a . H . S LO SES F IR S T H IG H BALL GAM E T O S H E D D Springfield THURSDAY JANUARY 13. 1 »27 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PA G F POUR SC H O O L S T U D E N T S TO ATTEND_CO NFERENCE Hurt) school haskelhnU T h ree representatives of th e j liRttiUN NEWS Ilt.hS OF SPECIAL INTESESI Springfield high achool slnde.il groups w ill attend «ho high school i Brief Resume of Happenings ol conference to bo conducted on iho the Week Collected tor V n lv e ra lty of Oregon campus » M a y »"«1 Saturday of this week The of- Our Readers. llclal delegatee from hero aro Kvan A notice received In Baker rover. ' Hughe«, president of the student body; Horen» L arim er, editor ot tao slates that a fte r January 1 the dull, T h e lineu ps Shedd Staple le a f, and M argaret O derkirk. wage scale for all carpenters who ar ttprtngHeld members of the union w ill be JS Elder president of the G irls ' lea g u e . t < mx H u n t« th * year Just dost:-, H arp er Ml»a Pauline M ille r w ill attend the day. M cM u rray t the wage scale has heen IT a day advtoor'a seealons. Many students (M uiré» t , Missing from his shack near Ham Huacaa and faculty member» expect to n t - « B c 'f Pennell tend various sections of the confer- moad sine« th rla tm n s ever, th» bud' Unton g of Charles M Mekula. l i form er mc-.r , Melson ence during the tw o d a y session Bed ting g I The high school conference is an her of the Astoria police fore«, w D OGS P U T IN POND AS lnBUal "" “>* Vaivmstty camp found In a cleverly coacealud under ground beer making vault In th« ______ us and is attrac tin g wMe attention L IC EN SE D R IV E S T A R T S ,, wiu ,,p *„ « u h an as- heart of the wooded district near hit home last Wednesday. * •— —— , sesnbly » M a y morning and the se nogs of all description*. sites and whR,h follow w ill he dtvMed The state b o a rd of control « e le c t» " varieties hace been penned up in the Into student body officer», pres» con T h e Halles as the location for the n r a ' rtty pound this week as Police Chi.'f ' l ference. advisor » conference. an I state tuberculosis hospital which war Saattaen waged his annual d rive gtrla' league division E n te rta in ­ authorised unoer an act approved b> gainst unlicensed canines A dog- ment of the delegates has been we.I- the voters of Oregon at the last gen atelier has heen put on fu ll tim e The aite accepted by prepared and a food tim e 1» promised eral elect ton « a tv and wlM pursue unclaimed pups |h # U B jw r, Uv glUl, , nl the board contains approxim ately Sil by the university student com m itt m i l l the City is rM of them, the acres and adjoins S o n e is park. headed by W ard Cook of .Astoria. police chief assert* A trac t of »bout i.OOO 000.000 feel ot T he dost are kept In pound for prim e f ir tim ber in the Nehalem val BA NK S E L E C T D IR E C T O R S tw o days snd if unclaimed by that AND O F F IC _____ E R S FOR YEA R ley has been purchased by the Knapp tim e are killed Heacrtptions of the _ ton m ill» and the W estport l.um bet detained canines are posted on the Hirector» of the F irst National company, according to p artial revela etty hall window for public perusal Bank w ill meet this afternoon at < tloe of the deal m ade In W estport r e I To Poison Dr, Not to Poison.' | the c lly hall continued this week when the woodwork «as rovarnlslieil and additional lu rn llu re lustt ull«-«t New sign« have heen printed on I he windows since the Installation Into office of Itecorder Ira M Peterson tm un hwl lie Brut game of «ho *»a»«'n Io Shedd » M a y nlghi ot last week ky the narrow m argin of on» p»>ln« T h e »core was t t to 11 when w ith TT- mtnulo loft to play, a foul « «» «mllml against Raton of Springfield and the Shedd player converted I tkog Breeses are selling nt C ity R * „'clock to elect officers for the new re n te r Ira M Peterson's office at J Î year The directors s e re ch.vaen at Par male and »5 for female anim al« a stockholders meeting as follows : S M McPherson. L. K Page. Paul H a d is W illia m O Hushes and A R EUGENE WALLOPS