I THURSDAY JANUARY 13, 1927 TUB HPKINGh'IRI.H NKW8 PAGE ?KN — I Oarrett’a Old Time Danses Laglnn Appoints Officers ORDINANCE NUMBER SIS Midway Every Haturday Night. An ordinance tu supple»« and pro­ Gerald Iturchuui waa natiteli con hibit the manufacture, possession, Dreamland Hall. Eugene. Every ventlon officer, Walter Gossler chap barter, exchsngo. sale or gtvinr sw ay : lain and Ira M Pvlaraon post servie»« .Tuesday Nlshl. Tickets 76c loto las of Intoxicating liquors In the Town I officer at a meeting of the American of Springfield. TUB TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD ' Legion Friday night DOFS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Returns to Carvsllls-—Miss C oesi Section I. It shall be unlaaful for WILL RISE 1.206 FEET AND WILL COST $22,500,000 »MR SALK— Carbon paper to largs «ne» Rebhan has returned to Corval­ any person, firm, company, assorts ■ - Thuusands will »l»lt the new build sheets, »6x3» Inches, suitani« fw< lis Io ow tlnw * h»r studies «I Hit» (ton or corporation to manufactu-e or Written eupecisUy for The Spring- lnK a«t|y on its completion It la said. have In poaseaaion or sell, offer for making traaings The news Offtse Oreguu Agricultural Cull««« and will marvel at It aa visitors once sale, or give away in any manner or Sold News. did at the Flatiron Rulldtng. now al­ form whatsoever any Intoxicating By ROBERT FULLER most a "back number ” The wonder liquors of any kind or character In Visitors to New York will soon of this new Larkin Tower Building the Town of Springfield. Section 3 Any person, firm, as­ have an »«Med aiaht to «•»- for con may pass too. but for the lime, it sociation. company or corporation struct ion. work on a U 0-story office will be one of the "sights to be seen" violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction build Inr the highest in th* world to New York. thereof to the Recorder’s court of w ill begin within the next few weeks. said Town be fined in a sum not less > The super-skyscraper will tower | than »20.00 or not more tuati »300.00. 1.20S feet above sea level. It is to to default of the psynieut of such 1 HO Storie« High fine shall he Imprisoned in the town rise from the Times Square section, tall one day for each »2 00 of said and will front on Forty-second street fine. between Bight and Ninth Avenu «. Section X Nothing in this orlln , only a few blocks from the "cross­ atice shall he construed aa prohibit-1 Warren Griffin, l«-year-old ing the sale or possession of any t sar County, Kentucky, boy, was roads of the world." as Broadway alcohol as provided and permitted b y , juilgeii the healthiest In all the na­ and Forty-second street has b e e n ! the general laws of the state of Ore , tion as the context staged in con­ termed junction with the lnt»rt«alioiial gun This huge office structure, to be Section 4. Whereas the ordinances I Livestock Exposition at Chicago. known as the Larkin Tower Build of the Town of Springfield are toad-! Warren stands 6 feet 7 inches tall a Injt. together with the 50.000 square equate for the suppression of the pos i and weigh» 143 pound*. * feet of ground it will occupy. Is e sti­ session and sale of intoxicating ,lq-' l VI R Y one wasgH'l when th« new section of tbe road was uofs and the prohibition of such s a le s ’ mated to cost »SI.500.000 The value / ill realised that pcrw.nsl visits could he made and such ordinance is immediately re­ Price la Pledged of the ground was said to be »4.500.-. quired. It Is therefore doomed neves i mor............... tu t trade would he brisker, that matters of gen­ Oremm Agricultural t'nllego Cor 000 i sary for the putffic health, peace and valli». Jan IX -P e r r y H Price of} eral pu........ ntercst would he carried on with m o « efficiency From rentals the builders expect safety of the Town of Springfield that to obtain about »3.000 000 yearly. It tills ordinance shall bqrome operatlv« Sprlngfied has been pledged by Pi and dispatch. I upon its passage and approval by the K.ippa Phi men’» social fraternity is to be ready for use in 1938. The telephone road, that already enable» every one to travel ‘ mayor., an emergency is therefore de- l‘l Kappa Phi Is one of the 35 frat This sky-piercing tower is design­ so easily, so cheaply and so far. is constantly bong lengthened. ' -dared to exist, and this ordinance en tities on the campus which provides ed to show the stern and simple shall become operative from and afte Each year over 8(x\,xvo telephones »re added to the Hell living quarters for more than 1000 beauty of the American skyscraper. its passage and approval System. Every suhscriher »hares in the increased value given Passed by the Common Council men. Mr Price la a sophomore In It will be of steel, limestone and to telephone sere ice by this extension which hourly is enlarg­ this 10th day of January, 1927. forestry. hoick. with a granite base Vermont Approved by the Mayor this tilth marble for the first story and Indiana ing the scope of every one's activities by perm itting an ever duy of Jantiarv. 