PAOH! PIT THURSDAY JANUARY fi. lf»27 T H E SPRINGFIELD NEWS Rab«kaha To Install i^Tiat Price ßeauty» — - -¿y y tìis s fìo KEEPING FIT AND PERFECT Flesh reduction is a nevereudlng «care» «vf interest and con eern to the majority of women and girls because despite the occasional fashion notes to the contrary, this is the day of the slender silhouette. The overweight. heavyfooted woman finds her surplus weight not only un­ shapely and unfashionable, but un­ healthy as well. And eo she sets about reducing But there is another note of warn­ ing—when reduction is carried too far it will lower the vitality and re­ sistance The fact of the matter it that while it is bad form to be too fat or too lean— beauty cannot be apart from health, and weight reduction below the normal level should be avoided. Systematic daily exercise, begun gently and gradually increased as the system responds, and intelligent dieting, will not only take off weight, but will improve the health and post­ ure as w ell Just as most persons eat too much, so they exercise too little. Regula­ tion of the diet and exercise go hand in hand Exercise will not bring about any radical change in weight if you partake of sw eets and fat mak­ ing foods and certain rules must be rigidly enforced. For instance, never eat between meals, and never drink while eating. Opinions differ as to the number of meals to be to ken daily, but those who have had the greatest amount of experience npen this matter commend three light meals a day, consisting chiefly of green vegetables, steam ,si fruits, dry toast or hard bread—and lean meat once a day or one« a week. Here Is an exercise that has been recommended by a doctor of a well known insurance company who claims that women suffer many ills b cause of the way they let the ab­ dominal muscles and those of the lower part of the body slump when they get past thirty "Stand on your toea, one foot In front of the other, pelvis tilted up­ ward. abdomen retracted, and bold a cane, a book, or a magaxtne with both hands high over the head. Stretch the article you hold in your hands high over the head, and keep the entire body stretched out as much as possible. Walk slowly on the tip of the toes. Walk the entire length of the room and back, at first. Later you cun go around the room any number of tim es without tiring This exercise affects the whole body. By assuming the stretching position, the abfioinen is held in. When the pelvis is in proper posi­ tion. the chest is up and out. Your legs and feet get exercise at the same time, and it enables ou to walk or stand without the slightest weari­ ness." I Installation of olttcer» will ink»* place at the nie«’tlng-»»f the R tw-kah knie« to be conduct'd next Monday night. Cars Crash Automobiles driven bv C F Dono­ van of Westfir and Mrs 11. White of Portland ixdlided at Fourth and Main streets Tuesday afternoon Smail damage to the cars resulted. Lumber «tataa The forv'sls of California. the lara est user of lumber III the Vnlon yielded a total of about two billion feet (boar») measurg) of lumber an nually. according to the Forest Ser vice of the I’nlted State IL-partment of Agriculture The annual lumber requirements of the State are about four billion feet. There Is enough timber In thia State, it Is estimated, to build forty million 5-room bunga Iowa, or to furnish all the aotal (or building and fuel that would be re NOW! '■ . ..... Bell Theatre"™ FRL - Satur., Jan 7-8 EVANGELIST To Portland— Mr. and »Mrs. Herbert Cog went to Portland lato last week to attend the funeral ser­ virás o f Mr Cog's mothes Lairds ara visitors— Mr and Mrs. Ralph loilrd of Pleasant illll were visitors In this city Monday Evangaliat Oo day, January 10 at 7:30 I*. M. Good Hinging. U 5 E Y O U R CR ED IT vvg c h a is e n o in te p e o O Eugene’s Greatest Sale of Furniture Savings Range From 10% to 50% Rugs—Rugs —Reduced SUNDAY, JAN. 9 First time to play in this vicinity------ T he tremendous Thrill-Comedy S en satio n ! $98.50 “BIRCHFIELD” JACQUARD DAVENPORTS Wide Selection of Covere to Choose From ,37.50 Llncolnahtre Rever«- Ible Wool Rug«. 