TU ESD A Y JANUARY 13, 1937 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Lane County Farmers Union News O FF IC IA L P U B LIC A TIO N L A N « CO UNTY U N IT nO. • O FFIC ER « OF LANE CO UNTY • INCREASED FEES AT • F A R M E R S ' U N IO N U N IV E R S IT Y PROPOSED • a w A llen. Vida. President • W 1 Seal«, Eugvns. Vlce-Proal- * U N IV E R S IT Y O F OREG O N. Eu- ,_______ • d e n t * O re Jan l i — (Special»— An lo­ prop,,« «! • Grov» * ot student fees as M ta tto n for the U niversity". ‘ ^ t e r " M ^ n " 7 4 e . w e l l . Coodue-« problem 1» im practicable. accordltu * to a thorough study of the situation * compared w ith other instilu-1 Mona made ......................... by President Arnold J - ___u Ben « er. • sm ith . Eugeos. Doorkeep • W g „ r e t ile . C h a p • ■ * * ' HaU _ ___ « lain ______ ____ Oregon ha» already «tone vastly i fa rth e r in raising student fee» than High School Conference On. nay other state ln»titution on the 1'nlverwity of Oregon. Eugene. Ore. P a d h c Const. T he U niversity of O re-. (Special— Addresses by educator» <>f derive» S I.78 per cen of ita is- the » U te. m em ber, of the Ualver»lty “ ’ from S tu deni f^ts" the next fa,'u lt? xnd various . t a d .n U through come highest on the coast are M ontana w ith • out the state are part of the prograt t 1» 3. per cent and C alifo rn ia w ith of the seventh annual high school U.4S per cent V n lro rs lty of W ash-j conference F riday which s ta r t. and V Community News UPPER W IL L A M E T T E T he W a lk e r Pleasant H ill basket­ ball »ante which scheduled for F riday January 14 w ill be played Thursday January at T W r alker. Thia ^ '^ h e '“return ‘ ga'me' IS uùd o r y «orni „ .m e la the t first U . exueded w h T J 'i h e aa n X U r name Z ' X a ‘ . n i m i the Victory by 1 point M r and M r . Andy Glabt, ...............a- 14 * --------------- By Spadai Çorraapoadsnts FARM ERS UNION W ILL M EET H ERE JANUARY n ■ Federal F arm Lean Body Electa ¡T h e Flrwt National F arm Loan M - elation o f U n a «ouniy e le d e d f . .. . -, Kwango of Eugene Ita president T he lam e County F arm ers Union , WJ7 » Ill h o lt a m eeting at Hprlngfleld om,.r r , „ „ (J M Deyo... Woodmen of the W orld hall on Jan- ; rou(i KugBBe » i.e p r e .l- « a « « « « * e « • * uar> SI. It haa been announced ) )( w A AyrB„ KugW, „ . • FARM REM IN D ER S C W Allen of V id , w ill pealde at M l.robera of the board of • s e e » » » » • • • I lie farm er-............ Urna T he meeting , ht> „ mi„ r, are A » I I I be an a l l d . y e v e n t According Kug-O r Itl, „ or r„ u lr y . II Oregon-grown red clover »eed has to announcement of the oBIcera. ( r route A. and J A. been in good demand for »»verni yearn, erona m ulterà of Importance are t o 1 ’ ! (Ipaaa. H arrisburg report« the experim ent station Ita ’ cnnaldered. ' » *he loan» » * ‘ O,Or Bnd P,U,,,F" M ,‘ • nd ---------------------- -- « h r total « - « h amount e r . of of the a t a »»cured m .u a . I the member» of the association dom from dodder h .v e made It ».p e e l LANE CLUB M ETH O D S TO g u 7 , 3m, a. cording lo the r . p w t ^ X d ’ t , m X ^ h X Z ’k i * E USED » " A F ” ' C A — « ■ ed at dinner Sunday January 3 T h e ir w |M carro , y a demand In aaat G athering Inform ation about boy. Dane» at Stsvsns H a ll guest. were J A. Glaon and fam ily of and M rs Griffin and * rn m arka“ h“ ’ ••><« ««rl. c lu b . M r . J. It Simona. Sft, 1-xtenvale conditions favorable at this tim e (>f (he oartlsn». Capetown. South k tu rd a y night dance» have been fam ily of Springfield. ---------- Africa, .pen t Wednesday In Lane Ann«"' «» H tw en » hall In Spring- T here h a . been con .lderab le «u In Vegetable growing In Oregon »how« , „ unty ln company w ith Ml»» Helen « under the direction of T W . tegton 1» In tb * c la w as thaae th r e e , lasts through Saturday. the 1 i mton ■t* ady dsvsloptuent. says a recent — • — « 1 Cow gln assistant state club leader I Sie« M r Marne« h a . hl» own T he average portion of income de- More than 500 delegates from near- mas M arjorie, o a. i - — ent •»» miatigui h an . . A r„ llW c » „ . m — „»..u lead •» •'.tra ami promlae» g<"ul eater- perim atatloa n county club rived