrie r" corti«*r on aaid lln»’ ; thetn»« Houth on the center p erju ry .“
|MM»I tables, pigeon hole tables, or a n y table where balls and cue» are used
lln* through <a»d H« < tl(»n T h irty alx (8 0 1 to the c«*ntcr of th«* M ill Race;
Section 7. The general election for said c ity shall be held bi»*nnially iTf , h!l ,aU er8' 1,hoo‘ i '" t galleries, card tables and card rooms, and a ll place»
theiii'e northw eaterlv down the center o f the M ill Race to th»* point of Inter* at such place us the Council may designate on the first Tuesday a fte r the of public amusement m aintained and conducted fo r profit.
a* < lion with the Knat lln»* of Fourth Sir«*« I in the C ity of S irln u fh ld; thence first Monday in Novemlu r at the tim e of the general election.
of s J L J u prohibit any person or persons w ith in the corporate lim it*
Houth <>n auch line t«» u alone corner, which la lt»4
feet Houth of the Booth
Section 8. Th»* term of offl< e of all officer* elected at any general .. k Pr »nFheld from to lling or giving away any spirituous, m alt, or vinou«
line of South
Street in aal«l c ity ; thence Houth 73 degree* 16 minutes election In said city shall commence on the first day o f January a fte r
said '’“u,1?. ( ° an> m ,n o r
or person under the age of twenty-one years a n il to
Ku«t 1000 fee t; thence Houth 600 feet; thence W«at to the center of election
P.r ^h ,b lt any ,p* r8on or a rs o n s from in any manner, d ire c tly or in d ire c tly
th«» W illa m e tte R iv e r; thence northw eaterly down the center of aakl riv e r to
HecHon :• Th« Recorder shall give ten days notice by publication in
, , n* . ° r * ' ln,r aw ay. through an agent or'em ploye or otherwise, any cigar-
a point du«* South of the place of liegtnulng.
some newspaper published In the City of Springfield, or by posting notices
f l i a r - s m o k in g tobacco in any
form to any m inor under the aee nt
twenty-one vear«
thereof In three public places In said C ity o f Springfield.
O F T H E G O V E R N M E N T O F T H E C IT Y .
I« .
T o j l efin<? *'ho are common drunkards; to prohibit the s e llin r or
C H A P T E R V I.
Section I
The power and uuthorlty given to th«* m unicipal corponp
giving aw ay of any Intoxicating liquors to any such
I ft ri
Vr »Ha.
twm — 1» .. . thereof.
I. _ w
---------------- *
common drunkard» and
tlofi of the C ity of Hpriugfl«»l<l by thia act It* vested in u M uyor and C otnnoo
Section 1 An office m ay be declared vacant upon thp death or re­
Council, and th e ir auc<-eaaora In olfl« •*.
21. To restrain or prohibit the smoking of opium or the r u n n i n r nt
signation of the Incum bent, or upon such Incumbent's ceasing to possess the
r i.v
',h u ‘
of thc <|li«llfl«atli.ns of an e l « tor. . T h e office of M ayor may be declare«! vacant opium houses or places for smoking opium to d e f l T w hat Is an omum
l*h" 11 '*••
•«-«» •»>
-iualllle.1 voters w henever the Incumbent thereof shall be absent from thc (T ty for a period ih e r e o r a n d ’ ^ n b m Rm° V nK
and ’ <> P“ “ 1»*» ‘ he keeper or p ro p r ie ty
X . , ' n ■, £
U ,,f " 'x,y < U y ,: provided, that the Common Council may grant to the M ayor thereof and opium smokers and frequenters of such housed
.1.11 ¿
p Vi
5, y
60 " ? • M * y or' wh° l l e a v e of absence not exceeding ninety days. The «.(Bee of Councilman may ■ na . a «T ° ’T 1*t r ,,n and Prohibit bawdy houses and houses of ill-fam e
s l« ll »• c x j.lfi. lo HreMdent of the
ommon ( ouncll. four ( o unrllm en one > be declared vacant whenever any Incumbent thereof shall fail to attend two
R. «v.nler. who shall be ex-olfi. Io ( lerk of the ( ommon Council, and one , regular consecutive meetings of the Council, unless absent upon leave form
T re a s u rer
tlx- Council first obtained
A ll other city offices may be declared vacant
HecHon 4 T he Muyor shall be elected for four years, and shall hold whenever the incum bent shall be absent from the city for a period of th irty
his office th e re a fte r until his successor be elected and qualified.
days; provided, that the C o u n rlf may gTant said officer leave o f absence for
HecHon 5. T h e members of the Commou Council shall he elected for a period not exceeding sixty days.
tour yaara. ami shall hold Ih e lr offices u ntil th e ir successors are elected and
Section 2. The Common Council may rm m v e or suspend from office
any officer of the city, other than the M ayor or Counctlmen. for a violation
HecHon 8
T he Res o rd e r mid T reasurer shall each hold his office for of duty, or neglect or refusal to perform the same; the grounds of such ac­
the term of tw o years, and until hla successor Is elected and qualified.
tion to be slated In the order of rem oval or suspension.