S. H. S. PLAY AGAIN ON MONDAY Saeed. Mr, Sneed Is a new d ire r ter. ------ being chosen to succeed Lloyd M artin , Springfield H igh school's basketball who has moved to WTacoasin team »pest te rtv minutes of hectic Officers o f the Com m ercial State ■truggl ag Tweeday night, only to hank w ere all re-elected The foltew Bad th e ir edorts In vain and the KU W elbv Steveas, presM eat; M M gene high school team With the re- Peerv vlee-presideal; A J Perkins, m a rk »Me score o f Sfi po.nts to a mere A l Montgom ery and M rs Mary Bee th ree marked ap for the local* T he sey. directors; C. E Kenyon, cashier S p ria c *- M tra m showed pluck, hut and H e ig h t Keseey. assistant cashier that was all It never started to plav ------------------------- hwskelhsll I i j m - Executive Meet» Yhdauntesl however. Ovach Fen Hecistea to cooperate w ith C lvtl wx-h s yowthfnl ^w-teges w tll tackle W a r veterans in obeerTtng m em orial the county »eat bnaketeers on th? day this year was made at a meeting haral Bo»w Monday night T h e re are cd the Am erican L e n o n executive rwanlutions shout the high school gym com m ittee held last n ig h t CRher to the effect that the score w ill look m atters w ere dtscuaeed bat nothing at a t the end of the coming definite was done tt Resident of Creswell » Saturday W HERE rw— M rs K J a Springfield Q U A L IT Y Lam ber Company Man Pyle, of the Lorane T im ber and M ill­ ing company, ts in the city from Port- Mad ai M EETS C O N F ID E N C E Shopping News Ladies' House Dresses Another Rig Shipment of theme famoufi house dresses hhs Just heen unpacked Regular 12 25 values Special at $1.49 Ladies' Silk Dresses ceatly. and extensive logging opera lions are said to be contemplated. W h ile helpless la a small house at Caat nukh. suffering from paeamoata John R atter. »1 was found by John Beers. »4 an o ld tim e friend, a few days ago Mr Beers procured a wheelbarrow whch he used as an am balance and moved the patient four ; ..« k s d o e s a steep m ciine to h i. home Chic fashions for street aflernoon. aport and dance Ex* BmtMieiy fashioned in aflka of shimmering beauty and mm- teruua The grnia crops of Orugwa thM eesi ' had a total farm enJae at « J P i' PO. • W h eat predactiea amosmted to 1* | SM W S hwahets as « « s p a r'd with I t i $7.90 to $29.75 B iM bwahets -set r»a.- i m 1« g»l , M * hwaheis tw e years ago Th» vale of the wheat crop aM ae was 42XJP4. ! New Spring Coats A Wv-vnderf^ ?ho«mnc of Sport Coats. $19.75 to $34.75 Clearance of Winter Coats $7.90 to $16.75 Value* up to Pilcher's Department Store oes as e rn es: U S ^ L P M Iasi yea a *d ( I k J ** P M ia 1 « « Tirnda • - pntst.-e* apples and peers were grea­ se thaa m the tw e preceding years Free texthoohs (or O rsgo* erboai stadeats w e-e ts state pr.xtin g of textbooks was op posed by the rvpreweat*::«» id the Ocegoo A n te Teoches-s «datioa m e e s o -a m Fiw-Ikaog lass week Fermtssxm Par w h eal district» of the first cdaaa to e e x v th eir text book» irdepeadcatly of the state te r t ‘ ho * ( V * n . w x s wan "aevred a teat hoc* ceaas-issjoa ccampoeed ante «»I pernoas resident a orhiwd d is tric ts , 3wer which the hndy has taoRbasB an . th o n ty w nt roccmimewded Taxpayers « f Coos cvmaty wiT pern ' a irv < ta th e « naaanJ pay-met is t t !) 1 > i ‘ eccv f mg EMauton wixev th< , Mvy was »creased be au»» of s spe 1 exal levy nf «14 m-.iia Asaenww Bee era ha* th ems efttso m the Ti i p «1 > m.iO ' u « Î . ysceth Seth IdUTBVBj-. Suc-oeuhor A A MoiX-«nald Mgr Larawax R ktff. M6*»«« WWametre Sure*. Eupene. OrefEon tt« ; M yrtle M l to Tt M i r »HERE q u a lity MEETS CONFIDENCE Exam inations start at tha Spring Held high school next week, ending the first semester. Grade announce mente w ill be out the week following W ork on the term la ending aucces.i fully according Io faculty members M T to th » r m r Uh DANCE Steven’s Hail Every Saturday Night Barn»« Orchfifitra Everybody Wolcontfi ■an» ASSOCIA TED Ethyl Gasoline lxx»k for thè Red Bulb Congress U h l b attle o f the century, all its own. ever the gov t r e a n r i ' i