B u lin a ti It Q u itt for ih r M a n W h o 't Q u it t A b o u t H i t B u tin a it. HE SPRINGFIELD NEW S' V- " TWRNTY-FOURTH YKAR. ° T fi« f i a t i t i f i t t i " A L IV I N IW IP A P C R IN A L I V I TOWN Library RPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY JANUARY 13, 1927 g e Disposal Value o f New F ire St WER EXTENSION S in e w R a iver Censured Truck is Indicated U N IN GHARTB Chaplin’s Love Bark A g a in On Rocks Willamette Should Not Be Used Fire Chief Jess Smitson Makes Ae Dumping Ground, Saye Annaul Report For Public Health Officer Ratification of Document Vjl 1926 Provide $50.000 for U m i lm proyam.nl of sewerage disposal Thfl „ „ „ Howard-Cooper Ir e truck Carrying Out Beneficial and surface water drainage facllltlea i o f town htrtn, fl, W ha. effec- velopment of City Syati, la recommended by Dr. W H. Pollard, J tua||y aeryad to a|lln| na, a t y ,, fr„m city health officer, In hla annual re- bres here, the annual report of Tire Saye Committemen. number i MILIN APPOINTED NEW COUNCILMAN Mayor Appoints Retiring CouA* oilman to Fill H. J. Cox Place After Petition for Donaldson is Tabled; Booze Ordinance Passed. port prepared for th« city council thia ( .hl„f j , „ Hmltaon abows Ratification of Spring A dd* week. M J. McKIin was appointed by the During the year the new truck was Dr Pollard's report calls attention uaed on flraa whl(h threatened build- mayor as councilman to All out the posed new city charter at the ele< nn-explred 2-year term of H. J. CoX, to recommendation, regarding dlapo. and con ten t. , u|und at »85.800 b u t' January 88 will provide 150.000 resigned, at the Arst regular m eetln l nl of aewerage elsewhere than the tb„ actual loss on thia property wa« ' carrying out a cniiiprahcoalve »«fr ..................... W llam ette river made In laat year « bul „ , , 0 -n ,, new lrU(.k wa. pur. of the city counnll Monday night. The devolopmeni program 4 report. and declared that "our | ( haaed during the autnmer. and dur council ratified the appointment sH with recommendations made by > beautiful W illamette ought not to b " : | ng , h(t p , a l(r p , , , of , he yaar „„ voting yes and Mr. McKIin took ble a dumping ground for sewerage much o(d amaI, iruck wa. uaed Engineer Klovdahl In October place at the council table after being sworn in. The council then elected longer, regardless of what the « ta le j in ,.p u e that fact, however, the Realising the demand for aewe Hoard of Health may have to any . mall , repk . , rvad at , hreaten. him president to act as mayor in the lief of the overloaded ayatem no a been re of Mayor Bushman. about the matter. - Ing buildings and contents valued at Ing uaed. the charter com m ute, Regarding drainage of surface Joa and , hF a(.,ual waa | 7 . A petition signed by a large ntm>- aerted a proviso In the new docudit her of citizens asking that W illie« which glvea the city council pe*r water. Dr Pollard declared that the 400 TllF ,H.r rentaga oi |„ „ „„ the “Charlie'' Chaplin (in insert), famous screen comedian, is again Donaldson be appointed was laid o* to taaue »50.000 In bonda to r U(led | vote Stewart voted no and May and maltrally will make thia fund I,, urges extension of sew ers to various uard and Tyson yes. Mayor Bashman said M able, and the project will be c d parts of the city to keep pace with Total valuation of buildings and con- ” growth and protect the public ¡¡aatt'i tents was (47.900 and total loss on donbt Mr. Donaldson would, make * on aa the demand calla for It. NEWS ENDS 24 YEARS •how s Figures At the present time petitioner« buHdlnrs and contents »»,040. OF SERVICE TO PUBLIC good councilman but that he had al­ One hundred Afteen births were re­ ready announced that he wonld ap­ before Un- Hi - council aaklngor corded In Springfield during 1828. Dr. sewer extension to the Stewart Twenty-four years of service to the point. Mr McKIin and that until thtt SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC Pollard's statistical report shows. tlon and Willamette llelghta. I community was ended today by The petition he had not known the other THREATENING HERE Deaths number 57. one less than half man had been s candidate. the most Important functions < SpringAeld News. Istst year The Mayor In his annual messagg new system, however will be tMr.