HecHon 7. All officers of the City of Springfield In office when this
' h“ 1" ’- 28
o r p U c ^ ^ k e U S o Z ^ S u n d a T ' “ "*
act takes effect «hall hold th eir offices until th e ir term s of office for which
Ihey were elected expire, «ml until Ih e lr aurceM ora are elected and qualified.
Section 1 A t the first reg ular m eeting of the Council. In Januarv
S e c tio n I . T he appointive officers of the city shall be as follows: one a fte r each general election, nr us soon th e re a fte r as practicable, the Council pawnbrokers, and money' c han ge», ’d ru m m e rs 4 proh,bl' laundri’’ R- broker«,
traveIerR- h°<*>
C lly Attorney, one Street Commissioner, one C ity Surveyor, one M arshall, shall choose by ballot one o f its members to preside, over the Council and runners, auctioneers taverns h a w k e rs Tnri
“ : PeI;«aa
h ^ h ‘ ° „ i , f l n e Wha«
‘T t h aeDdsa¿hee
who shall bo Chief of Police, and a suitable force of police and night watch
pt-rform th** duties of M ayor. In the absence of the M ayor from the city, or
men. all o f whom shall be appointed hy the M ayor, w ith the consent of a if he I»- for any cause unable to act. said President of the Council shall have for the l o c l u o n ^ f the s a m ^
“ nd reKUlate m arket houses aad P ' ~ «
m ajo rity o f the Common Council, at the first m eeting follow ing each bien­ and exercise the powers and perform all the duties of M ayor.
nial election, and shall hold Ih e lr respective offices for two years, unless re­
S e c tio n ?
T h e M ayor and m
em bers c of ™ the
^ u Common
7 n “ rf m
? e 7 o ffi^
r s and
a " " " a' R Xep, f o / b ^ d i n g * p u ^ s P
ers°h lb lt th6 keeP' D« ° f
move. I from office hy the Common Council or M ayor, as In this act otherw ise receive „ „ „ay for th e ir " ^ v ^
provided, and until Ih e lr hiici essors are elected and qualified
The duties shall be provided for by the Common Council
To control and regulate the m anner of c o n . t r . . - . ) » ?
or the several appointed officers shall be such aa the Common Council mav
Section 3. No mem ber of the Common Council shall, during the period ■ “ . j l advertlsing signs and sidewalks and «ompel repairs »„a A , aw nlnf *
by ordinance prescribe
for * b 'c h he Is alected. I h > interested in any contract the expenses of which o r^ ow m Z^ ^h’ “ " t 8,dewalk8 already constructed, a t the cost of t h ^ w n e r
Section 9
No person shall be elglble to any office, electlvo or appoint­ are to be paid out of the c „ y treasury.
; or owners thereof.
**’ *** lne cosl or the owner
ive. In the corporation who nt the tim e of hlg election or appointm ent Is
Section 4 A m ajo rity o f the members of the Common Council shall to.«.,
. T ° a C° ? tro1 and re’tulat® «he m anner of setting on,
nut entitled to the privileges of all elector under the constitution of this f r ‘2
‘ 1 ’ ?.°rtt" ‘ a d° b u8lnM " bu' a lei’ R " " mb" r »>»> meet and adjourn j ‘ a j
’ W“ h ' n ,h ,‘ 8 ,re 8 U ° r P“ hllc property o r parks
from tim e to tim e and compel the attendance of absent m e m b e r.
ly ’ . .
property o r parks o f th«
Section 10 The M syor shall fill all vacancies in the appointive offices
Section 6. T he Common Council of said c ity "shall not 7 n anv way eranh
r8gl! la ,(“ and control the construction and location o t
of said c ity by appointm ent, with the consent of a m a jo rity of the Common create any debts o r lia b ilitie s which shall singly or In the aggregate exceed ?Tit»h e le c tr‘r “ «ht. and telephone lines, and tele rra n h
te U :
( ouncll.
no. i 8ha'l «he Common Council borrow money on the fa ith and „.'.’X
^ .o i ', _ a? d._al1 .e.Iectr,c and »«her apparatus for lig h tin g * s treet*
. r i ^
a g ^ g a " c " d^ bJ L b” " dlnK8
8ald ‘•“ y- a» ‘« of laying’ T w a ^ r
of the “ ' y - <>; ' - n the credtt t h e ™ ? ‘¿
C H A P T E R II I .