policy o f pm son I,ng alco­ hol. S swstor Edwards of N e » Jersey is leading tha ferrsw whic demand evwryUung fro m the repeal o f tha "Volstead law to a detiverv o f aU eorvnspondenca between the T r e s e i r y ltepmrUneflt, W ayne It Wheedat, and • tha Frohdut KM i fo rc e * W heeler and the A n ti Sateen League stand pat that the goetrw m ant in neither le g a lly ot m orally g u ilty wf -legnhaad mu« dt'tr* fo r ponsvned cant an heavdy m has Sag the holiday aca Springfield Service Station Fifth and Main Street» I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ «AMI I ___ N EW P Y T H IA N S IS T E R S TEM PLE IN S T IT U T E D H W Settlem eier. supervisor ol Oregon accred.!«*! Haicherhse and H e lm e tta Tem ple. No Sfi P y th im Breeders cooperative asaoctalton sisters of Rugeae. together w ith t f was in the Sandy section recently vte ' fleers of the grand Jarisdlclton of ittng various poultry farm s M r Set Oregoa. instituted a neu l*ythl»r. tie merer represents Oregon Agrtcul Sister» temple at Cottage Grove on ta rs i college sad his departm ent at January I t The new temple w ill be reedy has given blood tests to M .fifif known as Collage Grove Tem ple No birds over the state (IS H e lm e tta tem ple assisted Iho A total e t tt& A S X Ofifi board fee* of g r a n d o ffic e r s In instruct tim ber has been cwt on national for tng the new tem ple, in itia tin g the eat Mads in Oregon daring tha Mat members and installing the o ffirera year, according to Ctdoeel W B G ree A fte r the tem ple was duly last I ley. chief of the foraet service, in tnted. Cottage Grove tem ple served W ashington. H C. O f the Oregon r a t the visitors w ith a d elig h tfa l mM MS.SS3.000 beard feet was claamtMd night sapper. Besides the grand of­ as com m ercial sales and S CO«.««» ficers. tbooe attending from Eugene board feet as cost sales were Mesdamee' M innie Larsoa Fern Joe Hhocghe. a resident o f T am htll Henderson. Lacy Jones. Mabel Cut- rownty. brought four bobcats and rrat ria . B ertha Fo»ter M y rtle Cady. M in ­ cougar* to iho couaty clerh's ofttce Is nie Lindley. Sam antha H illard M ary M rM ta a v iU e last week to collect Brem sier M inn ie Holcomb C o rti bcuntiee H is bounty em anated tc , B la ir. N ina Stocker. C nrm a S to c k « . M S and be w ill receive an adettienai Ethel G lare M ay Moor Bessie Briggs bounty from the state on the cougai sad M arios M a le y of SpnagfieM pells One a t the cougar» measured Several knights from Eugene «ho more thaa eight feet from tip to tip •’ are members of H elm etta tem ple at O fficial Portland petite* sad coron tended and t'M C a rry count; pays t l < for each coywte L. d there Charles W ilsea of the IBahe dlotrtc- c a m e d off the hoa r s tor cougar kil: -.ng» having eseea to his cvedK CIty Hall Improved Im p ro v e m e n t o f III» appearance of The Proper Conception of PRESCRIPUDN COMPOURDIN6 When you receive a prescription from your phy­ sician you. of course, reallie that it embodies the refiults of year» of study and experience. Before ha'ing that prescription Ailed, you should realize that It ia important that each druc «»hlch enters into It should be the exact potency which the doctor intended. The compounding must ate« be properly done. Bring your prescription« to us and get the Ane«t drugs that money will buy and have them compounded by an experi­ enced pharmacist. We feel our responsibility to you and your physician and have every equip­ ment necessary to give you perfect prescription ner'ice. Ketel’s Drug Store Printed In Springfield — Beca«*« of th* adegnacy of ber grtntiag egnigmecL the ever grewent Ssolre to serve sad bsoaa* of the Sirac* aad indirect rvci- grocal gatroaage sad profit th«» made pooaikde Every dollar hent away to catalogue houses for supplies is gone forever. But. every dollar sect to local merchants and industries pays sages and taxes, improves the city and comes back Buy your printing in SprmgAeld where there is a little more (tosai- bilXy of your dollar coming home to r t x * . The Willamette Press Opposite P. O. Phone 2