THURSDAY JANUARY 13. 1927 T H E SPRiNGPIELD NEWS TOWN AND VICINITY Price Boy Io III— John. the h ill« »on of h r »ivi Mr». C arl H. Phetteplace I» III. In Town— Perry W allac ! o f Jaa per «peni a part of tiatur- day tranau rtlng business hero. Cool«y Operated On— J B Cooley underwent mii uporetlun at a local surgeon a office Tueaday. Fred Voekey In— Fred Toekey of N o ll waa a Springfield vlaltor a a tu r-, day. W a lla c e Mr». M orto Moro— Mr». Mnr«« of Hara From Jasper -M r. and M ra. I'leaaant l l l l l » « • a Springfield v iali' C. L. W allace of Jaaper were vlalt- or Tueaday. ora here Friday. Here From C rttw n ll— Mra. E It Purcell of Crea well waa In tha city for a ahort Utu» Tueaday. Jasper Resident Horo— Mra M ark Helberlna of Jasper waa a visito r here Tuesday. Hero From W e lts rv llle — W illia m llu r k a of W a lte rv llle waa a Spring Hold vlaltor Tueaday. L aird In Town— Among out o f lown via I (ora hero Tueaday waa Ralph L a ird of Pleasant HUI. Andrew Nelson Hara— Andrew Nel­ son of Collage Urove visited Spring- field relative« Tueaday. Junction City Visitors— M r. and Mra. G. K VanOrdoir of Junction C ity were vlaltora here Monday. WINTER SKIN TREATMENT "Won’t you please tell me unU1 ,hr »h,n “»«>«• and «*<>»•- how Home Kirk manage to keep then dry It very carefully and thor- oughtly I f vanishing cream la used, their HkittH ho lovely and soft, Bppiy jt MSt YOUr „g|n t„ thP„ deHpIte the ravishing Winter ready for the rouge and powder, cold, Hntyw and wind«."— A So much for the prevention of Reader. I rou**1 »kin— how tor •*■ remedy. *» *« • ° f course, any number remedlea for chapped akin, but what helps one person w ill not Al­ If one w ill uae a little foresight. Hare From Oreve— Mrs. C arl Kz T he fare and hand« should never ways relieve another because of the tapp o f C o lla g e Grove waa In Ihe city be washed In soap and w ater just be­ wide variation« In sklna. G lycerin and rose w ater la an old for a ahort tim e Monday. fore going out Into the cold. Even i stand by and moat people find It very Roy B row te Haro— llo y llre w e r of (huuvh they are carefully dried a fte r­ efficient. But If you've tried It and wards, the washing elim inates, tem ­ Fall Creek waa a vlaltor here F -ld ay porarily, the surface oils from the It unsatisfactory you m ight expe'l- V la lto r* Horo— Mra. M Bristow and akln. thus leaving It dry and- »uacepi-, •"•’“ t » little by using d ifferent pro- portions Possibly a little more fly - daughter were among out-of-town Ible to chapping. The akin should be washed thor- her.hlp F Eggimann drove to I-o w .ll Tuea- d r' ve probabl5r b“ « :b i' Zday T hey found the ro e d . In good. ra W p ,,< n >» la «■- P'a " •» hulld a structure which w ill serve as a re- creation and meeting center, and w ill Undergoes Operation— Mrs. W il- Include gym nastic equipment, a klteh- llam E lle r underwent an operation at en and banquet room, and sim ilar the P a rille C hristian hospital Tues- features. day morning. Need for such a center here was emphasised, and fu rth e r plans w ill b - House le Ranted—-F D Els, man ,|,.v„|,,p^rt wh,.n the C, T, C n u b ’s new haa rented hla residence at II and officers meet to discuss Ihe new year a N inth streets to O. C. Sm ith. Southern w or|, shortly Parirte operator at [» w e ll. New officers named Tuesday night H ere Froow Callfeaaie— W illa rd Nel- w" re M ra «••’’nice Van Valsah. preel- shape. • SOLDIERS NEED BRAIN. WE ARE RELIGIOUS. I | 1 He who sells rib bo ns;— “DM you say 'T h is Is so sudden' when M r. Tan ner to Speak Kussman proposed." H. O. T an ner, professor In the She (leavin g Io be m a rrie d ): " I chem istry departm ent of the U n iv e r­ didn't have the audacity." sity o f Oregon, w ill speak on th" He who sell, e lo ,:— "W hyT" radio at the m eetlnx of Ute M ethodist S h e;— "W ell, you know how K ib e Brotherhood next Monday night. man stutters.’ * Store No. 11 Eugene, O re. Don’t Forget To Attend The Great Million Dollar Sale Starts Thursday, Jan. 13th All merchandise not conforming to new merchandising policy adopted at convention, must be sold- THE HATEFUL AGE. ; A college authority says college men fail, not for lack o f learning, but lack ot There is not enough discipline in universities, Dr. Brown tells the Union College Alumni Association. Colleges treat boys from 18 to 23 as though they were men, whereas usually they are children On the other hand the WeM Point Academy eeema to overdo discipline. A ftrst-year cadet, A. J. Van I-eeuween, trying to stand straight and stiff enough to please his superiori, strained too hard and broke hla neck. Lord Inchcape says missionaries are to b lan c for the upheavel against Britain in Chinx This calls inditrnunt denials from bish- ep3 and others. Evcrytody thould know that misisonaries hove done great good, not ot !y ; plritually but ► . c- terially in th j F ar East, especially in a medical way. They have taught natives to take care ■>£ their bodies as well &x tiieif sowis. M ÍT O A B B 6 th & W illa m e tte RILLING BREEDS RILLING. Young West Pointers, stiff and straight, are line to sec and grati­ fying to their superior officers. But it is an agile mind rather than a stiff neck that makes a great sol­ dier. Nnpoleon was slouchy, also Frederick the Great. LATE NEW S I I , | 1 General Public Invited If 75 passengers are gotten the round trip fare will be $9.13: if 200 passengers are gotten the fare will be $5.00. Tourists Bleeping cars $2.75 extra. Southern Pacific Co. o u rtl|y softened by washing so they W atch repairing done correctly ran P®ne'ra te easily. W o rk In today—O u t tom orrow. Hoyt Chapped lipa offer a real problem 3 « M ain tL tt 10 some women and for them I know . ° * Do h elle r remedy than to cultivate regular use of the w hite pomade llJ>aU‘ ',t- C A L L A N D S E E D r. N. W on prices on plate and other work \a c a ^ Rare, thus far, Government n„ tow„ . and “ " ' l e d a' " r ha" •**«> ‘ hoc then close the pores with cold w a t.f or by massaging ihe skin w ith a piece ft. Ilu n tly w ill vlalt tonight a t Cot' of Ice wrapped In a soft cloth (age Grove aa (he gueata of M r. and Then be fo r* going out, a cleansing COMMUNITY HOUSE TO M ra IN>(eraon of the Gray Gooae I cream Is used ra th e r than soap and reataurant of th a t town. BE CLUB S OBJECTIVE water. A fte r the surplus c re a m has ------------- i been removed nae cold towela or Ice' Mra. C raft B atter— M ra May C raft, Establishm ent of a community who haa hern III for aeveral week». Is able to be GUI again, but has not » • " • * « * • c h ie f objective of yet resumed her school work at l h « | ‘ h* Women s Civic club during 1M7. Mugnne Bible U niversity. w " • » decided at Ihe annual meeting I of the organisation Tuesday night. Cham ber Phons Available— The of Plans for the new year and election flees of the Cham ber o f Commerce of officers featured the session, are now flued w ith a telephone w ith | T he club w ill enlist the support of Members of the Woodmen of the W orld w ill hold an open m eeting at the ball Monday night. January 17. A ll members and friends of the lodge are Invited to attend. Lions Special Train It's really very easy to keep the akin from becoming chapped and red. ! C hild la III— T he «mall child of J. Loavo For Cast— M r. an d M ra. E. Newton o f F i l l Creek la confined Roland Moshler left yesterday w ith la grippe. extended tflp to the e a s t They V is it At d ro ve— M r and Mra. M traveled the southern route. W o o d m en te M e e t PAOB THREB I I ’ L L SAY SO! G ran dm other:— I suppose you have to stay ttp very late at college. G randson:— Yes, but really. Grand­ mother, It ’s worth lt. S E C R E T S O F T H E O F F IC E BOY TRADE Brow n— How's you new office-boy j 1 getting along? G rey— Fne! He's got things so mixed up that I couldn't get along w ithout him. SO M E D A Y IT M A Y BE A W H A L E T om m y— Do fish grow very fast? j B illy — 1 should think so! F ath er ! caught one once and It grows six Inches bigger every tim e he men­ tions It. —To the woman who needs a new wrap this information should be, indeed, pleasing. Here ar* dressy winter coats 'whose style-rightness is correct. Farther’ incentive for visiting and trying on several models is ottered in the news that prices are sharply cut—reduced 5 0 ',. The season is at an end for us, though not for you. —FORMERLY — FORMERLY — FORMERLY — FORMERLY — FORMERLY — FORMERLY —FORMERLY — FORMERLY $19.75, NOW $21.75, NOW $24.50, NOW $27.50, NOW $35.00, NOW $37.50, NOW $42.50, NOW $45.00, NOW $ 9.88 $10.88 $12.25 $13.75 $17.50 $18.,’□ $21.25 $22.50 Store Wide January Clearance Sale M If