from fee« among 3» state uni - |y every high school in the « U te w ill have all been absent from achool on especially noticable gain In carlo! ex M fa 8 ta l„ n, ha, been In Am er tjm ent. Moth old lim e and popular r X e T T n U e couniry at U rge ¡„ te n d W ard X k . of A s to ria ., account of ... LucU.e Jordan, and port of truck crops to other state" 1' "> ,h r state H ill coming address. Simons of Eugene T he fa m ily have favor rapid and large growth, bul p ro -’ , Halley <.,ub by M r, ^ „ 1 , A, | M » n a charge of d rivin g an auto- w holly or p artia lly self supporting and Follow ing the assembly- hour t h e , been having the flu. tecl the crops from many diseases (he , )unn , h. c lm p c o o k e ry 1 wh“ * m toxl. sie«l,^by Judge «7 per cent earn h alf or more of th e ir High School Press Association. As Miss Juanita Ixunbard returned to th a t have rough! serious destruction 1 (.,ub prapar asserted and the eons and daughters of the w ealthy. • Saturday. F arm ers Union H a l t • Miss H ild a Knutsen a fo rm er rest caused economic losses In western (>oy „ . „ „ t , w ill do the work of plant- A pleasant tastlng. brighi T h is ia inconsistent w ith the demo­ • Cloverdale— Second and Fou rth • dent ot pleasant H ill Is reported to Oregon bacterial gummosla. ry lln d ro , n r red ayrup free frum nsr- c ra tic tradition of the common­ • Fridays. Cloverdale School House • t*. , | Ck w , th small pox In Eugene sporlutn leaf spot, and brown rot G. O Bushman, m ayor of Spring- L o tte, and alcohnl. tbat w ealth field. was elected vice-president of the • Cresw ell— F irs t in^ T h ird Tune- • f h e poultry raisers nt Pleasant H ill '” A recent report prepaed by officer» r . III riv e your re lle f front • days. Crenwell. M. W . of A. H all. • ara buay getting eady fo r th e ir baby Experim ents w ith sulfur aa a fertl- county council at the meeting held In hai cough. bronchlal ca o f the Alum ni association declared Coaat F o rk — Second and Fourth • ,-hlcks. F ive thousand little chicks |lge r for a lfa lfa have shosm that on the circuit court room last Thursday arrh or Ir r lta llm th a t "fe e , charged regular students • Thursday« F arm Union H ull. • w ill a rriv e January 1* some 100,000 seres the yield can be Linn McCready. Eugene banker, was have been advanced to the point that Duuebo— F irs t Tueaday. Danebe • I kelson the pou ltry raiser near increased by I ton per acre, says th e ' re e le c te d president they are beglnnlg to force out w orthy • School Houao. • Springfield was In the Pleasant H ill experim ent station On the heavier — — dents. Doreoa— Second and Pouth Tuea- • • d la trie t last week In the Interest of „ „ y , 1B0 pf rep<, rtrd bu, , 3 d„g y t.rB , e;. a t Leaburg and a cooking club a t Lo- * to o o \h . H eceta School H o u w •! M a rria p . Licsn.es Issued sulfur that ru n . more than »» per ha(, , ab, n nut Dogs caught w ill accordlng to Arnold Collier, Jasper— Second and Fourth Wed- • re n t la moat economic. be Impounded and If not ransomed sty club leader. Follow ing are the aasdays. W O. W H a ll. Jasper • D“ 1-«“ « th * >“ « » •*•« " > » " * •« ’• He- by the ow ner w ill be disposed of L o ra n e -S e c o n d and Fourth • - n ,,M haTe b* - n lMUa<1 b* «b*‘ c<’ u nt’r soothes and heals (he P o ultry club. Leaburg— Ira Vance, • Wednesdays 1. O. O. P. H a ll. FO R S A L E — Reveral hundred filb e rt « rle r k to the follow ing I flame,! p a r i, and Is an trees 2-year old well rooteil Hare- FO R BALE—Carbo* papor la largs leader. John Isham. president; (Teo • M t V ernon— F irs t and T h ird • W illia m Perlnl and Ix>ls K elly.. d In raising the phlegm. celonla and D lachllly's very cheap sbseta. 