I, of »2.600. except as In this act otherwise specially p ro vid e d
! contro‘ ‘ he m anner of constructing and the location of gas mains aSd ^ k e .
the sum
T H E M A Y O R : H IS P O W E R S A N D D U T IE S .
Section 1. T he M ayor shall he the executive officer of the corpora­
Section 8. T he Common Council shall have authority to establish » * ,
E To control the m anner of constructing and the
«dop« rules and by-laws governing th e lr own proceedings and the con 2 , J * ? .
'i ne8 and ,h “ ..................... .............. !
location of street-
tion. and must exercise careful supervision o f Its general affairs and sub­
ordinate officers
He shall have the power to call nnw-tlngs o f the Common
Council and shall preside at Ih e lr meetings
H e shall have no vote except
In case of a tie. He shall, at least once In each year, state to the Common
ouncll the condition, financial and otherwise, and recommend such meas
•’ “
- í ' b X 1 3
”¡ S
' »•
ure« for the peace, health, Im provem ent, and prosperity of the city as he
may deem expedient. He shall at the first m eeting of the Common Council a
T b e "«yle of «he enacting clause of every ordinance shall I
i - ' ' X ° ri“^u «a «*" «he weights and measures w ithin t h -
L i t , J i , To provide a U x on dog, and o ih e r d o m ^ tlc ? » » ,. * ’ “ ‘ 8’
a fte r each general election appoint three members o f the Council upon each be: "T h e C ity o f Springfield does ordain as follows. "
of the follow ing com mittees, to w it: (1) Jud iciary; <2) Finance; (3) Street«-
(4 ) F ire, W ater, and Sew er; (6) H e a lth ; <•) P rin tin g and Police,
of aald com m ittees shall have general power and supervlalon over the d iffe r­
R,,corder to act in his stead, who shall fo rth w ith take the oath of office or w ith th T
proT,de for vacating a n y street or alley n o o n
e n t aub jeds pertaining io Ita departm ent, and such fu rth e r powers and and perform the duties of Recorder during such tem Dorarv
nr in 1
consent of three*fourths of all th*> n«m
\ upon the petition
a b ility and he shall receive .he same s .ía ry a . l í e R ^ c o X " U £ " d ed u c e d
8 tW t
a»’ y
the p a T t h X V t ’X
' 5'
duties as may be prescribed by ordinance or aaslgned It from lim e to tlm o
rom he salary and fees of that officer; and the order of the M ay^r a p X t
I ? build culverts, bridges and s e X s
by the Council.
Section 2. No ordinance passed by the Council shall go Into force ,n‘ 7 s b, . z ; * 7 . a^
. ^
, ,nm i ; s
; be
a „ d p , . * . of ,t . -
for the ,i8ht,ng of ,he
,n e y 8 and pub,,c buiid-
or he of any effect until approved by the M ayor, except aa provided In the
í e í n í r n" ‘7 i 'n"r"' “ any ° f Wh'Ch “ may adJ',llrn «» »he next succeeding
To annVW 61'” “ " f° r ,he C,ty-
three succeeding sections.
Section 3
Upon the passage of any ordinance the enrolled copv
<>• b“ ‘ -
- t . a r m e e t-¡fo r the P - m
and p ro vld .
thereof, attested hy the Recorder, shall be subm itted to the M avor by the
Recorder, and If the M ayor approves the same he shall w rite upon It "An on the eaí,°onf ‘.°„y
o ^ l S r í X s?
y X % 7 ? ± . ^ ! ^ « 4 ? a“y
w h í’ í f h’e ^ o e ? ^ X e " P^ ' b“ a“ y
prov«>d, ' with the date thereof, and sign his name of office, and thereupon
unleaa otherwise provided therein, such ordinance shall become a law ami
and the m anner o f
bs of force and effect
A ll ordinances shall be published once a fte r th eir
“ ..........- - - —
... m ir e uieuioers.
............. .. ..........o,
passage In some newspaper of general circulation in the (T ty o f Springfield
Section 11.