9x12 »lg«, pleasing pattern» Hardwood Frame Styles With Loose Cushion Seats ÍM.2WG POTAT h AMD PERLMUTUO' GEORGE SIDNEYamr ALEXANDER CARR * Adapted by FRANCES MARION $98.50 Lamp Shades $7.85 JULE?S E C K E o /G O O D M A N The third annual Laugh-Convulsion o f the famous 50-50 partners now grappling with the auto business and a runaway airplane! JANUARY 11 - 12 Bring the Whole Family Tuesday night for 50c and see- 1. 2. 3. ART ACORD IN "THE TERROR" "STRINGS OF STEEL” AND COMEDY — "HER AMBITION" ,2.76 "Armstrongs“ heaviest Inlaid now square yard A Grade. Linoleum. £ 9x12 slxe Felt B ale Rug», fine «election of pattern» and colora .......... .......»............. 9 o C 69c Q Q t .tz O $9.85 The Bargain Basement »35 80-Plece Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets with gold band dec­ orations—attractive shapes, now ............ ................ $19.75 $8.65 49c $3.85 $5.95 $6.95 ,11.25 Luster Tea Sets. 2.3 piece sixes—Imported numbers, of exceptional quality .......................................................................... —- 75c Thin Hrown Water Glasses, set of six. very delicately etched dpslgns ...................................... .................................................- ........- ..... Floor Lamp Shades Both Polychrome and wrought iron styles In Junior heights, with double socket and 6 ft. cords. Former values to »10, Also — Two Reel Comedy — “Oh Bridget” TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY »1 25 Print Linoleum» with burlap back, choice of tattern», »quarr yard — O ffer« Score« of W o n d er Value« New number», in choice of dif­ ferent »hape». »Ize» and color combination». Former values to »12.50, now............. B ro a d w a y S to a t S u c c tti bo MONTAGUE GLASS Linoleums—For Less Congoleum and Frit Raae Floor Covering», a wide »election, ■quare yard ............. ~ .... 1».—...... Exceptional values—comfortable, graceful of line— built for durability. Ottered In fine plain Mohairs, equipped with decorative tassels and shaped legs. HENRY KING , P R O D U C T IO N $28.65 $79.65 $125 “BIRCHFIELD” MOHAIR DAVENPORTS Ihc Q g iiw D »49 9x12 Klearflax I.lion Hug« in rich ro w r#|ul A n A C f l now choice « b Z jt .jU Luxuriously comfortable numbers with spring seats and spring backs, offered in selection of good grade Jacquard Velours. SAMUEL GOLD $46.85 »70 Fin« Quality Beamt«*« Axii in s t « Hug- room « I f choir« tO j A Thrilling, Delightful Mystery Drama His Girl Friend" Use Your Credit ,5 “Columbia" Electric Ir ns. guaranteed for 5 years—complete with cord and stand ........... ................................................................ . »» 8-Plece Breakfast Seta—drop leaf table and two chairs In popular low back styles, unfinished ............................................... $5.95 ,9.50 32-Plece Imported Dinner Sets, suitable for breakfast set. service for 6 person» .................................................................. ^fETHERBEE -PO W E R S Eugene, Oregon w ill preach nt Bell Theater Mon­ »65 Heavy 9x13 Burnirai! Axminster Hug», all per­ fect. choir« ..... Also—Two Reel Comedy Parrott W ether bee-Powers W alker at Portland— W. F Walker is In Portland on business today. He will return toniht or tomorrow. Moshier* on Visit— Mr. and Mrs R. E. Moshier ¡»re leaving for the east on an extended visit. qulred by this country for nearly I CA LL AND flKK Dr N. W «mary eight years. Only four other States •n priesa on plats and olhar work, if produce more luniher than California I Th» sc. In the order of tliplr output, are Weshlngtcn. Oregon. Louisiana, ami Mississippi. We Charge No Interest