<- the number of births. Beglnnig almost a quarter of a NEIGHBORS WOODCRAFT Warning« to Springfield residents thanked the old council for Its su|W llet of the present system , thus»*-' I births numhered 14o and death« 64 CONDUCT INSTALLATION eM,tur’r a*° wl,h utUe Attlng the entire city and relln g I The city has bee., fortunate In es- “CT,ln"' “ threatening epidemic of _____ the newspaper hes kept pace with port and harmony In transacting city caring from any serious outbreak of » « * '™i«» ‘ho business. He pointed out to the new troubles at the aewer outlet odl'll ................. .......................... ......... The Woodmen of the World hall ‘he city's growth until today it is a of Dr. W H. Pollard, public council that only by harmonious act* etrecl Accomplishment of lhi>r<>d standing among Oregon a Aon could city affairs be carried 08 hroperly. abtlahment of a sewer disposal lit. taglous diseases reported folio** the oflicer. who believes that the ma- craft, conducted its annual public in- newspapers. pox. 8; whooping cough. 8; Liquor Ordinance Passed For thia reason It la deali to chicken The News has now been in its Impetigo. 1; pneumonls. t; typholj. Iart> »»«roduced Into SpringAeld sta ll.tlon followed a, quarterg oppislte the post-' An ordinance making It a crinw keep the sewer system eonflti to from the camps In the Wendllng dis- program and a buffet supper . spacious quarters oppislte tne post , 4; Influent under city laws to manufacture, offer 13; scarlet fever, 8; one common nutlet. , ‘Het. . • ’ Mrs. A d . Hulburt was installing of-i Offl * ls otation. o us The Tenth street aewer e«t Hon ness has warranted; the purchase -if was passed by the council. A maxi­ , other precautionary measures to pre their duties In an impressive ritual- will provide a trunk Hue whlifwlll SURVEYORS BEGIN TASK a modern automatic Job press and mum fine of »200 and Jail sentenco vent spread of the disease, latlc ceremony. was fixed as the penalty. PrevlotwlF also serve the Industrial tract other equipment OF LOCATING NEW SPAN Dwight Kessey and Ave members The program of music and readings ______ _____________ all liquor cases arising In SpringAeld connections will lie required I of the Gillespie family make up the wh|ch followed was arranged by Mrs _ ______ „ have been tried In Justice court. tW tract with the building of a tiiery Survey» of the sector between the hslfdoxcn cases already reported Marlon Adams, head of the progarm MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS OF fine money going to the county. CottB- and woolen mill this summeaThn foot of Main street and the river and , _________ committee. HIGH SCHOOL TO LUNCH Cllmen said while arrests were being system contemplates trunk vers between the river and the P arlA c: made by city police officers the e*M only, lateral sewers being paldy by Highway on the Eugene aide have Invitations to attend the Installs T® Fet* ’’resident Mothers' and daughters' luncheon might as well be handled in record­ adjacent property | been started hy Slate Highway En< Mrs. J. Frankel, president of the "»» aiwepted by the following conducted under the auspices Members of the charier col * IU*# glneer fccfulloch with the purpose ■»•«• federation of w o m e n s clu bs..