1- ’* T L'ah^ ° Prr,’ “fe8t^
« r a X r 8i x £ ’ t ^ » s ^ la 0 0 n ° f “ ny ord,nan«
Section 4
I f the M ayor do not approve o f an ordinance so subm itted therein shall not
he must, w ith in ten days o f the receipt thereof, re tu rn the same to the R e­ W
r W ,a ,e a —
a"d “ —
-e ..
corder w ith his reasons for not approving It. and If the M hvor do not so
X n^ ^ ; b7 ^
’ ; d ,z X n bL ^
return It such ordinance shall become a law as If he approved of IL
Section 6. Upon the first m eeting of the Council, a fte r the retu rn of
Section 13. W hen any person shall be convicted of an offense under 1
8nd ,o 8e" anfi d ' RPo»e o T th e same
' aUth° r ’ty ° f the
any ordinance from the M ayor not pproved, the Recorder shall d eliver the
same to the Council w ith the messnge of the M nyor which must be read,
and such ordinance shall then be put upon It» passage again, and If three-
taxed or regulated, and
prohibited by law.
fourths of all members constituting the Council, ns then provided by la s
of sSid
„kf..8L W
on tbe
°« public works
7. . To
m n licet
d . T ’ ^ ,aX' and re(fulat8 J“ «»« dealers and dealers in second-
ro te In the affirm ative It shall thereupon become a law, w ithout the approvai of said city, under the charge of the M arshal or other public officer and the
o f the Mayor, and not otherwise.
(o m m o n (o u n c ll may provide such fetters nnd manacles as mav be neces- hand merchandise
exhlbltions,T ” how-sn T n d X h e r ^ h H c ' “«'™ an<’ re8traln theatricals and other
snry to secure such person during such term of labor
«,)..,). H,P.c tl° " 14
T h 0 Common Council shnll have power and a u th ority
»9- To «even? and pun ish t r e , X U’unmoennt8 ?n<’ Sh° O,,n‘ * a»'erie.
Section 1. T he Recorder shall he the Judicial officer of the c ltv and w ithin the corporate lim its of the C ity of S p rin gfield:—
60. To provide for the preve^Hon a*^d i e m n ^ i pey80l?1
a l Property.
shall have Jurisdiction of all offenses against the city or anv ordinance there­ .11 nrJn»»?” ¿ 7 k " " 'I P" ’ ’W!' ,uxes for general nnd municipal purposes on
from the streets,
lle y , cro
ssw alk, and
d „T61
ts, a
n».i o M
u ,n
_ ....
^emoval of all obstruction*
of, and may fine or commit persons found g uilty thareof, nnd shall hold n by l a w X ¿ ,b?
,r ,a " n<! Per80nal' w l,h in «he city lim its which is ta x a b le rep airin g o f the
and s*dew aiks. and for the cleaning a n j
court therein al such place as the Council shall designate or provide which
law ror utate and county purposes..
said court shall be known and designated as the "Recorder's Court '■ H e .» ,) »». To provide for the survey of blocks, streets and alleys o f the city
tu"teP thr a n y "Unl*a " ' “ ',n^ ^
deflnre liT
an'' d'8,Urb'
shall have a u th o rity to Issue process for the arrest of persons accused of ai d for m aking and establishing the boundary linen of said blocks and
shall ronatl*
any offense against the ordinance or Inws of the clly , and m av com m it such "*roe t": for the nam ing of the streets and widening and straightening the
person* to Imprisonm ent, or adm it them to hall pending tria l to Issue sub same, and numbering house»* thereon.
.? 1.T ° ..r,< U ,? te "langhter-houses and provide for th eir exclusion form
poneas to compel witnesses to appear and testify o f anv cause before him .1,
r rm
and to compel obedience thereto; to Issue any and all process necessary to the c lly lim its or from any part thereof
carry Into effect the judgm ent or effect o f the Recorder’s C o u rt A ll civil
r * „
and crim in al proceedings In the Recorders Court for (he violation of cltv
ordinances or offenses against the c ity are governed nnd regulated bv the s
i x
: X S
2 8 X
V down
’. ? , . of
’.’ track
le r railw ays ..»»»
- . _ k - =
“ TlnK
general laws nf the state governing Justices of the peace and Justice's courts
Council may de-
except that the accused shall not have the rig h t of tria l by jury, unless ho
d tm an d the same before any witnesses are sworn on the tria l o f the cauae
and shnll pay the Jury fee for one day and give security for the paym ent of
J" "u, h
aH mny bfi ‘»•'"'«natPd hy thc Recorder, n o tE xceed in g
»100. w ith o n . or more s u*s , who shnll ju s tify in the sum of »200 over stances ami’ to’T X n ^ s U e a m s T o m o v e X w l'n g T h e " h in k » " ’ '''” 1*® 8ub‘ | ‘ ° Pre" n t
person sh’f romh K i"l^ or <l" '° ™ « d or crippled persons, and
and above all debts nnd liabilities, exclusive o f property exempt from ex.
acutlon, or In lieu thereof deposit with the Recorder as security for the costs
7. To fill up or drain any lots or block, where stagnant w ater stands.
Clean,ng and »Prinkllng of the s tre e t, and
:' ú s cpíí " o ? ,zumbir"
^ „ x r ka -