1927 CALL AND SEE Dr. N W Eme-y lim estone for the second and third 0 . G. BUSHMAN. I M PETERSON. hroademng interchange of ideas. Mayor. Recorder. on prices on plaie and other work, tf stories of the Forty-second facade. At piesent the highest building in T he P acific T elephone A no T elegraph C ompany th e world Is the new 85-story Book ToweT In Detroit, but th Larkin BELL SYSTEM Tower Building will be nearly 300 One Policy - On» .System - Universal S e n a » feet higher It Will be 416 feet high­ e r that the 60-story Woolworth Build-, tog. n w the talLst in New York. Sixty high-s;eed elevator« will T h is coupon am i 2Sc en title the undersignad serve 'th is new super-skyscraper. to one 3 Je can >-f Acme Q u ality E nam el K ote, Two of those will be exrresse« as­ any color, and a special JUc P aint Brush. cending without a stop to the eighty- second story, from which four sh u ttle ; N am e cars will take passengers to the 110th Addres story. The three upper stories o f th» im mense structure will be given over entirely for sight-seeing purposes. T o acquaint you «nth Acm e Q u a lity , we are m aking a special offer for a short tim e only. From these the visitor to New York We, the employees of the Lumber Industry read your can see the busy streets of America’s advertisements, we also nolle« what kind of houses metropolis spread out below him. W o u ld your house bring what it’s worth Excavations for the foundation will you live In, and of late we are paying attention to the kind of containers your goods are packed in. be to the rock forty-eight feet below street level The building will rest , Inside—and outside—-does your house really look its best? We ask you to use wood products. Built with on a heavy grillage embedded in an You may not want to sell now —but who can say when you 100% wood. Oreder your goods shipjied in wood eighteen to o l. reinforced ' concrete m ig h t cart to do so? Are you proud of your doors—your boxes and barrels. In other ways that you can con­ slab estimated* to bear a load of floors your interior and exterior woodwork? Is the color ceive reciprociate our patronage !»y using wood pro­ thirty-five tens to the square foot. keynote really pleasing? Why don’t you find out how little ducts. Designers of the building say less it would cost to make the whole place beautifully fresh and than 60 per cent of this capacity load Our homes: our lives and happiness depend upon new-looking? Without obligating you, let us estimate the John A. Larkin, is the prospec­ w ill be used the Lumber Industry. Oo your bit to keep the industry cost of refintshing everything with tive builder of the new monarch of No attempt was made to design humming. New York’» skyline— a 108 story the bu’Hing as the tallest in the office building. It will be the big­ gest thing made by man and will world, declares John A. Larkin, of rise 1208 feet, overtopping the Larkin Brothers, builders. Woolworth Building by 416 feet "We simply endeavored to provide and will cost »22,500,000. I i the greatest amount of permanent light and a r • the greatest ie--»;b’e proportion of floor area with a sur­ plus of elerator service.” he said. Nobody makes house paint that goes so far as Acme Quality House Paint “The projected building came natur­ N o b o d y takes 3 he pains to advise so intelligently on color combinations. Come in and talk paint with us. ally out of these conditions." The site will front 226 1 feet cn the south »Me of Forty-second street and will run through the block to a frontage of 250 feet on Forty-first street. Of the 1.450.000 square feet th'1 Bew structure will contain. 950.000 will be rentable, to this respect It w ill be surpassed by only three others, the new Graybar Building under coustruction In New York, the Equitable Building, also to New York and the General Motors Building in Detroit. New 110-Story Skyscraper To Be World’s Largest The Road E Use Wood Products Merchants and Professional Men: SPECIAL OFFER in its present paint condition? Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen of Lane County ACME QUALITY P a in t ••‘•‘ Varnish looks better— lasts longer Special Sale RUUD DOUBLE COIL Tank Water Heater Tact. Smith went every night to a pool room to play for ten cents a point. I One night Mr». Smith was awaken­ ed by loud and persistent knocking at her door Putting her head out the window she asked: "Who is It* W hat do you w ant’" “Does Mrs. Smith live here?” ask­ ed the man on the step “1 am Mrs. Smith ” she replied. "Well. I'm Mr Kelly from the pool room up the street. Your husband shoots pool there every evening." "Yes, I know that.’’ "He was shooting tonight and lost »150« ’’ "My husband lost »1500 shooting pool? He ought to drop dead!” "That’s Just what he did, madam. Good n ight!” Y o u n g W ife A fr a id To Eat Anything “I was afraid to eat because I al­ ways had stomach troub e after­ wards. Since taking Adlerika I can eat and feel fine.” (signed) Mrs. A. Howard. ONE spoonful Adlerika remove« GAS and often brings sur­ prising relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Removes old waste matter from intestines and makes you feel happy and hungry Excellent for obstinate constipation. Ftsoerys Drug store. Wright & Son C alifornia-bound $1.00 Down, Balance $2.00 Monthly With Your Gas Bill Installs a Ruud Double Coil Gas Tank Water Heater in Your Home Thia is your chance to get rid of the old make shift way of heating water and have a modern hot water supply. Call at our office and let us demonstrate this heater or a phone call will bring our salesman to your home. Mountain States Power Co. Telephone 28 881 Oftk St. Four fine trains daily to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Hundreds enjoy this inviting service. They tell with enthusiasm of the Shasta Route journey. Appointments to delight the most exacting. Observation and club car accommodations; standard and tourist sleepers, coaches. De­ licious meals. Travel on the train. Ride rcstfully and In comfort. Winter excursion tickets at lowcost. Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent 1