«« c'vetos W oodcraft lodge: Cot Girfs le a g u e of the SpringAeld er's court and the city receive th* fines. [.olpl to this as owe of the rhlurgu- nf definitely bM.atlng , ha new »pr| ng. being honored at a luncheon at the ‘»«« Grove. Drain. Creswell. Junction Conncilmsn Stewart said that some m ea t, ou the new document T h . ' br)dg,. Eugene hotel today. City. Coburg and Waltervllle i Cugene hotel Imlay. bridge uary 22. It was announced today. Mrs. relief from overflow water on G street extensions as proposed hy Cityigiu- Among members of the SpringAeld Engineer McCulloch was here this The Incoming officers Installed at Georgia Peterson, head of the domes- could be had by putting In a large eer Klovdahl after an exhaust su ’ - w r„k worMln, „„ , he p(an , ur. Civic club attending are Mrs. Lydia |a„t night's meeting are: P. G. N. tic science department of the high drainage at 10th street. The street vey nf the situation, follow: I Try ' must be complete before the •McGowan. Mrs. Parker. Mrs. s ft Elsie I^m bert; G. N., Ida Adams; school, has consented to take charge J D lstrbl No. 2. south of Mll|a< > . gprlng Aeld bridge committee can pro- Dlppel. Mrs W. J. Scott and others, advisor. Myrtle Egglmann; magacian, of the lunch, which will take place in committee offered to Inspect the pre­ sent tile with him this week. He said 670 feet of 10 Inch sewer « M’ll ceed with obtaining a rlgiit-of-way Lily Kixer; clerk. Nina McPhereon, the basement. since 10th street was graded It street from Multi street to teh B for the approaches to the new span. Club Has Gathering banker, Ada McPherson; musician. All girls of the school are invited brought more water down G. street street; 1420 feet of 8 Inchewei* No time Is being lost by the state because not a large enough opening The Five Hundred Club met la.it Mabie Mortensen; Inner sentinel, to ask their mothers to the lunch. from South B and Mill street p .if I commission In planning Ihe Spring Kate W illiams; outer sentinel. Dollle^ Glee clubs of the high school a r e 1 had been left through the G street Second, and south on Second jille y fl(,,d brldg, MOd W(>rk |(| egpec|ed i week at the residence of Mr. aud Mrs. F. A. DePue. Ouests were Mr. Hunter; Aagbearer, Mamie Rich- rehearsing “The Moundhuilders,” a grade. between E end F streets; 8 Il lat-i early In Ihe spring captain of guards. Roda cantata to be presented January 28. Appointments for the year include: | and Mrs. B. A. Washhurne and Mr. erals through blocks 8 and 41 and - - -- — - I. M. Peterson, city attorney, Simon end Mrs. behind Ewhanks. Mem- Lloyd; correspondent. Flora Huntlv;- 42. 10 und 43 and a 6 Inch lal I on Safety Meeting Conducted Klodvahl. surveyor; Jess Sm itso*. hers of Ihe club who participated In “’»nngers. Mary Magill. Alice Doane REBEKAHS INSTALL NEW Fourth street from the cel of E. A. Taylor and Harry Shea, both Ihe card playing were Dr. and Mrs. and Mln» le Girard. hoick 42 south to the city nits OFFICERS AT MEETING fire chief and chief of police; Fred Hinson, night watchman; A. S Car­ safety experts of the Mountain Stat->s 8. R Dlppel. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sea- Costs of this project »7000 rie traffic officer; George Valller. The Rebekah Lodge installed new Elxa Sutton. Fred Olgan Relief Sewer: 300 feet of (inch , Power company offices at Corvallis vey, Needlecraft to Meet officers for the coming year at a street commissioner; Mrs. Paul Brat- Stevens. Miss trunk sewer form Ihe present Itfall ,n<* Albany, conducted a safety Arst Welby Crystal to north D and Kelly streei 40A «‘«"•ting nt the company's local plant Bryan, Mrs. Grace Roberta. Mrs. January 20 Is the date for the ne*t meeting Monday night. Those tak­ tain. police matron. The following com m ittees were ap­ feet of 30 Inch trunk seweigi I) Tuesday. First aid work was re- Maude T. Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. meeting of the Needlecraft club, lo ing office were; Mrs. L. B. Putnam, noble grand; pointed for the year: street from Kelley to W aterH -et,: »'owed, with emphasis given to re- Frank Delhi«, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Lari­ be conducted at the residence of Mrv. Judiciary—Tyson. McKIin and May. sucltatton methods. Mrs. Sara Richmond, vice grand; mer. Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson. Larson Wright. Sixth and C streets. and 430 feet of 18 Inch trunk Street—McKIin. May and Stewart. Mrs. Lee Clark, recording secretary; D and water to Mill. Coat »4.' Fire and Water—May, Tyson and Mrs. Fred Hinton, financial secretary; For north part of city: 2800 d of Mrs. Edna Swarts. treasurer; Mrs. McKIin. 