2ereby giving the quick See W elby Stevens or M M. Perry, i m aking trartnga T h e News Offlos •n cre ta ry . Genevieve C arter. C arroll • Silk Creek Meets First and Third • ,h ’r «*«»»»• “"<> PhF* M‘ Lln Doreaa; »1 and greatest re lle f Cooley, J 20 l ----------------------------------- • Thursday at Cedar School H o w s • Alpheus Brown. Detroit, and Ruth » .a ll Chsrry B a rk Hom e cooking club. Lorane— M is. • Spencer C r e e k - T h ir d - REAL ESTATE Friday. • K 'r« b e r. S pringfield; James U nrol l ourgh Syrup does not E. R Crowe, leader; Elsie Burch, • Pine Grove School House. i T h ia week's Specials; • Bogart. San Francisco, and Florence paet the stomach As a resid en t; Lois Gowtng. vice-presl- g room house 3 lots. T his house Is T rs n t— Second sod Fourth Wed- • Helen Pitts. Eugene; Oscar W a rre n a lte r of tact It w ill ini d en t. I.a!a Crowe, secretary; Ixrrna In good shape and a real ««crlfice at aesdays Pleasant HUI High • and Dorothy W arren , both of Cottage (■oye your appetite It Crowe. I-ena Gowing. Ernest Coburg and Bess School Bldg • Grove; 32600 oes not contain a n y Scork. both of Spokane W illia m 8 room bungalow for 33100 Seeratariea will please send In • Icohol o r narcotics, and FOR R EN T 6 room bouse for 31660 time and pince of meeting and • B aker and V io let H a rre ll, both of T h is Is to n otify you that I have lerefore Is not harm ful Springfield; Charles Keck. O akridge Borne good houses and furinshed 6 room house. % acre land, ran be of date ns «hey may oc- • ’ entered the Real Estate Business. I ■ any member of the e and Bessie Graham. Kueene. apartm ents. -WM. VASBY. Real bought for 31600 ^ T m lly . In v ite listing« of property for sale Estate. 312 Main st. I also have some good building lota w ith me. M y long residence ‘ n T h e thing that spoils more m ilk, nt a sacrifice, and some good farms .2*" ” ?2.' Springfield has made me fa m ilia r ' “ cream and . / Z butter than anything else K . and «mall acreages that can be In the world is Just plain d ir t.” says w ith proptery vaules In this c ity and bought on easy term s Come In and My office •» look over my list. a recent le tte r from O. A. C. cream ery surrounding country. to Its customers. "B itter-ta s tin g but­ convenient for you to visit, being W M. VASBY, Real Eeatate, te r results from the d irt that gets in ­ situated next to the Post Office on 4th street. List your property for 3 1 2 Main St. to the m ilk in any o f the hundred , rent w ith me. I can look a fte r It. different ways. T h e re Is only one way and see that your rent ts paid re g u la r-' to keep m ilk clean and that Is. keep ly. I w ill also do a regular C ollecting a ll the d irt out of I f ’ Business, being Justice of the Peace, i M erchants, turn your overdue ac- TRADE SECRETS I counts over to me. I w ill get your I-ady (to butcher boy)— Do you money for you. I also handle Insur-i know Mrs. Cpperton in this road, my ance, w ith some of the best Com -j lad? panles. L et me w rite your Insurance Boy— Cpperton? Ix>t me see. September 8, 1926 C O M E IN ; Y O U A R E W E L C O M E T a tn 't pork and no fa t— that's No. 2 942 Willamette St., Eugei Oregon. Groceteria Feed & Supply Co. And It ain't two pound of rump and • i \ Medford, Oregon. Juicy— that's No. 7. I know where 'tls. It's top side and tender, an' Gentlemen; don't pay— No. 6, that's It m um ! CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP To The People of Springfield I Flanery’s Drug Store BU ^*«a£t Am ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL DAIRYMAN SAYS Milk Ration Best R. W. SMITH We are feeding Kerrs Milk Ration to our dairy stock and can highly recommend it as an excellent milk producing feed. Our cows never produced so heavily on any feed and the flavor of the milk is excellent. Three Groups of Giatest Savings $14.75 Yours truly, MERRIMAN’S DAIRY. Some of the greatest (’oat Values you’ve seen await you In this very low priced group! By Chester Merriman. We know of one instance after another where this wonder- . dairy feed has increased milk production. Once you use - the medium-priced high-grade feed you will realize its ‘ worth. Manufactured by Eugene Mill and Elevator Co. In Eugene, Ore.— Phone 15 SOLD BY ALL LEADING DEALERS Fur-Trimming Minter Coats $19.75 Strictly Fresh T h a t’s what we mean when we talk about our meats. Only choicest ainmais are jdaughfered by us, consequently our meats are all first class. FRESH SMELT TODAY Independent Meat Co- Phone 63 4th and Main You’ll find every Coat well- made of good material In the most pleasing styles. $24.75 These three prices repre­ sent great opportunities for the th rifty buyer— either n woman or miss!