24 Inch sewer from D and ater I YESTERDAY and today Health—S tew art McKIin and T y ­ Ernest Black, warden; Mrs. H. Jollff, streets to K street In alley treen i son. conductor; Mrs. Annie Knox, shsp- Water and Mill streets; 2900 t of: Police— May. McKIin and Stewart. laln; Mrs. William Donaldson. I. G.; 81* Inch sewer east on K at t to Mrs. Bert Doane. O. G.; Mrs. Harry Eleventh street. Cost »19.000 Brumette, right supporter to noble C STREET PAVING PLAN grand: Mrs. Jesse Lorah, left sut- KLAMATH FALLS CHA ER IS TO BE INVESTIGATED porter to noble grand; Mrs. Fred I Louk. right supporter to vice grand; NIG H T M E E T POSTP ED Paving of C. street between Fftfi Mrs. Karl Girard, left supporter of and Sixth street as proposed recently Postponement of the Klsmnt 'alls vice grand; Mrs. R. P. Mortensen, is being Investigated by a commit»«« Lions club charter night fron inu- musician. of the Methodist Episcopal churc* Trustees of the lodge are Mrs. which owns property bordering the ary 18 to 25 was announced In ele- Lillie Kixer. Mrs. Bale Lambert and entire length of the project on on« gram received today hy Pres I, t J. F Ketels of the SpringAeld cl De­ Mrs. Fred Louk. side. Definite estim ates on cost are lay of the meeting for one w< as­ to be obtained, and owners of pro­ sures the operation of an ex, ilort Surprise Party Given perty Involved, to be Interviewed. over the Sonthern PaclAc’s ron The committee ls composed of Dr. Mrs. E. E. Pyne was honored by a cut-off line to he uesd by Llo and W. H. Pollard, N. W. Emery and R. surprise party given by several the general public. friends Tuesday evening of this week, W. Smith. Thia Lions special train, I was The Methodist church has definite­ the occasion of her birthday. Re­ learned, will be open to the | »rnl ly arranged for Installation of velvet freshments were enjoyed at the close public, nnd an effort la to he ado of a pleasant evening spent at cards. curtains shutting off the balcony M to obtain 200 passengers for I ex­ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. a means of Improving the accoustfen cursion. If 75 passengers are aln- Ress Thatcher and children, Mr. and of the building. The curtains will be ed. the fare will ho »9.13 f the Mrs. M. B. Huntly, Mrs. Marie Bra- In within a week. It Is expected. The round trip, and of 200 pass ers xael, M. A. Pohl and Mr. and Mrs. E. improvement was made on recoin- are gotten the fare will be .00. ommendatlons of experts In accooe- E. Pyne. Tourist sleeping ears are »2.75 Ira. tlcs at the University of Oregon. SpringAeld club members ar, lan- Missionary Tea nlng on making the trip to w m« Indies of the Home Missionary TWO SCOUT TROOPS TO the Klamath cuha Into the fc It Society of the Methodist church held Is probable that the excursion ne HOLD MEETNG TO NIG HT slag, as Klamath Falls club m iers a tea at the church parlors yesterday Springfield's two Boy 8cout troop« afternoon. More than two score douht-that the city will acrom iatd will meet together at the Chamber o f were served during the afternoon. both Linns and their wives. Commence at 7:30 o’clock tonight It» Another excursion will leaTCu hear C.' R. Clark, Lane county execn- Install« Encampment Offipere gtene pn January 22 for Mari-ld, Mr. Clark will explain th* Oswald Olson of SpringfiOlfi, dis­ tlve. where the Washington MasonliHge of Portland will exemplify the Iter trict deputy grand patriarch. Installed Scout roundup now being Inaugratetf officers of Wimawhala encampment. In the county. Mason degree with several knd Local Scout Committeemen havw No. 8. I. O. O. F., at Eugene last night. lodge members present. f ,rai - J ia lt Last Saturday Mr. -Olson installed of­ been asked to attend the Joint m eet­ Bprlngfl.eld Masons are expect to . ->»88H8tll!.‘- . tilliä ,' ficers of Illahee encampment. No. »3, ing by Scoutm asters Gossler and Ty- make the trip. Reduced fares of­ at Mnrcola. fered by tho Bouthern Pacific. \ÿdciçjy\ -• rr“ — < i t